Motorola Edge 50 Pro - Redefining Value Flagship Smartphone

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[Music] hi guys this is ranit and in this uh video we'll be having a look at this Moto Edge 50 Pro smartphone and guys as you can see I've already taken out this uh phone and actually been testing it for the last 6 days in fact I used it on hly and in fact I also traveled a bit with this one so in this video I'll give you my initial Impressions and overview of this Smartphone of course it comes inside this box it's known as the H50 Pro and here is the handset itself we'll come back to it later but let me show you what comes inside the box and it came in this uh packaging eco-friendly paper packaging and here if I open there is one more thing and here we have a case I like that we do get a case but Frankly Speaking at least for the variant that we have we don't require the case but they have given the case as you can see this is a uh hard plastic case so this is actually nice and one strange thing that I'm noticing is that there is a scent in the box so yeah it is evident there is some scent in the box this is something new so this is how it actually looks with the case uh with this one and in fact uh it comes in three different colors guys the black this is the lavender one and there's also one more color I didn't get access to that one but that's supposed to have a very different kind of a hand finish this one is actually guys to touch this is actually they say it's vegan leather but also it has a sort of a silicon coating so looks like uh the device is having a silicon C case built in that's what it actually feels but yeah you do have the case I used it last 6 days without the case uh we also do get this this actually having a quite a bit of heft this is the 125 wat charger and the USB type-c uh cable do note that uh you'll get the 125 wat charger with the higher end variant as you can see this says that 125 W charger in the box if you go with the base variant that has uh 8 GB of RAM the charger bundled in the Box will be 68 W though the handset does support that 125 W charging and this 125 W charging is insane guys in less than I 20 minutes it was just fully fully charged so this is insane I would say this is the handset itself and if you notice like many of the Motorola phones this is also having that curved OLED screen this is a ped screen I like the fact that if you notice the bezels uh if I move towards the top and the bezels and the side bezels and everything they are very very symmetrical and uh let me talk about the pricing first and the pricing for the 8 GB is for 31,900 and for the 12 GB variant is $359.99 that's about 36,000 and there are also going to be some card offers I don't know which specific but if you use those offers there'll be a 2,000 rupes discount so you can get the base variant that's for 8 GB and 256 GB of storage for 30k and for the features that this packs that's actually very very good in fact I completely forgot this also has v less charging 50 W wireless charging I didn't have that special 50 W charger uh but I did check it in my car that has wireless charging and yes it was charging also this supposed to have wireless uh what is say reverse charging also it can do wireless reverse charging up to 10 watts also one thing that Motorola team told me when I was having a briefing about this one they were talking a lot about the camera and they were claiming that this is the best camera setup uh that they have given on a Mota phone till date and in fact I feel that's correct because as I've told you I've gone to vacation and as you can see here are some of the sample shots I used this Smartphone for photography and I was not disappointed we'll talk about the camera later on but first let's talk about the physical over of the device and all this things uh as you can see this is having a 6.7 in uh pet screen and it's actually 1.5k uh screen so pretty high resolution uh it has 144 Herz refresh rate or just keep it on auto by default it was set to Auto one big thing about this uh smartphone is that this is the first smartphone in the world that is certified by Panton for color accuracy and uh uh color skin tones and all those things in fact uh by default when you first get the smartphone this is something that you have to actually change I changed it immediately if I go towards the display and if I go to Colors by default it is actually set to Vivid so everything will look over Punchy or something like that that natural is the best it it it mimics what is there in reality but most people in our smartphones we do like slightly saturated colors so I would say uh most of you would like the radiant one uh by default it is set to W it is over saturated but I've kept it to radiant and it's working very well if you want the most natural colors you can just go to the Natural as you can see it lows the color saturation and but VI is just two so radiant is the good balance and further you can actually play around with the color temperature also it has the DC dimming and PW dimming so even when I was keeping the brightness at very low brightness at night I didn't have that flickering or anything so that way I would say in terms of display no issues again this one also is having that in display fingerprint scanner and this comes with the new Moto UI they are calling this a new version of the Moto UI Moto hello UI so it has changed a few things I would say the iconography and all those things internally have changed uh you can customize this by default nothing is this so again uh a lot of uh new things that they have added in the UI but the good thing is that out of the box this comes with Android 14 and now Motorola is finally giving has promised next 3 years of Android upgrades on this one and four years of security updates so that way I would say Motorola is listening to user feedback uh so again this also has that RAM boost for 12 GB it's adding about 4 GB as you can see and if I go to device details as you can see out of the box comes with Android uh 14 now coming to the processor this is having the the Snapdragon uh 7 gen 3 S so this is a premium mid-range processor I would say and this handled this device without any issues I didn't notice any lagginess jankiness on this one even when I was keeping it forcing it to 144 Herz so that way I would say this device actually uh this chipset handles it very very well in fact I noticed no heating issues on this Smartphone even when I was traveling there was no AC or anything that was roaming around the hotson the handset did not heat up even more so that way I would say it's calibrated very well and again no Jitters or anything like that I just played Call of Duty casually and it handled it fine but if you want to know hardcore gaming or something check out some other channels uh now coming to the battery on this one uh the battery is a 4,500 Mah hour on this one and I would say the battery life is decent uh and I would say uh when I was traveling for 4 days I was exclusively only on mobile data and when I was only on mobile data uh with the typical full day of usage I was getting about 5 and 1 half hours of s so but with regular mixed usage that is mobile data half of the day and then on Wi-Fi and something then I was getting a screen on time anywhere from about 7 to 7 and a half hour of screen on time so I would say battery life is decent and will last for the full typical day without any issues and again that fast charging that we have on this is is ridiculously fast so that way in terms of battery life I don't have a problem I also like the weight balance of this device this device simply does not feel heavy and because it's having this curved uh edges over here to hold it also though it's 6.7 in screen it is actually tically I would say they have done a good job with this one now moving to the camera the main camera is actually a 50 map and this is having aperture of f1.4 which is very very in fact in this price range I think so no other smart goes there in fact I would say if any smartphone claims even aperture of f1.6 or F 1.7 I say it's pretty good this is going insane f1.4 and of course it's optically stabilized that is ois is Hing and it also has laser auto focusing so that is also a important thing next uh we also have a 10 megapixel that is a 3X zoom and I also like the fact that this one is also having Optical image stabilization and you can digitally zoom up to 30X but up to 10x shots if you digitally Zoom uh they come out good with this 3x optical zoom and we also have a 13 megapixel that is ultra wide but this does a job of two things that is ultra wide of course and also macro sh so I would say very functional three cameras that we are having on this one and I like the fact that even the zoomx that that's the 3x telephoto Zoom is also optically stabilized because generally in this price range they most of the vendors don't give a telephoto but if they give a telephoto also it's not optically stabilized so that way I would say they have done a good job front facing is that punch hole kind of a thing as you can see and let me just increase the brightness also uh the brightness can go actually pretty bright in outdoor situations I did not have a problem this is again a 50 megapix uh with the F 1.9 aperture and the good thing is that this one also has autof focusing generally the front- facing cameras H generally don't have what you say autof focusing that has just a fixed Focus but this does have that coming to the camera interface it's very similar to the earlier Moto series that you have seen let me just bring some objects over here uh but if you go in the settings and again if you just enable it and this is the default setting guys and here it's in fact actually enabling the AI functionality by default if I you go into the settings if you see the short optimization was enabled and all the photographs that you will be seeing were taken with the default mode with this short optimization here AI actually is uh employed in the background you don't even come to realize it certainly like enhances the HDR the shadow detail and all the things so that you get actually a a pretty good shot uh the good thing is that uh the front-facing camera on this one can record if you go to video uh it can record in 4k in fact I'll show you some samples that I've recorded in 4k first some samples recorded on the holy day and as you can see the shots actually come out good the color reproduction is actually really really good on this one and this is this is the portrait Boke mode and here also I feel it actually did a good job this is the portrait Bok mode with the front- facing camera and again these are regular shots with the rear facing camera as you can see the color reproduction is good and this is with the ultra wide lens one more example this was with the main regular lens and this was with the ultra wide because the main lens is 1.4 aperture you get that natural background bouquet or the background blur without even invoking the portrait mode and it actually looks very good some more outdoor shots and this was a 3X zoom and as you can see the color reproduction is really good even though this shot was in indoor conditions and here I use the 3x Zoom one more example this is a regular 1X and this is using the 3x Zoom this again is with the main camera and this was with the 3x Zoom I like the fact that the skin tone colors are actually uh done very well on this smartphone as you can see with these samples one more example this was with the regular mode and this was in The Portrait poke mode some more camera sample shots taken during the day time with this Moto H50 Pro so that you get an idea regarding its camera performance now for some night shots in very low lighting conditions and here I have to say this Smartphone actually surprised me because of its f1.4 aperture it can bring in so much light even in almost pitch St condition it was actually like this and in the AI mode it took the picture like this so even in pretty low lighting conditions this Smartphone actually surprised me with its results now some samples with the 50 megap front-facing uh camera and as you can see the front-facing camera also does a pretty good job Moto's front facing camera I have kept it actually to 4K came to this location where uh we have some elephant actually uh when I came here about 15 years ago if you notice that Lake was over there hardly any water there used to have full water we we had to actually come with boats over here but here as you can see this is being shot with the front-facing camera of this Moto H50 and I've set it to actually 4K by default it'll be at 1080p but you can set it at 4K so this is what you can expect uh with the video recording with the front facing camera of this Moto Edge 50 Pro and we came to this elephant place as you can see hardly what is there actually earlier we had to actually come here with the boat but as you can see just walking over on zoom in let as you can see hardly any water is there this is that 3x Zoom people are just walking from there and just coming back to this 1X and let me go to the ultra wide to give you an idea about this place this is back to that one next so guys this is the Motorola H50 Pro smartphone what do you guys feel about this smart phone I feel Motorola has done a great job on this one all the features that you expect on a flagship are there on this one in fact the charging speeds are also very very fast on this one so that's why I say this is redefining the value Flagship segment I feel yes the processor is the Snapdragon uh 7 gen 3 uh but again yes it's not the 8 gen 3 uh but again if they would have put a Snapdragon 8 gen 3 on this Smartphone then I think so the pricing of that smartphone would have increased this one at least by what 25 to 28,000 or something like that uh but I feel the Snapdragon uh 7 Gen 3 is good enough processor for majority of the users I would say 90% of the users uh so if you are in that kind of a segment I would say if you're not super hardcore gamer or need the highest n22 score or something like that then this is a good one in fact on n22 I ran it I got a benchmark score of close to about 800k on this one that is why I say this is a smartphone that is redefining the value Flagship features it has all the what do you say Flagship features that you expect that generally is omitted on a smartphone in this price range generally values uh what do you say uh Flagship smartphone just concentrate on the flagship processor but a lot of other aspects for example they compromise on the camera wireless charging is not there IP protection is not there you get all those features on this Smartphone so certainly a very good smartphone I would say and I can certainly recommend this smartphone to my friends and family members but what do you feel about this Motorola H50 Pro do let me know in the comment section below anyways guys that's it for now thanks for watching this is ranit and I hope to see you in my next video take care guys
Channel: Geekyranjit
Views: 297,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: moto edge 50 pro, motorola edge 50 pro, new value flagship, value flagship smartphone, motorola edge 50 pro camera, motorola edge 50 pro review, moto edge 50 pro review, moto edge 50 pro unboxing, geekyranjit
Id: umyXnH-QpNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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