Movie 電影 | The Final Blade 最后的锦衣卫 | Kung Fu Action film 動作片 Full Movie HD

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Closed Captions were added by Moxi Media AD: 1644 Army of Li Zi Cheng conquered Beijing Ming Dynasty was ended The treasure in the Palace Glazed Chicken Cup was taken by a general under Li It was said There is a huge mystery hidden inside the cup But the fact No one knows After Ming Dynasty was ended A tribe of Jin Guards remains to protect the treasure They are different from those power-jockeying ones The tribe is led by He Family with the greatest loyalty to guard the Chicken Cup for generations Big Brother We've been trapped here for almost a week Shall we attack out A group of mercenary overseas was advocated by the Treasure Hunters trying to clear out the He Family by violence in order to get the Chicken Cup Remember You're Jin Guard These criminals Got captured by police in Mainland Their head disappeared What has also disappeared is that priceless treasure Glazed Chicken Cup There is a rumor The Chicken Cup is caught by a fisherman Got lost among people From then on there is no more information Until...... Kai, does your paper work or not? Only if I try. Your paper looks bad. Who says that. My idea is great. Well, here your noodle, guys The newly found Ming Chicken Cup will be auctioned at the Convention Center this afternoon The estimated price exceeds one hundred million yuan Oh I'm sorry Different from the 19 Chicken Cup previously discovered This one is purely glazed The artwork is extremely delicate. How much is it 32 altogether. I'll pay you thru WeChat Cash please. I don't use WeChat Let me pay this. Boss Can I bring you five yuan next time OK. No problem. - I'm sorry. - Take it easy, guys. This is the blade for Jin Guards in Ming Dynasty Brotherhood of Blades And surely this is a fake one. This blade combines Tang Blade and Miao Blade Extremely lethal and easy to carry. The blade is made of fine steel Cut iron like mud This is the dart of Jin Guards According to unofficial history Although Ming Dynasty was ended But there is a group of Jin Guards still existing And they are hiding among us In order to protect a secret of Ming Stop this If you were majoring in history I would give you a good credit But you are majoring in industrial design Get ready for retest Wow Isn't this Jin Guard Going to visit your emperor What the fuck Li Mo Xun Wanna lock me in Yamen (Jail in Ming Dynasty) Come on Mo Xun Let's go I have told you man Don't get serious with them Especially Fan Shuang He is useless but he brother has the power He is fucking around all day I'm not afraid of his brother Look at my new trick "Rainbow Qi Gong" Come on Cut the crap of what you've learnt from the Internet How is your presentation I already told you Your story of Jin Guards will definitely fail What about you Um... My professor is an old stubborn Attack code of network firewall such a high-end theory He said it is bullshit What's wrong with the rules Isn't it just about hacking Hey you don't get it Hey Look at that girl Who is she He Xiao Xi Don't you know her Leader of the dance club She is not just pretty but also smart My dream girl I thought it was Angelababy Stop talking about my ex. Hey girl what are you doing tonight Let's hang out Get out of my way Don't touch me Otherwise I can't promise what would happen So what if I touch you What am I gonna get Hey what's up Li Mo Xun Fucking asshole Fuck off Let's go Thank you for helping me In fact I could handle by myself Your dream girl is so arrogant Are you OK I'm OK Go Go back to school Ouch it hurts Run out of bandage It doesn't matter. I'm fine Then get disinfected first I go get some bandage What shall I use to disinfect Start to move Copy Hello who is this Boss, got into the vault - Just follow the plan - Yes sir Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon Welcome to this auction I'm the auctioneer Zhang Jie It's my honor to host this auction with you here Now I'm going to introduce a special guest today CEO of Hong Kong Hunter Achaeology Company famous archaeologist Mr. David Huang What are you doing here Congratulations on the deal of bidder No.13 Settled 45 million yuan Let's see the final bid today which is also the highlight today Let's see the treasure of Ming Dynasty Glazed Chicken Cup Please wait for a moment Hey Who are you Give it to me Hey Hey wait Hey wait As we learnt The stolen Glazed Chicken Cup is over 200 million yuan Police suspect The stolen case has to do with the treasure hunters years ago The investigation How's your head is still in progress I'm not dead yet Ouch it hurts man I bumped into a Jin Guard today Don't move Do you know how to wrap correctly How come I'm feeling bit hard to breathe Look handsome So you saw a Jin Guard What does he look like I didn't see him clearly as he was wearing a mask Xiao Xi Why come home so late I went to dance Come back earlier next time So the Chicken Cup got snatched away Boss, he is not some ordinary guy He is fast and powerful Do you know how long I've been waiting for this chance You just said he is fast and powerful And the treasure is gone No Boss. We'll get it back Tell me how I know someone Who His name is Xiong Ba Xiong Ba Xiong Ba, take a look Who is he Jin Guard What Jin Guard His moves are so fast We cannot even see it clear We can't defeat him The man took the treasure of Mr. Huang If you can find him and take the treasure back Mr. Huang will reward you huge Three punches Just three punches I will fuck him up You're too confident Before me He's gonna end ugly No wonder you're the top fighter in the northern district Looks like we found the right guy Brother What's going on You have to help me this time I guess he might be just like you Also a crazy fan of Jin Guard I don't think so His skills are surely Jin Guard's Also has the fly fish logo on him Boss, we came to pay you the rest Put it on the table please OK thanks. See you soon What's up Let's go Kai you go first I want to talk to him OK. I will go first - Don't be late - OK Boss I want to be your disciple What did you say You're the Jin Guard I met that day Jin Guard You got the wrong guy I saw your scar You read too many novels Be quiet You're too loud here Alright. I'll turn it down What a crap book I think you're wasting time Hey don't say that This is authentic Jin Guard Kungfu It took me a long time to find it That's definitely not Jin Guard Kungfu What a fool Hey what are you laughing at Hey Hey where did you learn this I knew it since I was little But there must be a teacher Hey Can I have your WeChat I will call police if you keep following me You are Li Mo Xun What do you want Brother, it's him You hit my brother, right How about Let my brother slap your face in front of your girlfriend And this is over Otherwsie I'm not his girlfriend Oh That's good My brother just needs a girlfriend Get him Follow me Get them You outnumber them Aren't you ashamed Old guy What technique did you use I'm just a cook I don't know anything about Kungfu OK Let me see how good you can cook Police, there is a fight on Xiang Yun Road Fuck off Mo Xun, Mo Xun Why you're here Who else can it be I've been taking care of you this whole afternoon When did you come Did you forget everything I came to find you as you haven't got back Just saw you were fighting Take the medicine How is your head It's all right Thank you for saving me You're welcome You also saved Xiao Xi Boss I saw your moves You're a real Jin Guard Alright. No need to talk about it Please accept me as your disciple I want to be a Jin Guard I saw your moves Not too bad So you agreed Once a tree didn't grow well it wouldn't grow straight anymore Just like your Kungfu Your skills are not learnt in proper way I cannot teach you But Brother I found out about the old guy in the noodle restaurant His name is He Xing Yun He Xing Yun Who are you Master I just wanted to prove myself So I attacked you Please accept me as your disciple When I was little Jin Guard saved me This jade was left by him Remember, you're Jin Guard You need to think about it carefully The inheritor of Jin Guard is not that easy as it looks Look at me now I'm just an old man cooking noodles It means yes You go home first Come back once you made your mind I'll give you a test See if this crooked tree could grow straight again or not Thanks Master Oh Kai That noodle shop owner is a real Jin Guard And he promised to teach me Kungfu But need to pass a test first Anything wrong with your brain Oh it's done Oven is not allowed in the dorm What are you talking about This is a 3D printer. Keep up with the trend It's 3D printing. Amazing, right Kai I'll be a Jin Guard soon You come to the noodle shop with me tomorrow You'll see I think I need to give you a brain disinfection I want to ask you something What is it But the answer wouldn't surprise you I guess Not surprise So you agreed Agreed Agreed what To teach me Kungfu Your father is going to test me I think you're good at Kungfu So I need you to give me some tips Alright I will show you Really First of all You need to do 500 push ups every day 500 push ups Handstand for 3 hours Handstand - For three hours - Yes Alright And handstand while sing the song "Sailor" Handstand and sing along Why "Sailor" Don't you know that in Zheng He's journey to west All the sailors on the ship were actually Jin Guards Oh I see Next you need to Master I'm coming to take the test - OK. Wait a moment - Sure He said the pain is nothing before the storm Wipe your tears and don't ask why You've been singing all day. Aren't you sick of it Mixing flours This is different from what you taught Too much flours. Add water Water Wait. Too much water. Add flours Flours, alright - Mo Xun - What Why you want to be a Jin Guard so much When I was a teenager A bunch of robbers broke into my house Give me the Chicken Cup The Cup I was fooled at the antique market Dad, dad I see Didn't know you went through this Right. we never heard it from you It was long ago But I have never forgot the look of Jin Guard One day I want to be someone like him So you think That man is my father I'm not sure My dad is not a hero as you imagined Xiao Xi, is there any misunderstanding between you two Right. I also see that Not misunderstanding Mom Boss, Xiong Ba brought the news He found Jin Guard What is going on Uncle He is testing Mo Xun So It's only one month Your improvement is beyond my expectation You have the talent in Kungfu Master, please accept my worship Stop it. It's the 21st century. Come with me Follow me and vow before the ancestors Yes In front of the grand masters Li Mo Xun vows here In front of grand masters Li Mo Xun vows here Always hold the sincerity to follow the sages Not afraid of death Keep improving skills Protect the national treasure and never betray Always hold the sincerity to follow the sages Not afraid of death What's the following word Keep improving skills Keep improving skills Wearing this flying fish suit You are now a Jin Guard No matter when and where Do not forget your role and oath Got it, Master Come This is your weapon Remember Unless you have to never show this before others Got it What's wrong I'm afraid of sharpness since I was a child Come on Take it The essence of Kungfu is the control over strength When you use it Don't take it as a weapon but an extension of your body It's your turn Master, is there any weapon without blade The blade is not on the weapon It's in your mind To defeat your enemy you need to conquer your heart first Xiao Xi I made it Mo Xun You are practicing so hard Are you trying to revenge for your father one day The reason I started to learn this is actually to revenge for him But my mom told me a story What is it There used to be fisherman The ship was crashed by a big fish out there The fisherman was very angry He stayed there every day waiting to catch the big fish Even the river got dried the big fish still didn't show up The fisherman missed the best season for fishing What if one day you meet the big fish Are you sure it's him We fought before His moves are exactly the same as the Jin Guard in the video Where is he now I can take you to see him any time OK Well done If I'm right the treasure you're looking for is the Glazed Chicken Cup So what I have a request Please say it When you find the Jin Guard You take the treasure I take the man Sure Xiao Xi Tomorrow is Master's birthday So what Kai and I want to throw him a party Let's buy a cellphone for him You can buy it yourselves Why you hate Master so much He is so good to you Your Kungfu has made great progress But you don't know me and my father Xiao Xi Even if I wanted to celebrate my dad's birthday I don't even have the chance Kai, don't screw that up Relax bro. No problem Have you got the cellphone Xiao Xi agreed Oh OK. Bye Mo Xun Mo Xun Oh you're back Look at this Please help me out first This is Isn't it the Glazed Chicken Cup You broke an antique that cost 200 million yuan 200 million In an auction not lona ago it's estimated to be 200 million yuan You Where did you find it In Master's little chamber He stole the cup Stop asking. Can you fix this Oh my god I'm holding 100 million each hand Can you fix it or not Should be no problem But It takes at least 2 or 3 days 2 or 3 days No way. That's too long If Master found that it's gone I would be dead OK. Done Does this really work for Master How could I know Just leave it to the fate Happy birthday, Uncle He You Happy birthday to you Happy birthday, Master Happy birthday, Uncle He Make a wish How is it Nice Uncle He, Mo Xun's dishes taste too light Try mine Frankfurt sausage, chicken nuggets and Italian pizza Look at this Aren't we supposed to prepare homemade cuisines What are these They all count if only they taste good Isn't it Uncle He Alright Looks like our menu can add a few more dishes Try this Master Another dish Xiao Xi's longevity noodle Dad, I bought a gift for you What is it It's a cell phone Why waste money on this I don't use cell phone Dad, it doesn't cost that much Besides I earned it by myself It's the same to me. I don't want it Dad, just a cell phone I study and work hard just to make us live a bit easier am I doing wrong Don't raise the part-time thing How could a girl wears like that and let them take photos What do you want me to do Should I be just like you Wear a crap apron and make noodles all my life It has been so many years Have you offered me and my mom a better life for a day Did you ever buy a new dress for mom Even she got sick You didn't even have the money for treatment When she died how painful she was Don't you know that You said you're a Jin Guard You have your duty and mission What about mom and me Did you do anything for this family Xiao Xi Uncle He, do you want to try this sausage What's wrong Who are you Give me the Glazed Chicken Cup I don't have the thing you want here Let go of my daughter I'll count to three Give me the cup Or I'll kill her One Two Kai I have it. Let her go Mo Xun How could you Master I can explain The cup is what Jin Guards need to protect You shall not give it to them Master I'm sorry Three Take it - Dad - You all run away now Run, now Run Tell me Why didn't you learn something good at this age But followed Jin Guard What a pity If you're my disciple, leave now Go Don't move Leave him to me The fight last time is not over yet Why you shot him This should be a fair game You liars Are you blind This cup is fake Where is the real one Enough Use that on him Boss That would cause huge damage to the brain If he doesn't give us the Chicken Cup He is just like a dead man Yes Don't be afraid. Just a shot It will be fast and you will tell all the secrets Don't worry I won't tell Xiao Xi Say it now. Where is the Chicken Cup I won't tell Xiao Xi What's up He still doesn't tell after the injection Boss, maybe he really doesn't know Dad you I know you have the Chicken cup Xiao Xi, press the hands-free button If you want to keep your dad alive Before tomorrow evening bring me the real cup Otherwise You'll never see him again I'll send you the address Also If you call the police I'll kill him immediately I'm serious - We'd better call the police - Please don't My dad will be in danger if we call He is already in danger Those guys have real weapons We can't handle them What should we do then The Cup. It would be fine if we give them the Cup. Cup. What kind of cup do we have How did you get this Don't think about that Hurry up and get your dad back Mo Xun where are you going Xing Yun, after I died Don't blame yourself This is my own choice I know there is no way for me to live Rather than spending the money on the medicine just keep it for Xiao Xi for her going to college Take care of her Xiao Xi Am I too bad to be a Jin Guard Master, please accept me as your disciple Stop it. It's the 21st century Mo Xun Mo Xun What do you want to do Glazed Chicken Cup is protected by Jin Guards for generations I can't let villains have it If you go alone is just to get you killed I'm the last Jin Guard I must go Wait - I'm with you - And I I'm ready. What about you Copy I found the electric box. What should I do next There is a transparent optical fiber Then what Clip the signal emitter onto the optical fiber Good job The circuit system of the garage is in my control You can take moves now My life relies on you Is that a confession What do you think OK. I guess it's not Xiao Xi are you OK I'm fine Let's go We split here Kai, it's your turn Ready, go Master Hahaha I've been waiting for you Did you bring the Cup If you want to keep him alive just give me the Cup You let him go first You think you can bargain with me So you want to see me smash it into pieces Little boy As you wish Master OK. It's your turn now Bring me the Cup Three Two One Xiao Xi Xiao Xi Jump on now Mo Xun Look. Their car is not moving and still in the mountain How long does it take to drive there About 4 or 5 hours Do we still have time Don't worry The Chicken Cup only works under the moonlight We still have time Why are we waiting then. Let's go Hello, is this 110 Yes. Speaking We found the location of the treasure hunters Please give us the location We'll get there immediately Is this the right way I follow the GPS Damn You're Jin Guard, right I've been waiting for you for a long time I supposed you should arrive now You're going to get back the Glazed Chicken Cup right How do you know Do you know the secret of the Cup I only know it's a national treasure protected by Jin Guards The reason they protect the Cup for generations is that the Cup is actually a key Key Right It can open other treasures left from the Ming Dynasty Those were taken away by Mongols And it has accumulated too much grievances It has turned into a curse If the treasures are found the curse will be released This is why Jin Guards protect it Come Attack me Why Just show me your moves Boy You have great talent But you need more practice As for this girl Thought no as gifted as you but she has a solid foundation You two can support each other well help each other But both of you have your own weaknesses Your weakness is fear You mean the fear for sharpness Of many things you're afraid Right and wrong yes and no past and future If you can overcome your fear Then your Kungfu skills will reach a brand new level Are you Mo Xun Mo Xun Why you're standing there Oh Where is the old man Old man? What old man Just you and me here It's fixed. Let's go Damn. Their location has changed Contact the police now OK It's getting dark No matter what happened we need to stop them before they open the treasure OK. Let's go up first Xiao Xi, let me handle this. You go Stop them from opening the treasure For all these years I feel your calling Go find Xiao Xi Go Mo Xun Don't be afraid You're Jin Guard Call ambulance now Hurry Someone was injured. Call ambulance Lock the site, now Lock the area Hurry up You're the Jin Guard who saved me Saving people is not Jin Guards' responsibility It's a choice in someone's heart Now that you're a Jin Guard this Chicken Cup should be kept by you You're the inheritor of Jin Guard How it should be handled is totally up to you Though many Jin Guards were controlled by dark power the spirits and will of some of them are worth admiring and learning Their weapons can be also applied in the modern military industry How is it I passed. You Me too Wow Why you're still wearing your metal armor It saved me once. Of course I won't take it off Daily news Police recently arrested a transnational relic theft gang The gang leader is the founder of Hong Kong Hunter Archaeology Group David Huang The gang participated in many murder and theft cases Police has caught the leader waiting for the sentence of the court The Glazed Chicken Cup is completely fictional
Channel: Q1Q2 Movie Channel Official 圈影圈外官方电影频道
Views: 3,672,590
Rating: 4.5071988 out of 5
Keywords: Movie, 电影, 電影, Film, Full Movie, 中国电影, 中國電影, 中文电影, 中文電影, Chinese Movie, China Movie, YouTube Movie, फ़िल्म, phim, 映画, Free Movie, Online Movie, 最后的锦衣卫, 最后的锦衣卫 电影, 最後的錦衣衛, 最後的錦衣衛 電影, 錦衣衛, 錦衣衛 電影, 锦衣卫, 锦衣卫 电影, The Final Blade, The Final Blade Movie, The Final Blades full movie, Action, Action Movie, Action film, 动作, 动作片, 动作电影, 動作, 動作片, 動作電影, Bladesman, Bladesman Movie, Movie 2021, 2021 New Movies, Film 2021, 2021 New Films, New Action Movie, Kung Fu, King Fu Movies, Chinese Kung Fu, Jin Yi Wei
Id: zwn0TvYJvMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 25sec (5485 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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