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The first thing they were looking for was to arrest us. Why did they arrest us? He was the only one . We didn't move anything . Wearing a hat and red clothes was the first thing they were looking for. The first thing they were looking for was that he should lower his voice. Squat down, squat, and squat. He should squat down and make a lower voice. Squat down , squat down, squat down, what he was looking for first , I asked you to squat down , you arrested us, I know I asked you to squat down , squat down , squat down, squat down, I don’t understand, you squat down, you are not a police uncle, squat down, this is You two are the only ones in trouble. Hold your head with your hands and say, "Where are your heels off the ground ? What's the matter with you ?" Now these kids really can't talk. They ask you something and push it on me. Do you know that your visa can't be recorded on the record ? I'll help you with the load. It's okay . Is there any criminal record? No criminal record. It's okay. Isn't there a bag? What are you allowed to talk about? How old are you? Are you still fighting? Police uncle , look at what she beat me. Look at this bag on your head. You need to look for it first. Did I ask you to stand up? Squat down , squat down, squat down, monitor. We have all seen the matter you picked. Sit down. The director is back from a business trip. The director is back . Have you bought the tablet I asked you to buy ? After buying it , I will send you the ID card . I will give you the ID card in a while. OK , Director Sun is back. Come back. Boss Sun, what's going on? These kids brought back the skateboard park stubble frame . Now here we are. It's not enough. Let them squat for a while. Okay , there is a girl here. What do you think? This girl is unreliable and beats harder than the boys. I don't know how my parents taught me how to do it. I am just right. If I have nothing to do, I will help you find an empty interrogation room to help you ask them and see how their adults educate their children. It’s her. Get up, get up. Uncle policeman, squat down, squat down . This has nothing to do with her. Squat down, you squat down. It's not you, or you can take me with you. Squat down and put this hat and bag for me in the office. What's your name ? Come sit here and handcuff her. Why is it? The director is not suitable. This little girl is eighteen years old. Gather a crowd . The fight was suspected of intentional injury. Cuff her . Come on , go ahead. Dad is cuffing me. What are you doing? Are you afraid that I will run away ? Who is your dad? You stinky girl, you won’t sue me. Did you go on your honeymoon with your mother ? Your mother You 've been gone for such a long time. Where have you been fooling around ? Didn't you take the lead in the fight with the girl from the police? You said that this matter must be spread, and people must not break my spine. They found it first. They still want to play hooligans. Come on, they are playing hooligans . Look at what you are wearing. Who is a hooligan? Tell me how I educated you. Where did you put my father ? Your father is not here . There is only the police here. Let me tell you, what should I do today ? It's okay if they do n't sue you. If they sue you for intentional harm, I'll personally take you to the branch and file a case. Do whatever you want. But I made it clear and let the man who came with me go free. I have nothing to do with him. If you say let me go, let him go. You don't need education. You, you say, you hang out with these little gangsters every day . What good can you learn? That's not a little gangster. That's my boyfriend. Can you please stop looking? Does everyone look like a suspect? He is a good person , a good person, a good person. Go hang out there in broad daylight. Officer Sun , can you please be careful what you say? Have you done an investigation? How do you know he is a good person? How do you know he has no job? Sun Tiantian , you are in debt. Beat me, beat me, beat me over here. If you dare to beat me, you dare to call the police to beat me. Watch out for me. I am your father . You are really capable. Then go out and shout, I am a policeman. I am going to be beaten by the police today. Just calm down. Calm down, come on, come on , why are you so familiar with this little girl ? But this little girl is really irritating. They have been arguing on the way back, but I have also asked the surveillance camera and looked at the gang of boys outside. She was really bullied first. Wasn't there another one who was injured? She was probably afraid of taking responsibility , so she said she had fallen. I think if these bastards can be educated , just let the family take them back and that's it . It was you who called the police. You had the final say. Then I let him go. He didn't behave honestly after entering the police station. This made our director angry . Call your family and ask them to come pick up your dad. I can get out from here. What are you yelling about? You wait for me to go home and settle accounts with you. Director , your daughter, I don’t have such a daughter. Take her to the office and wait for me to finish cleaning up. You didn’t hurt you just now. Come on, you guys. Come in quickly . You are with Sun Tiantian. I'll take him over. Come over. You're quite familiar with this business. If you come in often , just watch what’s on TV. Sit there and thank you. Don’t ask me what I want. Don’t tell me that you have special powers and can directly read my brain waves. I’m so poor here. Which school is twenty-four? The tour guides who graduated from the tourism major are not the kind of shady tour guides. We are a regular tourism company. Police uncle, please let Sun Tiantian go. This matter has nothing to do with her at all . It is all my responsibility. Don’t look at her. She is very arrogant on the surface , but in fact, she is very arrogant in her heart. I can't bear the trouble anymore. Don't scare her anymore . You are quite righteous. What kind of relationship do you have with her ? Friends , girlfriends . Who are you in your family? Both parents are divorced. Police uncle, I am already an adult. Can you? I have to call home and ask them to pick me up. All this is my responsibility alone. What responsibility do I have? I am the only one responsible for asking you questions. Just answer whatever you want. Stop talking so much nonsense. How long have you been dating Sun Tiantian ? You have to understand how far this has gone . It has nothing to do with this case, does it? Do you want to go out? I said, I said, we have known each other for many years and have just begun to fall in love . This young man, it is okay to fall in love , but You have to know in your mind what you should and shouldn't do. You tour guides often have to go on business trips . It's okay now, just the routes around Beijing. But in the future, if you take international groups, you'll probably have to fly back and forth. Do you want to travel? If you want to travel, you can come to me. I'll give you a discount. Okay, okay, sir, come with me. This is your bag. Take out everything in the bag and put it on the table. There's nothing else in the bag. What are you looking for? I definitely don’t have any contraband here . I don’t smoke or drink. It’s not good for your health and pollutes the atmosphere. What are you? Aren’t you a tour guide? Before I became a tour guide, I also did odd jobs to earn some pocket money. This is my first job anyway. I want to work as a commemorative police officer. Uncle , that's all right. Just wait here and put this thing away. Dad, I'm sorry. I was wrong . I shouldn't have lied to you. I told you that I went on a trip with my mother. There's nothing else . It's time to fight, but that guy is so annoying. You know what? I saved up my hard-earned money to buy a board for my boyfriend. Oh boy, he stomped it to pieces. How annoying are you talking about ? Okay, okay, don't talk about this. You're living at your mother's place these days. Come back and live with me. I'm not worried about you being alone outside. Besides, your mother has remarried. Don't hang around with the two of them all the time. If you don't affect their world anymore, you'll be fine all day long . You know how to think about others . When can you think about yourself? My mother has remarried. When will you score twice and find me a stepmother ? You really want to find one, otherwise this man will become mentally ill if he has been single for a long time. I just want to invite a friend to dinner after two days. Come over and meet me. Do you know a friend or a girlfriend ? Is she good-looking? Is she tall or short, fat or thin? What is your personality? No, no, it doesn’t matter. What’s your origin? What is your background? Let’s meet. Don't you know that I haven't been looking for you all these years because I'm afraid that you will think that your parents have remarried and you have fallen into the cracks? Grandma didn't love me and my uncle didn't love me. It's better now that you are older and have boyfriends like me. As a father , you don’t have to worry about anything anymore. Okay , then we agreed that you can find a girlfriend , but you can’t find someone ugly. Otherwise, from now on, if you look up and look down, you will be troubled. Of course, you can’t find someone prettier than me. Otherwise, Looking at Duanxin , now that we have moved back to live with us, we made a three-part agreement : Don’t be impatient. First, you must go home before eleven o’clock this evening and cannot live outside. Second , don’t ask your mother for pocket money anymore. She is not living alone now. Don't let people have problems with her . Thirdly, you are old enough to have a boyfriend. I don't object to it. But girl, you have to behave yourself . Do you understand? What age is this? It's still so feudal. Dad, what do you think of my boyfriend? He's handsome. He's quite a righteous man. He's done everything for you. Really no, no , no, no, no. He'll have to go abroad in the future . How will he apply for a visa after leaving a criminal record ? You're a girl. What do you think about your boyfriend? It 's quite thoughtful . It's fine. Let's just talk about it. But remember , you will never make trouble for me again . I'll send you two out for a walk . Uncle policeman, thank you for your understanding and not killing me. Please stay. I really bother you. If you want to travel, come to me and I will give you a discount . You must abide by the law and be a good person. Dad, what are you talking about? It’s not like we were just released from prison . We don’t go home for dinner at night. Your cooking is too bad. Come back early. I know that’s your dad. Your real dad. Nonsense. Didn’t you see his photo at my mom’s house ? No, where am I? I remember, I said, why was he so inquisitive just now and took a picture of my ID card with his mobile phone? Sun Tiantian , if we fight in the future, your dad won't settle the score and retaliate against me. Now the police won't do it. The police won't do it. Dad, it’s not necessarily true. If you want to bully me, my dad has practiced before , so it’s okay. Let’s go to dinner. I’m not working today. We both asked for leave . I didn’t ask you. How old are you? You still play like a child. What happened to the game when the sound is turned off ? This game is played by a seventy-year-old man, do you know? I have to adjust my time off. Are you usually busy ? How dare you say that you are busy in front of the police uncle, right? You are an only child at home and you have a child. Sister, dad, have you ever chatted like this? Are you interrogating prisoners ? Isn’t this to get to know you better? This is my first time meeting you, and the impression you left on me is not very good. Uncle , people who don’t have a good first impression are usually In life, you are very down-to-earth and sincere , but you are very warm and familiar every time you meet . That is just a hooligan's pretentious behavior . You are really unforgiving with your mouth. To tell you the truth, my father has taught me to be a talkative person since I was a child. Sweetheart, good with hands and hard-working. When I was little, I didn’t listen and always screwed around. Now that I’ve grown up, I’ve become less bored. It’s definitely the truth. How about you, I’m speechless . Isn’t it already ? What time is it? Why hasn’t the girl come? She ’s deliberately putting on a show. Wait here for a while. I guess I didn't take a taxi. Logically speaking, I should go pick them up. I haven't even gone through the door yet, so I started to speak for others. I really want to score twice . How can I speak? No one is big or small. It's okay. No outsiders can talk about it. Is n't it the new female police officer from your police station who I hooked up with ? No, I went there for a walk that day and saw the photos posted on your door. None of them were your dishes. It's really not her. It's a convenience store in our area. The store manager is a convenience store , right ? It 's a new 24-hour alarm point we set up there . I often go there to buy late-night snacks , and she's always on night shift , so I've gotten to know her well over time. What's her name? Her name is so easy to remember. It's called Yao Lan. It's not the cradle where the baby sleeps. It's a homophone. I'm going to the bathroom. Didn't you just go to the bathroom? Dad , how did you two get along so well? Who chased whom? At our age, we can't say who is chasing whom . If we have a crush on each other, don't ask so many questions. I'm telling you, they're here in a while . You're not allowed to get to the bottom of it. You know, don't worry, Lu Xiaobei , you don't look good . No, I'm not feeling well. No, we have something going on at home . I have to call home. I'll be back after I answer the call. I'll go with you . No, no, it's okay . You can sit here with your dad. No, I'm sorry. I ca n't get a taxi. I 'm late , let me introduce you. This is the Yao Lan I just told you. This is my daughter Sun Tiantian and her boyfriend Lu Xiaobei. Please take care of me when we meet for the first time. Yao Yao Lan, right? Hello , hello, hello. I called you wrong. You have to follow. My name is Aunt Yao. My daughter is so old. She is pretty. Her boyfriend is also very energetic. Let ’s sit down and eat and talk. Come and sit down. Are you hungry? It’s okay. You and Lu Xiaobei, you two didn’t know each other before. Ah, I don’t know him. I saw an employee card from your supermarket there. I thought you knew each other. It’s not an employee card from the same store . Didn’t you stop working there a long time ago ? Why did you keep that card? Do you know what this means? I think it's good. You can drink whatever you want . I'll drink whatever you want. Then the husband and wife will start singing together. You don't have to show affection like this. If you want to show off , we young people have to show off first, right? I am a girl who has been free since she was a child . Don't be surprised if you don't speak well . It's fine. Why are you here alone ? Auntie, there's something going on at home and I can't tell the time. She asked us not to wait for her. What's wrong? Do you want help ? It's okay . It's a small matter. No , no. You're here with my dad for this little matter. It has to be an imperial edict, right? Why is Aunt Yao a little unhappy ? You think I call you old, right? I also want to call you sister , but what do you think my father should do? Calling you sister has completely messed up the hierarchy, right ? If you talk nonsense , you should call Auntie. By the way , our Xiaobei hasn't said hello yet, why is it so rude? You call Auntie Yao, hurry up , hurry up, hurry up , hurry up. For someone who is so young, it’s okay to call you aunt. Come on, let’s eat. I’m really a little hungry. Uncle, the food you ordered is really good. I won’t be polite to you. Then eat more, come on, come on, come on, come on , come on, slow down. Come on, come on, come on, drink some water and rinse it out , baby , look at how considerate my dad is to his girlfriend. Look at you, you are just eating alone and don’t even help me pick up the food . Why don’t I try it for you first? This is delicious . You eat this Lu Xiaobei, you are quite eloquent, let me tell you, you are older than her, you can't bully her , how can you? Dad, our Xiaobei is gentle and considerate. Such a boyfriend can do anything with a lantern. It's hard to find me , auntie, I won't give up easily. What do you think of my boyfriend ? He's pretty good, right ? Although he's a little older , I think he can take care of people. We are together for eternity. You can't bully others all the time in the future. You young people should put your career and study first. I heard Tiantian say that you are the mentor of her internship unit. You have to help her in the future . Dad, Aunt Yao looks like she is only thirty-four or five years old. Okay , dad is older than others. At ten years old, you are like an old cow eating young grass. Oh, your dad looks quite young. I know what I want to say. The male is ten years older than the female. I don’t think it’s okay. But if you think about it, you have to reverse the female comparison. Her boyfriend is ten years older , so it's not appropriate. Relationships are not calculated by age . When will you get married? You have to hold a wedding. You two are already familiar with this matter. But I have a small suggestion here. I will be the bridesmaid and our Xiaobei will be the best man. Then the bride will throw her bouquet into my hand in the future. It’s great that the wealth will not go to outsiders, right? Aunt Yao, what do you think ? Okay, now let’s talk about this It's still early to get up, you say right? Yao Lan , I've eaten enough. I'm not too worried about my mother's place. I still have to go home and take a look . Then I'll take you back. You two can continue eating. I'll settle the bill later. Farewell, Aunt Yao and I. We haven’t talked enough yet. I see that Aunt Yao doesn’t like to talk much today. Do you think that everyone else is chattering like you ? Goodbye, bye, wait a moment. Can I leave quickly? Look at what you said at the dinner table just now. Is it interesting? You don’t know what our relationship is like . What about you? When she comes, you tease her and ask me to call her aunt. How much hatred do you have against her? In front of your father, you run against her like this. Then let me ask you, do you know me? Why don't you admit it? Why do you hide it and keep it at ease? I ask you, let me ask you , when we were walking on the street, I saw my ex-boyfriend and I pretended not to know you. What did you think about these two things? Is it the same? Who is she now ? She is your biological father's girlfriend now. We were on good terms before, but now we have broken up. Who said that after a breakup, we have to become enemies? It's because I want her to be good and I want her to be happy. I wanted her to have a good home, so I kept it a secret. I know, you can take care of this. OK, okay, let’s talk about that supermarket employee card. Why do you keep it? You’re doing it as a souvenir , but what do you have to commemorate? Yes, how many days did you work there in the supermarket ? What do you remember? I don’t understand. Do you want to take it out to see things and miss people when you have nothing to do? Lu Xiaobei, you know what I think of you , but I will never allow it. We are together and you still have another woman in your heart. My card has always been in my school bag and I forgot to take it out, okay? That 's not what you said when you told my dad. Give me your wallet. Let me see. You let me. Let me see if you are done, Lu Xiaobei, you are too much. I was the one who chased you. You are right , but you made it difficult for me to get off the stage in front of the whole company because of her. What did I say? The two of you stayed and flew together at the resort. Do you know how I came over that night ? You broke up with me and I shamelessly served as your spare tire. You go to the street and ask me which girl is willing to have a boyfriend. Even if there is a one-month probationary period, I will do it. After treating you like this, can't you just be more attentive to me ? Even if you still have her in your heart, you should hide it deeper. Don't let me find out what you are doing today. The child is not big or small. I spoiled her rotten. Do n't mind. It's fine . What do you think of her boyfriend ? It's also fine. It 's the second time I've met her . The first time was at the police station. What happened to him because of my daughter and others ? After the fight, someone called 110 and the result fell into my hands , right? Then I thought about it and it was a bit abrupt to invite my aunt to dinner today. After all, she is an elder and I should come to see her. Our family doesn't have so many rules. You don't have to be polite . What do you think about the two of us? What do you think about us? I mean , if we all think about it together , shouldn’t we also work together? Then I’ll go home and discuss it with my mother. Then I’ll go back first. Goodbye, I’m exhausted. I 'm scared to death. I'm back. What's new in today's group tour ? I haven't run this route for more than 800 times. What else can be new? What are you going to do tonight ? Some sisters asked me to sing. Let's go together . No. Don’t go, don’t go. I’ve been leading a group here for a whole day. How many words have you talked about? You don’t know that your throat is almost bald and you’re still singing. If you don’t want to sing, you can just sit there and rest. Go , go, go, go. If I don’t go to your house of girls and I’m the only boy, I’ll have to pay the bill for you. I’ll lose you if I’m too slow to pick up my wallet. Besides, what’s the market now? Fire prevention, theft prevention, and girlfriends. Your sisters are all like wolves. If Tiger poaches you again , think about whose fault this is. Sisters don’t have to do anything, right? Then what are you doing at night? I’ll go hang out with my brother-in-law. We are a straight couple, so don’t worry about it. It’s okay. You should go home early in the evening. Your dad said you must be home before eleven o'clock. Don't let me have all the blame in the end. He has to take care of me since he has to work the night shift. Besides, if you have time to rest , go to the convenience store and follow him. What's wrong with your ex-girlfriend ? You're unhappy and jealous when I say that. You have nothing to do with me. You say you love me. I want to hear it. Say it quickly. You love me. If you let me say it, just say how shameless I am. Where do you put this face? Put it here. Do you love me or not ? Sun Tiantian, come in and get this customer information. What happened to you ? You can see for yourself and write it down. Just because of this customer information, I booked more than 80 wrong tickets. Fortunately, it was discovered in time . Otherwise, these 80 people all took the wrong plane. Can you take responsibility? You can't blame me entirely. I 'm typing so much information alone and I'm still so young. Did you take care of what you did? Please check it carefully. If you put one-tenth of your energy into falling in love, you wouldn't have made this mistake. What does this have to do with my falling in love ? It's just that you booked a few wrong tickets. You didn't send a group tour . At worst, you can rebook this nonsense . You thought I had molested you? What did you say ? Who are you talking to? Please have a good attitude. I am just an intern. My monthly salary is not enough. I take a taxi to work. You can't spend such a small amount of money to treat me like a donkey. So what's the matter ? You did something wrong. A bunch of us are following you to clean up the mess. You stand up, sit down, sit down, and pay attention to me. You can't be so rude. There are so many things , okay, okay, I have too much to do . There are so many things to do, I just want to do one thing. Mom, take it and redo it . Send it to my email before eight o'clock , otherwise you won't come tomorrow. Why? I still have half an hour to get off work. I have a date and I don't have overtime pay. Are you treating me as a child laborer? Stop right there. Do you want to do this? What's so big about you? I work for the company , not for you. The travel agency is not owned by your family. What's the point of showing off? Okay, go quickly . You're fired. Lu Xiaobei, Lu Xiaobei, Lu Xiaobei, something happened. Your girlfriend got into a fight with the manager . Calm down. Calm down at this time. You have to hide. If you want to get involved , Zhu Bajie looks in the mirror and is not a human being. Who are you ? It’s your turn to fire me. I’m telling you, it ’s your aunt. I’m quitting. I’m going to fire you. Pack your things and get out of here right away . That won't work . You still owe me half a month's salary. Why don't you resign? If you resign, what salary do you want? Then I won't quit. I'll wait for you to fire me. Fire me. I'm sorry. If you have the ability, fire me . Fire me. Manager, manager , she's young. If you 're not sensible, don't be like her. If she's not sensible, don't hit me. Who's not sensible? You're not sensible . You should beat him. Why did he bully me ? Farewell, Lu Xiaobei, are you a man? Are you a man? Manager, manager, manager. Calm down, calm down. Get out now. Don’t let me see you again. Calm down. You all should leave . Are you done? The strongman is facing us. What are you yelling about? Oh, I'm scared. Can you be a bit more thoughtful sometimes ? Can you think about it for me? If you don't beat him for me , that's my boss. I'm your girlfriend. Who matters? I don't care . I'm going to beat him after work today. No matter how you get beaten up, it doesn’t belong to me . Even if you are your aunt , you have a father who is a policeman. Can you be more sensible when doing things ? I am your boyfriend. It’s true. I am not a thug you hired. Can you help me or not ? OK, okay? Well, if I don't let out this bad breath today , I won't be able to live with it. Let me go. Are you done with it? You are an intern. When your internship is over, you will slap your ass and leave. This is my job. If you want to kill someone, my job will be ruined . I'll look for another one. This is a job I like. This is my career . Don't talk to me about your career . I don't care. I care. I'm a man. If you want to beat him up, I admit that you are. You're a man , otherwise you're just a bitch. You can hit whoever you like. You're a pure man. I think it's almost time for Xiaobei to arrive. Where are you? I passed the iron gate and didn't see anything bright in front of me. Light, I see you guys, okay, okay, come here . I think this is the backlight. This position can be a little higher, okay, okay , then you can be busy for a while. Then call me, okay, okay, drink water, drink water here. Youshui, I said, why haven't you mentioned the remarriage to my sister recently ? I'm not that hungry. I said, why do n't you go to the hospital to see your mother after work ? Why are you a son? I'm not not I wanted to go, but I didn’t dare to go. I really didn’t have the courage to see my mother sick in bed . After watching it, I felt very uncomfortable. I said, you are so unjust. You have such long legs, why didn’t you think of me earlier ? You are eating alone here , isn't it? Your new girlfriend has very long legs. Why don't you accompany her to my place after work? Why did you quarrel ? Don't mention it. That little aunt almost beat me to death. You said all this. She's a woman , she's almost the same age . Why is there such a big difference? Now you know there's a gap. Why did you find someone so mature in the first place? You're talking nonsense . Yao Lan and I are not much different in age. Ten years doesn't matter at all. Ten years doesn't matter. We're just ten years apart. Years old, right? When I was in love with your sister, you were watching TV and there was a kissing scene and you covered your face. Do you remember? Then I am much more mature than then. Don't tell me that I am much more mature now. Not only You , including me, and even our dad are immature and too childish. They are all little men and husbands. That’s right. I told you before . This man is not looking for a wife when he is looking for a woman . He is looking for a mother. Not quite . That's right. I think it should be said that I am looking for this sense of belonging . This man is like a ship riding the wind and waves and going through the wind and rain. This woman is like an anchor. If the ship does not have this anchor, it will become a drifter. Sampan, please tell me that your sister and I are just because my boat is too small and her anchor is too big, so I almost didn’t let her drag me down to the bottom of the sea and drag me out. Now I have to change myself. If it becomes a big ship, I can carry her big anchor , and then the two of us can travel all over the world. The key issue now is that you have to turn yourself into a big ship, so that you can carry everything. It doesn’t matter how old or young this anchor is in the future. It doesn’t matter. Do you understand ? When did you become a philosopher? I only became enlightened recently. Look at how proud you are. I can’t stand it . Uncle, okay. Come on, come on, come on , come on , do your work, come on, do your business first, go home , go home, go home, go, go, go home, go , go, go home, go, give me the bottle, don’t drink it , don’t drink it. It’s all gone. You really drank so much. Hurry up and go home. Mr. Yuan, please think of me if this happens in the future . Just go to your class in a down-to-earth manner. I can do it on Saturdays and Sundays. You can accompany your elder. Legs , who are you checking the post with those long legs? Stop making trouble, stop making trouble, stop making trouble. There are a lot of long legs here. Hey, hey, hey , hey , hey, hey , you are Lu Xiaobei , I am, who are you? I am a sweet friend , come here quickly. Tiantian drank too much. We can't control her. Come on , where are you? I don't know . I won't talk for a while. Okay , just stay here . It's troublesome. It's hard. It's hard. What's wrong? Are you driving? Take me with you later. What are you going to do for a while? I don't want to get involved in picking up my girlfriend and you two. I'm holding the car key . Drive slowly. When you return the car, fill up the gas for me. Xiaobei, OK, I know, I know, Auntie. Auntie, I'm wrong, can't you? I'm wrong, you can do it, just like a madman , I want to be a woman like the wind, okay, okay, okay, if you make trouble again, I'll tell you to close the skylight for you, okay, okay, okay, goodbye . Oh, let's calm down for a while. We'll be home soon. Stop making trouble. Are you looking at me ? Yes, look at you . Are you sick? You 're not. You're back. You haven't seen beautiful women. I've seen too many beautiful women. I told you that we wouldn't. I've seen you look like this, you know? Big brother, big brother, look what's wrong with you. Do you believe it or not? I asked my boyfriend. Big brother, I'm sorry. I'll beat you. Beat me. Come on, come on. Beat me. What do you want? Don't stop me . What are you doing? Are you sick? Who are you looking at? Which one of us is sick? Are you kicking my car? What's wrong? You dare to hit me. Do you believe it or not? I drank too much. She drank too much. Don't be like her. Shameless people. Let's go. Stop making trouble, you bastards. Come on, calm down. What the hell are you doing? The police car is here to talk to you. Go and beat those two stinking hooligans to death. What's going on with you? My daughter drinks too much and rolls around on the street in the middle of the night, but it has nothing to do with me . Dad, why are you here? What kind of policeman do you call me ? Dad, that’s how you take care of my daughter. She drinks so much in the middle of the night and doesn’t come home. Her, her, her. I drank so much, but I had nothing to do with my uncle. It was all his fault because he bullied me, he bullied my dad, and he didn’t help me . She made dozens of sets of air tickets mistakes at work in one afternoon. The manager said she, she If you don't listen , if I hadn't stopped her, I would have opened someone's head with a flower pot. Is it her job or should I have worked overtime after work to wipe her ass? Who do you think I provoked ? I went to the bar and drank like this with her group of sisters. I had to drive to pick her up . Who do I owe it to? Okay, I already gave it to you anyway. What should you do? Okay, let's go. I won't see you off. Wait, bye . She's on duty. Why don't you send her home to me ? It's not you. If you send her back, you'll have to count me out. Later, what do you mean by counting you out ? I'm not at ease yet. Are you still worried about what I'll do to her? After sending her back. Ah, just come back to my uncle. Are you okay? She's drunk like this. Why don't you leave her alone at home ? It's so late at night. She has to go downstairs and run naked. Whose business is this? It's not my uncle . It's not you. It's okay. It's me. I 'll leave it to you. I'll deal with this first. Do whatever you like. Come on, do me a favor. Help me. I drank too much. I really can't do anything about this kid. Come on , come on . I just finished vomiting. Stop making trouble now. Come on . Come on. Sit down quickly. Can you let her sober up with you ? I'm still on duty. Okay, okay, you're busy with your work. I look at her. Why is she so drunk? She said she was having a conflict with the leader. I can't think of Xiaobei. Don't mention that kid when you're with her . Now I know why you broke up with him in the first place. You said that you didn't have any sense of responsibility and you dragged her to me and drove away. He wouldn't run away for no reason. Then I don't know. I guess it is. Let's divide it up. You can go to work. I'll look at her. Thank you. Let's go . I'll help you to lie down in the warehouse behind for a while. Don't touch me. I'm going to be disgusting. Drinking so much alcohol at a girl's house is bad for your health. Do you care? You haven't become my stepmother yet. Your dad gave you to me, so I have to take care of you. Drink something hot. Hold it carefully and burn it. Do you know why I drink? Your dad said that work is not going well. I don't care about that crappy job. I care . It's Lu Xiaobei who quarreled . He wanted to quarrel with me. Every time, he said a few words and turned around and left. Who am I quarreling with ? I want to quarrel with him . I know what he is like when he is with you, but what about him? You can't treat me the way I treat you. Maybe he's more mature than before. You're talking nonsense . You think I don't know what's going on in my heart, right? It's because you separated from him and you took half of his heart away. Every time we pass by He starts to straighten up after just two glances at a convenience store. Whenever he encounters someone whose back looks like yours, he starts to get distracted. When I mention that your face is uglier than the mustard oil, I am either stupid or pretending to be stupid . You have misunderstood. He and I have already It's over , but he doesn't miss you that much . What do you think? Let me ask you, what do you think? Tell me, what do you think? I know that I am always a spare tire in his heart. The spare tire can be replaced. Whenever I meet someone who knows how to repair cars , he will throw it back into the trunk. Okay, come on , let me help you lie down. Come on, sister Yao, Yao Lan, sister Yao Lan, me. Please, can you return him to me? Can you please return Lu Xiaobei to me? Slow down, I beg you . Slow down, I beg you. Tiantian fell asleep in the warehouse. Let me introduce this. My ex-wife, this is Yao Lan. Hello, I went to see the child. I 'm sorry for causing trouble to you. I just came back from my honeymoon. Tiantian is still a child. Please bear with me. Congratulations. You and Zhi'an know each other . Zhi'an, whom I have only known for a long time and only recently, is a down-to-earth person . He should really get married and live a peaceful life instead of being a bachelor for the rest of his life. Look at me, now that I'm married , I always feel like I owe him something. I think you two are a good match. If you two can make it work, I'll give you two a big red envelope and wait for it. The child is already in the car. You can go back. I still have to patrol. Then I'm leaving. How about we have dinner together someday? Lao Sun, come and make an appointment. What do you want to eat? Then go back and rest. Thank you for tormenting you in the middle of the night. Who are you thanking? You had a hard time eating together one day. Did n’t I just say something to you ? I have nothing to say. Actually, she He is a good person because he separated from you and you took away half of his heart. Do you know what you think in your heart? I ask you, what do you think in your heart? Tell me, what do you think in your heart? What's going on in my mind? Pretending to be a kind of happiness, hanging on the other side of the scale, feeling insecure about the dullness of life. Maybe it's just that I'm always a little bit unwilling to accept the ending. I've been too complacent that year and didn't care about anything. If I've been wronged , I don't have to be soft-hearted and regretful. Always filled up because of impulse, mature too slowly , always lonely because of loneliness. Over the years, I have learned to be brave, learned to relax, learned to take responsibility , learned to accompany myself, learned not to be entangled anymore . Well, do n't you still have to patrol? You work at night. Be careful. I'll pick you up after work. Let 's have breakfast together . Then I'm leaving. The warmth of two people is gone. It should be very simple without the company of another person. It's a cool day. Let's go in. Let's go. In the end , I am not decisive enough. I can't even hide it from myself. That year, I was too complacent and didn't care about anything. If I have been wronged , I don't have to be soft-hearted anymore. Regrets are always filled with impulsiveness. Maturity is always too slow. Because of loneliness, I have learned to be brave over the years, learned to relax, learned to take responsibility, handsome guys come one brother, come one, learn not to be entangled, it is not difficult, some things will eventually get used to it , okay, brother , but some memories ca n't be returned, let 's go now , bye, bye , how can we go home? Let’s talk about it later . My dear, Tiantian is here. Why are you here? You’ve been waiting here for me. You two are chatting first. I’m leaving. Bye, bye. Why don’t you wait for me? I’m still waiting for the manager . Are you tired? I’ll leave today. Let you relax. How about singing ? How about we go for a walk in the skate park or go clubbing? You can go and have some fun on your own. I have other serious things to do. I have to go to a French cram school in the evening to make up for my lessons. Why don't you go to class and spend time with your girlfriend ? It's not serious business. Am I your serious girlfriend? Why don't you call it serious business when you are with your serious girlfriend ? I beg you, don't make trouble and let me quarrel with you, okay? I worked here all day long and am as tired as a big wolf dog. I have to go to cram school at night . I have to memorize vocabulary at night. I really don’t have the energy to argue with you . Give me a break . If you don’t accompany your girlfriend , you are not doing your job. You know. Besides, you are so tired. Who are you blaming? Did I make you go to work? Why are you working so hard? As a man, I have to have goals. I have to plan for the future. It's okay. I'm not afraid. I didn't let you raise me. Although my biological father is a small policeman , my stepfather is rich. It can't be because the family is rich. I am lazy and useless. I took the International Travel Certificate exam not because I want to earn more money, but because I want to realize my self-worth . I used to think that living a day is just a day. I eat, drink and play every day . Even if I make money , I still fantasize about being a bat every day. Man, Superman , but those are all lies to children. Now that you have grown up, you can no longer eat and wait for death. You are in the same situation. You are older than me and have a higher elementary school education than me. You have to cherish these things. How about I sign you up for a cram school ? If you don’t listen to me when you study abroad in the future, you are sick. You love to study. What do you care about me? I finally graduated from college and you asked me to study if you don’t want to play with me. Forget it. I’ll find someone else to accompany me. In fact, I’m always working the night shift . It's all because of you and I came to work in the station mainly to investigate the new security plan for our community. What patrol plans have been formulated? The alarm points and the monitoring equipment have also been implemented. I should go back to the station. Today I Invite you to dinner. Congratulations on your reinstatement. It's the same for anyone . But I have to make a small suggestion to you. Can you work less night shifts in the future ? In this case, the two of us can spend more time together after eight hours. It's rare that neither of us has a night shift today, so let's go to the bar and have a drink. Let 's drink some red or white. I 'm happy that the white waiter will bring you a bottle of Erguotou today. I 'll drink the white one. Please take your time and come to the first glass of wine. I'll do it first as a token of respect. On behalf of our convenience store, we would like to thank the police comrades for protecting us. Can you drink liquor? If you can drink water, you can drink. What's wrong? The second cup , I wish you good luck in your future work in the bureau. Come on , come and have a bite. Come on, come on. The third cup, I'll give you an apology . What do you want to say? I understand. Drink less. Fourth cup. I beg you, this is not a business matter. It doesn’t count as a backdoor relationship. I hope Lu Xiaobei and Tiantian can stay on good terms like this and don’t let our affairs affect them. So there are some things that can be left alone. Yao Lan, you are a good person. Please listen to my advice. Listen , while drinking, it sounds like you want to break up with me. I agree with your decision , but do you know what you need now is not a new relationship to erase old memories , nor is it to hide in a convenience store alone and mark a prison for you? What you need now is friends to accompany you to eat, drink and have fun to help you get out of this life. This life is not a tape. Erase the old one and record the new one. This tape is gone if you flip it over and over. There is no chance to turn over. I think I am more It's like a turntable that keeps spinning in circles over and over again, so what you need now is a friend to pull you out of this endless loop. I am not necessarily a good husband , nor a good father , let alone a good lover , but I am You are definitely a trustworthy good friend. Friends are friends. Come and drink with me. Come on , friends. Cheers. Friendship is forever. Yes , yes. Friendship is forever. Let ’s get drunk today. I’ll pour some for you. Police uncle, come on. Come on. Sun Mom , I'm holding Auntie, I'm sorry to disturb you so late. My child has really worked hard for you. Come on, come on, slow down , Mom, hurry up, my God, how much wine did you drink? This is not much . Just two bottles of white . Why? Why are you drinking so much? Sun Zhian, the good news in the delivery room has risen. It’s true. It’s worth drinking. It’s worth drinking. No, aunt , don’t listen to her nonsense. You said it yourself. Mom , you can’t call him Sun Suo now. When he grows up, you have to call him Director Sun. Also, the two of us are as good as one person now. Don't mess with me in the future. If you mess with me, I'll let him catch you. Well, I'm sorry for not paying attention . If you don't notice , I have to leave. You should rest early. I'll catch you . Thank you. Little Sun, please walk slowly. Okay, come and play at home when you have time. Director Sun, our friendship will last forever. Stop making trouble. Stop making trouble. It's friendship. Jiutianchang, little grandson, I won’t give you a gift. Come here when you have time. Well, stop making trouble. Hurry, stop making trouble. Damn it, Jiutianchang . Your mother, I’m so happy. Come on, sit down, sit down. Do you know how many red envelopes I received today ? Just If we two become one , we won’t have to give this red envelope back to others. Mom, you misunderstood what I said is friendship that lasts forever. Friendship, you know? Friendship is not about talking about partners . How did it become friendship ? It's no use. Sun Zhian said what I need now is not love but friendship. You know, I can't record and erase and record like that tape. I can't keep spinning in place like that turntable . Okay, ok, ok, mom , I, I really am now. Everything is spinning and spinning faster and faster. I feel like I 'm riding a merry-go-round when I'm lying down. Tomorrow, I'll ask your Black Cat Sheriff if he 's a fraud if he accepts the red envelope and doesn't hold the wedding. Thank you today. It is the happiest day in my life. Is it because I have fun? Or is it because I am with you? Who is it? Dad, Yuan Shuai, why did you run into this room to sleep? You came and quarreled with Xiaoshan. No , no, no, dad. The doctor said, this is not Xiaoshan. Are you pregnant? Do you think my snoring and stroking are interfering with Xiaoshan's rest ? It's not a big sin if I kick her under the bed. I'm sorry . You must have something on your mind, Yuan Shuai , you guys? I have to honor your mother well from now on. It’s not easy in this life. I’ve been looking at her for the past two days. She really looks old. Now she’s not in good health. You said , what’s wrong with me ? Who will take care of her? Don’t think too much. Who is this old? No illness or disaster. This is all normal . Don't worry about us. Please explain to Aunt Yao about moving back to take care of my mother. Don't worry about it. I know what I know. You can go on sleeping. I'll go back to the living room to sleep. No, no, no, no, dad, what's wrong? You want you to be here with Xiaobei ? You don't need me to go to the hall. There's a computer here. I can look at it tomorrow. It's fine. How long have you been and you're still so nervous? I think you're just trying to scare yourself. I might as well just take hypoglycemic drugs instead. Don't, don't, don't obey. Doctor, let's give them an injection. Okay, tell them to get up and have breakfast. Give me the hill. Get up early. Mom, get up early. Hurry up and wash up and eat. Hurry up and show you. These two are really a couple. Look at how big their hands are and how small they are. Son, Xiaoshan is still pregnant. The two of them are spinning around. You see, no one can touch the other. They are just like the goldfish in the fish tank. This is called telepathy, you know? You have to be good. Yuan Shuai, did you hear that? Mom , okay, okay. Do n't worry, what can you eat? Today it 's all your favorite stuffings. Guess it's either leek or fennel. Hurry up. I'll answer the phone and feed you. I'll give it to you first. I've been talking about this for a long time. This is a mooncake, isn't it? This mooncake is delicious. What's the season? It's okay to buy mooncakes. Let's share it when we go home and buy some more . Let's talk about it then. Look, is that Sister Juan? Yes, let's take a walk. Come on, Sister Juan , Sister Juan, you are also here to buy groceries . Where can you buy groceries? It’s such a coincidence that you are also here to buy groceries. How come you are the only one? My wife, where is a grown man? If you don’t let him do such a trivial matter , look at how painful it is. Okay, have you set a date for the wedding? When will the wedding be held? I will also go to your house to put up red happy words . It is scheduled for the 8th of next month . But we both feel that we are so old and we are not ready to do it. We just thought about traveling abroad and getting married. We all have money, so you want to run away. No matter what, you have to give us a glass of wedding wine. Besides, there is also your daughter. Even though it is the second marriage, we can still get married. It's not fashionable to hold weddings happily now, right? Let's respond to the country's call and create a conservation-oriented society, right? Sister Juan, you can save everything , but you can't save on this. If you find it troublesome, we guys Let’s have a dinner together. Call all the buddies and sisters from our dance team over and let’s all have fun together, right ? You see , we are all your mother’s family. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes , I remembered. Well, I have a nephew who happens to own a hotel. It’s pretty good. It’s very classy. The key is that his food is affordable. We can eat at our own hotel with peace of mind. Okay, just leave it alone. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no , no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I'm so sorry. There's a sale on cucumbers over there. Go and see if the cucumbers are so fresh. What kind of cucumbers are they ? Don't be yellow. No, no, no, no, hurry up. I'm waiting for your wedding wine. Well, well, well, Meijuan No. 8, No. 8 We're all here . You're back. I'm about to go to the store. What's wrong? You look so ugly . You don't feel well anywhere. You didn't grab the specials. It's okay. If you don't pick up bargains for a day , it's like the end of the world. Is n't it ? I just met some acquaintances chasing me to ask when our marriage will be held . What did you say? It's the 8th of next month . What's the 8th of next month ? Do you want me to ask for a leave from the store ? It's a good time for both of us. I'm running away with the red envelope. I'm not angry even if I don't mention this red envelope . I've already counted these stingy guys. The most is a hundred and the least is twenty. They all look quite thick. They 're all small change. These people want to spend small money to see big things. The lively thoughts are too beautiful to be true. I have to think of something. I just said, my wife has a heart attack and is lying down. My wedding is postponed. Girl, you find someone first. You get married first. I will wait until the time when I get married. If you accept a share of the money , I will lose something. I will find someone to marry. Where can I find someone? I wish I could just pick up a random person on the street and find someone to marry. Young man, please marry me. Sister, I am still young. I am still young. It’s okay . She is joking with you. Nowadays, brother-brother relationships are popular. Auntie, let go. I look pretty good. You don’t want to suffer. Let go. What are you doing? What are you kidding me ? I ’ve gone to work. Lanlan, you have to go to work.
Channel: 看劇inDrama
Views: 93,856
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Keywords: drama, 電視劇, 言情劇, 霸總, 霸道總裁, 晉江, 婆媳, 豪門, 新劇, movie, 甜劇, clip, love story, trailer, 中剧, ssl, 軍旅, dec, 搞笑, 搞笑影片, 短劇, 段子, 爱情, 接吻, 姐弟恋, 洞房, 偶像, 吻戏kiss, 大陆热播, 公主, 美女, 帅哥, 甜爱虐爱, 白天鹅, 都市, 高冷禁欲系, 呆萌女主, 偶像剧, 娱乐圈, 甜美, 婚姻生活, asiancrush, kiss, chinese love drama, romantic chinese drama, top chinese drama, chinese new drama, eng sub, 大陸劇, 甜宠剧, 好看中国电视剧, chinese television dramas, chinese tv dramas, chinese drama, k-drama, asian drama, love, 중국 드라마, douyin, douyin popular videos, sweet pet drama, 抖音, tiktok, 家庭劇, 倫理劇, cdrama, HIGHLIGHT, 喜劇, 苦情
Id: a7Na7wfLQjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 48sec (4308 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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