Move to Ireland without Sponsorship | Apply Ireland Work Visa with your Job Offer letter | Full demo

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like canada australia and new zealand there are many european countries who are facing huge labor shortage and today i'll be covering ireland its capital is dublin and this is an english-speaking country so you don't need to learn any additional foreign language to mag right here labor shortage is worrying news for many irish companies at the moment but not for you if you wish to move to a foreign country and settle down this is the right time to start applying for jobs there are number of reasons for the labor shortage in ireland now many people have chosen to switch jobs and in some cases move sectors after the pandemic shutdowns others have chosen to retire early or to work for fewer hours hello guys i'm sarika and welcome to your knowledge buddy so my today's agenda is number one to cover everything about ireland's visa college csep which is critical skills employment permit number two benefits of this visa number three who can apply number four critical jobs are violent and number five step by step process to apply and also with demo so without any further delay let's begin which is agenda number one what is csep so there are plenty of visa categories available to migrate in ireland but i will be covering only csep which is a type of work permit in ireland which stands for critical skills employment permit the old name of this visa type was green card type employment permit the critical skills employment permit is designed to attract highly skilled people into the labor market with the aim of encouraging them to take a permanent residence in ireland eligible occupations under this type of permit are deemed to be critically important to growing ireland's economy are highly demanded and highly skilled and insignificant shortage of supply in this labor market occupations such as ict professionals professional engineers and technologists teachers nurses are catered for under this type of employment permit i'll show you a full demo at the end of this video this visa is valid for two years and you will get your permanent residency which is pr at the end of two years agenda number two benefits number one no sponsorship is needed you can apply your visa with just a job offer which is your employment contract from your company also since jobs listed under this category are in short supply labor market needs test is not required number two while the job offer must be of two years duration you need to stay with the initial employee for a minimum period of 12 months only number three family reunification which means you can move with your family and apply visa at the same time as the main applicant number four stand for means pr which is a permanent residency in ireland and you can get pr in two years if you are on this visa category which means you don't need any employment condition and you can work for anyone agenda number three who can apply an eligibility criteria so eligibility for a critical skills employment permit is largely determined by the type of occupation and proposed remuneration level so number one is occupations with a minimum annual remuneration of 32 000 euros with occupations contained in the critical skills occupation list and a relevant degree qualification or higher is required number two all occupations with a minimum annual remuneration of over 64 000 euros other than those on the ineligible list of occupations for employment permits or which are contrary to the public interest if you don't have a degree qualification or higher you must have the necessary level of experience number three you must have secured a two-year job offer in respect of the eligible occupation from the prospective employer number four an employment permit will not be granted to companies unless 50 or more of the employees in the firm are eea nationals at the time of application now the most important bit when you get your job offer or contract from your company make sure four things are clearly mentioned as you will need it at the time of visa application number one a full description of the proposed employment number two starting date number three annual remuneration excluding bonuses and number four information in respect of the qualifications skills or experience required for the employment achievement number four critical skills occupation list let's have a quick demo this is the official website of ireland where you can find critical skills occupation list this list is huge i already have a dedicated video about this so i'll quickly go through it now so you can see production managers ict professional health and social services manager director natural and social science professionals engineering professionals and if you scroll further you can see more details like under it you have your managers program manager project manager architect system designer business analyst and many more and under health professionals you can see they are medical practitioners psychologists and many more under therapy you can see their physiotherapists as well occupational therapists nursing and midwife teaching there are plenty of teaching jobs as well so you can read the details here and business research and administrative professionals architecture town planner surveyors welfare professional quality and regulatory professional medical professional health and associate professionals artistic literate literary and media occupations design occupation sports and fitness occupation and sales marketing and related associate professional so those are the lists in the critical job hm number five step by step process that you should follow step one check if your job falls under shortage occupation list which is called critical shortage list which i showed you now number two if you found your job here start applying for jobs via all the job sites like linkedin read indeed and jobs.i step 3 after you get job offer you can apply your own visa visa fee is thousand euros if an application is unsuccessful then ninety percent of the fee will be refunded also this is a dual application permit which means you can apply for it or your company can also apply for you you should make an application for this visa at least 12 weeks before the proposed employment start date an application for a critical skills employment permit can be made online on the employment permits online system which is called epoch system now let's have a quick demo now this is the official website of ireland where you can apply your own visa so this is called epos system so if you scroll at the bottom of this page uh just select on i'll select employment permit application form from the list so this is the full list of island so these are the different visa categories so here you see critical skills employment permit and critical skills employment permit this is trusted partner and this is standard employer trusted in partner the process is faster because you're registered with the government and standard employed i believe the process is a little slow i don't know the details at the moment so you can click any of the option for this demo i'm going to just use this you'll be prompted to enter your passport number expiry date first name and last name so i'm going to start with once you provide your details you'll be landing to this page which you can see here so you need to fill your introduction registration details details of foreign national details of redundancy details of employment details of remuneration and final details so here who is the applicant you need to say for a national if you're feeling yourself and are you agent acting for the applicant you can say no and then click on save draft and now you move to the next one where you have registration details confirm and then make move to the next page here now this is very important because you will have to provide all the details of your employer so your register their register number company name business name and the details as well here as you can see from this page address telephone number website and provide the details of the person with the company who's authorized to deal with any queries you see and a lot of other details so you can fill this details from information provided by your employer now details of foreign national as well so you will have to provide your details which is you whenever you see foreign national it means it is you so passport number expiry date mid and your middle name first name and your all personal details which needs to be provided here so you can spend time on this space for them you can ignore details of redundancy these are for people who are already in ireland so now move to details of employment again what is the job title given to you and then employment address business name address and other details as well here and what are your main function of the job if you're a project manager you will have to detail down your roles and responsibility it is already mentioned in your job i believe job description so you can copy paste here qualification skills needed and the other details as well and did you use any agent recruitment agency how did you recruit so all those details needs to go here and the last is very important like i said so go and make sure add all the details correctly your annual salary your weekly salary hourly rate and all the details here and once you are done of course you can save make sure you start saving save draft and once you are done you can click on the final details here and and after that form complete that's it this is how you can apply your own visa just with a job offer now in terms of applying for the job you can use any job site like linkedin read indeed and here for a quick demo this is how you should find a job so for ireland just go and click on the job like project manager provide island and you can see the jobs you can scroll through there are plenty of jobs as you can see there are more than 3000 job at the moment another website is jobs.i which is the government's website so here as well you can provide the job title like project manager and select the city like dublin i have done and here you can see i can find 109 project manager jobs already and please notice you see here 35 000 already so if you manage to get this job maybe you can get this visa and if you scroll down i have seen more good salaries here as well at the bottom of this page you see here how much of salary is given for this role so if you happen to get any of this job you can easily apply your own visa and move to ireland before i wrap this video i would like to give you a small suggestion number one educate your employers that you don't need sponsorship because csep is a permit which you can also apply for yourself if you got employment contract tell them you will apply for your own visa number two while applying for job and filling the job application form if you see questions like do you require visa sponsorship just reply no that's all for today's video guys i hope this was useful thanks for watching the video till the end and i'll see you guys soon with my next video till then keep learning
Channel: Your Knowledge Buddy
Views: 460,338
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Keywords: jobs in ireland, ireland work permit visa, ireland visa, easy visa for permanent residency in ireland | how to apply for critical skills employment permit, critical occupations in ireland, how to move to ireland, ireland permanent residence visa, ireland work visa, how to move to ireland with family, no ielts, english speaking countries in europe, how to migrate to ireland from india, how to move to ireland from india, how to move to ireland from nigeria, ireland immigration
Id: xNxCD3vJ19A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2022
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