MotoAmerica EBC Brakes Superbike Race 1 at Barber Motorsports Park

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[Music] it's time for the moto America AMA FIM North American Road Race Championship the final round of 2019 it's the championship of Alabama from Barber Motorsports Park in Birmingham Alabama hello everyone and welcome to FS 2's coverage of the EBC brakes a Superbike class here in moto America I'm Kraig white well there's a couple of tails going on this weekend there's some stories the biggest which is the championship Suzuki's tony elias leads the way by 16 points over Yamahas cameron bo ba what's going to happen in this race well we have two total races this weekend to decide it but welcoming Jason prid more good to have you here Jason two-time champion at this level so Jason yesterday we saw some stuff you have Tony Lee he chucked it down the road in qualifying so now he is holding on for dear life you have Cameron Beaubier who's chasing after Tony Elias and then you have Derek girl off Cameron's teammate who could collect some points and really turn this championship on him here yeah last time we saw Garrett Gerlach he was winning in New Jersey and then putting it on his head he's come here to Barber Motorsports Park and picked up right where he had supposedly left off in Jersey on a tremendous run now the other tail jason of course is the brand-new surface here at Barber Motorsports Park we didn't know really what to expect when we got here Dunlop had done some testing but Jason what we're finding is is that off throttle the rear end of the motorcycle becoming very unstable for a lot of riders is this track race a bowl for today's race I believe it's Ray scible it's easy for me to say standing on this side but anytime you go to a new track that's been repaved it is just like going to a brand new racetrack all over again I think anybody that's been to Barber Motorsports Park before and had success has come here with certain expectations but a new track surface can kind of throw that out the window and your hope is that when they're unloading the bike that it's going to be good right from the get-go so the question is how are they going to race how much tension is there there's a championship on the line Plus this new surface anything can happen it's very exciting we'll take our first break on the other side more from Barber Motorsports Park as our fs2 coverage of moto America continues Fox Sports coverage of moto America Superbike racing from Barber Motorsports Park is brought to you by Dunlop the official tire of the 2019 moto America championship [Music] it's gotta be Tony Elias with his first win of 2019 it's fine Matthew Stokes on the west beat racing Yamaha just ahead of factories our Cameron Beaubier yeah great whatever there Missy Tony he just had gonna be towards him that means another month of diapers yeah that's gonna be first women to dad but that is so well the great rate for Tony Lee is to start off the season but you know it's really been a tale of two for him in the first twelve races six wins 11 KO diem finishes he collected a total of 246 championship points but in the last six races it's only been one win three podiums and only 87 points which has Cameron Beaubier only 16 adrift of Tony Elias in the championship so it is 16 points and our very own Hannah lopa had a chance to catch up with Tony Elias in the pits earlier this weekend if you think of these 16 points it's it's complicated we are obligated to to do something good win is good second is good or there could be good but not good as first and second but something out of these three positions is really bad so no relax and just keep going and working we are trying many things we we had some problems in the last races and there are not normal problem so we have to investigate we have to found a way and I think we did it crash crash was in the in the blind today okay I mean in the gods plan okay we we are okay and we'll play it tomorrow I'm very determinated to do my job and I will try all my best and I will put more difficult as I did before as possible to the others we did it will win okay if we don't was not mean to congratulations to the others if that happen but we have 250 points to play and we'll see I don't know we'll see well here's a look in the last eight races for Cameron buh BA and Garrett Gerlach teammates of course two wins for Cameron buh ba seven podium appearances 142 points for Garrett girl ah four wins six podiums 140 points collected well for these two riders they're the ones that could set this championship up Cameron buh ba going for it we had a chance to catch up with both bo ba and girl off in the pits earlier you know all you always obviously always want to beat your teammate but Garrett and I have you know we've we've had some like history together he's we both came in to Yamaha and six hundreds at the same time in 2012 and we've almost been teammates ever since then you know like I got off six hundreds a little bit earlier in him but now we're right back to we're right back in the same truck yeah I mean yeah obviously it sucks getting beat by your teammate but at the same time it's like it's a it's a really good you know motivator and you're on the same bike you're on the same equipment and it's just kind of a kick in the butt and you get going again type of thing and that's what we've done so yeah I mean it's been good camera and I obviously we talked and stuff we're both on the same bike so it's just nice that I that if I see him going a second faster than me I know that that bike can go my bike can go a second faster also it's just I got to figure out how to do it you know so times I mean it's not always easiest because sometimes I'll see you know Cameron do something on data or do this a little bit better than me you know but it's hard to actually pinpoint it and figure out what exactly it is or if it's just sometimes data can be a little bit too much for for me and for everybody honestly just because it's hard to compare apples to apples we have different setups and stuff and they can make things a lot more complicated so really I just try to look at the end-all-be-all time you know that's on the track and just know that like alright the bike is capable of that how am I gonna set up my bike to be able to do that time also well for Garrett curl up he's been on fire this weekend and could decide this championship but also the likes of herons scopes and Beach well they could play a factor as well more from Barber Motorsports Park when we come back [Music] all right welcome back to Barber Motorsports Park GC brakes Superbike race underway Birmingham hosting force Barber Motorsports Park and outstanding town to come to you let's take a look at the Yamaha track map Jason I'm gonna tell you some beautiful racecourse fresh pavement all the way around 2.3 eight Mile water right hand corners though it looks like a balance track 10 right 7 left but those right-hand corners are definitely long constructed back in 2003 and this repaved the first since it open are in transition to the Suzuki track hot spots Jason because there's some good places to pass and a lot of action going on here a lot of interesting place you set it Greg they spend a lot of time on the right hand side of the tire but turn one goes left and you can't see the entry I'm sorry you can't see the apex who on your entry rolling off into there a little bit of a tricky corner a little bit also like Pittsburgh same type of scenario can't see as you go up over turn four you're gonna be clicking through the gears on your way down to turn five you can see here again you can't see where the exit of the turn is here so you got to kind of trust it build your confidence up but then turn five is gonna be a spot down into Charlotte's Web probably one of the most famous places we go on our circuit around the country everybody knows where Charlotte's Web is at Farber good place to pass then you come out of turn 10 a fast left-right chicane takes you down the back straightaway into 11 and 12 this is another great spot try to work on somebody if you're planning a pass late or early in the race you see you come out of 10 another corner Graig where you start your turnin you can actually see the apex of turn 11 so a tricky little area then you go through this big long right a spot you talked about just now where we spend a lot of time on the right hand side of the tire nowhere more than we do then on turn 14 and 15 you spent a lot of time there so you really want to make sure that your bike when you're working on setups and things that you're comfortable leaned over on the right-hand side of that tire for as long as these guys will flick back to the left onto the front straightaway here at Barber and that's gonna be a lap tricky track fun track a lot of places that have some funny idiosyncrasies as far as how you turn into a corner you can't see things well tell you what new asphalt always makes a manufacturer scratch their head Dunlop had Taylor Knapp come here and test before we got here and we talked to Taylor about what he learned yeah so it was a really good decision for them to send me down and obviously the topic of the weekend is this new pavement and it was an unknown obviously when they repaved the track back in 2003 when they built the track actually we had some issues with abrasive surface so they sent me down here and we ran through all the basic compounds that are the popular compounds that we were on every weekend and we just sorted through every one so with the testing we kept it all very controlled and very consistent so same tire pressures not allowed to make any changes to the motorcycle basically that's just to create apples-to-apples consistent control testing and it was really good we sorted through a lot of the compounds that did not work and then obviously they know not to bring those and actually created some newer compounds so we learned a lot and it was it was really good but we watched us write did the apex egos is there any room for two bikes they touch now it's the run to the checkered flag and it looks like Cambodians trying to look up underneath Tony right now that could be what helps Johnny Goes Down and down he goes camera go being trying to do the impossible he's on the gas so Tony's off the corner well underneath the bubble Antonio Elias take another win in the EBC brakes superfight glass what a championship we have had so far and Hannah is down on the grid right now with our pole-sitter camera go be a cam with the new track surface the heat out here in so many labs how do you kind of plan to manage your tire wear I guess just go for it leave it all on the track Dunlop has brought their hardest tire or hardest option tires for this weekend for the new pavement here at Barber and so far so good the are ones taking a liking to him and I'm just gonna put my head down it's not over till it's over and just keep fighting thanks cam now I really wanted to talk to Tony he's trying to get his head in the game and focus he declined to interview what I was going to ask him was is it more important to be up front and battle it out with cam or is it more important to kind of get this bike in tip-top shape and improve the bike so he can be even more competitive tomorrow Jason if you were in his shoes what would you do well I'm definitely gonna keep an eye on number one at Cameron Beaubier Hannah that's gonna be my biggest concern I think and whatever changes they may have made going into the race I think Tony Elias is gonna be able to test those a little bit he's gonna go out on the sighting lap or the even the warm-up lap and and work this guy never stops working he plugs along hard but I think that keeping an eye on what's going on up at the front keeping an eye on those two teammates right in front of him we know that Tony Elias gets amazing starts and he's gonna be looking for one here as well as any changes they may have made to the bike let's hope that that works for him so for Tony Elias he is all focused right now trying to maintain his lead in this championship we're gonna step away when we come back we're getting closer to the race start of EBC brakes Superbike race number one Fox Sports coverage of moto America Superbike racing from Barber Motorsports Park is brought to you by ABC brakes official brake pads of the 2019 moto America Superbike series [Music] back at Barber Motorsports Park as the grid is clearing for EBC brakes Superbike race number one Jason so much at stake in this one and of course the first thing that needed to be done here was a qualifier mm-hmm and to set that grid to give yourself the best starting position possible let's take a look at the grid is Cameron Bovie a Garrett curl off and Josh Haran and a great qualifying effort row number one really good from Josh but how about Jake Gagne loves seeing Jake Gagne up there in fourth with Tony Elias sandwich in between himself and Kyle Wyman so you got Ghanian Wyman inside outside there with Tony back in centro 2 then we got Jake Lewis Matthew Scott scamp Peterson who's been really good this weekend his camp Peterson then we got JD Beach David Anthony and Travis Wyman out on Row 4 back to Row 5 I got max Flinders and Bradley burns back there so I think that when you look at it now the grit shaved up and all those things there's a Yoshi Amira bike on the front but we kind of maybe thought it could have been Tony because Josh looked like he had been struggling ever so slightly but as we know Josh can do he put a tremendous lap together to get up on that front row the question is right there in the eyes of Tony Elias what is in store for us in this race 21 laps there is just a huge question mark in terms of you know race tires how is it gonna go what's the race setup in I have seen that crew work as hard as I have ever seen them this weekend just in normal situations for the Yoshimura crew getting suspension change to each you know practice session and then of course the accident yesterday and late night the team was here till 11:30 last night putting together Tony aliases motorcycle after they had put it together they thought they did Jason and at six o'clock last night they discovered that the frame was bent so they had to remain build it from the ground up then to strip the bike down rebuild it all and it was 100% of team effort everyone from the team stayed and worked on that motorcycle to get it back together the entire team wants this championship so obviously when they were putting it back together the first time something didn't quite go together the way it should have and you know checking the frame they saw that it was there was an issue so but again Yoshimura Suzuki are gonna put the best bike underneath that man that they can and and they've done that he went out this morning in in free practice three he was third Greg so but but the Yamaha is just the first two guys their camera bow ba and his teammate Garrett girl just seem to have a little bit of pace still and that's the question because Tony's really got it we know he can get good starts right so we know he's gonna get from that second row he's probably gonna be in the top three or four Aaron gets good starts you could see the first floor factory bikes being one through four which they head down into turn five for the first lap 20 likes to lead and control pace it might be a little bit harder here well props the Dunlop I just want to say this Jason you know after Taylor Knapp came in and tested this they came up with a strategy on what they were going to do and there's a compound called eight four seven seven which is a harder compound and you know Dunlop hasn't used that compound of tire in number of years so they didn't have the newer rear Dunlop tire built and in three days they built two hundred and fifty tires metaball now in this particular case you know it's they're not going to use it today but they definitely could use it tomorrow let's get down to Hanna who is our last-minute report Hanna Greg speaking of tires I looked at the sheet that Dunlop gave out to us and both of our championship contenders so Tony alias and Camryn buh ba both are on that hard compound front tire and the medium plus rear so keeping out for the orange band on the front black band on the rear but guys I really want to know based on their personal riding styles do you think that will affect how they manage this tire wear today well it definitely can't Hanna because we know that Cameron doesn't generally like to use something as hard as what they is what he has here so but he's had a lot of laps on it he looks comfortable on obviously he's on pole position as well so it's gonna be a nice thing for him to have there as far as nobody in front of him off to start so I don't think it's gonna play a big big deal both these guys are professionals and now you know they're they're black and round Greg you got to go on him when you can yeah you definitely do Josh Herron who's on the front row chose the medium compound front tire so we don't expect to see the orange band on his tire as you there's a look at what Josh Haren has on the front so that's a Haren really putting a lot of confidence in that medium compound tire where I think the entire rest of the field with the exception of Burns has chosen that hard front tire so here we go CBC brakes Superbike race number one championship on the line flexes are out and it's a good launch from Cameron Beaubier and Garrett girl off who's going to have it into turn number one it'll be the number one plate and a good launch from the number two Josh Herron as girl off trying to hold on a second and how about Kyle Wyman in force finally SS fits right where he started on the great Greg he got a good run down the outside but Kyle Wyman got a tremendous start from Row 2 and slot himself into port so keep an eye on that you kotti early as they break down into Charlotte's Web for the first time tony elias into fifth spot all eyes on the championship points leader the situation coming in of course we talked about is everybody trying to find some traction yeah he doesn't have very much of it Greg if you look back to that bikes moving all over the place Jake Gagne made a run on him as they went down here and to turn eight gonna keep an eye on Tony's bike here for the first couple of laps because he lost the front in the middle lost the rear on the exit she wasn't comfortable as he make that music a Warner crack he just lost a couple bike lengths there this is from his bike with Jake Gagne on that BMW right up behind him Jake showing some real pace they've just got through the corner where where Tony only has made a mistake yesterday and tipped off Josh Heron now slots himself in a second this is what Herron does so amazing he's really good at picking off people at the opening laps so it's here now in the second spot after Josh Herron has really started to sort himself out this weekend garrett girl off who he thought had race winning pace is back in third and there's tony and it looks like Jake Gagne just trying to get around him he does not look comfortable at all at this tone yes probably the worst first lap we've seen from Tony ileus he's going to lose a spot to Jake Gagne as they go into turn one bike just looks very loosely squirrely underneath them right now Greg and you can see the yellow helmet there Jake Gagne has made his way by next in line will be JD Beach now behind him cam Peterson so he's got two more Yamahas nipping out at meanwhile cameron buh ba the guy who's second in the points and starting to just start to eke out a little bit of a lead Josh Herron trying to find a win for himself he's only had well he's had four podium appearances has hair no and Gagne goes wide so he's going give that spot back and he could lose two or three looks like he's gonna lose two and this one is the drag race to turn eight happens so Tony Lee is for the moment gets it back but here comes the 95 of JD Beach he's hungry to get by the 2400 in the grass he shouldn't be able to get that bike stopped yep tips it over in the gravel just getting it too close to the wall there when the bike starts to slow down and starts to bury itself and this makes it very hard to steer and you can see was getting close to that tire wall I think amberbogie is in way deep way big mistake for gamma Bobby so Bo ba is he gonna lose he does the rear and now Carlos is gonna go underneath both of them and Cameron's gonna follow him through what a crazy sequence of events there in three corners this racetrack is new it's only a couple of weeks old and there hasn't even been any rain to wash off any dirt after they laid it so the question is what's available in terms of traction and just like that we have a shake-up in the order all the while the number 33 of Kyle widen job from Kyle Wyman that all started from cambium Cameron Beaubier getting off of the turn 12 deep pushing him wide through 13 Herron goes to go underneath and passes him loses the rear in 14 and girl up to set there and watch the whole thing as well as Wyman Wow does Cameron Bobi even know that Tony Elias is back there in fifth so Tony had a rough first lap but we've seen this from aleus before he'll just grind away grind away and it looks like a lease might be closing a bit of a gap onto Wyman well the splits are definitely going to wait a second pass for second as now it's going to be Josh Herron forcing the issue on Bo ba thanks for that G dub yeah I mean that's what Herron can do so well he got a great run out of turn five was able to slide his way up underneath camera bo ba in the turn six well Josh Herron Yoshimura Suzuki trying to help out his teammate in the points we thought it was going to be cut and dry maybe a 1-2-3 finished from girl off and Bo ba and alyas but things aren't shaping up like that right now and boy it looked like cambodia getting aggressive in that corner this is where he likes to run tight all the way around Gregg we've seen it from years past and he's going to make a move on her just like I said great we've seen it from years past he's going to be able to hold on to that spot as they come onto the front straightaway let's see if that yo spike can go back by so beau VA under the bubble here comes Josh here and a good Drive on the brakes they go Herron will take over the spot bo ba knows though Garrett curl off is out front having his way this is the race lines he wants he has no one in front of him this is where Garrett girl off really shines and Cameron Beaubier can see max points just Iike no way pony Elias is loving this in his teammate battle hard with camera bo ba as they come down into Charlotte's Web parents got the thing backed in Greg I don't think he's got it stopped though he's got it turned and stopped cameras not going to be able to do anything with him look at Kyle Lyman the number three on that Cato fastening ducati Richmond kwr Ducati right up there with the factory machines and given it a go he's had a podium in Superbike racing before has Wyman but that was that his I guess home track instead of New Jersey and now doing great work they've been working really hard on that motorcycle this weekend and it is paying off but how about the importance on him yeah how about the importance of having a teammate though here comes foe be a nope he's gonna keep it in third for the moment so Josh Herron right now grabbing a couple of points away from phobias bid to try to get back he's trying to get great you said treads squared up again he's gonna try to go back up underneath and there it is Greg Herron actually went in tighter camera said I'm gonna go and even tighter get now this time he's a little bit more tidy to the last quarter he's got to get out of here last lap he was a little too tight now he's got to get the bike move it over to the left you can see him move over to the left if Aaron's gonna go by make him do it on the outside but he's still gonna try to stuff it up underneath them Wow Josh sheriff I need an old side-by-side attorney real estate Bobby a had to roll off the problem on that one cuz that could have spelled disaster night now I can tell you this is where cameras got to keep his cool the best he can we've seen this before throughout the year at Laguna Seca comes to mind where Cameron just could not get by the ocean where Suzuki's he's got a run again great here comes Cameron Beaubier five but Oh heron josh heron just so good on the brakes coming down the hill and man that Yoshimura Suzuki gets off that final corner really well so now where's ba ba gonna strike all the wild Jason Cameron's having to use up a lot of tire to fight with Josh Haren while Garret girl off is doing it exactly the way he wants to Wyman starting to drift here comes Tony Leah's yeah well Cameron's going to get impatient hirsute great he's got it he's got to find a place that he can really try to to almost block past Josh Haren and a way to where Josh can't get a run he gets a run on it down that little back straightaway again parents so good into here though so now Bo BIA has shown his hand twice in the turn 15 16 area let's see him here it goes even to Hyder through there now it makes it difficult for Cameron to go around 25 six is twenty five seven last time around bo ba with no look you got to do it a different way maybe he's going to try to get a run on them and do what herons been doing past so here comes through the final corner yeah Herron has done a tremendous job and able to keep this group closed up in the front albeit holding second place for his own personal race now it's going to be a matter of how long will his tire stand there we know he's on a different front Greg how much is he putting on that front tire right now you saw through 15 to 16 last lap Herron made the adjustment made it very hard for Cameron to go underneath him again yeah the pace we've seen from Cameron po ba as he goes now under Josh Herron in turn number five at tony elias going under Kyle Wyman and now can he hold it no and Wyman forces the issue great job from Kyle Wyman and they could look to see Harris got the horsepower as they run down to that turn eighth spot and he's gonna slide himself back up underneath camera ba ba so here no look at Bubba eats really Wow are you kidding me he's got to do there that's what he's got to do there's the gap that's the gap and now Tony and now Josh looks back he loses those two spots now Cameron could put his head down and Tony Elias is in the prime spot for damage control Garrett girl off has checked out to almost what two and a half second lead Bobby ain't now the one spot that he made a mistake in was this spot that we went through it really cost him all those who ball that time phobia using all the curving I'm not sure if he knows that Josh Herron is now two bikes away from him so Cameron Poe ba what a pass that was that was forcing the issue through eight nine didn't think it was possible look at Kyle whine and get off that last corner Graig dr. Conte to hook talk to him a little bit this morning suggesting the best it's been on the edge of the tire I've got a ton of grip I've got a ton of edge grip when I start to accelerate and it looks at as the ducati run in third spot right now and looks comfortable doing so I feel Harun obviously was holding those guys up a little bit buh ba now we're gonna start to see Gregg 15.1 fastest first split to a 15-4 by his teammate unbelievable as Tony Elias is now going to go under Wyman his wyman going to try to stuff it back underneath him Wyman trying to get a drive on Matthew cot II know he's gonna hang there so it's Garrett Karloff leading the way three point two seconds over camp buh ba Tony Lee is now up into third spot [Music] so garrett girl off trying to get away but is Cameron Beaubier who has just ripped through sector number one and sector number two the fastest we've seen so far he's going after his teammate Gerlach he's pulled back half a second this lap it was 3.2 the last time they came through now it is probably going to be under that three-second mark maybe two point six two point seven this is where we see Cameron Beaubier do things that don't seem human sometimes he's able but now great he's got a lot of laps to do it this guy here run it a nice pace up front 24.5 for garrett girl off he's did that on his last lap let's see this is gonna be a low 24 camera Bovie I don't know how if you're Cameron Beaubier you're gonna fight back twenty four point nine four girl op twenty four point one for beau be a Sofo be a just gets back eight tenths of a second on his teammate and how about Tony Elias a ragged first lap in this one maybe first lap and a half and now the Spaniard is settled into a rhythm live championship point if this is the way the race would end it would go 16 to 12 what looked like it was going to be more damage than that after lap 1 but it still can't be Greg and I'll tell you why because there's nothing he can do with those two Yamaha is disappearing out the front of him right now what he's got to be able to realize is that he has a stack of riders behind him Wyman Heron Beach got nice Colts almost in that close of an order as well they're all going to be putting a lot of pressure on this 24 so he's not out of the dark yet he's got to run his consistent laps as he can all the while those two those two bikes up in front of him he's gonna lose sight of them in the next maybe 6 7 8 laps so he's not gonna really know what's going up in front this is where the board's gonna be important for him to be able to get that information but there's nothing he can do with the two up front he's got to worry about what's up behind him Josh herring trying to get around Kyle Wyman and right behind him the likes of JD Beach who is definitely a day behind as his team owner Richard stamboli was held up and couldn't even get here until late yesterday so stamboli wasn't even here to work on the motorcycle or even come up with a direction and that one so JD Beach he basically told me like this is all about gathering so 24:8 for girl off twenty four four four po ba so buh ba gotten back another four tenths of a second so now the gap up front is closed down to two seconds but Tony aleus starting to come under fire again from Kyle Wyman so Kyle there's certain sections of the racetrack it's going back and forth but Wyman looks to be settling in his bo ba sideways that's his line and look at Josh Aaron he's going to go under Wyman his Wyman continues to leave that door open and Haren holds it nice and tidy so now he's gonna fall behind his teammate yep and this is what we're gonna have to see does Herron kind of run block it looks like he's got pace great we saw make a small mistake or actually Cameron went underneath him here about three laps ago cameras closed down one point two to the leader in the last two laps but this Herrin half the pace to think that he can try to go by Elias as well in that same spot here looks so strong down into that turn five areas Charlotte's Web area now comes the term team orders is there such a thing you have obviously Tony Elias the 24 number - Josh Herron on the same team who's got a contract as zukie say anything to them I guarantee you Jason that on the Yamaha side of things that conversation has not happened well and I'll tell you something else about that when we talk about team orders but you got to remember is this not just hot josh Haren up behind Tony Elias right now Tony Elias has plus one on his board Herron has plus one on his board but you got Kyle wine in there and you got JD Beach there and other guys Tony doesn't have to just worry about his own teammate the people behind him is JD Beach now got by Kyle Wyman as well what you got to think about is there's more people so Haren is still gonna try to run his own race if he could try to go by in other words Craig he's not gonna be able to just kind of hang out if you feel like he's got a lot of pace because he's got a lot of people pressuring him from the back yeah the other thing about team orders to Jason if you're Cameron buh ba and you're and you're Garrett curl off Garet girl off just chopped the throttle let his teammate buy that's something that we know is going to be around for the rest of Cameron Beaubier life he doesn't want to win a championship like that he wants to go get Garrett girl off but Gerlach is making it very difficult because in sector number one bo ba went the fastest time we've seen all weekend but in Sector number two girl off just answered with it so the gap is starting to settle in last time by bo ba did get three tenths of a second so it was down to 1.7 seconds but they are both setting the world on fire as girl off just set the fastest sector three time so he knows that his teammates coming a girl off is not wanting to give him this win at all bo ba up over the hill with the wheels in the air and there's no question bo ba is coming there's no question Gregg and they think about it right now we've got two Purple's on our screen we got three Purple's and they're all from the factory Yamaha riders of girl off ant bo ba but see now he's responded he saw three points two on that Ford earlier when we talked about purple on our screen that is the fastest sector of the race these guys are what gray we got 11 laps to go so we're eight laps in and these guys are still running fast as sector times 24 flat that time for camera bo ba so when we talk about purple splits that's on our time that's the fastest sector time set during the race green if you hear us say that is the personal best sector time so Cameron Bo be a continues to put the pressure on but a 24 flat for Bo ba that's the fastest lap of the race doing it on lap 10 the concern at this point for me Jason is Cameron buh ba with the fight he had early on with Josh Herron what's the tire lights going to be with 11 laps to go at the halfway point but we've seen this guy do some crazy things on old used tires Pittsburgh comes to mind last two laps he ran the fastest two laps of the race but that gap now 1.7 couple laps ago 1.6 this guys responded on the 31 has girl off and it just seems to me now he's going to make it extra hard on his teammate as the sector times light up on our screen right now girl off has actually pulled another tenth away on this particular lap so Garret girl off leads the way over his teammate Cameron Beaubier a slim 1.6 2nd margin for Cambodia to try to get maximum points in this championship so much more to come halfway at the halfway point Cameron Poe ba trying to get to his teammate Garrett curl off as he inches closer and closer to it the gap is now down to 1.3 seconds girl off is fighting and fighting but man I'm gonna tell you something Jason if it wasn't for that battle between Josh Aaron this would be a different looking race at the moment instead they're our hearts pounding all over the place on the Tony Aliya side of things as he sits in third spot with josh hare and his teammate behind him and on the Cameron Beaubier side of things as well as he's trying to catch his teammate who is only interested at this point in winning these races and why not that's what he gets paid to do yeah a girl off right now you know anybody that thinks that that there could be what you talked about earlier team orders 24 - last time I forget girl off which is flying they only qualify that 23 nine how about Cameron Beaubier going 24 flat 2 laps in a row trying to grind down those lap times here's an onboard from tony elias as you can see he's got his teammate right behind it but you see behind him ray there's three more guys lying astern sitting just behind him you got JD Beach Jake Gagne mantas Colts we've seen now that Kyle Wyman's just falling off the back of this this battle so all those three guys behind these guys are thinking well it's a podium right up there I could sniff a podium out yeah but still so much laps left in this race and obviously oh you can see pit board right there just telling Tony Alya steady sky eight eight seconds a drift of first and second spot and he's got his teammate Herron right behind him so Jason when you're seeing that on your pit board you think it's comforting for for Tony Elias to see that it's his teammate I just you know it's hard question for me to answer because I don't know what Josh herons contractual obligations are going into 2020 if he has any job or doesn't have a job but right now he's following Tony it's got to give unless these two guys have talked to each other and Josh hey if you know what's me behind you I'm not gonna do anything and this that tossed a veteran of our series he's been there before and he's seen what's going on what's gotten them he answered the question it looks like Josh herons going to Brno doesn't do it so it looked like he had a great drive on his teammate he did he had a run there Greg and that that might just tell the story of what you and I are questioning right now because he's that close it is close racing but herons also gonna be aware that there's three riders JD Beach Jake Anja and Matthew sculls right behind him Smoltz of course a winner here at Barber Motorsports Park a few years ago in the rain and the thing you cannot forget Greg is the leaders 24 won for Garrett Groff and bo ba has gone 24 flat again each one of bo ba z' last three laps have been faster than the one prior they're riding on the edge I mean these guys are right on qualifying pace there's still a bunch of laps left to go here anything can happen but what's going on right now is you're starting to see that gap between herand and between the guys behind him that's gonna probably give him a lot of confidence too okay there's nobody back there there's nobody behind you can see josh is having a look they're pulling away Greg absolutely so he's pulling away from that group so 24-1 the fastest lap of this race of 23-8 by bo ba that was last time by by the way so now the gaps down to eight tenths of a second when Toby a is there 23 eight to give you an idea last year the fastest lap put in in a race was a 25 won by bo ba in race number two we are 1.3 seconds here you go that's girl off coming out of the last corner Greg he rides a lot of moto I know he does and he just made the last turn a little bit of a motocross but you can look back now and in our shot camera bo ba is there he's really close we're talking eight tenths and he has done it by doing 324 flats in a row then going quicker than qualifying this morning 23 in the hottest part of the day right now no joke from Cameron Beaubier here tires by the way working the best optimal at the hottest part of the day this is what Dunlop wanted to see they wanted 50 degrees C about 122 Fahrenheit track temperature for these tires to work at their best kind of counter counterintuitive Jason to a lot of people who think to themselves that you know if it's hotter the tires aren't gonna work as good think of it as a spring you know that that warm temperature allows that tire to move around a little more and works great how about this Cameron Beaubier is now on the back of garrett girl off they go by 24 flat girl off 24/7 so now jason the question is if you're Cameron Beaubier and you know you have a 10 second gap over tony elias do you start to force the issue this early or you just settle down and that's really the big question well it looked like for a moment that we might get the answer i can tell you right now that beau ba has been coming down into five and sending it sideways but those wheels were perfectly in line well now you're gonna get to see hopefully cameron where he's at now it makes it really hard for him to go 23 823 924 flat anymore he sent five of those in a row greg in the middle to run down his teammate now it's almost like he can take just maybe a tiniest bit of breathers girl off has watched that lead go from three point two down to plus zero now both guys know where each other are now it's just gonna be a matter how they want to play it out where cameron feels like he's gaining that time and if that's a spot where he's gaining time then he'll be able to make a pass and garrett hasn't given it to him I mean we have seen center split up until the last lap we're girl it's gone fastest of the race he just hasn't put it all together where Cameron just keeps chipping away chipping away and I think that you got to keep in mind too that these guys are gonna race each other hard they're gonna race each other clean the important part is is Cameron in a perfect world wants to pass his teammate as clean as possible not destruct Garrett's flow so that this 10-second lead they have right now it never gets disrupted and so it's going to be a clean calculated pass hopefully somewhere there won't be any standing each other up or any of that kind of stuff it's gonna be a nice smooth pass I think if he's able to get through and it's probably gonna happen like you say down in the Charlotte's Web area the Monster Energy AMA Lube yamaha Factory Racing teammates number 31 garrett girl off out front number one Cameron Beaubier as bo ba gets a little bit loose so Mike come off the ground yeah yeah it comes off the ground what he's doing there Greg is he's soaking up the top of that Ridge with his legs you saw his butt about a couple you know six inches out of the seat that's using your legs as you go up over the top of that to soak that bike up so that when it rips over the top and it gets a little airborne you got a little room to move around Garrett girl off looking good this this is the situation we thought it was it's really gonna play out Derek Earl off not giving it to his teammate but Tony Elias the 24 right now finishing in third spot if Cameron Beaubier can win this race Antonio Lea stays in third and we have the same result tomorrow bo ba would win this championship by a slender two points and I got to be honest I think Josh Herron has some pace he's being a really good teammate right now it looks to me it's a Tony Elias which is nice it's you know cuz I think it would take a big pass for Josh to get by Tony but he's lettin Tony do his own thing they've probably got a little agreement they changed in the same truck those probably said hey if I'm not behind you I'm not gonna go stepping up on anything unless there's a clear path on the way through here you go Greg as they come down the front straight two leaders side-by-side going into one yeah this has got to be something clean where he's not gonna rough up his teammate if Bo ba is gonna try to get by because you want Garrett girl off to stay on the racetrack and finish in second spot where Tony right now all he can do is just hope that those two guys mess each other up and make a mistake so Tony Lee is number 24 in third with his teammate Herron so it's for factory bikes up front and this battle for the Chan chimp with Jake Gagne Kyle Wyman cam Peterson it looks like Matthews skulls into the pits in this one so I am slowing down Greg out our window I did see Matthew slowing down some skulls in the pits Dave Anthony rounds out our top 10 but all eyes right now with four five labs 12 four and a half laps to go are gonna be on these two guys in front and where we've seen Cameron take a couple little runs this would be another spot you get through this right you can get a run on a guy you can do something with him but passing somebody down into this left Greg is a little bit sketchy rolling down into turn 12 as you heard me saying our Suzuki hot spots you can't see the apex in the corner with your tip it in there's Matthew skulls must be racing Yamaha's Matthews skulls out of this one and by the way Garrett girl off to set the fastest sector to splint of the race as now Cameron Beaubier goes up the inside of his teammate can he get it back over to the left oh his foot comes off the peg for a moment on the transition but now it's the number one plate of Cameron Beaubier who's taken over the lead for the moment but here comes the fight his curl off takes a look over and sees his teammate and into turn one goes Cameron Beaubier so he will take over the spot for the moment but we'll see if Gerlach wants to fight him at this point where did he do it Greg the spot that we called earlier on turns 15 to 16 I've seen beau VA do it for years there he's able to run a tighter line than most through that corner and I feel that you're gonna see the kind of the same thing that we see in that battle for third and fourth right now between two teammates girl off is not gonna do anything too crazy to try to get by Cameron Beaubier here with what's on the line for the weekend here you go you can see Cameron just has this ability to go tighter than what other people think we saw here and make the adjustment after being past there twice foot came off the peg because as you start to accelerate from the right the outside peg as much as you want to try to use it to help accelerate Cameron just didn't quite have his foot in the spot after making that pass I can't believe it a couple of seconds a drift as Garrett girl off was just going fat mean he just kept setting sector split times that were the best in Cameron answers as you can see the championship update has a definite shift from 12 now to seven for Cameron Beaubier unbelievable as Tony Elias continues to circulate around in third spot after getting shuffled back in this one yeah JD Beach right now is still right on the back of these two yo spikes make no mistake about it they got to continue to push 1.6 seconds between Herron and JD Beach they've obviously found something so three laps to go in this one Camryn buh ba has a clean track in front of him Garrett girl off his teammate in hot pursuit how is this one gonna end out of the bottom up the hill they come I just can't believe that with the amount of fighting that Camryn boobies had to do that he's got tires underneath him I mean what a job I really have to take my hat off to Dunlop on this one because with three laps to go cams bike looks very tidy at this point yeah well having a guy like Taylor nap come down here and test tires for you is the right guy to do it Taylor still has a ton of pace so having him at your disposal if your Dunlop is a big deal so they've done a good job with getting these tires these guys are still going faster than their twenty fours you can look on the right side of our screen Greg and I'm looking at that lap ten the lap fifteen pace that is insane 24 flats 24 23 9 again ladies and gentlemen was pull so the fact that he went 23 8 on lap what grade 13 yeah incredible incredible but Garrett Corolla doesn't look like he's giving up and one thing he is doing is continuously applying pressure to Cameron foe be a what a championship we have had Jason the thing I'm watching though Greg on our screen and we've got the two leaders here right in front of us 26 flats by the two Yoshimura Suzuki's last time by the problem is JD Beach is going 25 1 and even quicker on this lap he's going to be right on the back of that battle for third and if you think per second I mean JD Beach season guy he's gonna be the same way he just gonna reverse spec full but he's got that much pace he can see the podium right in front of him what a pace we have here at Barber Motorsports Park this new asphalt showing that in his very expected I look at JD Beach now he's on the back of these two so now josh herons in a horrible position cuz if he feels like he's got pace to get by his teammate he wants to do it but he wants to do it clean and then on the reverse side of it he's got a guy up behind him now he's got plus 0 so Herron I feel bad for him he's in the worst spot you could be on on the track this could be JD Beach's fine weaken on a superbike here in moto America competition and he wants to prove how good he is beach under breaking down into turn five does he have any room whoa the hairs closed heron looked over and saw JD Beach had a run on him and just let the lever off Beach was trying to go up behind up past Heron Heron is trying to play a little bit of protector it looks like right now see how tight Josh Heron is going in there he's trying to pray a little bit of a protection game right now to not let JD JD Beach by it looks like you're looking at the importance of having teammates as Beach trying to get by heron and you can see that herons kind of slowing him down so there's a bit of a gap now between two teammates as Heron doing a great job of trying to keep another Yamaha at bay on the essence in racing he's looking at the board as Heron Heron goes okay we got two laps to go like I got to slow the roll just a little bit here on the number 95 JD Beach is what it looks like I think that you're gonna see here is Tony he's got what probably just four tenths now Greg may be of a second as they come across the sea but he's just created a big enough gap where it'll be hard for JD to get up there final lap of this race Tony ileus as JD Beach trying to go up underneath Josh sure and herons so good on the brakes today parent just let go of that lever he runs a very tight line and to turn two and now if he could just run it you know I feel like if Heron can can he's doing what he's doing right now he's given a big enough gap where CJ DS not going to be able to do anything with him down into Charlotte's Web good for her and run it over to the left there a little bit protective here's our lead battle Greg this is it championship ramifications right now is Cameron Beaubier reeled in caught and passed his teammate Gary curl up on the final lap of the race there's only a tenth of a second between him Gerlach has continued to put the pressure on his teammate all race long and when they go back and look at the lap times they're gonna know that this race was not handed to Cameron Bomi this could be the race for Cameron Beaubier that defines a potential 2019 championship holding on to that number one plate through turn 16 and the final turn number 17 Cambo ba can he keep it tidy to the throttle stop he goes and to the line Cameron Beaubier will take victory and a maximum 25 points over his teammate Garret gorilla looking for that battle for third now as you see Tony Elias last wee look look at that Greg Josh herons right up back so parent created a little bit of gap and then he ran a pretty good solid lap on his own this last lap to the line they come and it's going to be Tony Elliott so he will take the most amount of points he can get out of this one 16 points for Tony the problem is great 18 seconds behind like how do you close that gap tomorrow that's the biggest thing and I think that one's got here at number one he's proven that not only does he have the pace he has the sustainability to be able to make that tire last they're still doing 24 5 on the very last lap of the race unbelievable yeah insane fastest lap last year a 25 one we get new asphalt there was a big question mark on if the tires were gonna last what's Dunlop going to do they spent the money they got down here they tested and they put some amazing tires underneath this rider a 123 point 8 7 1 will be the new mark as the fastest Superbike race time my goodness Jason are you kidding me 7 points now the difference in this championship with 25 points one race to go in the EBC brakes Superbike Championship title it's tony elias with seven points over cameron bo ba this is what we were thinking we might see here but tony really showed up and in practice session number one and we thought uh-oh tony's on it yeah but then you have an accident and then you see the other guys stepping up pace and all those kind of things the first session is the teller only because you see who can get used to the track the quickest but Tony sees right now is not the fact that he finished third you're gonna see probably I don't want to say demoralize but you're gonna see a guy there you can see the first guy that congratulate Cameron bo ba is Tony but something's gone on obviously since Jersey Jersey they were Theo spikes were quite a way back and now we're 18 seconds again today not exactly sure what's going on there but that's the concern he's not gonna be able to make up 18 seconds overnight I don't think that Tony's gonna be able to go from his best lap of the race there Greg at 25 1 how's he gonna get to a 23-8 if needed and that's the concern yeah really Jason if you look at Cambo B the way he's collected points when we were in Sonoma you know back around the 10th of August Cameron Beaubier well he scored zero points in race number one and then he comes back to win that race and now for Cameron Beaubier it's been win 2nd place 2nd place 2nd place win win and those seconds could have easily been wins you know the ones that he finished 2nd we've seen a lot of frustration from the young guy all we hear in some of his battles at Laguna Seca comes to mind and of course Pittsburgh and some of those come to mind but you know that the thing is is that when you get down to it you can always look back on the year at the points you didn't get we saw Cameron crash at Sonoma race one Tony gave it back to him the second day in the Oh Tony could have probably finished second or third that day had those points in pocket and this is what can happen in these Championships as we go down to just a slim four seven seven points first second is five first a third is nine the difference by the way second to third is only four points yeah so it's really important as we really think without question that tony elias and his crew are going to go to the drawing board and make improvements on that motorcycle and we're not gonna see an 18 second gap can he make up 18 seconds that's a dollar like you're saying but great it was one little mistake the camera made in this race one made one mistake and two guys got by him yeah and that really showed then as soon as Haren got by and they started messing around with each other that gap it got pulled away from girl off that makes it really really difficult but Cameron made one tiny mistake and and then had a fight on the rest of his hands the lap times and he did in the middle of that race what will be something that you can look back on if things turned out well for him tomorrow he'll be able to look back on that middle part of race one unbelievable Cameron Beaubier with a 1/10 of a second victory over Garrick Turrell off his teammate and then tony elias and josh heron in that order with JD Beach Jake Gagne Kyle Wyman a good race for him but drifted back to seventh they'll be taking a look see how they can get that bike to continue to go that pace race distance cam Peterson eighth and David Anthony the first of our Kawasaki so Yamaha Suzuki's BMW Ducati and Kawasaki all in the top nine we love to see that parody Jason absolutely yeah I will see if I you know Kyle was up there at the beginning 102 you know here the bigger drop in tires or what could have made me been the problem just to see Jake Gagne up there rating right in with those guys again in JD Beach obviously found something so JD's gonna go back to to Richie stamboli and that attack the Yamaha team tonight and make some changes and hopefully he could push it closer and the question was answered at the top of the show we talked about the race ability of Barber Motorsports Park with this new asphalt we knew the grip was there but the question is if you had to make a pass off line could you make it stick and you know what other than Matthews skulls who pulled into the pits no attrition in this race great good to see it's great to see we'll take a break when we come back to Barber Motorsports Park we're going to talk to Cameron Beaubier and find out exactly how he did it he won it hang tight [Music] Fox Sports coverage at moto America Superbike racing from Barber Motorsports Park has been brought to you by Dunlop the official tire of the 2019 moto America championship back after a heart pounder in that one is Cameron Bovie a is desperately lunging forward to try to get a hold of this championship with Tonioli is holding on to a slim seven points but buh ba with the fastest lap of 123 point eight seven one was the standout and he's with Hannah Garrett camp Oldham Garrett pulled away kind of early how are you able to close that gap and ultimately pass him for the win yeah I mean the start of the race couldn't have gone better the first slot and man I don't know what it was but I got distracted going down into I think 10 and 11 and I yeah I totally lost focus almost ran off the track and then Josh and and Garrett went by me and man it was so hard to get around here and he's such easy you know he's such a good racer and and I was dicing back and forth you know like let Garrett get away and I just I did everything I could to reel Garrett back and he's been going so fast this year and you know especially this weekend so I was able to I was really really happy with my pace there in the middle of the race I was able to do I think I went faster than I did in qualifying on race tires so that's a testament to Dunlop at a at a brand new you know or at Barber with this brand new surface so hats off to them and that felt really really good you know we're slowly closing we still got a lot of work to do we're just not gonna not gonna quit until until it's over so big thanks to my monster energy ama lube Yamaha team Bella alpinestars the man above for keeping all those safe and yeah I'll go try to get him tomorrow congratulations Thank You Kim all right Jason just to give you an idea Cameron Beaubier went 123 8:02 in qualifying and he did a 23.8 71 so it wasn't quite faster but we're talking about splitting hairs here that's 750 700 700 and then the next lap it was even tighter still because Herron fired right back okay - I came onto that front straightaway and you can see he goes up underneath Aaron down into the turn five and harun was able to get on the back of them in this pass here great Kenta how hard this isn't the commitment level that there is and the trust of the guy next to you parent could have turned it in on that there but Cameron had enough of a run on him and then here and looked back and saw that his teammate was coming and then Cameron Beaubier host exact same pass off on Garrett Burrell Avant they went through that big long turn 1516 area and he was able to pull away pull pull pull out of win yeah and that really could be the past that could win him this championship so lost a little bit of focus and boy did Cameron Beaubier gather it back up well Garrett girl off set sail and he had a tremendous pace all race long he finished second he's with Hannah way pretty early in the beginning their camp caught up to you how was that battle with your teammate knowing the championship is at stake for him I mean it's always something in the back of my mind I don't want to mess anything up for anybody but now Cameron was tried and awesome I mean he caught me when I had a little bit of a gap in and you know but my Yamaha r1 felt awesome all weekend and I feel really feel like we made some some good improvements especially with the tires that we're having to run which by the way works really well in that race like we were almost doing qualifying times on a way way way harder compound so props at Dunlop well yeah you know I just I felt good the last few laps but I just you know didn't find a find a place to put in a pass and and you know congrats to Cameron on on the race a strong race for both of us I think and I you know coming down to tomorrow for the championship it should be exciting who knows I might have a front row seat tomorrow so anyway just glad I got to get put on the podium for my whole Yamaha all right yeah I'm on Financial Services watch the energy team and just the whole all the guys HTC helmets quartz-like leathers CD boots everybody supports me the sports team and just got to give all the glory my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Thanks knowing that this championship could come down to this very last race for your teammate do you think that you could somehow help him and put yourself in a position to elevate not only yourself but your whole team and help him get that one yeah I mean for sure I mean there's there's gotta be somebody in the middle so you know I'm gonna try to ride my race tomorrow and you know but he wrote really great today and and we might be in the same boat you know right riding together so uh you know we'll see how it goes but I definitely want Yamaha to be on top of the championship this year and you know they've been behind me they've been awesome family for me my whole career and and I want lots of them but I really want to win that race too so you know conflicting issues problems whatever thanks Garrett great question by Hanna by the way I really like that you and Garrett knew the question was coming and you can see them smiling like huh boy how am I gonna answer this question because when it comes down to it he's got a career of his own to think about no question about it and as far as we know there is no contract in place for Garrett or loft for the future and would you rather go to try to get a ride in your up Jason and say I won for BBC break Superbike races or five five is always better but you got to also remember where your bread is buttered a little bit and in your ear right he was almost thinking everybody and trying to run from Hanna she the thing is is that there's obviously a great camaraderie between these two as well we've never seen them get into it with each other they've always reach each other very clean I'm sure if the shoe was on the other foot it would be the same amount of respect from Cameron Beaubier to Garrett girl off but that is the question for tomorrow wow what a championship we have coming down to the wire here you couldn't ask for anything better in moto America competition but the rider right now who still holds onto this championship lead by seven is Tony Elias and he had an entertaining race Tony 18 seconds back from your championship rival Cameron Beaubier today how do you and your team plan to try and manage that gap and close it up for tomorrow of course we it's a bad situation but we have to do something we will work hard tonight we are not going to be with our arms crossed so yeah it happened what what we expect no we had more problems than we expect but but strategies works well in both sides so and it's normal this is racing every team played that strategies and but it's not done yet of course today we lost nine points and if this happened tomorrow the championship will be will be for Cameron so we'll have to do something and and fight still we are seven points ahead it's better than stay seven behind like like always but the the way to maneuver is so small right now so let's work hard it's on what we don't found yet and let's see what happen thanks Tony you know the thing is Greg is you're still seven points ahead and that's what he keyed on and you have to key on the positive you got seven points up you lost most of the laps he was eighteen seconds back Greg he lost five or six seconds in those first three or four laps because he got shuffled back the bike wasn't that good underneath him and he went straight backwards so I'd say a good three to four second at that time was lost for the first couple laps so when you start looking at what he was able to do today there's gonna be something in the setup but they've got to change obviously the bike hunt new tires wasn't that good for him if you can tell he's a guy that always goes faster as well once the tires get older and the fuel goes down and we didn't see that as well either de+ Jason I think you know when you're when you're racing this championship always want to look ahead but he's got it tonight look behind him because you got to worry about what JD Beach is going to do here's those championship standings right now as Tony does lead by seven but I think really what we're talking about here is the shift in momentum in the last three races is definitely going Cameron buh ba sway then you have Gerlach k DB Sheeran in fist spot ya adults who unfortunately wasn't able to finish the race Jake Lewis who had a big incident actually ran off and was was able to save that one he ended up a lap down but was able to finish the race and then cam Peterson in your top nine so it's really if you're you know bo ba and girl off you're looking at those two riders and looking at themselves but it's JD Beach he's the guy right now yeah damn Foley's gonna be over there he's already looking at the data figuring thing to do to get JD that little bit quicker because he was what was he great point three off the podium or something like that thing and what do you do if you're Josh here in Japan to be the good teammate or trying to be a good guy you don't have a contract in plate yeah even if you have even if you had pace today didn't want to really mess up with Tony is almost a professional courtesy tough spot to be in alright we're gonna take a break more coming at you from Barber Motorsports Park here on our FS news coverage of moto America competition so don't go anywhere you you
Channel: MotoAmerica
Views: 90,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motoamerica, superbike, superbike racing, motorcycle, motorcycles, motorcycle racing, ama, fim, north america, race, racing, road race, road racing, motorsport, yamaha, yamaha racing, suzuki, yoshimura, monster energy, ducati, kawasaki, bmw, josh herrin, cameron beaubier, toni elias, mathew scholtz, garrett gerloff, kyle wyman, cam petersen, jake gagne, barber motorsports park, barber, alabama, full race, race 1, race one
Id: Qz59QcM7OiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 40sec (3760 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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