Mount Everest Base Camp Trek for First Timers

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[Music] hello everyone I'm Savita Haman here I'm excited to share my entire Everest Base Camp trick of 11 days first things first we hopped on to a plane from India to Nepal landed in Katmandu just as the sun was setting then we went straight to Tamil for some last minute shopping trust me it is important to rest and relax before starting the track for at least one to two nights in Katmandu to start the journey with energy and enthusiasm day one started when we had to live early morning to lukla here is the road map 8 days of ascent starting from lla to the Everest Base Camp and 3 days of descent from gorak shap to lla starting from Katmandu to lla we did did not have a direct flight to lukla we had to travel to rap airport which is around 3 to 4 hours of Journey from Katmandu by road we started very early at around 4: a.m. and reached rap airport by Sunrise then we boarded the flight to lla it takes around 20 to 25 minutes to reach lla adventure begins now [Music] [Applause] newred adventure begins now at lookas fening Hillary airport gratitude to the pilots as we pick up the bags from lla airport and move towards the tea house to have our breakfast before the trick here we met the local guides and porters now the trick officially begins at the Fang lamu gate with our permit stamped we proceeded towards this is not merely a walk it's a pig grimage through the heart of the Everest region we encountered human pters along the Everest Base Camp trick it is a reminder of the challenging conditions in which the locals operate and that demands huge respect these human Porters show told her the responsibility of fing essential supplies equipments and even construction materials these are the true hansung heroes when I first encountered a hanging bridge I had my own fears I watched the bridge for a few seconds and then slowly stepped onto the bridge and crossed the bridge after Crossing I was excited to see the the prayer walls flags and wheels on the way to lunch was the traditional Nepali rice Dal bath which is similar to the South Indian meal and it was very filling stayed overnight in futing hey guys do subscribe to dream 100 business show channel in case you have not yet subscribed on day two we started from to Nam Bazar after breakfast after every 2 to 3 hours of walk I would relax my legs for recovery for at least a few minutes locals are very friendly on the way and they greet with the Namaste as soon as you see them this lady was super cool and I had a good time posing with that basket gradually I learned the right way to cross this hanging Bridges by walking in the center of the bridge with stability and confidence I overcame my fears now and I started enjoying Crossing it the Steep Rocky path is filled with lot of greenry and enchanting mountains this slowed down my speed it was almost 3:30 p.m. and we had a still good hours to go before we reached nam I was asked to speed up as we had to get to Nam before dark and we didn't want to encounter the rains we walked and walked on this NeverEnding stretch at last we were half an hour away from Nam where I got a chance for a restroom break you can see the restrooms right behind this picture at last when we reached Nam the photo session again started I got complimented from narish lakpa saying that I walked well I was thrilled to bits later narish took us out in the dark saying that we had to watch Nam light up and we were treated in a bakery our stomachs were full and it was very cold as we headed back to our rooms day three is acclimatization day in nam we went out after breakfast for a round trip to San poo airport I I was feeling very reluctant to hike as it was a rest day however I met lot of trickers who inspired me to walk and told me to take it easy here I learned how to focus just on the next step on reaching the top I went to a deep sleep when I lay down to rest for a few minutes Nares was having fun checking if I was awake and he clicked this fun pick I shared it back home with everyone and my dad freaked out thinking that it was a bad decision and I could not make it to the base camp in reality I had bounced back with enthusiasm after the short naap and I was ready to go now day four started from Nam Bazar to tboi as we were walking walking in the Villages I saw lot of people on horsebacks who had fallen sick and were returning without completing the trick it was a bit disappointing as I was walking slowly laka came up to me and offered a free ride on his friend's horse back I refused outwardly but inwardly I started getting self-doubts I shared my doubts with Nares and he immediately said in a very strict tone that everyone will only walk no more offers of horseback after some time I met a Buddhist monk who offered me biscuits and he inspired me with his wise words and he walked off I gained more confidence now slowly I could feel myself filling with lot of energy from the mountains trees and rivers mountains start their silent whisper it was fascinating at last we reached TB and retired for the day day five started with us visiting the monastery I felt the meditative wipes and experienced The Silence of mountains and the monastery this trial is divine and refreshing the entire path is laced with trees Greenery and beautiful scenery all along the way we spotted the first site of amadam the mother's necklace of the Himalayan Mountains what a joy to watch the Silvery Peaks from there the path gets Rocky windy and sunny here I realized that I needed two trekking poles and not one laka took my trekking back from here and he was shadowing me to ensure that I'm on the right track he was my constant support and guide as we progress further I noticed that the landscape was less green here and the air started getting much thinner it was quite cold by the time we reached denb and we experienced snow for the first time and retired for the night on day six we stayed in denbo for acclimatization we went on a short hike and returned the most important thing I learned that day was about the difference in climbing up and coming down it took me an hour to climb up a certain distance but only half an hour to come down the same way our guide Rajkumar explained that since we were climbing hille for about 10 kilomet every day for 8 to 9 hours we can easily cover 20 kilm in the same time experiencing this for the first time it boosted my confidence for the journey back for which there was lot of doubts running in my mind I enjoyed meeting other trickers and listening to their stories about reaching the Bas scan I shared my meditative moments here on day seven we tked further the land became increasingly Barren and dry with lots of dust around to cope we had to keep our mouths closed while walking just as the locals did the terrain turned rockier and despite the blazing sun the air remained bitterly cold despite the heart conditions we pressed on until we reached tkla where we paid our respects to the brave Sherpas who had sacrificed their lives in creating this path as we continued we caught sight of luo in the distance it became more clearer to us as we approached exhausted we settled in for the night despite the spread of delicious food on the table we hardly felt like eating only a few spoonfuls of soup was all that I could manage before retiring for the day day eight we set out from luch towards gorak shap with the sun shining brightly overhead and the path HED in dust determined to reach gorak shape by lunchtime we pressed on when I caught sight of the sign board reading welcome to gorak shap I couldn't contain my joy it was the most welcoming site I stood in front of the way to the Everest sign board for a moment with lot of gratitude the tea house was buzzling with activity as truers arrived from all directions after lunch I found myself dozing off only to be awakened for the journey to Everest our guides were full of energy and enthusiasm I started off with Rajkumar thinking that it is only a short stretch to the base camp I was wrong it gets tougher and tougher I was hoping that we will reach soon I kept on walking feeling the silent hum in the air I witnessed the guides praying silently and thanking the mountains expressing their gratitude what a beautiful sight I was determined to go till the Bas Camp Monument I had a flowing nose by then I felt like as though I was in the fridge my mouth was always open to gulp in the air step by step little by little I reached there at last my happiness knew no bounce I was overjoyed then started the mad scramble to climb up the Rock and click our pigs and selfies G Rajkumar clicked his selfie in this exitement I was disappointed looking at the pigs narish said go climb the rock again and take all the Selfies you desired I did it and I did not feel like coming down it started drizzling slightly [Music] then we walk back towards gorak shape the mighty Everest looked as beautiful and pure as ever finally I reached the tea house and I felt that I was down with fever I popped a doo and went to sleep this was the first tablet which I had popped into my mouth on day nine I got up and felt the rush of energy dressed and started off with the walk way back home it was a tiring Journey and I kept on walking we moved and moved and moved by lunchtime we started experiencing a bit of snow we all were thrilled had lunch and then we started off then we encountered continuous snowing first time I was experiencing snowing and tricking it felt like heaven and I felt blessed after some heavy snowing I realized that snow trick has its own challenges kept on walking till we reached fiche the tea house was warm and we were greeted with smiling faces and hot lemon ginger tea from here we were able to send pics as the signal was good and I was able to talk to my folks back home went and rested in the warm beds hot water we could get only for drinking in the restrooms and the wash basins we have to use only cold water day 10 is a long long day trick from fich to Nam led the hospitality and shared stories with Tampa in fiche before we departed this place is heaven on Earth learned a lot and carried on with my journey to Nam it was bright and sunny the snow started melting and the path became very slippery with no snow shoes on I had to manage with the TR shoes only the snow cover Trails were such a joy to watch with new white coats everywhere as I started Crossing few Villages I could see the snow on Christmas trees and they were slowly melting I was able to feel the drops of water on my face and head it was a lovely feeling feeling joyful contented and happy the journey back was very high in spirits cross Villages and distance and started feeling hungry for lunch one cannot afford to take breaks every now and then especially with with a PA like mine when I reached this place I went down on my knees filled with immense gratitude for the entire experience then got up and walked to the tea house for lunch walk walk walk walk walk inight walk walk walk walk keep walking keep walking and wishing for the sight of the tea house for lunch after after lunch it was a NeverEnding walk the only question on my mind was where is nam Bazar for how long it should we walk it was a wild guess At Last by the time when Nam Bazar was inside the whole village was lit up and I used headlamps as it was pitch dark by the time we reached our tea house day 11 was the last day of the trick we were supposed to Tre from Nam to lukla I started early in the morning a bit early than the rest with great joy and gratitude in my heart I started off thanking every Peak every tree and every step enjoyed the tree break with the team had fun with the pet callers and we all headed out to lunch to ding had lunch at Ding and then started off to look cloud the weather became cloudy and it started drizzling I did not want to get drenched however kept walking and walking without stopping at any Cafe at last I reached lla and then it started raining heavily we all had to wait for dinner for a long time as the tea house was crowded but nevertheless had a great time with the team and the porters and guides had dinner and slept very well the next day we headed out to lla airport after breakfast and we got to know that we had to wait for our flights because of the bad weather we then took out a chance and stepped out on the roads of lla found a shop where the lady had Indian snacks panipuri and Indian sweets that was when I realized I had not eaten anything spicy or sweet in the past 11 days I devor the snacks then got a call for our flights to ramich chop we boarded the flights after bidding goodbye to our guides with a heavy heart we slept almost the entire Journey from rap to Katmandu reached Katmandu had the best bath with hot water after 11 long days and then went on a shopping spree to buy souvenirs to People Back Home boarded the flight to Bangalore and had an introspect Ive Journey about the three learnings and implementation my first learning was pushing the limits mainly my doubts my fears and my limitations my second greatest learning was adapt during challenging and changing conditions without being arrogant the third be in the present moment Focus only on the next step which is deeply spiritual and connecting thank you so much for watching do subscribe to dream 100 business show for more experiential videos this is Sav signing off and thank you so much
Channel: Dream100BizShow - Savitha Hosamane
Views: 978
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Keywords: Business Growth Secrets, Winning Team Strategies, Real-Time Business Insights, Entrepreneurial Success Stories, Challenges Faced by Business, Lessons Learned in Business Journey, Decision-Making in Business, Niche Culture Design and Development, Multi-Dimensional Growth in Work-Life, Biz Consultant for SMEs, Exponential Business Growth, Actionable Business Strategies, Inspiration and Motivation for Entrepreneurs, Success Tips from Industry Experts, Entrepreneurial Mindset
Id: dxo2Nxqw2xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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