Mountain Molasses Stiroff - How to make molasses

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tell me about that tool you're using that's part of a solid like they've cut but is that now would that be kind of an imitation or something they might have used 200 years ago I'd say yeah the guy was like at the back of Africa at the back and with tell me about what I'm doing now put me play and all these seams and around the pan mister hold the heat in people smoke from coming out in the face and you know just seals the paying off how did you know how to do this well we just learned from old timers tell us what to doesn't have to do it mm-hmm something we always wanted to do growing up and never did get change course we'd go to start off you know online for old people forever and we just decided we do it from the end the Jaypee my brother and Jess Campbell we've been doing it for several years trial and error mostly yeah this uh the claims of the mud drive that cracks in the yessir go back over its time okay seal it back up you know keep the smoke this meal I don't know how old it is my cousin bought it I'm short one time it was operated by with a moon and a colon you know and he bought it from the Greek people in line for they had a Honda run in a behind a car on here where the transmission is and we use that for two three years and they got where it wouldn't run again we spent 30 percent of time squeezing pain and 70% working over okay now when you were in the days when you were using news how much of that would have been there if you were using news okay and it turned a lot slower with me so it would have taken a lot longer in the old volume to process this much holiday do you know how they probably know it's somewhere in Africa they grew sorghum did not for the juice but for the seat on the ground it made the year like wheat March Donald and Nicki brought to some kids from one of the Oriental Asian countries up here a few years ago you remember that I don't think they came today as the strong came today before and didn't he said to Susan's kids saw it they said Oh sugar cane sugar cane and they had the Hat mark said he had to get out and cut them something city if I can't disagree love that I notice you mostly cut takeout strip off the leaves before you actually cut the cane but some of you do it differently right but it's easier is it if you get most of the leaves off versus your dripping yeah okay the first load of pain being backed up to the mill we're trying this into Rick yeah thanks oh yeah hold on a second yeah we're gone a whole new occupation I hear it barbacoa man just work don't leave this room this year do I work all summer to grow corn to feed the cattle I'll win we've tried almost everything to get pictures of bears and oh he can get is possible yeah yeah we got a lot of far under it right now at this stage you can boil it you boil it hard cheering cockerel oh I'll build it up there's a bad rep I like to do that when you first started that when it gets like this yeah be careful yeah we've had good wood we've been done this because Rob 123 keep it level if it sloshes on one hand the other incredible I think they put a hundred gallons of juice and made 15 gallons of molasses I'd say they seem gallon there anyway
Channel: Dean Cornett
Views: 71,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: molasses cooking, healthy sweetener, sugar cane, appalachia, molasses stack cake, molasses gingerbread, Kentucky mountains, banjo music, handmade tools, molasses stiroff, making molasses
Id: GQS0nJ2rwxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 39sec (1599 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 10 2015
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