Mounting and Grinding a Surface Grinder Magnetic Chuck

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Oh [Music] hello Keith Rucker Village machinery org well guys were back to working on the surface grinder we had left off last time we had got the table ground flat here and I told you I wanted to come back get some measurements on this make sure everything was good I got my indicator set to do that and also we want to go ahead and get the magnetic Chuck mounted onto the machine and get the actual Chuck ground in place as well so that this machine is pretty well ready to go after that so I think one one do is get you assumed in here we got a tense indicator on here measuring how flat this table is going back and forth show you what we ended up with and go from there start out here let me show you my setup we've just again got the indicator mounted here I just got it mounted on the the main spindle that goes up and down and the nice thing is here is I've got my real final just in here and I can zero that indicator out very easily just using the column going up and down which has got actual tense adjustments in it we're measuring over this is 24 inches and that's the size Chuck that goes on this is a 24 inch magnetic Chuck and it's basically the length of our table that we have to work with so keep in mind this is a pretty large area in the grand scheme of things 24 inches and when we're looking at flatness it is over a pretty large area so I'm going to zoom you in real tight on that indicator where you can see it and show you what we got all right so I've got the table moved all the way over to the right side of what we're dealing with and we've zeroed out the indicator and what I'm going to do is we're just going to run this table back and forth a couple of times and I'll let you see what happens with a needle so we got a little bit of loading going on there so it's dropping down - that was about 4/10 slow there and it comes up a little bit we go back again drops down I was about to 3/10 that time this time when we get over here notice when I I got a little bit of loading issue going on here so depending on which way I'm going is moving that needle a couple of tents I don't know what I can do about that but watch when we get down on this end so I'm about a half thousands as soon as I go back it drops it back to about 3/10 so bottom line coming across here you know I'm saying we've probably got another seven eight ten thousandths of an inch of run out in this or adjustment going up and down but before you get too excited about that I want to show you something I'm gonna come over this end I'm gonna stop and I want you to watch that needle it starts to draw up and down and you know we're within about a ten thousandth of zero right now so what's going on why are you seeing that all right so let's explain what's going on and why that's happening so when we when this table is going side by side this is of riding on some ways there's actually an oil pump that as this table is turned it's pumping oil up on those ways what you're seeing there is actually the oil coming in between those ways and that the thickness of that all is what we're actually measuring here I can go across this table and stop it just about any place on here and let it settle down and it's going to within a ten thousandth or two of being on zero which tells me that I'm actually cutting a very flat plane going across here I suspect in operation when you have the downward pressure of the grinding wheel grinding there's probably pushing some of that all out and because we're just getting the chuck up on here it's going to add some weight to this table but the bottom line is is as they go across here and it's extremely flat I just have to kind of let that oil settle out so I'm very happy with what I'm seeing so over a 24 inch travel here you know at the very worse we're talking half thousands 7/10 something like that you know with no load or anything else but again the grind is almost perfect I mean it is within a probably to ten thousandth of an inch and I mean that's back on zero there you just you just go anywhere on here and let it settle and it just goes right back to zero which tells me I've got a very flat surface going across here I'm happy with what I got we're going to go with it like it is so now let's work on getting the actual Chuck mounted up and checked out and ready to go I've got my mag Chuck sitting up on the table right now what I've done is actually flipped it upside down this is the bottom that's up and the first thing I want to do is come in here and just put a fresh grind on the bottom of this so we have a good matching surfaces there you know this is has seen nowhere but there is some rust on here in some little high places I have cleaned this up as best that I can but I think I'm just going to knock it off and let it go so I've already got my wheel dressed already got machine warmed up turn my mag plate on so it's not going anywhere and let's see and will come down here you know I don't know how flat this is in relation to the new grind on here so what I'll do is I'm just going to kind of touch off real lightly somewhere and kind of fish my way around this table and look and find where the hotspot is on here if there is a hotspot and it probably is and then we'll work off of that and start writing now real close I'm gonna go to my final just wheel all right we're touching off there and I'm actually going to come up about a thousandth or two and now what I'm going to do is it's kind of Coach round here and just real kind of coarsely what I'm looking for these parts I'm looking for my hot spot I got a little bit of sparking right in there parking a little bit in here partner sets off over on this side you may have to raise it up a little bit more like I'm going to raise it up a little more what that telling me is is that this side is probably just a little bit higher than the back and that's probably just somewhere on the [Applause] and the table biggis Lee I'm trying to make sure we're not going to crash the wheel and take off a huge cut somewhere unexpectedly here all right so we are going now and we're just going to let this thing work or what play across and see how it goes is just taking a real light pass right now and we'll continue this until we get it cleaned up and then we should be able to flip it over and drown the top alright we got that cleaned up all the way across I've come here my shop back and just kind of clean this up get any of that little bit of dust that standing there left I'm going to take a stone now and just China on this and all I'm doing is I'm just removing any fur so we may have around these holes in here and that looks really good so I see we can get this off of here flipped over and mounted onto the machine now we're going to lift this off I got a sling on here which we use my engine hoist it's too heavy for me to even consider picking up by myself this is how I've been moving it around alright I'm going to take this over to my welding table and flip it over and we'll put it back on there before we bring the Chuck over here I want to just wipe this down really good and I come in here with my stone again just Sieber it and it should be nice hot spots in here but it's good practice to do this and she's my bare hand wipe it off feels very clean and I'm going to just I want to put a little layer of oil on here to just give some protection in between these two layers so this is just a real light exactly to spend all that I use on this machine so that should be good Chuck is matted on here now we've got just some peanuts on either side that clamp this thing down so one more time now we're going to address the actual face of the magnetic Chuck to get it flat and in the same plane is the rest of this machine since we've done some work to it what I will do is I will turn the magnet on while I'm grinding this that's you know there's different thoughts on how this should be done my thought is is that the magnet is usually on when you're running it so that's really probably how you need to do it and that's how I'm going to do it so I think what I'll do is we'll get in here I'll probably redress that wheel and we'll go ahead and start dressing the top of this magnetic truck before we start grinding on this Chuck just a quick little update so off-camera I was getting things ready I flip the power switch over here and I saw sparks popped down here turns out my old power cord I'd already taped it up because it was starting to cracking whatever will it's just the wires or just old and brittle and right up here in the plug we got a little short it didn't mess anything up it doesn't look like but I have come in here and we've got a new cord a new plug and the receptacle got all this wired up now also just a little bit about the electronics back here this this Chuck on this is actually a direct current 120 volt powered chuck this original equipment on here a lot of your surface place just have a lever that you flip that kind of engages the the magnet on it this one is actually electric and when I got the surface grinder there was this huge box on the side that had a power converter in it that converted 220 volt into single-phase or 220 volts into direct currents often current to direct and output 120 volts in DC I didn't really want to use that because I had talked to a couple people who some rather old electronics in there looked like something out of a Frankenstein movie and bottom line is is that there was some some hazards for that particular setup so I replaced it with just a simple rectifier which is just a little electronic device that converts alternating current direct current it's about the size of a receptacle like you put it into your wall and it replaced this huge box up here but it needs 110 volt input so basically what I did is I just got it plugged into the wall rather than trying to go through the the three-phase system on here so anyway that's all hooked up there's a drum switch down here on the front and you turn it on it actually turns a light bulb on up there and you know your magnet is engaged and you can on this drum switch you can reverse the poles and that I think believe that the demagnetize apart so basically you reverse the poles in the magnet and if you're part magnetizes you can flip it over there and demagnetize it as well so anyway we are got our our diamond down here we're going to dress our wheel i've already warmed up the surface grinder to end because we took a little break have to go to town to get parts so we're going to get this wheel dressed and suck in tried to slide before I'm going to Kanna run around on here and just beep up having a hotspot [Music] [Music] [Music] well I think I'm gonna call this done you know it's not there's some Dean's in here there's some gouges were like where the they dug the somebody dug the wheel into it whatever but this is flat it's flat enough for me to use and you know I'm sure that this Chuck will get ground and reground several times over the years and as we continue to go down a lot of stuff will clean up and some of the stuff I'd have to have to take an eighth of an inch out of the table to clean it up completely and it's just not worth it to me so I think we're going to go with that well guys I think that's about what we're going to do for this episode we've got the surface grinder is now as far as I'm concerned it's in good shape it's ready to go we're ready to use this thing and I've got a job for it coming up pretty soon that we really need to get done and that's back on that making a custom threading tool for a modified square thread that I got to do for a lead screw for a lathe and doing for for a viewer and unfortunately that project has just kind of drug on because of things going on the shop and need to get the service grinder big stuff ready to go I've got my scraping class coming up in fact when you guys watch this video goes live we'll be right in the middle of a scraping class I've had a lot of stuff getting ready for that so as soon as that striping class is over we're going to get back onto the threading job and hopefully get that knocked out but again we need the surface grinder to do that and while this machine is by no means what I would call restore it it is in good operating condition and that's what we're going to do we're going to operate it and use it for various projects around the shop I'm excited to have a surface grinder this is a tool that I have been needing in my shop for many many years and just never have had one fact I haven't really had one that I can use since I was working in a machine shop back in the late 80s so I'm really excited to have this tool back in the Arsenal and I think we've got a pretty good one here this Landis unit so with that that would be a wrap thank you guys for watching and tune back in soon we'll have some more stuff coming up for you [Music]
Channel: Keith Rucker -
Views: 82,099
Rating: 4.9398971 out of 5
Keywords: Machine Shop, Machinist, Restoration, Vintage Machinery, Metalworking, How to run a lathe, Keith Rucker,, Surface Grinder
Id: W43QBsO_lSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2017
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