Moving Cows is Hard

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hey hey hey god well that's less than I feel we are going to get two new cows this is going to bring the total number to 12 which is insane and if you told me I was going to have 12 cows 5 years ago I would literally never have believed you because I couldn't even imagine having one cow I wanted goats goats are small you can pick them up when they're hurt and they're sick and they're being jerks cows are a little more difficult to pick up and that's what this video is [Music] about all right well we have to borrow our neighbor's truck and I'll just tell you right now my entire life works because of a system of currying favors also that's called Community we'll drive about 1,000 ft to Zach's house pick up the trailer this land holds great Beauty I hate to jinx this but loading up trailers is my specialty little known fact I used to work on a fishing boat and it was my job to pull the truck back and load the boat let's see if I can do it in one shot [Music] boom yes all right away we go I'm so excited this is going to be great there's two great things about this first after the whole blv situation and having to co all of our adult ladies that we already had in milk this is going to give us an opportunity to get a cow that's back in milk faster because she's due in early February best donuts you did it the best cup of coffee congratulations and this bowl is going to solve all of our problems with the beef cows because I didn't have a way to get them breed because of all of the blv stuff we don't want to share bows between our dairy cows and our beef herd anymore After figuring out how to use my little Lobster Claw to do the most successful blood draws I've ever done on these two cows we've got a fully clean bill of health and I'm excited also it's really fun cuz the guy who has raised both both this bull and this heffer does things exactly the way we do he does rotational grazing he's working on remineralizing his pastures and planting the right seeds for his Dairy mix and his cows are super healthy and it's all just been super wonderful and amazing and I couldn't have asked for a better situation because I'll be honest we are very very gunshy31 boy we got bit and we got bit hard driving on these little back roads with a borrow truck and trailer is not my favorite I mean I have a lot of experience driving a trailer and I'm still unbelievably nervous every single time all right we're here this is hopefully this goes well now Adam do you see them they're so cute look at them I do what I want we've got someone who wants to come with us like I mean I'd be fine with that girl let's do it Adam you want to get another goat no no the load up is always the trickiest bit but we got to get the bull in first cuz he's going to our house after we drop the heer off at Tyler and Eric so wish us look so these are our new Buddies this is a Scottish highland Belted Galloway that little belt in the middle is the dead giveaway and he's a friendly little boy and then this is the new lady and the thing we're most excited about with her aside from how healthy she is her temperament and everything else is she's got a white belly which means she's got some of that painted Jersey genetics which means she's going to have some cute caps you ready yep you want me to be in with them yeah you go first you can shut that gate to separate it he's got he's got it there you go girl you got it there we go all right here goes the money what a world technology is amazing as excited as I am it also is always like I think about what what it's like to say goodbye to animals that you spent this much time with and this is like not what he wanted he's been working with this heer he raised her for the last 2 years and that's the that's the thing that I think a lot of people don't think about with their animals like by the time she gives birth You've Got 2 years in an animal raising his effer getting her bread like training her and all this stuff and he's giving me an insanely good and well-trained animal but that is also means that he doesn't get to do like do the things that he spent two years trying to do with her and I mean it's it's because he's getting deployed and he's going to be gone so like I'm so thankful for his service to our country but and like thankful that he's raised such amazingly healthy like well behaved animals for us but it's also like like watching him say goodbye at the gate was also a little sad these two Bine additions are going to be numbers 11 and 12 to our herd which is kind of insane to think about especially since the addition of the bull means that then in the spring we'll be expecting six more bringing us to 18 we're always playing a real real delicate balancing game between how much grass do we have available and how can we best Steward our land without overdoing it we do intensive rotational grazing so getting more numbers as we go into the spring is always really helpful but then we want to make sure that we're planning our breeding schedules accordingly so that as we go into the fall and winter when we have less grass we'll have less animals to eat it H Cher you'll never believe what I brought you I brought you a friend are you so excited I am don't want them coming I am [Applause] [Music] excited okay baby girl you got it you got it with your new all right so it may have been a little over ambitious to have three heers going into spring but after everything that we've dealt with the last couple years we are hedging every bet because no animal is a guarantee I would have loved to have had a mature milk calf cow this last year I mean the last time I had a cow that was in milk was February of last year so we're coming upon almost a year with no milk and for someone who owns 12 cows that seem seems a little ridiculous also I'm really proud of driving the trailer we didn't fall off the road Eric's truck worked really well we have to come up with a better name for this guy so maybe you guys can help us come up with a better name for him Oreo is no offense to the one who named him but Oreo is not a good name we need something along the music theme uh and he has a very high-pitched moose but like Michael mé but Adam said no that so let us know in the comment section what you think his name should be oh here CH go look at they touching their kissing noses oh well this is just part of it it's okay they're going to be [Music] fine come on little man you have so many new lady friends you're going to have so much fun here look at how fluffy all right every remember we're trying to come up with a perfect name for this little Dental floof music themed are we seeing this can you see it mhm according to my calculations that's right calculations maybe it's actually in heat right now and so this is unbelievable she's standing firm and everything this is so great well good we at least know it works money well spent I think a lot of people see where I am now and what we are doing now now and assume that all of this is just financially an easy thing to do but 10 years ago when I started all of this we were getting most of our food from the food bank which is exactly why food security is so important to me even now it's not like I fully made it and I can just buy whatever or do whatever I want it took a lot of Wheeling and dealing to get these cows in fact I had them completely paid for from another aspect of my cow business before we even started shopping it is so wild to me the Meandering path that has brought me from 10 years ago planting my first seed and picking up my first tool living in the middle of the city and knowing that that life was not for me to here and I've chronicled every step of that Journey on my Squarespace website and of all trades I am not a super techsavvy person when I got all this started I had no idea that you could build a business online or that that was even a thing in fact back then maybe it wasn't but Squarespace space has made it so easy from the very beginning to easily drag and drop whatever I wanted to share with the world into a beautiful artist design template that then shared it with the world Squarespace has allowed me to announce all of the classes that I'm teaching the events that I'm speaking at it allows me to have an online store where I've built so much of my online business which allowed me to leave the tech industry move into the middle of nowhere and start hanging out with animals in my spare time though I'll be honest there's not a lot of that a couple years ago Squarespace contacted and ask me if I could make a video talking about my experience building a website and then watching my entire life change as a result and they've been supporting my channel every month ever since so if you've found value here know that supporting Squarespace supports making the making of videos like this possible and if you want to start a website of your own go to build out your stuff and when you're ready to launch go to anaval trades and you'll get a 10% discount while we wait for these babies to uh matriculate or whatever we have some very fresh goat babies in the barn I just made a video about that whole situation check that out I will see you there [Music] cheers
Channel: Anne of All Trades
Views: 173,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anne of all trades, cows, moving cows, homesteading, farm stories, farming, beef cow, bull cows, farm blog, farm vlog, dairy cows, beef cows, anne of all trades farm, nashville farm, tennessee farm
Id: 81LD-tqXf0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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