Mountain Lodge Van Conversion for a SOLO Artist & LARGE Dog! | Cozy Promaster 136 wb Van Tour

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hi I'm Milo and this is my co-pilot teller and this is our van Brunswick  Brunswick is a 2018 Ram promas 1500   this conversion was 100% DIY and took about  10 months to [Music] complete it features a   fixed bed a bathroom a 4T convert desk an AI  electric oven a dog bedroom and a lot [Music] more starting up in the cab I didn't make too  many changes cuz I did want to keep it pretty   stealth here I do store my shoes in this little  basket as well as teller's dog food I have my   little Tillamook cheddar squeezy that everyone  gets very concerned and they think it's a real   block of cheese, especially in the summer time  but it is just to keep my hands from cramping   on long drives up here by the driver's side  I have this relay switch that controls which   battery is being charged by the alternator  when I'm driving I have a two battery setup   so I can change when I'm driving which battery  is being charged this is my pocket door it just   slides here to the side and then I have  a full pass through to the back [Music] when you first come in my van the first thing  you see is my coat hooks right here and then   it's also where I store my keys which is really  nice to always have a place to put them teller's   leash also lives here and then I have a few other  safety items up here is kind of a catch all so I   have my knife a flashlight some hand warmers  um teller's dog treats and poop bags and then   I also have a small shelf here for a Bluetooth  speaker also on this wall is my diesel heater   controller and then this is the remote control  for my AC unit for teller's bedroom and then I   have my lights on a dimmer right here this is the  other side of my pocket door I added a fulllength   mirror and I have some more of this Leaf trim that  I had in my last van that I really like little cut   out here as a handle to move the door back and  forth and it's covered in the same Cedar trim   as the rest of the van the next thing you see  when you come into my van is this sink unit um   so it contains my kitchen sink my faucet which  has the sprayer so of course you can spray on   the outside and do an outdoor shower um and then  I went with copper for the sink cuz again I love   copper over to the right of my sink I have my  food compost bin so I like to keep food scraps   separate from the rest of the garbage just to  keep bugs and Teller out of it and then I also   have dish soap and then a couple plants here  I have some cutting board storage fridge and   then some spooky decorations for Halloween couple  pictures and some more plants this wall is also   the first place you'll see the faux stone that  I put in I really wanted it again to be a rustic   Mountain Lodge type feel in here so I put some  faux stone on this wall and then the walls back   there the faux stone is actually PVC it's really  thin so it's basically weightless um I did a whole   video on the install so feel free to check that  out if you're interested on how it's installed below my sink is actually my bathroom so I have  a composting toilet stored underneath here so   the door just kind of swings open and then toilet  slides out normally I take the jackets and stuff   away and then yeah there's a little toilet right  here to use um it's an Ogo composting toilet and   one of the nice things about this one is you can  see it's actually full funny enough when the urine   jug is full this button will light up red so it  lets you know that you probably shouldn't use it   anymore and you need to empty it um this button  is also an electric agitator so when you press it   the um compost bin is being stirred and I think it  stirs for about a minute the electric agitator is   really nice because you can just press a button  and put the toilet away and it'll do its thing   instead of having to sit there and hand cranking  it after you're done using it I'm a big fan of the   Ogo toilet I've been using it for a few months  now and it's been really awesome um if you're   interested in getting one for yourself I do have  a discount code so check the description for that   also down here I have a little toilet paper roll  holder the other side here I have a little holder   for uh the cap for the urine jug and then a little  spray bottle full of cleaner so after you're done   using it you kind of spray around to keep it clean  down in the back of this cabinet is also where I   have all my Plumbing set up so I have my water  pump back there as well as all of the tubings   and fittings and everything is all contained  in this cabinet so if anything breaks I have   direct access to everything to fix it moving this  direction in my van this is my fridge and freezer   cabinet um up top I have my pantry two of these  baskets that can just be pulled out and easily accessed then I have a big one in the middle here I have my  fridge so this is a bodega 45 L   fridge it can open from this side  to be accessed from here um it can   also be opened from bed if I ever  want a snack in bed to we open like that down below I have my freezer I did want to  have a dedicated freezer in the van just in case   I did have a lot of items that I wanted to freeze  and I could have all of this be fridge space um   or if I don't have anything I need to freeze  I can use this as extra fridge space so this   whole thing can become a refrigerator so this  just comes out on sliders and it does come all   the way out if I'm not standing here and then I  have very easy access to all of my items below   the freezer I have my gray water storage I have  2 and 1/2 gallons of gray water it's stored just   beside the sink so that way all underneath the  sink can be dedicated to the composting toilet   um so there is space for the gray water storage  right here in front of the gray water storage is   teller's dog water bowl uh that's really nice  because it's a anti-spill bowl so I can have   it full of water even when I'm driving right  beside that I have my step stool that gets me   up into the bed but it's also where I store my  trash and recycling so I have a green bin for   trash and a blue bin for recycling um and then a  lid on top so that way teller can't get inside of [Music] it on this side of my van is my desk  this was the main purpose for this build it's   what I designed the whole van around was having a  huge workspace in here the desk is 4ft of butcher   block and it's on a sit stand desk from Ikea  so it can crank up to be the same height as   the countertops so in kitchen mode this whole desk  becomes my prep area so I have plenty of space to   pull out my stoves do whatever I need to do but  when it's in desk mode it's this height and so   I have this beautiful view out with this window  um I absolutely love sitting here and working I   wanted it to be basically a mobile studio so I  have my monitor here that I can pull down and   this is where I do all of my photo editing I'm a  photographer I do um weddings and allotments and   stuff so I love to have my van out in the field  with me um and then immediately be able to jump   in here and start editing photos from the [Music]  session [Music] up on my shelf I have my hot water   kettle this is the only source of hot water in  my van I decided to only do cold water on the   top just for ease of Plumbing so anytime I want  hot water for dishes or for indoor showering or   whatever I just take out the kettle heat up some  water and it doesn't take very long moving over   on my bookshelf I have my books and some of my  journals I also keep disinfecting White spr there   so that way when I convert my desk into kitchen  mode I can quickly wipe everything down and make   sure it's all sanitized before I start cooking  up here is my photography cabinet this is where   I keep all of my photography and videography gear  um I have my drone and then my camera bag which is   just really easy to grab and take out of here for  shoots and everything um I have some cable storage   my keyboard and my mouse couple mics and then  back there also have storage that extends into   the cab shelf so this is where I store tripods  um so they can kind of go all the way back there   last thing up here on my desk is this little  board that has all these cloth pins um this is   for hanging prints or paintings or anything that  needs to dry and can dry vertically um I can just   tin them up here like I said before my desk is a  sit stand desk so the crank is right over here so   when I'm ready to put it into kitchen mode or if  I just wanted a standing desk just cranks up like [Music] this and now it's in kitchen [Music] mode moving under my desk on this side um this is  usually where I store my backpack just so it's   easy to access um but this box is actually my  battery box so on the front I decided to make   it look like a faux wood pile um just to add  to the cabin Mountain Lodge Vibe but inside   it just has this lid that you can take right  off and inside is my battery set up [Music]   when designing the electrical for this fan I  decided to do a two battery system because I   knew I wanted an induction stove and this really  fancy oven that I'll talk about in a minute um   so in order to run those things and have enough  power to run everything else in the van I decided   to do two batteries the van is designed to run  off two gozero Yeti 3000 right now I only have   one and that's why my battery box looks a little  too big because there's room for another so Room   to Grow I have these two switches that go  with the two battery system so this first   one as designated by this silly drawing of a  plug is for Shore power so when I have Shore   power connected this first position is charging  the batteries so I can plug Shore power into the   batteries and it can be charging if it's in that  position if it's in the second position the shore   power goes to powering the special Outlet on the  my other cabinet and the special Outlet is what   the oven and the induction stove get plugged  into so that means if I want just by flipping   a switch I can run those appliances off of shore  power and completely bypass my batteries this is   important because those appliances draw a lot of  power so even if the shore power was charging my   battery and then I used the induction stove off  of the battery it's going to deplete faster than   it charges so it makes more sense to switch  entirely to being powered by Shore power so   that way it's not drawing power from my battery  and then when I'm done cooking I can switch it   back so that way it's back to charging the  batteries and no power has been lost by my   cooking the second switch over here as designated  by my silly Sun drawing is for solar power so this   designates which battery is being charged by  solar battery one or battery 2 and the center   position cuts off power from the solar panels  entirely so if I ever needed to do maintenance   on the electrical system I could just cut power  entirely over here I have this little cable pass   through to the front side so that way I can  run cables for my monitor on the other side   of the wall and then back through just to keep  it a little tidy and then here is where I have   four Outlets um so no matter what I'm doing at  my desk I always have enough power and then most   of the time I have my little fairy lights plugged  in cuz I really like the umia in the back of the   battery box is where I have all of the electro  components like my fuse block my relay switches   my breakers for my wall outlets and all the  wiring that goes to all of my switches lights   and anything that is electrical in this vanan is  all routed through this battery box because of   how intricate my electrical system is I wanted to  have it very easily accessible which is why I put   it up here in the front of my van with this  huge opening so I can just get in there and   work on it if I ever needed to blow my desk on  the other side is where I have my diesel heater stored so I put my diesel heater right here  and then built a box around it so it kind of   acts as a footrest because I'm really short so  it's awesome right beside it on this side of my   battery box I have my CO2 detector which is very  important in here especially because I have teller   and then tucked back in the corner there is my  fire extinguisher also a very important piece of   safety equipment to have easily access accessible  at all times up above my fire extinguisher is that   special Outlet I was talking about that my oven  and induction stove plug into this is the outlet   that can be switched to run straight off of shore  power this is my little desk chair that I got um   it's a vintage ladder chair uh so it actually can  flip up to be a ladder just like that I use this   to access my overthe cab storage cuz I have stuff  stored really deep so I can kind of hop up here   and reach back in there and it's really nice up  above my cab over here this is where I keep all   of my crafting supplies basically this entire  shelf is dedicated towards creative stuff um in   all these baskets I have like painting supplies  my Lino cut stuff I have watercolors up here and   then I also have my wood burning kit pretty much  any random craft you can think of I probably have   supplies to do it up here here in the middle is  where I have all of my um binders and journals   and stuff like that throughout the build process  I did keep a binder full of all of the manuals for   everything in the van um my fridge my freezer my  AC unit my camp stove like everything every manual   that came with things that were put into this  van is in this binder so that way if anything   breaks especially when I'm out in a no service  range area have something to make me a little   less helpless I also kept all this stuff to pass  on to the next owner um should that day ever come   the other binder that I keep up here is teller's  binder um this has all of his vet records in it   has his like microchip code um his uh vaccination  schedule and all of that so if I ever needed this   information when I'm out on the road away from his  normal vet I have it all very accessible the last   few things I I keep up here are some journals and  some watercolor paper and stuff like that um this   is where I keep my journal for Brunswick um to  document kind of all of the journeys that we've   been on together these are all the drawings that I  did um when I was designing Brunswick this is what   I wanted them to look like there's a few things  that have changed since these drawings but for   the most part it is exactly the way I designed  [Music] it the last thing up on this shelf is   this vintage bottle crate that I again have more  crafting supplies inside um but I got this at a   thrift store and I really liked it um I wanted  to have a place to store little crafting items   that I came across or cool rocks that I found  or really anything um but make sure they have   a place so they don't just end up somewhere back  in this corner of my van is probably my favorite   thing in the entire van which is my June oven  this is an AI oven so it has a little camera   inside that when you put in food it sees the food  and then it has pre-programmed cook times for   certain things so it can basically cook things for  you which is very very [Music] nice part of the   electrical system was designed around being able  to have this oven so that's why it is a a little   more complicated just cuz I really wanted this  when I'm not using the June I do store some of   my pans inside just to save on my cabinet space  um I do secure it with the same kind of leather   strap that I have the monitor secured with but  I have this secured so that way the door doesn't   come flying open when I'm driving um yeah this  is my oven and I really love it up here above   my oven is kind of my baking Center so I have  my sugar salt and flour and then my measuring   cups and measuring spoons I have them um hung up  with these Cable Management Clips so the lip of   the cup slides right into that and they don't  move around so they just kind of pop in there   and they stay put that was an experiment that  ended up working so really happy with that here   I have my spice rack um so these are really easy  to access and they're all labeled on the top up   above here is my hot cocoa shelf um I can't  really say anything other than I just really   wanted hot cocoa shelf in here um so I have  my mug my hot cocoa mix and then I have these   little containers um mini marshmallows cinnamon  sticks and then cinnamon powder so anything you   need to make a good cup of cocoa is right at your  fingertips on these two walls back here I also   did the faux stone just cuz I wanted to extend  The Rustic look to back here but also because   the faux stone is heat resistant PVC so putting it  behind behind the oven is better than just having   bare wood back there so that way if the oven does  get really hot it's not going to hurt anything in   this cabinet I have everything that I use to cook  with so I have my dishes cups bowls plates um I   also have my pots and pans here and then I have  my induction stove as well as a traditional camp   stove if I ever don't have enough power to run  my induction stove have some bake wear in there   I have a small thing of propane I also have an  entire crockpot stored there um cuz I really like   soup so I'm sorry I'm sorry why are you laughing  I'm okay uh so yeah I have a crock poot come at [Music] me the other main focal point in my  design for this van was a big bedroom for   teller especially because our last fan was  so tiny I really wanted him to feel like he   had an upgrade too so his room is enormous it's  almost the same size as my twin bed up here um   we measured it a lot of times just to make sure  he could stand up spin around um lay down and be   totally comfortable and have enough room and he  has a pretty big dog so that's why his room is so   big some things I put in there to make it feel  a little homey for him um obviously he has his   big comfy bed he o has some family photos hung  up there as well as his Gotcha Day photo from   when we adopted him um he has some toys and  then he has this little Shelf with a box that   has uh some of his bandanas and jackets brushes  some of his things um so it it really is like a   complete bedroom for him he also has a light for  the room um that light is controlled up here so I   can turn it on and off from bed other things I  added for teller is an entire AC unit just for   his bedroom um the whole van doesn't have an AC  unit but his bedroom does to give his room AC I   have a zero Breeze Mark I with a tube that just  shoots right into his room in conjunction with   that I have a waggle pet monitor up on the wall  this measures the temperature and humidity of his   bedroom so that way I always know if it's too hot  or too cold um it has built-in cell service so it   can actually text me updates if it goes outside of  my set threshold it's nice to have that dedicated   space for him also when I'm cooking or at my desk  or cleaning or something where I need him out of   my way in the living area he can go to his room  and have his own space and I can have my own space   and he's not constantly tripping over me or vice  versa more often vice [Music] versa I went with   some really cozy knit bedding back here and some  matching pillows matching kind of the green theme   throughout the entire van I kept this wall pretty  blank so that way I could sit up in bed and not be   hitting my head on a bunch of stuff um also cuz  I just really like the look of the cedar on this   side I have my closet this is where I store all of  my clothes and my towels um I store everything in   these little bins that are super easy to take in  and out um I do that so that way when I open up   the doors all my clothes just don't come falling  out at me so I really like the bins up above my   clothes cabinet I have storage space for uh winter  hats some gloves I have a duffel bag there pretty   much anything that I just need to shove up there  up here I also have my smoke detector I have my   toilet trees bag here my glasses case um some  cables and stuff I also have Outlets back here   in my bedroom so I have AC Outlets as well as USB  and USBC and then this is the switch for my tree   branch lights back here and then there's plenty  of space under here for my feet to go when I'm   laying down I'm really short so obviously this is  plenty of space for me pretty lucky that I'm only   5'3 so yeah in my van I put in two Max Air fans so  there's one above the bedroom and then one in the   living space and that was the best decision ever  because you can get such great air Circ culation   between the two um or I can also cool down the  bedroom but not the front and it's just really   great to have both on this back wall I have my  remote for my diesel heater which is amazing   to be able to control that from bed I can heat  up the van before even getting out of my cozy   bed and it's such a luxury on this side I also  have another dimmer switch that controls all the   lights and that's very nice to be able to turn  off all the lights from bed or turn them on from bed this is my garage um this backboard is the back  of teller's bedroom so you can kind of get an idea   how deep it goes it's enormous um so I had limited  space for the garage but I did still want to carry   along some tools to do minor repairs or small  woodworking projects or anything I didn't want   to be limited so I wanted to have everything with  me I have this small battery powered back vacum   which is amazing for cleaning up all of teller's  dog hair it has attachments for getting into nooks   and crannies and I have two batteries for it and  then I can charge them off of my power setup too   so that's amazing to have on this side I have my  backpacking backpack teller's life vest for when   we go play in lakes and rivers he also loves  to kayak so we use that for kaying this is my   freshwater hose for filling up my freshwater tank  which is this entire thing back here it's a wheel   well tank so it goes over the wheel well and it  holds about 28 gallons of fresh water this is the   zero Breeze Mark I AC unit for teller's bedroom  it's vented directly out the side of the van and   I can even take it out of this space and use it  out at a campsite or wherever else if I really   wanted to any condensation generated from use of  the AC gets drained directly through this hose   straight out the bottom of the van here next to  the AC I have my fuel tank for the diesel heater   as well as my Jerry can for filling up the fuel  tank and then strapped in there I also have a   little foldable shovel have a couple clamps stored  here as well as a screw tray and extension cord   pretty much anything you would find in a garage  I can have in here and it's been amazing so far   moving around the outside of the van these are  the two venting holes for my zero Breeze AC unit   one is an intake and one is an exhaust that's why  there's space a little bit far apart this is the   big beautiful window that I put in in the van it  was one of the very first things that I did after   buying it it had no windows originally but I knew  I wanted at least one and probably only one cuz I   really like to have privacy and better insulation  inside and right below the window is the shore   power plugin this is the vent for my composting  toilet so all of the bad smells get vented right   out here Up on the Roof I have two 200 W solar  panels so 400 w total and that has been plenty   for me so far um I haven't really felt the need  to add another I do still have a little bit of   space up there though if I did want to add a Wei  boost or a cell booster or something like that in   the future I think that's it uh thank you so  much for watching my van tour um if you have   any questions please leave a comment below and  Tilly and I will be happy to answer [Music] them [Music] 0:26:57.600,1193:02:47.295 [Music]
Channel: Milo Meloy
Views: 320,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fbqb2OsNxh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 35sec (1655 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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