Move in Surprise - Random Acts

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So, we've designed our own mattress and we call it the "blue burrito" and that's not a joke. That's the name of it, is the "blue burrito"-- It's the "blue burrito" because burritos make you feel good inside, right? Uh, everyone loves a burrito. You've got me sold. Yeah. And here's what's crazy: This is the only one in the world right now. These are being built-- [gasps] This one is? Yeah, and we're gonna give it to her. She's the very first one. So she gets<i> the very first--</i> Very first blue burrito. Yep. And these will be in all of our stores. It's gonna be crazy. Look at this! "Ingredients: one foam mattress." <i> Clever.</i> <i> So,</i> I hate to cut you guys off. I have a lot to coordinate. I'll be at the apartment tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. with my guys and with all the stuff. Okay! We're so excited. Go team! Yeah. So I'm gonna go that way, thank y'all very much. Good seeing you again. Thank you. You too. See ya. ♪♪ ♪♪ Lisa:<i> Today is the day!</i> <i> The trucks have just arrived and we're getting ready</i> to move Emilie into her new-- Oh, Eileen. My name is Eileen. We've never met before. Oh, hi. We're getting ready to move Eileen into her new apartment. We're taking all of this stuff that RC Willey has donated, we're unwrapping it, and moving it into our own moving truck. So it looks like I'm moving in today, but I'm not. It's all a ruse. These aren't even real. Can you believe it? Let's get started! They're fake glasses. ♪♪ You're doing great, Lisa. Just don't look down. Lisa:<i> What?</i> Emilie:<i> Nothin'.</i> ♪♪ Lisa:<i> What is this TV?</i> Moving guy:<i> Thank Kerry.</i> Lisa:<i> Oh my gosh, so he just added it?</i> Those are rugs! [gasps] Lisa:<i> Oh my gosh!</i> That Kerry-- He's amazing. He included a lot of things that he didn't even show us yesterday. ♪♪ Lisa:<i> Don't you think</i> this looks like, just a moving truck-- Yeah. It doesn't look like, you know, straight-from-the-store items. Emilie: No. Lisa:<i> Now that we've got the furniture</i> from RC Willey into our moving truck, it's time for me to go to Macey's and get some groceries. Emilie:<i> That's right,</i> because we need to fill it with more than just furniture; we need to fill her cupboards with food, and I'm gonna try and find out some of her favorites and relay it to Lisa. Yeah. It'll make it feel like home. I know. Yeah. Don't forget the cookies. Lisa:<i> Oh no.</i> Emilie:<i> The housing program has told Christine</i> <i> that a film crew is shooting a promotional video today,</i> <i> but that's just an excuse</i> <i> for us to have cameras out in the open.</i> So Christine is up in the leasing office. She should be coming down any-- [camera crew whispering]<i> She's on her way.</i> She's on her way right now? Camera crew:<i> Yeah.</i> Okay, um. My name is Eileen and I have two twin boys. Okay. Tony:<i> Hey, Eileen.</i> Emilie:<i> Hi, Tony.</i> <i> How's it going?</i> Emilie as Eileen:<i> Good, how are you?</i> Good to see you. How you doing? Hey, I want you to meet Christine. Oh, hi. Hi. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. Nice to meet you. Girl:<i> Hi, I'm Alaina.</i> Oh, hi. Christine:<i> My daughter.</i> Nice to meet you, too. I'm Linda, case worker. Tony: All right, you ready to move? Camera man:<i> Good morning, everyone.</i> <i> I'm Rich.</i> <i> I'll be directing the promo today.</i> <i> We're gonna have, like,</i> cameras all over the place. We've got a guy who's in, setting up some GoPros. Tony's been great to kind of, like, work with us on this. So thanks for kind of working with us, being on camera. Ready, break. Emilie as Eileen: Thank you so much! Christine:<i> Oh, sweetie, oh my gosh, you're so welcome.</i> <i> I'm so grateful because I feel like, in our situation,</i> <i> I don't have a sense of community right now,</i> <i> like neighbors.</i> <i> And that's what I've been missing,</i> <i> because we've been displaced since October, so--</i> Emilie as Eileen:<i> Really, thank you.</i> Oh, you are so [muffled] thoughtful. ♪♪ Do you want to carry the pillows, kiddo? Oh, feel these. These are so soft. They're really nice. They're actually my aunt's. She's moving in with us, so a lot of this is hers. Do you have kids? <i> I do, I've got twin boys.</i> Oh, sweet. Yeah. Christine:<i> This will go to your</i> sofa, yeah? Emilie:<i> Yes.</i> Is this going to be in the way of your equipment? No, don't worry about us. Rich:<i> Hey Eric, can you put a mic</i> on Christine? Christine:<i> Do you have one on?</i> Emilie:<i> Yeah.</i> Oh, you're all mic'd up? Emilie:<i> Yeah, it's been really awkward.</i> We slowly start to just add them. Emilie:<i> I've been, like, it keeps falling off.</i> ♪♪ Is it gonna pick up my heartbeat? No. [laughs] ♪♪ I saw a sign that says, "Today is a good day to have a good day." I<i> love</i> that. Will you need to get groceries and stuff today? Yeah. Do you have dishes and all-- Yeah, it's all in those boxes. Oh, okay, in the kitchen? Well, what I wish I would've done, <i> because I didn't realize, you know, like--</i> <i> If you'd have stuff for today,</i> <i> like maybe we can just even get down</i> <i> to the grocery store or something</i> <i> and get what you need.</i> Lisa:<i> Okay, so</i> while we're waiting for Emilie to give me the specific things that<i> Christine and her family like,</i> <i> I'm just gonna get the basics.</i> This is Kitchen Basics 101. Come on. Cake mix, brownie mix, flour, sugar, brown sugar, salt-- [nervous laugh] Running out of space. Emilie:<i> Let's do the--</i> Like just opposite? Yeah. I want to know where your aunt shops because she has some nice furniture. I know. Yeah, you can do like an angle, baby. And then it kind of defines the dining. Man: Is this a TV stand? Emilie: Yeah. Um, where, what do you guys think? That would be perfect, almost, but it would block a little bit of your window. Let's try it, yeah. Emilie:<i> I think that's a great idea.</i> We should set this box on top of that just to try it. Solid plan. Christine: That's gonna be awesome right there. It'd be really cool. She has no idea, but that was her TV, and she decided where to put it herself. Found your bed frames. Emilie:<i> Oh! There they are.</i> <i> Having you here</i> has been so nice. Oh good, I'm glad. I gotta tell you. So this is gonna be what mine's gonna look like. Oh, you have your thing! So, you come in the living and kitchen, and then you have two bedrooms and a bath. It's gonna be so nice. The closets look nice with those shelves. I mean, even if I didn't have dressers, I could put clothing up on those shelves and stuff. Mm-hm. So, my girls will share. My son will have his own because he's older. Where will you be? I'll just be on, like, if-- Once I get a sofa. Emilie:<i> You have to let me cook for you.</i> <i> Will you let me cook for you, like, to thank you?</i> Christine:<i> Oh, you are sweet.</i> Emilie:<i> Do you have, like, a favorite dish</i> <i> or something that I can make for you?</i> Christine:<i> Ali, if we had to pick</i> <i> one of our favorite things to eat,</i> what do you think it would be? Chinese food. We love Chinese food. Emilie: What do<i> you</i> like? Christine:<i> Mexican food is mine.</i> <i> I could eat</i> tacos, enchiladas-- Oh my gosh. Anything, every day. You had me at enchiladas. Enchiladas, check. Potstickers, orange chicken, egg rolls, bingo. Kerry:<i> What do you think?</i> Should the bed be over here? Emilie:<i> Um, what do you think?</i> You could pop it all the way in the corner-- I think that's a great idea. Okay, one cart down. Christine:<i> What's the deal with those shows</i> when you put a pillow and then they go like that? Have you ever seen? Like? Tony:<i> The truck is empty.</i> Everything's inside. <i> Christine's been a huge help.</i> <i> Her and her daughter have been fantastic helping out</i> "Eileen." <i> And little does she know, it's all gonna be hers.</i> Christine:<i> It's perfect!</i> <i> I love these--</i> <i> Like you could put stuff in it.</i> Emilie:<i> And as the boys</i> get older, they can fill it with all of their favorite things. Christine:<i> That is</i> super sweet. I love that. <i> Your boys, they're gonna have like the best room ever.</i> Kerry:<i> Hey, can I get you all for two seconds?</i> Christine:<i> Yeah.</i> Eric: This is coming together, dude, it looks good. Christine:<i> I know.</i> Room for a mattress. It's like a new kind or something. Kerry: It's got pillows in it, that's awesome! No way. I didn't know it came with pillows. It expands. Christine:<i> He is too cool!</i> Lisa:<i> I'm back at the apartment</i> and I gotta get in, but I can't do that until Christine leaves, and she hasn't left yet. Rich: Why don't we walk up to the leasing office? Christine: Okay. Rich: You come with and we'll do that little interview. Christine:<i> Okay.</i> I'll be back. Emilie:<i> We'll see you later.</i> Christine:<i> See you.</i> Come on, you guys, we don't have any time to waste. Okay, we gotta hurry, we don't have a lot of time. [mischievous music] ♪♪ Rich:<i> So talk to me about being on the giving side of it.</i> When they had said, we have this opportunity for you to help another family move, I was so grateful. <i> So because I'm in this situation</i> <i> and these people are helping me</i> <i> so I had that sense of,</i> when is it gonna be my turn to be on the giving end? Because it is much more gratifying. As grateful as I am for what I'm gonna receive, to be the one giving, to be the one helping. Rich:<i> So when you go to move in,</i> <i> do you have as much stuff as her?</i> <i> Is your move gonna be easier, harder?</i> Christine:<i> My move's gonna be easier.</i> <i> So, right now, we don't have furniture or beds,</i> <i> so it's gonna be much easier.</i> <i> But it's so exciting to be bringing connections</i> or to picture it, and it's something that's not just<i> a dream.</i> Rich:<i> If you could thank</i> <i> the people that helped you get here,</i> <i> what would you say to them?</i> [whispered] Oh, I'm so sorry. <i> I don't even know where to begin.</i> <i> There's not words to thank them, there's</i> not. Because we had nothing, we had nowhere to go and... <i> And know that somebody just came in and said,</i> we understand you wanted to do it on your own, but we're here to help you and we're gonna take that weight off. <i> And I'm so humbled to know that people cared.</i> Rich:<i> This has, like, been a big moving day,</i> <i> so I want her to just talk</i> a little bit about like, how great it's been to have a lot of help. Make sense? I think so. Christine: So, she's just gonna talk to me, or do I say something back? Eric:<i> She's gonna...</i> I don't want to interrupt her. I think, I think you're the supportive friend. You're just kd of standing here. We've seen you in so many of the shots today that like, it just would be fun to have you here. Okay. Cameraman:<i> And action.</i> Um, I'm just-- I'm so grateful for this moving day, it's-- It was so-- Wait, wait, wait. Just a second, first of all, this place looks<i> amazing.</i> Well done. Second of all,<i> what's your name again?</i> Eileen. No, it's not. You're right. It's not. My name's Emilie. And my name is Lisa, <i> and we're with the show Random Acts.</i> And you haven't been moving me in today. You've been moving yourself in. This home is yours... along with everything inside it. ♪♪ Oh my. [crying] Are you serious? Alaina! Where is Alaina? Did you hear what she said? Yeah. Christine:<i> Who do I hug next?</i> Lisa:<i> Me! You getta hug me.</i> [laughing] Oh. <i> Kerry here from RC Willey actually picked out these items</i> <i> to get them all ready just for you.</i> [sobbing] Christine:<i> This is a dream.</i> <i> Are you joking me?</i> <i> For real?</i> These are your keys. But I was so happy for you! [laughing] And your little boys. If it makes you feel any better, I don't have any little boys. I am seriously, like I don't even know what to do. Let's go look at it, because this entire day, you have been the greatest person to help someone move in. And the entire time, I was just so excited knowing that everything was gonna be yours at the end, because you were just so ready to help and so ready to get me into the community and to have a community with each other. And you deserve it. Can we walk you through? Yes. Yeah? Emilie:<i> This is your room.</i> ♪♪ Christine (crying):<i> This is my sign.</i> Emilie:<i> Yeah.</i> [laughing] Christine:<i> I was gonna take</i> a picture of it before I left. It is your sign. We wanted to put it in a place that the second you got up, you would get to see it. Because today is a good day to have a good day. It's the best day ever. I don't-- There's not another day that'll compare to this, ever. The birth of my babies and this is... I have never, I haven't had a bed in-- ♪♪ Christine:<i> If I could keep myself from crying, I am just--</i> Lisa:<i> Oh, just cry.</i> It's okay. We do. All the time. Emilie:<i> So this is the girls'</i> bedroom. You know, since you're the first one here, you get to pick which bed you want. Which side do you want, girl? The bed that's close to the window. Lisa:<i> Done.</i> Ya-a-ay. Lisa:<i> Are you ready?</i> Christine:<i> This is Jason's?</i> Emilie:<i> This is Jason's room.</i> Lisa:<i> Do you think he'll like it?</i> Oh my gosh, yep. In our situation right now, he is a boy with three girls in a very tight, confined space, and he has been so amazing about it. None of my kids have ever had one complaint, not one. Lisa:<i> So, while you were getting to know Emilie,</i> <i> I stocked</i> your whole kitchen and listened in <i> on some of your conversation</i> <i> so that I'd get just the right stuff.</i> <i> So, we have got</i> Chinese food and Mexican food. <i> Also, we wanted it</i> to smell like warmly baked cookies. I knew I smelled something before. Right? I have an oven to bake in. Lisa:<i> Yes. I know, isn't that great?</i> Christine:<i> There's no words.</i> Tony:<i> And I think really the last step</i> <i> is just make it official.</i> ♪♪ Hi Christine. Are you guys ready to make it official? Yes, ma'am. Woman:<i> Okay, I just need you</i> to sign right here. Right there for me. Okay, welcome home. Thank you. You're welcome. Thank you so much. Thank you. Well, that's our show. A huge thank you to RC Willey, Utah Community Action-- And Cornerstone Residential. "Random Acts" on three! All: One, two, three, Random Acts! Move on in to our Random Acts family of subscribers. Where everyone's welcome. Well, subscribers are welcome. Everyone of you is welcome. To subscribe. You're welcome. To subscribe. You're welcome. You're welcome.
Channel: Random Acts
Views: 281,436
Rating: 4.951684 out of 5
Keywords: Random Acts, Random Acts of Kindness, Service, Kindness, Be Kind, RAOK, Positive Pranks, BYUtv, BYU Television, BYU Broadcastin, BYU, Pranks, Hidden Camera, Candid Camera, Random Acts TV, Pay it Forward, Move in Surprise - Random Acts, Moving Surprise, Moving, Surprise, RC Willey, RC Willey Gift, Homeless, Homeless Amazing
Id: _keQeiFrPXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 16 2018
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