Moving Across the Country Alone in a U-Haul

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] what's up guys welcome back to the channel today is the first day of my journey across the country where I'll be moving from Durham North Carolina to Las Vegas Nevada um so this will probably be about a three-day trip maybe two depending on how tired I get along the way but so far we're off to a good start I really haven't recorded that much yet uh just the packing yesterday is very hectic I had my my mom and sister over to help and I didn't want to you know be wasting their time to go stop and film but obviously picked up the U-Haul say goodbye to my apartment I'm definitely gonna miss it here but I have some great opportunities waiting in Vegas here's Us in the middle of packing I had most of it done already but um just needed their help with the kitchen the U-Haul finally fully loaded and Logan looking exhausted after the full day of loading this is when we're finally finished uh completely empty apartment it looked really weird seeing it without you know all the furniture in there [Music] thank you and this is the truck and trailer setup that we got going this is uh the first rest stop uh I actually rented a 15-foot U-Haul um but for some reason they gave me a 20 foot when I showed up which is way way more space than I need way bigger of a truck than I would have wanted um I tried to drive but you know it is what it is I booked a month in advance and they still couldn't get the right truck but they charged me for the 15 at least so I guess just got a bigger truck for free it's been a little stressful so far but being on the highway it's not bad you know you just gotta keep it between the lines I'm a little scared to exit and get gas just with the turning radius and stuff it could be a little tricky to maneuver so I'll have to figure that out but it should be fine so I'm still in North Carolina about to cross into Tennessee hoping to make it all the way to Tennessee um before night but the drive's been great so far weather is beautiful a little hot but you know it's nice and sunny which is which is what you want for a long drive it's cool to see the different parts of North Carolina right now I'm in sort of uh the rural mountains area but yeah I just stopped here to use the bathroom real quick and about to get back on the road let me just give you a quick uh point of view there's not much it's a pretty old truck I got the whole floor loaded with snacks and then just my two bags right here um yeah like I said about to hit the road again and try to make it all the way through Tennessee before nightfall [Music] thank you so I just went up this massive Mountain uh as you see we're coming down it now but I use like a ton of gas to get up there so the problem is we got about a a quarter of a tank left so hopefully we find some gas station up here soon one that's easy on easy off see what we can do and then yeah next rest stop I see I'm gonna stop there take a quick break check the trailer and then get back on the road again [Music] all right guys so I just found gas thankfully this is exactly what I was looking for [Music] he's right there [Music] so as you saw I crossed the Tennessee Border I'm at another rest stop now one thing I notice is there are so many of the new Corvettes that they don't even like it's a good looking car but they're just so common that I feel like they're not as cool anymore also another thing I noticed there are so many U-Hauls on the road too maybe I just never looked for them before but um not that I'm in one I'm like you know keeping my eyes peeled like I feel like every like 10 car is a U-Haul or like has a U-Haul trailer or something that's something I just noticed but yeah it's really hot I'm about to get the the engine started and the AC back on and get back on the road probably gonna see how far I can go now maybe like another four hours from now um I'll need gas yeah I still have three-fourths of a tank of gas so I'm not gonna stop for a while uh probably the next stop will be when I need new gas so somewhere in the middle of Tennessee see so yeah I'll resume the video then [Music] yeah I'm at this truck stop uh almost in Nashville I think like 60 miles away and I'm not really tired yet so I'm just gonna keep going uh see if I can get like through Mash Nashville find another restaurant maybe sleep there or I'll just keep going I mean it really depends on when I get tired uh I did just switch time zones so my clock up here says that it's 10 p.m my time uh or Eastern Time which is you know where I was and uh right now it's actually only 9pm and yeah so far so good um nothing really eventful happened I just been in the slow lane uh even trucks passing I'm like by far the slowest on there there's nothing I could do telling uh telling me um the car and everything it's a lot of weight because even like when you're close to flooring it it's just on the uphills it's so slow so this is taking a lot longer than I expected but it's been enjoyable yeah I'll give a uh another update the next time I stop I think 213b I-24 West I-40 West [Music] all right so I guess I just went through Nashville I didn't really get a look at anything or even record because I was too busy like every mile I had to either get all the way left or all the way right to exit so it's kind of hectic but yeah just went through Nashville and uh you can see right here we're on the way to Memphis now so hopefully we'll get there by the end of the night foreign [Music] [Music] like the whole line of truck parking and then there's a truck parked at like the exit at the very end so after I had my sandwich out I'm literally trapped here let me show you I feel like there's all the trucks parked right and then at the very end there's exit let me brighten it up but there's a truck just parked there so I'm literally trapped and I can't reverse so hopefully one of these guys leaves so I was just starting to get a little tired I went to the past two rest stops and a truck stop looking for like a place to park there was literally only one spot open and it was in the truck stop and I would have had to back into it which I'm not really comfortable backing up in this thing uh plus it was catchy so I think in about 40 miles it said there would be another rest area hopefully there's a place for me to park there um so I'm just gonna keep driving and until I get to that point and then maybe they're uh call tonight wake up in the morning and get back [Music] our guests I finally found a uh a rest area with like enough spaces so I'm gonna go to my car now I'm exhausted thankfully I found this uh but yeah I'll explain everything in the morning and then we'll get back on the road just brush my teeth and stuff in there actually extremely comfortable all right guys so I'm back in the truck um I was expecting it to be like 100 degrees in here but it's really not not that bad um but yeah got about six hours of sleep but not really because I woke up every two hours so it was like three chunks of two hours of sleep um but I'm feeling good I'm not I'm not extremely tired I'm ready to drive all day so that's all I needed um if you're wondering why I slept in the car a couple reasons one so I won't have to worry about exiting the highway to find a hotel and trying to maneuver the truck into some parking lot and finding a hotel that can even accommodate this truck and trailer um also it's just cheaper uh Trucker's sleeping in the back of their truck as you probably know so I just put a little mattress topper in the back of the uh S5 as you saw cracked one window I had all my plants in there too um perfect weather it didn't get too hot uh this morning it was that was after I woke up so it didn't really bother me so yeah it's cheaper uh more convenient and not that this is a legitimate concern but worried about someone like you know breaking or cutting the bolt for my the truck and just stealing my things uh when I'm sleeping right here I don't have to worry about it which could happen you never know so this was easier also if you're wondering why I'm doing this alone I had like probably three to five friends offer to do the drive with me just because you know something interesting to do um back when I was going back and forth between uh Vermont and Pennsylvania it was just it's just so much quicker and more convenient when you don't have someone else that you know has to go to bathroom at a different time than you and you have to stop for them then and uh also the whole sleeping situation right now then I definitely would have need to needed to have gotten the hotel and lastly I feel like people were overestimating how how much fun it would be um they probably thought I'd be like stopping at cool things but like I said with the truck and trailer you can't really leave the highway so hopefully when I'm not in a U-Haul towing towing a car I'll have some future Road chips with some friends which will be fun um going to Mexico I think in a couple weeks not sure if we're driving or not yet it's a little sketchy to drive there but we're thinking about it anyway so so I'm gonna eat some Fig Newtons granola bars I have banana Clementine sponge stuff and then uh get on the road like I said where actually I don't know if I told you I'm just east of Memphis I didn't make it to Memphis I had to tap out last night I was very tired um couldn't find this couldn't find a rest stop until this one finally this one's so nice too tons I was in the bus spaces I'm the only one here and I brushed my teeth and everything in there and I guess the dinner just cleaned so it was like perfect super clean super easy um so yeah Tennessee's been very nice so far but we'll be leaving soon entering into Arkansas uh Little Rock um and then I believe we go through parts of Oklahoma followed by the little top part of Texas and then um I think like uh two or three more States and then finally we'll be in uh Nevada so stay tuned uh I'm gonna need gas in a little bit so that'll be the next stop but yeah driving all day should be a good one hopefully hopefully nothing bad happens so here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Music] in Arkansas which I completely forgot was thrilling the speed limit on this highway is 75 which is the fastest I've ever seen stopped at another restaurant I'm a little ways into Arkansas as you saw across the the Mississippi my contacts were bothering me so I put eye drops in my eyes I'm gonna eat something right now and then uh back on the road foreign [Music] [Music] thank you that's the overlooks overlooking whatever that is back on the road [Music] I found Richard's crossed into Oklahoma about to stop at the next gas station getting gas again [Music] back on the road again I'm starting to look forward for the scenery to start changing just because it's looked like this for the past few hours kind of boring looks like uh Pennsylvania in a way it'll be cool once we get I guess through Texas it'll start looking more like desert [Music] you're there are so many cows it's been just hold me down for like the past there's more over there past like 30 minutes stopped again I have sunglasses on and I'm still getting blinded just to update I am in uh just crossed Oklahoma not too long ago probably about I don't know 50 miles into Oklahoma uh we're gonna try to make it all the way through Oklahoma into that top part of Texas we can tonight [Music] thank you I had no idea how big Oklahoma City was it's been like these crazy four-lane highways with exits everywhere like it's like New York City or something it's like a gas at that show uh as you guys saw even though it's early here with the time zone different I'm really tired so I don't want to keep driving and I know that at Walmart you're allowed to park overnight uh if you have like an RV or something so I found like anything on easy off of Walmart uh in Elk City Oklahoma is where I'm at right now um but still having a dinner so just stopped at uh bunches hutches I don't know I'll find something to eat in there and that'll be dinner and then we'll get to bed got a sandwich again there's Wendy's right there but I don't really feel like fast food like that this is perfect I'm at the Walmart and there's a bunch of RVs parked over here so I'm just gonna join them time for bed it's like 9 15 just woke up so I got a full night's sleep I think I went to bed around 1 45 could technically make it to Vegas tonight not sure if I want to though you know I don't have anything set up like my bed's not set up so there's there's like no point in rushing to get there like I said I'm feeling like a shower so I probably will find a hotel tonight along the way uh maybe make it like a couple hours from Vegas find the hotel sleep wake up get there tomorrow morning or you know around noon and then uh have like the rest of the day to return the U-Haul unpack I'll just put my contacts in in Walmart it was storming for at least a couple hours last night my brakes got all rusty once I drive it goes away like I said Elk City Oklahoma right now pretty close to the border of Texas so we're about across into Texas uh probably within the next hour or so [Music] stop it that's pretty cool so we're gonna go check it out forever don't keep wanting to see rattlesnake all right headed back to the truck now I kind of want to take the Drone up but it's really windy so probably a bad idea we're gonna get back on the road [Music] [Music] there's just nothing as far as y'all can see like there's one tree right there that's it [Music] foreign [Music] those are all cows so most cows I've ever seen in my entire life right there [Music] stopped at this uh picnic area about to eat some clementines and take a quick break can we park the truck for possible thumbnail picture so if our Texas has been crazy I mean it looks the same and it's it's mind-blowing how many uh windmills there are it's like everywhere you can see [Music] look at this is scanning for a radio station and there's literally not a single one it went through like twice already crazy I thought Texas had nothing but there are at least like cows and windmills and stuff but here in New Mexico there's literally nothing it goes on forever nothing all right so I just exited for gas uh Mount Valero I wanted to go to Shell just because my rewards worked there but it looks like shell is no longer in business so Valero it is I'm in the San Juan so I just stopped again uh it's only been like 50 miles but the scenery started to change let me show you time to get back on the road [Music] I think I'm finally even desert officially [Music] foreign [Music] look at this it's completely Blue Skies over here you got like the sunset in the mixture and then Grace guys uh so I pulled over for a bit because the sun was like right in front of the road it was literally blinding me and like the windshield of stuff all over it so yeah I need to find a gas station with one of the wipers to clean that but I've just been shown here looks like the sun's uh about to go down or at least it's not as blinding as before so get back on the road in a second I'm just gonna use the bathroom real quick and check out the view see the sun setting [Music] foreign [Music] I wish I was in my car right now [Music] just stopped again real quick Buddy's bathroom eating some food look at the sunset man can't really tell if the camera but it's cool I'm about halfway through the next car right now I think the next major city that I go through is Albuquerque which is about 50 miles hopefully I can make the Arizona border before I get too tired sleep Somewhere in Arizona and that way I just have to wake up across Arizona and then Vegas comparable border so yeah getting hungry gonna find some place to eat [Music] so it's been probably two hours um I'm still in New Mexico I'm really hungry I really need gas and I'm kind of tired so I figured I'd go into the next major town which is actually called uh Grants New Mexico Colorado I'm gonna find somewhere to eat and then find a hotel nearby as well all right so I got gas I was looking for a hotel uh in this town and they all seem really expensive and there's there's no restaurants open or anything here yeah I'm just gonna keep driving I'm not extremely tired so maybe the next major town we get to I'll pull in and look for a place to stay and eat but yeah I'm all filled up on gas so we're good to go [Music] Subway sandwich it's literally the only thing open here and I found it a decent hotel so we're gonna head there now they got I think a piece of one room left so gonna go check in and spend the night walking into the hotel now gonna eat my sandwich if I'm gonna take a shower and uh go to bed now and then wake up around like 8 30 I think for breakfast maybe come back sleep for a little bit and then hit the road foreign guys so it's the next morning just checked out of my hotel uh I'm glad I got a hotel felt good to shower and I got uh breakfast this morning so now I just need to stop at a convenience store before I get back on the highway I ran out of water I had like a 16 pack of Deer Park and I went through the mall in like three days so I'm just gonna get like a big water and uh I think it's like six hours until Vegas so I'll make it there probably right before U-Haul closes hopefully so I'm finally gonna be able to get a c uh with this side of New Mexico looks like just because it was dark for so long last night I didn't I didn't really see anything um but in just a bit we'll be Crossing into Arizona and that's the last state we have to go through so almost done and I'm off [Music] it's been like a whole hour of just nothing every direction and it's so windy like you have to I'm like fighting into the into the wind to keep the truck straight because it Steers for you I just realized the U-Haul closes at 5 30. I think my 18 is 4 30 but I'm not sure if that accounts for the time zone change so I'm trying to figure out if I'm gonna make it in time I'd love to get to the U-Haul tonight like I said to drop the trailer off see I'm gonna be I'm gonna be moving out a lot a lot faster of a pace today than I was the past two days especially yesterday yesterday I just kind of cruised today the views have been the same pretty much since I got on the highway every once in a while there's like some cool rocks near the highway but the rest of it's just been open desert really [Music] there's been like three trains like back to back and back in one track too and all the trains are in like a mile of each other so I guess there's like a big Convoy up ahead I'm not sure if you can see it with the camera but there's a massive Mountain it looks like it's got snow on it the first time I've seen snow yet on the trail of the trip [Music] so I'm seeing signs for Los Angeles I haven't seen one for Vegas yet though also I'd always thought Arizona was like just all desert but it's crazy there's uh like full force for the past half hour see everywhere just trees just crossed time zones again uh Eastern Time 4 30 but here it's only 1 30. so we are officially uh West Coast time three hours behind and this is Flagstaff Arizona by the way where I'm driving through right now so I'm not sure how far into the state we are I want to stay about halfway really reminds me of like uh Colorado all day and everything you see that massive mountain in the background all right so I've determined I'm not making U-Haul tonight there's no way I'm just going like uh 10 miles an hour under the speed limit which is the fastest this truck goes um and my ETA just keeps going up and up so it's about to pass the time that U-Haul closes um so now I can slow down a little bit and I'm just taking the views yeah [Applause] all right so back on the road as you can see I just pulled over at the top of this mountain there's a rest stop um it looks like there's about to be a massive uh Hill there's all these signs for trucks to like be careful you still haven't seen signing up for Vegas but we'll probably see one coming up my engine sounds like it's about to explode it's like uh when it's a higher gear to try to Slow Me Down so I just pulled over to reply to some texts but about like 10 minutes ago I saw a little Tumbleweed roll across the road which is funny because I thought that was like only in cartoons but the real I can confirm I saw one and I saw like another one up against the fence but we're about two and a half hours out from Vegas um gonna keep going [Music] foreign the journey is officially coming to an end [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] about 100 miles out the sun is absolutely blinding like it was yesterday even through the sunglasses so since I'm not in Rush anymore like I said I'm just gonna hang out here I found like a little pull-off area in the middle of the desert right here all right so it looks like this song went down or it's going down about to get back on the road finish this uh this last hour up real quick look at that is uh surreal right now it's starting to give me that I pretty much made it um and what what better way to uh finish out the drive than than the sunset in these views the whole Drive I mean today especially has just been incredibly scenic um I got about uh 75 miles left until until my exit which is going to be uh right by the neighborhood and then um and then I'm officially there [Music] thank you so I've been on these windy mountain roads for like the past 30 minutes I'm not only about 30 minutes out um I believe the Hoover Dam is to my right you can't see anything because obviously it's dark but I saw much signs and saw it on the map so maybe I'll come back and visit sometime it looks like right here we're officially Crossing into Nevada [Music] oh my God I made it here it is you can see the strip from uh I don't know if you can see on the camera but I can see the strip from up here it's all of Las Vegas wow this is a really cool feeling after four days on the road finally seeing the city that you've been driving to wow this is a crazy View [Music] all right guys uh I I just passed the strip uh I'm headed towards West Vegas which is where my neighborhood is um probably not gonna film much as I try to you know figure out which way to go but once I get off the highway it gets really stressful driving the truck but it's been a it's been a crazy Journey last four days but this isn't the end of the video yet I will update you once I get there um if not tonight then tomorrow one last stop about 10 minutes from the neighborhood right now foreign guys so it's been a couple weeks since I've arrived in Vegas um if I'm being honest it's been more than a couple weeks probably a couple months I've just been really busy with traveling and getting settled in um but I finally have the time to get started on YouTube so uh after a week of editing this video is finally finished if you guys watched all the way to the end of the video thank you so much hope you enjoyed it if you have any feedback Drop it Down Below in the comments even if it's negative I still want to hear it just because I'm new to this whole vlogging thing and uh editing and all that but anyways it was a ton of fun driving cross country I saw so many cool and beautiful sights if you live in America I definitely recommend um if you can just taking a road trip even if it's only like through a couple States like I only went through eight states um but it was kind of all the way like straight across the country even though it was only eight states it's crazy just to see how diverse the landscape was and I think that's one of the coolest things about our country is just you know you could go like two states over and it's just completely different like I went from the Lush Forest like everything's Green in North Carolina to like Texas where there's nothing just fields and then mountains and then desert so it was just really cool to see all that you definitely have to take a road trip at least once in your life across the country if you can but Vegas has been great so far absolutely love it here I love the house my roommates there's a lot of content to be made here I'm gonna be making a couple videos I leave for Bali in two weeks so I'm gonna be making a couple videos between now and then probably a house tour some lifestyle content maybe like a day in the life stuff like that um so yeah stay tuned for that but anyways guys that's it for this video like I said before thank you so much for watching especially if you watched the end I know it's a really long video but I wanted it all to be in one part and yeah drop feedback in the comments follow me on Instagram my Instagram is at grantclauser it'll be linked below and yeah video ideas too if you have any of those drop those in the comments but that's it for this video thanks again for watching and I'll see you in the next one Chris you want to be in the video I want to be in the video say goodbye
Channel: Grant Clouser
Views: 62,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grant clouser, Driving Across the Country in a UHaul, moving across the country, moving across the country alone, moving alone vlog, moving out, driving across the country, driving across the us, driving across the country alone, driving across the country in a uhaul, i moved across the country, moving vlog, moving to las vegas, moving across the country alone vlog, driving a uhaul truck cross country, driving a uhaul with a car trailer, u haul towing car, moving from nc to nv
Id: xVEbaXMbavY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 58sec (2218 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 16 2022
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