Movie Sonic Meets Miles Morales In VR CHAT!!

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[Music] thank you okay okay that's the last time I try to fight a mob of gangs oh my gosh or Mama game what am I saying anyway oh my gosh uh am I in New York City or well this is a very odd version in New York City there's a ferris wheel here there's a bigger Park and a huge you think that's him where am I where am I what the heck yeah he seems like an idiot who's there let's get this over with before we get in trouble I'm so confused who's there I can't hear you you hey you what the heck oh uh hi Miss uh oh gross what is this excuse me that's like a porcupine I'm not a porcupine wait where's the other guy all right look above you doofus oh hi what's up wait a second you look familiar and so do you but mostly the other one over here dummy where are you from uh [Music] Montana Green Hills what the heck I'm in New am I in New York right now what is this place what the hell is Montana Green Hills you're in Brooklyn dude Brooklyn yes Brooklyn like New York City no I know I know what Brooklyn is I'm just confused about how I got here yeah so are we what are you doing here yeah well I was basically fighting off just a bunch of gang members and the next thing you know they all started chasing me there's like a hundred of them so I started running and I might have accidentally dropped whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what kind of gang members never really specified honestly I can't help but say you look familiar I don't know why you look really familiar well you don't and you need to get out of here yeah I no clue who you are little buddy I swear I swear I swear wait a minute that suit are you Spider-Man uh oh yeah yeah wait not just any Spider-Man you're Miles Morales from the no no no no yes you are you're the Miles Morales Spiderman no no no no no oh man what did you do aren't you Gwen Stacy no no I don't know hold on like that oh I'm uh Spider Woman uh neither could your deep voices I know who you are should we kill him what I should get rid of them honestly just because I need doesn't mean I'm gonna spoil it plus if I knew already I would have done so by now and which I didn't so you're not dead yeah we can't take that risk yeah so why rip your mask off during the movie so what is he talking about no oh they don't know use this device to take him home or what I'm calling 20.99 what what no no no hold up no okay no not him no okay look I may be from another world but I mean no harm I was just trying to protect people in my world I might have accidentally dropped something called a ring portal and got here by accident yeah I'm gonna took call 29.99 uh is that a good idea honestly how else are we supposed to get about get rid of this blue Iraq rat or porcupine whatever you are I'm a hedgehog all right you're supposed to be a hedgehog I will make poor designing but still I'm a hedgehog come on you're supposed to be a spider look here little guy look look everything's gonna be all right we're just going to send you home somehow just don't know how yet but we'll listen to Joan yeah or we can just call 2099 to get rid of them can you look I'm aware I've seen the trailer don't don't call him please again what the hell are you talking about yeah I'm I'm completely confused honestly I have no idea what you mean man uh hey you guys don't know you guys have your own movie two of them actually are oh yeah totally though the whole police force hates us and gives us a movie oh yeah good one buddy is this are we are we on TV is this is this point is this in TV about a YouTube channel I mean I know it is yeah you have a YouTube channel oh yeah sure yeah subscribe why would anyone want to watch a blue porcupine spider well according to you we have our own movies so yeah yeah so do I might how many movies do you have Mr Blue porcupine the same as you have too and a third one in progress that doesn't sound right and a known well one of my characters got a no-show okay listen here's what's gonna happen either you leave or we call for backup I kind of don't want to leave now I'll be honest oh you leave me no choice buddy you might as well do it oh god oh you think you're the only one who can do that you think you're the only person going on with your hands uh electricity same thing here are those little fireflies like in Zelda these are not fireflies that's electricity well knobby hands wow you do know I have something called a supermarket I could literally destroy this entire area do not test me in which I won't so you came to our world and now threatened to destroy it you threatened to hurt you threatened it you you literally said you wanted to kill me how does that mean you would get rid of not kill yes you did you do it sounds like an anomaly honestly yeah of course he's an anomaly I'm not an anomaly what other talking blue rats do you know in this world about 16. we'll ask you again who are you you know I thought these guys would be nicer they are nothing like the movies okay did you know the spawn sit the spot said you or what like spot who's who's spot up do you mean that that creepy look that creepy dimensional freaky guy he looks like one of the ex those experiment things you know that one Disney movie I'm an alien I'm an alien I'm not an experiment oh I get it now he's Stitch no excuse me do I look like a forehead do I look like a four-armed koala to you yes this is cuter wow and less graining wow but this doesn't even talk ish yes it does not really wow he talks about movies but he doesn't really seems like he knows a whole lot about movies listen I know what movies are you two are from movies and I'm not gonna spoil anything I just don't understand how you all don't know you have movies did you not hear the fact I said that the police literally hate us same for me your world must be stupid I'm not gonna lie you kind of had me on that one okay okay okay you really need to go though oh you are obviously like a talking dog cat thing and and you can't be here I'm sorry Hedgehog yeah you can't be here I thought a Hedgehog's for cuter Xbox is supposed to be smaller and curl up in a ball the hell is that deadly whoa you all want to go y'all want to go you want to you want to Consulting me come on we'll go at it come on all right that's it yep time to take him down where the heck did he go wait wait oh whoa oh that was close nope this guy's supposed to be fast I mean you're not catching me are you that equal yeah I am where are you you're not too far behind uh-huh yep yeah how am I able to jump so high all right my power is what am I saying hi oh shoot run to the buildings they can never see me hey yeah it will be much easier if you just give up now where'd they go where are they where are they where'd they go where'd they go where'd they go what wait they were just fine weren't they just right in front of me goodbye oh geez I thought the spot was annoying saying hi is he supposed to be like villain of the week honestly and he's not even worth it what are you even the villain of the day or something probably more of like the hero of a lifetime leave me alone you wish just the one who wanted that says the one who thought about killing me last time I'm just gonna grab a quick slice real quick all right there we go come on look at that yeah superhero getting a slice on the job that's not how it works at least we're not a big talking rat [Music] no way you're a hedgehog when you call yourself a spider oh yeah we have webs what do you have I have quills I have fur so do porcupines but porcupines shoot they're crazy it's so easy to keep up with you it is not that easy I believe it's because of my trail well I can't fix that great it's like a setback to me uh actually hang on I got an idea I can take this vehicle so long suckers I think he's gone crazy I can't see anything I can't see what am I doing where am I going I can't see anything [Music] whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I made a big mistake you wanna you wanna yeah nope come on yeah I don't give up that easily this is getting really annoying good did I just put him to sleep you see me you see I can hear y'all talking about death you know what yeah it really doesn't mean anything you know what let's just let's just put him to sleep that's exactly what it means what do cats like I'm not a cat I made that one joke and everybody thinks I'm a cat here kitty kitty I got I don't know look look look look calm down calm down we're not gonna hurt you we're just trying to send you home okay we're not going to send you home leave you you think I'm gonna believe that after when you chased me and also talking about well you to be fair you ran and we told you to get out so many times and you didn't want to that thing I mean yeah long day okay I just want to see you home buddy okay that's it listen we're just trying to help we don't want to hurt you look we just want to send you home okay yeah and trust us it's better if we do it than someone else we tried hey why haven't you took care of the anomaly ow better listen we're trying but he's just being a little bit difficult out of the way why are you being so difficult um he's just a kid he doesn't know what he's talking about oh come on Miguel look at him didn't we just give him one of those like passes or whatever what's up look you know please fine fine but only only for this time shouldn't be here and I hopefully you'll never see him again your little spider litter place or whatever and we'll just send them home and that's all we'll do it won't be late last time just get him off the floor he's looking like a little baby all right all right I'm on You Blue Rat everyone you'll be fine I feel like I I feel like my insides are inside out yeah you'll get used to it after a while okay so where are y'all taking me ow uh just somewhere safe trust us I don't think I have much of a choice I already feel it it's gonna be all right we're just gonna send you home once we take you to Forever his places yeah and then hopefully I'll never see you again you little blue rut is this the one who's in a blue suit [Music] easy easy easy easy easy easy easy easy easy easy he's stupid he doesn't know what he's talking about excuse me ouch will you shut up oh my God I'm the one glitching over here look he's an idiot obviously he doesn't know what he's talking about we're just going to send him home and you don't have to see him again looks like a furry that's what he looks like excuse me obviously it's furry what looks like look at it it's like something else Hedgehog a hedgehog that does not look like no Hedgehog maybe that's the anomaly he doesn't look like a normal Hedgehog oh well of course it's an anomaly you have you seen a talking Badger before badger uh no look blue cat thing we're just chill okay just relax man everything's good you know come on a Hedgehog's like something else besides a hedgehog I'm not a bad I don't care just shut your mouth okay okay stop all right all right all right all right I had enough of this bull just knock him out so it'll be easier to take him wait what all right was this my hair a little bit thank you [Music]
Channel: Movie Sonic
Views: 248,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movie Sonic, Movie Sonic channel, Movie Shadow, movie knuckles, movie tails, movie sonic vrchat, spiderman, spider man across the spider verse, miles morales, movie sonic meets miles morales, movie sonic meets miles morales vrchat, spiderman vrchat
Id: 9QxkaodyV4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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