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girls we will now be welcoming our dignitaries kindly stand you may now take your seeds for everything that was written in the past was written to teach us so that through the endurance taught in the scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope romans 15. a very good morning to our chief guest for today mrs nisha rebello our guest of honor sister bina manager of mount carmel institutions and principal of mount carmel central school dr sister genevieve our administrator mrs babita saldana our principal teaching administrative and support staff and last but not the least my dear students i tania manawalin from the department of english would like to welcome you for the investiture ceremony of 2021 2022 of mount carmel pu college bangalore a day without prayer is a day without blessing and a life without prayer is a life without power i now invite miss anisha angelo from the department of commerce for today's bible reading and miss jim c lewis from the department of english to lead us into prayer a reading from the holy bible philippians chapter 2 verses 3 to 4 and verses 14 to 16 don't do anything from selfish ambition or from a cheap desire to boast but be humble towards one another always considering others better than yourselves and look out for one another's interests not just for your own do everything without complaining or arguing so that you may be innocent and live in a world of corrupt and sinful people you must shine among them like stars lighting up the sky as you offer them the message of life if you do so i shall have reason to be proud of you because it will show that all my effort and work have not been wasted the word of the lord thanks be to god kindly bow your head in prayer almighty father today as we gather in joy and gratitude we seek your blessings for this special occasion of investiture we are glad to see the new student council forming and young leaders getting ready to shoulder responsibilities as they take up their leadership roles help them to face challenges that come their way and to uphold the values that this great institution has stood for a willingness to love and to serve give them wisdom courage and perseverance so that they can be a good example to others let them develop into worthy stewards of time and talents we surrender into your loving hands our chief guest miss nisha rebello our guest of honor sister bina our beloved administrator dr sister genevieve our dear principal mrs babita saldana bless them as they have a great part in nurturing young lives lord bless our dear teachers grant them understanding patience and strength in their vocation we place in your care all parents and students help them to know your will in their lives we pray in a special way for our administrative and support staff as they render selfless service to this institution loving father may all that we accomplish today be for the pursuit of truth for the greater glory of you and for the service of humanity we ask these things in your name amen i would now like to invite the western music association to sing the college anthem kindly stand so check raise life to each professor here life to all the corners dear may they leave us never may they leave us never showers off her blessing our lady of mark's caramel may the ears bring her in now and her children be her crown amen to that prayer amen to that prayer give us a vision bright courage dream finally be seated i would now like to invite ms serena jay kumar the head of department of home science to welcome the dignitaries for the day we are grateful to our chief guest for the day mrs nisha rebello director admitters for having taken the time out to come and be a part of our investiture ceremony i now request miss reinika from the department of commerce to felicitate our chief guest we are extremely thankful for the constant support of our guest of honor sister bina who's always there by our side through every journey we take i now request ms neha from the department of economics to felicitate sister i request ms hama from the department of chemistry to fellowstate our dear sister administrator dr sister genevieve who's been the guiding light for us through the thick and thin i now call upon ms sumera from the department of economics to fellow state our principal ms babita saldana for her constant support it's my pleasure to extend a cheerful welcome to our commerce coordinator miss dockers and humanities coordinator master anita we at mount carmel pu college believe that our students are the leaders of tomorrow in today's society organizational activity is a core element of active citizenship it also provides many kinds of skills and non-formal learning experiences one of which it includes the learning of democracy the student union association secretaries and assistant secretaries class prefects and assistant class prefects were all elected through very meticulous and democratic procedures nominations were received from about 80 students and all of them were interviewed by our student welfare officers who shortlisted the candidates based on a fixed criterion after which more than 20 students were interviewed by the administrator and the principal followed by a democratic voting process in which every student of our college was allowed to cast their valuable vote we will now have a recap of the student union elections so hello so do a leader is a person you will follow to a place you would not go by yourself to the woman who shows us new paths to treadon who inspires us every single day to go beyond what we know and who has been our guiding light when the path gets dark i would now like to invite our administrator dr sister geneve our guiding light to address the gathering chief guest of this morning's investiture function mrs nisha rebello a guest of honor manager of mount carmel institutions and principal of central school sister bina our principal miss babita saldana deans staff teaching administrative and support staff parents well-wishers members from other student governments who are here with us this morning beloved students and most importantly the student the elected members of the student union 2122 we are here for you all today at the outset i would like to warmly welcome our chief guest miss nisha rebello who is an illustrious product of mount carmel college she has done us proud she had been the former captain of sapphire school and had been the president of student union in the year 1992 she went on to do her post-graduate mba in international business administration the london school of business and i here i would like to state i had the privilege of giving her a letter of recommendation which was required and the then director of this london school of business asked her miss misha did you bribe your principal i had given her a glorious report and she came out brilliantly after two years and the same director went up to her and said every word of what your principle said was true because she came out in flying colors in the london school of business that is your chief guest for you who will be introduced later and today i would like to address leaders not only the student union members president vice presidents secretaries prefects assistant and most of you who are leaders in one way or the other there's a quote from the bible from isaiah chapter 42 i am the lord i have called you in righteousness i have taken you by the hand and kept you i've given you as a covenant to the people and a light to the nations a leader is called to lead by living and to preach by practicing leaders need to be spiritual because without a strong sense of relationship with god the most attractive and competent of us cannot lead people in the right direction leaders should practice the three s's that is the steward shepherd and servant model of leadership steward model you are entrusted with responsibility not to laud it over others but to bring out the best in others you need to free people and provide opportunities for them for their personal growth a leader is one who takes care to cater to the needs of others to shoulder blame readily and to accept responsibility if things go wrong that is the privilege of a real leader you have to practice a shepherd model of leadership a leader should be caring protective and self-sacrificing a leader also needs to be authoritative because people desire leaders who know where they are going and are confident of getting there that is people who have vision but remember that vision without action is a sheer dream and action without vision is a sheer waste of time but vision with action is what fetches results and finally you have to practice the servant model of leadership a leader needs to bring out the best in others hence we need to be service minded he or she is said has achieved success who has lived well laughed often loved much gained the respect of intelligent men and women and the love of little children whose life has been a benediction whose life has been a blessing and whose money a benediction a leader should be committed to the growth of each individual one of the outstanding corporate leaders dr paul j mayer outstanding was an outstanding corporate leader achieved the height of success and the secret of his success was that he practiced the service model of leadership a leader should be positive and enthusiastic and strive to stimulate this enthusiasm in others a leader should inspire others with dedication and commitment should listen and share with others a leader should help the students and the institution and wherever he or she is to grow and excel you need finally my dear students i appeal to you to work with unity stephen covey in his bestseller seven habits of highly successful people has this to say that the seventh and the best habit that one should cultivate is practice unity if you want to be successful may god bless you be gracious to you and grant you his peace all the best god bless thank you sister wise leaders generally have wise counsellors because it takes a wise person themselves to distinguish them just like she always tells us that sister genevieve is her wise counselor babita mam is ours i now invite our principal mrs babita saldana to share some words of wisdom with our newly elected leaders the great writer james welch quotes before you become a leader success is about growing yourself but when you become a leader success is about growing others my morning wishes to our honorable chief guest ms nisha rebello our honourable guest of honor sister bina our beloved administrator dr sister genevieve dear coordinators staff parents students from invitee colleges and my dear carmelites there is one common thing between human mind and parachute can you take a guess both work only when they are open so the first important quality of a great leader is to have an open mind today the auditorium is filled with smart and young leaders so on this journey of your leadership never sacrifice on good virtues like honesty integrity justice and peace be a leader not for people to serve you rather to serve with selfless service and reaching out the best example of selfless service we have in our mother founders mother teresa of saint rose of lima who sacrificed her life for the marginalized now as young leaders as student union members secretaries of associations assistant secretaries of associations prefects or assistant prefects of your class you are always called to work in a team so i would like to share a small story with you once upon a time there was a farmer and he grew the best quality corn year after year he would compete in the state agriculture fair and he would win the first prize the gold award there was one rumor that his father shared a secret with him when he had handed over the field to him since the farmer was famous the news reached the media so the media decided to interview the farmer one of the journalists during the interview asked the farmer what is the secret of the good corn that you are growing year after year so the farmer during the interview goes on to say his methodology of growing the best corn and then he mentions i share the seeds of my best corn with my neighboring farmers the journalist was startled at this and he asks the farmer you know some of these farmers are competing with you in the contest and why do you share your best corn seeds with them the farmer replies pollen grains are carried by wind from one field to the other so if my neighboring farmers are not growing good quality corn that would because of cross-pollination naturally degrade the quality of my corn so that is why i share the best quality corn grains with them so that was the secret of his success so dear young leaders you will be working in a team and the secret of the success of your team would be that you need to always uplift each other and maintain integrity my heartfelt gratitude to our honourable chief guest miss nisha rebello our honourable guest of honor sister bina and i sincerely thank the parents who are present here for celebrating this event with us i am grateful to our chief guest and guest of honor for giving us your valuable time and being present for this occasion today so dear young leaders be young and ambitious leaders but ambitious about what ambitious about rendering loving service in this college today and in the outside world tomorrow i wish you good luck all the best and god bless you thank you ma'am education is the kindling of a flame not the filling of a vessel light is the universal symbol of truth knowledge and understanding three qualities we hope have been birthed and nourished within our leaders the lighting of the lamp symbolically acts as a guide keeping us from stumbling in the dark i now invite our chief guest mrs nisha the guest of honor sister bina our administrator sister genevieve our principal mrs babita saldana and our chief welfare officer ms rani on stage for the lighting of the lamp we now have the investiture ceremony of the newly elected student union members who will ceremoniously be invested into office the student union will now light the lamp and will be presented with their sash before they take their oaths the members of the student union for the year 2021 2022 are president miss amiteshwar kaur so vice president miss christina john cultural secretary ms ankita assistant cultural secretary ms sarah thomas general secretary ms trisha mn assistant general secretary ms afiyanaz sports secretary ms ishwaria s the newly elected student union will now take their oaths we the members of the student union of mount carmel pu college do solemnly promise that we will sincerely work for the student community encouraging community programs as well as assist in their overall development and train them to be good citizens we will conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of our college upholding its aims ideals and conditions may god help us thank you dignitaries you may now take your seats so thank you dignitaries dancing is creating a sculpture that is visible only for a moment i now invite the indian dance association on stage hmm foreign me me foreign foreign foreign thank you ida for that mesmerizing performance you really do show us what perfect is i now invite mrs wahida razak head of department of biology on stage to introduce our chief guest for the day good morning miss nisha rebello studied at sofia's high school was a captain of the school she came to mount carmel college did her poc and degree and was president of the student union of montgomery college she did her mba in international marketing in london graduated with the distinction at the age of 23. she came back and joined her family business matters matters is a sales engineering firm 44 years old deals with imports of the parts of earth moving mining and railway industries her job involves a lot of local and international travel and balancing both home and work life has been a challenge but yet also extremely rewarding she is married to a coffee planter who's a vice president of united planters association of south india she has two daughters her elder daughter has completed her master's in human resource management and her second daughter is doing law second year at christ university may i now invite miss nisha develop to address the gathering good morning everyone it's always an amazing feeling to stand in front of your alma mater however many years it's been good morning mr saldana sister genevieve sister bina sisters teachers students parents and our dear newly elected council as we call those days as student government congratulations to each one of you first of all it's un it's it's a fantastic feeling to address your old college student government i've done this before in the other auditorium but the first time i'm coming to the poc blog and i'm extremely extremely impressed by this block it was called fatima block when we were students and there's a complete change here and your all of you are blessed to have this wonderful building and the the first thing when i entered i noticed where are you raju is it what do you all call him naravi so ravi used to handle the mics i handled i was ahead of the western music team so he used to be like all the time supporting us so i don't know whether he recognizes me i just realized both of us have aged over the last 30 years i think he's pretending that he doesn't recognize me but he's somewhere around anyway congratulations to each one of you as this is going to be a big stepping stone in your future lives and with mount carmel's backing you will surely get the strong foundation that one needs to face the world well as i've been there and done this many years ago i can well imagine what you feel today a basket of mixed emotions excitement pride nervousness however this is truly the beginning of a journey to success congrats girls the glamour and joy of being elected is only one part of it but now the real work begins and i assure you that it probably will be one of your most memorable years of your life my advice to you as you take on these roles of student government are that leadership is all about vision and responsibility not power leadership is action and not just a position and being positive in a negative situation is truly a great leader let me begin on a more casual note as i was told to give my real life experiences in mount carmel college in and out of mcc it takes a lot of guts to stand for an election the fear of losing is always on your mind which sometimes can bring a lot of negative thoughts into your decision of going ahead am i right okay so i can see all nodding yes and this applies to every student body which is here of other colleges in my own case there were 11 girls nominated for the president's sports as president's post in my final year of college during 1990 sister made me two years younger but i'm the 1990 badge and there were 11 nominations when i saw my name on the board it was a mixed feeling it was a feeling of fear yet excitement anyway we the the excitement was all over once i reached home and somewhere in the middle of the night my mother came into my room and found me wide awake kind of looking tense and she asked me what was the matter and i said and she noticed i was full of fear and my plans were to drop out of the nomination so she calmed me down and said do not fear defeat at that there would be many larger challenges that would come across in your life this is a small challenge be brave pray to god and face the outcome whether it's positive or negative believe me the next day i went as a much calmer nisha i walked into college and much to my surprise i see eight have dropped out and there were only three of us on the nomination board it it still was a fearful feeling mount carmel puts you believe me into situations which take you a long way in life anyway with the support of my family my friends the teachers and everyone and of course a little prayer and good luck i won the elections with flying colors somewhere along the year of my presidentship was my next challenge where sister genevieve who was our then principal our favorite go-to person and who herself was an amazing leader and led the college amazingly along with the staff came out with a completely out of the box idea that mcc and joseph's boys should do a one-of-a-kind joint cultural fest for three days and threw it open to all universities not only in bangalore but whole of india although the idea was brilliant it was not an easy task for sure the college was super excited to have boys in their campus finally from the looks of tom cruise to you know james bond they were the best lookers are there any sjcc boys here saint joseph's college of commerce anyway so um we we tied up excitement was to have the boys the initial euphoria was yes we can do it then the second part came which was it was such a large scale that it was going to be the sisters motto was it has to be the best that's all she told us so now how do we go about it excuse me but it's not easy to deal boys and girls together can be also a disaster so here was i heading this team saint joseph's president and me at loggerheads for two months we were literally at war because tasks had to be met and all kinds of things had to be done and we had a deadline to achieve it it was exciting getting sponsors getting judges getting funding and everything we had to go together because it was supposed to be equal representation but let me tell you the the second bit it was a roaring success we named it brass tacks and later most of you the old are very young so i can't even the teachers would remember it was later changed to color but we set the trend we started it as brass tacks and now it moved to color i don't know what it's called now my daughter's an ex sjcc student too so she said it was color i think and it's been going on and on so we're very proud of our 1990 batch that we started at all uh with the joseph's boys i don't know what happened eventually maybe the joseph's backed out with the pressure from us and if i may if i may say so 75 of the work was done by the mount carmelites however let me also correct myself the synergy worked because taking a boy along for a sponsor and you know maybe we were pretty dressed and whatever and even today i'm in a man's world so i know what works sometimes so um just to put it right it was an amazing experience under the leadership of sister genevieve over the years we've become great friends the joseph's union and we our families and the present the president of that batch is today heading one of the world's most famous investment banks in the world so you can you can tell where what struggles happen and where you can reach so you have a i've given you two life experiences in mcc where you can you know take on the world in the future it's now been over 30 years as you can see i'm much older i have a 24 year old daughter and a 19 year old one out of sjcc one in christ and one who the older one has just graduated from lsc in a very rare course masters in human resource management and organizational behavior so she's just graduated so it's been a challenge over the last 30 years i've been running a sales engineering firm started by my father who's a full-fledged engineer and as as you just heard i'm not i'm not an engineer by profession but an mba in international marketing i firmly believe girls that it's really not necessary to know how a car is built and what goes into a car as long as you can drive the car well so my everyday life is filled with different experiences of leadership sometimes leading from the back where i put my team forward and giving them the push and drive to take the leadership on sometimes leading from the front especially in difficult situations remember as a leader never shock from difficult situation lead from front so as you experience each of your roles this year each of you will take away and imbibe a lot of great qualities from your daily experiences as this is a women's college i can boldly say cheers to all you women out here the leadership qualities you learn at this young age is something unmeasurable you will learn to manage your time as well as multitask which is a great asset in your future life learn to take everyone's opinion although you may take your own decision finally you're going to be put in tough situations all the time remember to be patient and have a lot of empathy empathy takes you a long way strive to complete a task at a given time be humble each one is blessed with different skills in the team enjoy challenges and crisis situations because you were picked to be a leader so that you could face these challenges enjoy whatever you are doing you have to have stress busters like sports music music was my stress pastor till today sports do something that interests you cooking gardening because that will add value to your life women are truly excellent managers of time i'm convinced that we have an extra edge on that as we have to juggle a lot on the home front later in life and be on equal footing in the working world which has no excuses you're equal in the working world dear student body keep mount carmel goals for the year in mind and have fun while you're doing all of this with this responsibility i wish you all a very successful year ahead and i'm sure you will make great leaders not only for the college but in the future right into your working married unmarried lives wherein all these qualities will play a huge role to be a balanced person with skills of humility hard work and making a change in the world you live in jo i would like to leave you with a little thought of john maxwell a leader is one who knows the way goes the way and shows the way congrats once again cheers and wish you all the very best god bless thank you mrs nisha i now request sister and babita mam to come on stage moments are significant not by the time actual time but by their effect on us life gives us brief moments with another but sometimes in those brief movements we get memories that last a lifetime michelin diana our former chief welfare officer was a leading figure was a leading figure who spearheaded many memories that we will remember for a lifetime miss diner had worked as part of the welfare for five years and was the chief welfare officer for two years she was the driving force behind the entire mcpuc family being able to execute and successfully host bangalore's queen fest as splendida amidst the pandemic thank you miss diana for sharing with us your dynamic and infectious energy if you want to be a leader who attracts quality people the key is to become a person of quality yourself we now move on to the felicitation of our student welfare officers i would like to call on stage our chief welfare officer ms rani saganya head of department of counselling our assistant welfare officer ms smitha paul head of department of electronics and computer science welfare officer ms salvia sujata head of department of commerce welfare officer miss wibba winayan department of english welfare officer miss anisha bere department of mathematics thank you teachers and sister you may now take your seats mount carmel will always be home to many of us no matter where we go we always come back home i would now like to invite our former student union to raise a toast take a picture even if it's not a good one it's a moment frozen in time a memory to last a lifetime good morning respected dignitaries our dear teachers and most importantly the freshly elected student union for the year 2021-22 i'm amina azhar your ex-president and i'm here to propose a toast on behalf of my entire union it may seem it may seem cliche to say this but it seems like just yesterday when we were here taking our sashes worrying about our hair and our bright red sarees not knowing what was to come our way from stuffing ourselves into one tiny welfare room to skateboarding around campus to shoot a promo video from spending hours on end finding a theme and tagline for a splendid to falling asleep in the in the auditorium after retiring day from eating an unbelievable amount of panipuri to holding on to hopes and prayers before every event however big or small we made it we didn't realize but in the bargain we made a family we've had our fun our good times and our bad we did our bit now it's your time to shine cherish every day make your decisions for the people go out there and be the best leaders that you could be but most importantly hold on to every moment because one day you may close your eyes for a moment and the moment's gone before you know it you'll be standing here delivering your toast to the next union with that let me raise a toast here's to the people that you meet and the memories that you make the leaders that you are and the people that you become the fights that you have and the family that you make the decisions that you make and the people that you lead here's to you we're so proud of you all may you be the leaders that the people love and that love the people signing off amin azhar your ex-president and your biggest cheerleader thank foreign we now invite on stage the student union from the invitee colleges thank you to all the invited colleges for taking time out of your busy schedules to be a part of our investiture it means a lot to us and congratulations to each one of you for making it to your college student union all the best and we look forward to working with all of you thank you i now request the president of the student union ms amiteshwar kaur and our assistant cultural secretary ms sarah thomas to give us the report on association agendas check check check a very good morning to our chief guest mrs nisha rebello reverend sister bina mount manager mount carmel institutions and principal of mount carmel central school our administrator dr sister genevieve principal miss babita saldana teaching and non-teaching staff guests and my dear carmelites i am amity shrikar the president and i am sarah thomas the assistant culture secretary of mount carmel pu college for the year 2021-2022 we at mount carmel pu college are provided with innumerable opportunities to nurture our talents and to strengthen our holistic development 31 associations create platforms with immense exposure where students take up the office and evolve their personalities out of which 25 are base which conduct events for iris and the splendid they are as follows magazine committee for a walk down memory lane we credit our magazine committee who work arduously at documenting memories throughout the academic year they also publish a periodical newsletter every alternate month with the events and articles event planned for iris serendipity event plan for esplanada what's your new story photography cell we take pride in our photography cell as the members are trained and cover all events of our college through its talented members event plan for iris photography event plan for esplanade shoot it indian music association their soul for rendition enlivens every memorable occasion in the cultural calendar of our college event planned for iris swaranjali even planned for a splendid battle of the swans tal mail western music association our nightingale said the ambience for every occasion with their hymn and college song they have made us proud time and again by winning some of the most coveted prizes in the music scene of bangalore even planned for iris sing it to win it event plan for esplanada western acapella indian dance association indian dance association has been the recipient of several industrial prizes and awards over the years event planned for iris even planned for splendid western dance association they have the moonwalkers and drivers of our college they have set many feet tapping with your synchronic footwork to the tempo of pulsing music event planned for iris dancing divas event plan for splendida tap dances groov gang fashion association one of the most coveted associations portraying glamour style and trend we have the fashion association event planned for iris aglaia even planned for esplanade based on the theme pro association the prdo association keeps us carmelites up to date with its busy schedules through its monthly newsletter the pro times event plan for esp iris a forces event plan for esplanada renaissance quiz association the hub of general knowledge our college our quiz association works tirelessly for his fun-filled event event planned for iris quizophil event planned for a splendid splendido exquisite autumn craft association our art and craft association brings out the creative talent in our students through its colorful events and activities event planned for iris funky shoes event plan for a splendid charcoal sketching dramatics association one of the fun loving and energetic associations the dramatic association aimed to give a platform to the talented actresses of our college a stage to perform on event planned for iris pick an act movie snippets events planned for a splendid stand-up comedy twist the table english association the english association is enthusiastic and pushes its boundaries on creativity and imagination for the better writing and reading experience event plan for iris micro tales event plan for esplanade puzzled ncc the ncc wing of mount carmel pier college has consistently won coveted prizes at the national level in some of the key events over the years they take part in all the national celebrations very vividly humanities association the humanities association eagerly provides a platform for debate and thinking on the different interesting aspects of humanities event planned for iris collage fashion sketching even plan for splendida collage and fashion sketching commerce association the commerce association seeks to spread knowledge about the commercial world revolving around the markets event planned for iris product launch survey jackers event plan for esplanada mad ad and crisis management science association the science association aims to promote thinking and reasoning skills in science they have multiple events planned throughout the year events plan for iris eureka video juggling mathematics in the modern world biodesign e-jewelry and shoebox diorama event plan for esplanada santo fabio quest canada association kannada being the language of our state is quite the necessity for its inhabitant it aims to promote the spread of the language through its events the kannada rajyoth sava is conducted with great fervor annually with a multitude of colorful and captivating events events planned for iris events planned for esplanada janapada hindi association the goal of the hindi association is to use its language for the benefit of the college through various planned events event planned for iris hindi dance drama event plan for esplanada nithyanathaka sanskrit association the association strives to promote the spread of the language and to make students more familiar with it through its captivating events events planned for iris bhagavad-gita recitation sanskrit singing association the french association plans its events with the aim of familiarizing its students with a beautiful foreign language through its fun-filled activities event planned for iris pictionary and spelathon even planned for esplanada pictionary and crossword speakers forum the speaker's forum of our college has taken on the task of training its members for muns and acknowledging important days through its engaging debates and talks event planned for iris extempore event plan for splendid turncoat catholic students association the catholic students association fosters the teased and spiritual attitude among students by involving them in prayer groups periodical retreats and charity drives during the christmas month even planned for iris biblical street play biblical popular events planned for esplanade biblical melange and biblical street player enes wing the nss wing adopted adopted villages for their development work this year the nss wing organizes a six day camp wherein all the nss student volunteers undertake awareness and development initiatives they also indulge in campus cleaning protests and celebrations of national events event plan for iris perfect click rock band association the rock band association conducts solo instrumentals and performs melodious songs while simultaneously providing a platform for our students and giving us all a treat at the same time even planned for iris candace are rexa even planned for esplanada virtuoso eco club the eco club takes initiatives promotes and motivates students to make lifestyle changes that benefits in making the world greener and safer event plan for iris junkology event planned for esplanada or defenders electoral literacy club lastly the electoral literary camp is open to anyone that is interested in discussing issues that plague the world our rights as citizens and current affairs event planned for iris news blaze even plan in addition various departments have taken the initiative to provide a variety of skill based courses department of science astronomy and astrophysics c programming course herbal wealth nature by nato bricks soap making taste of decor data science department of commerce stock marketing investment department of humanities digital art course jewelry designing course life skill trainers photograph and political journalism language department ayurveda cinema or hindi guest column public speaking are the departments communicating for success stay fit stay healthy we hope the students make the most of these ample opportunities to develop their confidence and hone their various skills thank you thank you miss amiteshwar and ms sarah i request everyone to wear your masks and to maintain social distance among the invitee colleges we now request our very own mount carmel degree union on stage a very good morning to one and all present here this is reshta biswas president of mount carmel degree college on behalf of the entire union i would like to congratulate the newly elected union members it feels nostalgic as this is where my journey as a leader began from not making it into the union of mcpuc to representing mcc degree this journey has been a dream come true but dreams can become reality when you have the carmelite spirit within you and this is what mcc gives you carmelites these dynamic leaders in the form of welfare teachers student union association secretaries and teachers will make sure that you have an amazing college life and memories to fall back upon and remember individually we are a drop but together we are an ocean let's support empower and encourage each other thank you a very big thank you to our mount carmel degree college union for coming down today music is the language of our soul for music takes us to places our feet cannot i would now like to invite the indian music association on stage to take us to places we haven't been to before ah what is it check check check check check check please check check check foreign m m foreign foreign m foreign foreign thank you ima for that beautiful medley of songs that really lightened up the room to commemorate the 119th death anniversary of our mother foundress the department of english conducted a poetry writing competition in the month of july i would like to request our chief guest mrs nisha rebelo to give away the trophies to the winners in the first place we have amrita varsini from second esppy in the second place we have madhumita shankar from 2nd maba and in the third place we have vidhi ke sangwei from second esppy thank you miss nisha you may now take your seat where words fail music speaks i would now like to invite the western music association on stage match check check check check check check she foreign yeah you just want attention i know from the start you're just making sure i'm never getting over you cause i don't wanna live forever until you come back home mix it all together and you know that it's the best of both worlds caught in a bad romance want your bad romance i really have no words to express how beautiful that performance was thank you wma your talent determines what you can do your motivation determines how much you are willing to do but your attitude determines how well you do it here in college we have a number of associations to nurture our students talents i would now like to invite miss nithya mg from the department of mathematics to come up on stage for the felicitation of association secretaries i request our chief guest miss nisha to give away the badges as i call out the names of the secretaries and assistant secretaries i request you all to come on to the stage firstly we have indian dance association miss sharia gs from second pcme as the secretary and miss from first esppy as the assistant secretary western dance association secretary ms dundeeb y from second hpys secretary mr bihani from first h-e-p-y-s indian music association miss sindhu v nayak from second seba as the secretary ms rajashri shankara from first pcme as the assistant secretary western music association we have miss ankita k from second he pys as the secretary ms gauri and ramdas from first pcbh as the assistant secretary fashion association secretaries miss harika ready from second pcme miss weasel from second pebba b art and craft association miss samia manikandan from second pcmbf as the secretary ms janavi s shrina from first pcmc as the assistant secretary pro association secretary ms s neha from second pcmbf assistant secretary ms ankita shanbach from first esppy quest association miss madhu bs from second pc mbc as the secretary ms trisha p from first pc mbd as the assistant secretary ncc miss sanya berry from second pebba b as the secretary ms haripriya from second esppy as the assistant secretary nss miss ankita purohit from second pebba a as the secretary ms carol parshanvi from first member as the assistant secretary let us now capture this moment with a picture secretaries and assistant secretaries may now leave the stage next we have the hindi association secretary ms neha bajaj from second smba miss rachita singh from first he pys as the assistant secretary french association miss prathana kamath from second pcme as the secretary ms hechsrunga sachin as the assistant secretary sanskrit association secretary ms pallavi s from second pc mbf assistant secretary ms regina are from first seba b photography cell secretaries miss nandana shashi kumar from second smba miss riya joseph from second esppy assistant secretary ms nishi porwal from first pebba a english association miss maitreya and prasad from second esppy as the secretary ms ananya shashidar from first pcbh as the assistant secretary science association secretaries miss swati kulkarni from second smba miss laker sri c from second member assistant secretaries miss aisha banu k from first m eba miss unmore miss animal shankar from first pebba speakers forum miss purity rl from second pc mbf as the secretary ms simra fatima from first pcbh as the assistant secretary rock band association secretary miss scholastica irene drego assistant secretary ms hayati manoj from second pcme let us now capture this moment with a picture and make it a memory secretaries and assistant secretaries may now leave the stage next we have the humanities association secretaries ms nima maryam from second h p y s miss n varsiny from second h pys miss chaitra radha krishna from second esppy miss nandini from second esppy assistant secretaries ms dhanya nazreen from first he pys ms mandira bhanu prasad from first esppy miss esther kirti from first esppy catholic association ms divya darshani s from second pcmba as the secretary ms shamita merlin are from first pcmc as the assistant secretary kannada association ms mahalakshmi s from second member assistant secretary ms dwani parak from first he pys okay elc ms aviksha shakti natarajan from second pebble a assistant secretary ms dwani parak from second esppy as the secretary ms era or from first papa a as the assistant secretary magazine committee ms suhani naak from second papa a and miss hafsa ariba from second pcme as the secretaries assistant secretaries ms hiteisha prasad from first pcbh ms diyar raj from first esppy dramatics association secretaries miss joanne vargas from second he pys miss suhasini berli from second esppy yes let us now capture this moment with the picture and make it a memory hey students kindly maintain silence thank you miss nisha leaders must be close enough to relate to others but far enough ahead to motivate them i would now like miss shriya jay from the department of chemistry to come up on stage for the felicitation of the class representatives i would also like to invite our administrator sister genevieve to felicitate the second po class representatives as i call out the names of prefects and assistant prefects i request them to come on to the stage second puc prefects for the year 20 21 22 second pc mba miss grishmar raghunath as the class prefect and miss bibi fatima as the assistant prefect second pcmbb miss nigda s warrior as the class prefect and miss sabah sumaya as the assistant prefect second pcmbc miss harini shree cj as the class prefect and miss mehnaz as the assistant class prefect second pc mbd miss supriya ji as the class prefect miss vishaka jl as the assistant class prefect second pcmbf miss neha chhabra as the class prefect miss spurti rl as the assistant class prefect second pcme miss joanna natalie are as the class prefect miss hofsa ariba as the assistant class prefect second pcme sorry second bcbh miss musfira ayman as the class prefect miss lisa rex as the assistant class prefect second member miss madhumita shankar as the class prefect and miss priyanka pg as the assassin class prefect second peba a miss shruti deepak mahindarkar as the class prefect miss prabhti jain as the assistant class prefect second pebaby miss charishma nayar as the class prefect m as the assistant class prefect second seba miss aditi karyapa as the class prefect natasha sakshi ps as the assistant class prefect second smba miss d varsha as the class prefect miss siri sampath as the assistant class prefect second he pys miss alina santosh as the class prefect miss manjuri giant modak as the assistant class prefect second esppy miss dr viresh shet as the class prefect misty kinjala as the assistant class prefect let us now capture this moment with a photograph to make it memorable you thank you sister i would now like to invite our principal miss babita saldana to facilitate the first pu class representatives first puc prefects for the year 2021-22 first pc mba miss arpita william as the class prefect and miss gayana ritika prasad as the assistant class prefect first pc mbb miss pranjal chandra as the class prefect and miss neha madi c as the assistant class prefect first pc mbc miss davana p lad as the class prefect and miss kushi s as the assistant class prefect first pc mbd miss roshni l as the class prefect and miss s yashosvini as the assistant class prefect first pc mbf miss ed shrunker sachin as the class prefect and miss raksha ks as the assistant class prefect first pcme miss riddhika suvaidi as the class prefect and ms sonal pradeep as the assistant class prefect first pcmc miss shamita merlin r as the class prefect and miss likita l as the assistant class prefect first pcbh miss khadijah b as the class prefect and miss simra fatima as the assistant class prefect let's now capture this moment with a photograph next we have one member miss neha r as the class prefect and miss ekta jain as the assistant class prefect one as the class prefect and miss iran muzamil as the assistant class prefect one pebba b miss samyukta ng as the class prefect and miss valentina sarah as the assistant class prefect one seba a miss mansi davda as the class prefect and miss janvi taparia as the assistant class prefect one smba miss shri priya degala as the class prefect and miss kushi kamal kilnani as the assistant class prefect one ebac miss christi chattopadhyay as the class prefect and misoha ali shaikh as the assistant class prefect one seba b miss kritika arun kumar as the class prefect and miss nisha m as the assistant class prefect one he pys miss diya bihani as the class prefect and miss ramya m y as the assistant class prefect one esppy miss deeksha lakshmi harish as the class prefect and miss khushi as pawar as the assistant class prefect let's now capture this with a photograph thank you bhavitam for doing the honors as a teacher i often get asked what should we do if we mess up on stage i like to respond with a short quote if you stumble make it part of the dance i would now like to invite the western dance association on stage is so all my ladies oh no i don't need introduction foreign give it to meditate get it what's my name foreign now thank you wda you'll really outdo yourselves every time you'll perform gratitude make sense of our past brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow i now invite miss rani saganya to give the vote of thanks through the eyes of gratitude everything is a miracle said mary davis i rani suganya chief welfare officer from the department of counseling would like to begin by acknowledging the countless daily miracles of life for which i will always remain grateful to god almighty i would like to thank our chief guest miss nisha rebello for making time to join us on this occasion it's always the pleasure to reconnect with the carmelite this institution nurtures us and for this on behalf of everyone i would like to extend my gratitude to all the members of our management to sister bina manager mount carmel institutions and principal of mount carmel central school and our beloved administrator dr sister genevieve who is a constant source of inspiration to us i would like to thank our dear principal mrs babita saldana for her calm leadership and guidance heartfelt gratitude to members of the teaching faculty administrative staff and support staff members of our college for their constant support that synergizes our environment i would like to specially thank my team of welfare officers for their constant support most importantly i extend my gratitude to our beloved students for their involvement enthusiasm and energy special thanks also to parents for their cooperation we are very glad to have with us members of the student council of various colleges to name them specifically we'd like to thank student council members of saint joseph pu college saint joseph's indian composite pu college jyoti navas college and our very own mount carmel degree college autonomous we thank you for your presence with us on this special day a very special thanks to mr vasim and mr suraj who have become an integral part of every important program by providing us with valuable technical support very enthusiastically it's only apt to conclude with a shout out to all of you dear carmelites for your varied roles be it as members of the student council driven with a purpose or as motivated students in various leadership roles as performers who toil to excel on stage or as lively members of the audience both offline and online as always you do it all with style thank you thank you miss rani kindly stand in attention for the national anthem a hey kindly be seated great leaders don't set out to be a leader they set out to make a difference it's never about the role always about the goal here's wishing our newly elected leaders the very best for the upcoming year thank you i'd like to request other invitee colleges and parents to please join us for heidi in the seminar hall ground floor you
Channel: Mount Carmel PU College
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Length: 131min 45sec (7905 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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