Motorcycle Custom Painting Tips (Part 1)

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i've already put a mini flake on this and cleared it in and sanded it back off and this is our outer and this is a band strap and i'll go in an airbrush all this in like a black and in shade i listen when they're like our fish tails or whatever we end up doing inside those panels so i think we'll do some honeycomb maybe some fishtails and something else maybe a sunburst or something but anyway this is like this is eighth inch tape um and then i think it's well maybe this is a quarter and this is eight i think the 16th one but i like using this plastic tape it seems like it it does a lot better stretches and it don't bleed as bad like when you use the uh the green tape a lot of times you'll get bleed unders on your paint and you don't want that if you can have it and you'll get some bleed hunters for the with the green tape it's a little cheaper but when it comes to having to spend a hour doing cleanups you're better off to buy better tape and do uh music but anyway [Music] [Music] but the tape stretch is pretty good the snare stuff really it bends really easy but it's really hard to cut because i'm getting old and blind i guess but it's hard for me to see the cuts on this stuff and you have to be real careful when you're cutting the rose blade because you don't want to cut through the clear in the into the flake you just want to go through the tape so that way you don't cut into your paint so you have to be kind of gentle but you have to mash it enough to actually cut the tape so anyway there's that panel it's that simple you just kind of have to pick a design to fit your tank and uh run with it we like using split panels because it kind of it gives a little break up between your designs like if you want to put some say you want to do it like a sunburst in this one then you could do either fish scales or honeycomb or any kind of designs in there which i'll show you here in just a little bit when you start airbrushing but it's pretty simple these paint jobs have been around for a long time you see a lot of them the low rider car cars and some of those guys use some really heavy flake and stuff but i don't like nothing too awful heavy i think the the mini flake is about bigger enough for my taste but the uh everybody likes their own thing everybody likes something different which is great because we own everybody's bike or car look insane here he comes through come here all day this is lj's bite tell everybody what it is it's a 1989 fxr uh full restoration he's doing that club style it's really cool i really think beat those bucks a lot they're they're getting more popular by the day fxrs are getting harder to find too [Music] around when you're doing something like this that way he's got a hand in all the the stuff we're doing to the back and everything but that's the panels that's the taping now we're going to mask all this up we'll back mask it which i'll show you that real fast now take a breath anyway i'm just on this here what you do is before you start putting your panels in you have to go inside all this but you're not tight you have to go in here on this this orange tape and you want to take about halfway on the strap and tape it off like that but you don't you don't you don't want to get off the strap you want to be able to see your orange just enough because if you get past the stripe you'll miss spots and when you untape it you'll have bad spots in your airbrush work but what this does is we don't want to get any other paints on this on this metal plate because once we start once we get all of our design in here and get it shaded in black we'll go in here and put candy over us we got a couple different colored candies going on this bike that we'll show y'all later it's a really cool combination i've never seen one of the colors that he picked on this one is uh he hit it on the nail i think it looks really cool and uh i think he's gonna have a bad scooter when we get done hopefully i'm really digging the colors for sure but it's a lot of work you guys ever want to get into any airbrushing or custom paint work the biggest deal with it is you got to have patience that's the biggest thing because it don't happen like all at once does the other it takes time to do a nice custom paint job and you can tell when you put rust at it too because because if they come back to bite you i mean like say it's time time-consuming but if you want a scooter that you can park in the parking lot and get not get confused with everybody else's to work hard it's what it takes time to be a steal and when you come through here and you're pushing your tape down you see how that got on top of my stripe when i was going up through there and turning the tape and it makes little wrinkles in the tape and what you have to do when it actually gets over on top of yarn you have to be careful but you gotta go in here and take your reservation and just press lightly and cut that tape off of that and sometimes it feels good and sometimes it don't but you gotta make sure you get a good sharp blade and razor blades don't last long i don't know what to do with them is but about one good pass you have to get a new one i have them laying all over the shop but anyway basically when we get our panels taped off we'll go inside these and uh i'll let lj decide what he's going to do inside these and we'll do different style uh patterns in these and we'll show you that in a few minutes we'll show you some airbrush work in a few minutes but that's all for now all right all these panels here are going to have different designs in them there's four different panels so we're going to do four different designs on the panels so we're going to do a uh there's all different kinds of these y'all guys they make stencils this is called a lotus a bloomin lotus it's got the little slots cut out and it's just a little stick on stencil that makes it a lot easier than airbrush work and basically all you want to do is you want to figure out if you run your lotuses down which it wouldn't be blooming if you're going downward so we need to make sure we turn them up but what you want to do is kind of find you a straight spot on your gas tank and you want to start out at the lowest point where you're your first lotus you may not have but one lotus pop up on these corners but you kind of want to make sure it's running kind of straight for the tank so the way your loaf is run do you want these to run like that or you want to run them straight straight up okay all right so we'll start off in this corner but one we'll just start with one lotus petal there on the corner and we'll start out like that but they kind of get them kind of straight here all right that looks pretty straight to me what do you think bro appreciate you all right so you just kind of stick these down right where you're going to be airbrushing and all you want to do is you want to take your brush and just kind of want to hit that that little groove inside there you wanna make sure it's dark and just go right on outside and go around it like this you know the only thing on this uh metal flex stuff is you kinda wanna go you don't wanna go super dark but you wanna go a little darker because your flake seems like it's a little harder to cover now once you get a point there see what you're doing you're doing them like this so your next one is going to be up one so what you got to do is line this groove right here so this little dips with the tip of the lotus flower like that and keep them straight across until you get you a run that's running straight so you come and line that with a t up like that so you'll keep gaining flowers as we go up to keep getting wider and wider but then you want to just kind of same they'll get you in there and then go right around the edge of your flower get the inside a little bit to make sure that pops on this like i said on the flake you don't do it too much because you can always go back if it's not dark enough and put you a little shading or something another the biggest deal i've seen these so far those lotuses is those little gaps are a little aggravating you can see it kind of going so now the next one when you got it like that you come over to the tip of this one and line this up that little gap with the tip of that one that keeps your flyers going uniform but kind of make sure you're still straight going up through there and it'll keep once you get a few pliers some more tips and they'll actually stay and start getting straight just do the same thing over and over again it's a little slow it's time consuming but the end result is pretty cool you'll see something it start getting better just take your brush around a little bit use your stencil off they're kind of sticky when you start out but they'll get the more the more you do with them the the more you get but now when you get two flowers out you try to line each of these tips up where the gaps right at the top edge of those tips but you want to keep it straight so once we get it going straight we'll it'll just keep getting easier and easier so so basically like that just keep doing the same things over don't forget to go to any tip go all around your floor that's how you if you don't do around it good it won't show up good just don't go too dark i mix this paint probably oh i'd say it's probably 20 paint and i'd say probably more like 70 percent thinner because i like it to be pretty thin and an airbrush so you see that's starting to look like something now so we just keep going up and building off our flowers make sure your stencil stays straight kind of keep her going up the tank in a straight direction but the reason you use stencils with an airbrush is because your airbrush when you're when you're actually brushing if you'll notice it kind of puts a haze around where you're brushing so when you uh use a stencil it gives you a hard line see how it's got a nice crisp line where the lotuses are and uh so that gives you a nice crisp line when you start when you're doing it that way so you're just gonna find those tips and make sure your stencil stays straight going up the hill let's keep keep going up there this is my first time doing these lotus flowers so they're scales or whatever you want to call them they're pretty cool looking huh and like i say if you're not getting as dark as you want it's it's more of a preference to how dark you want to be around this we want them to pop good but we don't want to go too dark this one everything show up good and i using a water uh this is just a neo i've got a different water brush i use sometimes the nails are fine for stuff like this you can get these at the hobby lobby they're pretty cheap but our water makes a really good gun i use them i use a water spray guns for when i'm doing paint work and [Music] i don't want it no water no water why this is not really difficult this is all just trial and error stuff and this is pretty simple if you can pull the trigger on the brush you can probably do this it's not too bad it's not as difficult here by that time the biggest deal this is a dual action airbrush so when you push push down here it gets air until you pull this you push down and pull back that's how much material comes out to end so you have to kind of get used to them but they're that's my favorite airbrush as i don't care much for the ones with the big canisters so but this is just kind of repetition we'll be doing several different designs on this tank so you guys get this get to see uh several different ways and designs hopefully here so let's kind of give you a little idea of how to do different styles i know you've probably seen the at some of the car shows the roofs of the cars for their their metal flake and they'll have all kinds of little different designs going on in there but that's kind of what you're looking at right there and if you get in here and say something else you can go in here and take the airbrush and put you a little more shade in there if you want a little more detail on some of them it's not a big deal it's all empty how dark you want the lotuses it's just uh it's simple and once you get done what i'll do a little bit later i'll show you how to to lock all this in and kind of give it a 3d effect where it looks like it's actually pushed into the panel and after you get all your airbrush and your stenciling done it's a little trick to give it some depth so you just gets aggravating sometimes to find those tips because once you airbrush this becomes not clear anymore of course so you're just trying to guess where the tips are at so it's a little sketchy sometimes but you if you take your time you can find them and like i say airbrush or any kind of custom paint work it takes a lot of patience we'll do something just a little bit okay these stencils are definitely really nice to have lj's always good about ordering some of these ahead of time we're doing a scooter from him and uh you don't know how much it makes life easier so i've had to freehand cut these just never no fun when you have to do that so this definitely makes life easier [Music] you can keep going over to get your desired depth and things like i say if you do them lighter and darker it kind of looks cool when you get something where they'll be more pronounced but anyway that's your lotus flares and we'll get back and show you the next step and the next design here in a few all right you kind of give them a picture of these the inserts all right this is the next cam these are called i'll show you this it's got a taj mahal that's what those are called so they're a totally different deal than other where you start with the other one you start at the bottom and work your way up to these you have to start at the top and work your way down with these kind because you just kind of want to do the tops of the buildings and kind of like to leave it to fade aggressively down so it's a backwards deal so you have to line your points up going this way instead of going the other way so you're just going down the piece you just want to keep your panel running straight where it's coming across all the time and some of these you basically just scroll on the outside of these and just do a little shade around the whole thing just like we did the other ones and then when you get around the whole thing you kind of come back at this center and it's kind of the tops of the buildings kind of darken it out a little bit right at the very tops to make them the top more prevalent then kind of get that deal so just go back down here on the next one and take the tips of this and slide it down and line it up next build it deep in this after that i got to curve it so you kind of just definitely [Music] these buildings and uh fish scales and all this stuff take time they're kind of cool and get them all done out especially when you get some candy on top of them like i say it's all according to how you like your how much you wanted to pop out or how dark you want to be but how much you darken dead so a lot of people like them real dark some people like them just kind of light like i'm overdone let us know if you guys like us doing videos like this initially airbrushing because i can show you a bunch of tricks and special effects with airbrushed hip hop you ever thought about there now oh you can kind of get an idea what we're doing like i say just kid keep your your pattern running kind of straight across the tank keeping going in one direction so you can i can mix my paint a little bit darker go make it go a little quicker but i love it i'll make a couple of passes and not get it too dark because i don't want it overdone which is kind of black in the tops of the buildings and just go down again it's the same thing as coming over the other one just kind of line it up with the points to get the pattern reputation reputation it is time consuming i don't have as much time to airbrush as i like to but maybe we do some videos and it's like i got a pulling track here today before long but i have some more cartoonish down some later and then some maybe some cool stuff and that's totally different from this this is more into the the low riders scene but you know it's become a big deal in some of the sport not sport box but the more the club style dynas and stuff people really doing a lot of them with the metal flake and the lower river style paint those stuff in the candies and there's a lot of people really scared of metal flakes and candies but um it's it's just really hard if you have an accident to match back because you know when you're spraying candy you got to make sure you mix your candy the same amount of candy and the same amount of the intercoat clear and you kind of make count the coats and how your gun was set and how much pressure you was running if you're planning on mashing it back easier i mean you can you can keep looking in 10 minutes until you get it close but on the car or something though there's so bigger panel and it's kind of it's really hard on the car box a lot easier to mention them but anyway we'll do one more then we'll take a break and come back with a knee pass um all right see this well this is called a honeycomb stencil it's just a you get these in there just like a little blue tape it makes it a lot easier i've done some of these freehand and it takes a while to draw these out but all you want to do with this is when you take your brush you just want to go inside the inside of the circles and go right in here and go right around the outer edge all the way around the bar like this and every one of them leave these centers kind of like [Music] pretty well you can make any dark as you want but you just kind of run on the insides basically just follow your blue tape right around the edge like that let's go around if you get a nerf you want them pretty well yeah they just know a certain order pretty well just run them they all don't have to be the same darkness and you can nail mine or darker whatever you want this kind of look organic natural so if honeycomb on the gas tank could look progression organic for natural so it's pretty simple stuff stencils are pretty cool check on the internet they there's a bunch of places offers uh airbrush stencils there's all kinds of different ones it's quite what you're into you can get one for that does a true fire you get one that's for skulls it basically just gives you an outline on the skull stuff but you still have to do a lot of detail airbrushing on those so to really make them look cool you can take these airbrushes and take the cap off the front there's a little cap that covers your needle up right here and if you want to really get down to a small small spots you can get really detailed like when you cut taking the cap off get closer to the material and that makes it a lot if you're doing like little spots and stuff but when you're just shading like this you can just leave the cap on because you're basically just going around the edges and shading in and it's all according to how dark you want it and you don't have to worry about doing around the line yet i'll show you this what we're going to do to that when we get done with these you're kind of working in reverse with the metal flake you kind of put it on first and put everything else on top and then put your color on whatever color that you want your actual back to be by letting them by masking up the metal plate all your lines will stay there silver metal plate so when you untape you have all your pin straps already there which saves a lot of time and you have cool metal flex straps so i'm trying to get over this and not tape it where you guys can see this quickly like i said don't have to be perfect we're not looking for that we just want it to look like it's natural organic as we can you can do this other direction you can put the the stencil with just the hose and then airbrush the actual webbing dark color and leave the the hole completely middle flake but i like it this way better it looks really cool and it's on tape means yeah it gives a better depth i think on the webbing it's hard sometimes to get these out and we need to be see that a little bit sometime sticker when you're using your transfer taper especially the clear transfer tape it wants to on a round surface it don't want to lay down it wants to wad it up but anyway make sure i got them all okay looks like we got them all in nothing here go back over just make sure before you pull your stencil off that you have all the color you want on them because it's a one-shot deal you don't have to reply stencil that's for sure so once you get it colored in like you want it and you can just pull it off and it kind of gives you this effect like this which is a really cool little effect i think sometimes they can be at all that's a pretty cool effect okay this time this stuff is pretty sticky which is good i mean don't bleed under when you're spraying your paint you don't want it so sticky that it pulls your paint though if you use a razor blade lean it back to where you can catch the edge of the tape without scratching the paint lay it up against the paint flat that way you can get a hold of the tape without scratching anything if you lay it flat like that and pushing it you pick out it just usually pulls it right off and don't get scared to make a mistake or something don't look look like you want to look you can always go back and add more to it but that's kind of that's kind of what the honeycomb effect looks like guys all right we'll be on the next
Channel: The Bandy Bunch
Views: 9,942
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Id: KsM1aWceLYE
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Length: 33min 37sec (2017 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2022
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