Mother's act of kindness goes a long way

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and the local mom says she was sleep deprived and running on empty that sound familiar when a stranger stepped in to help when she needed it most well now a photo from the chance meeting and apparel and Target store has gone viral Erica Moodle Raj tracked down the mom and the woman she calls an angel light that Rebecca Patterson's pearland home is well she's mom to two month old Aiden and two year old Jacob it took a little time for us to get settled but we wanted to know the story behind her picture that's been shared online tens of thousands of times it was like my first time not really fit the both of them it was taken Monday night at the target in Pearland Rebecca says what was supposed to be a quick trip to the store started going downhill quickly that's when she says a woman walked around the corner and offered to help very calm very sweet healthy was kind the woman was a stranger Rebecca calls her an angel she goes by tiffany Guillory I said go ahead and do your grocery shopping and I'll just hold Jacob and I'll talk to him I picked him up put him in my arms and I talked to him you know with the soothing voice they walked around the store for 45 minutes and as Rebecca checked out she took this photo and shared it in a private pearland mom's Facebook group to thank a stranger for her kindness and it really touched me because I know how it is I've been there I have a you know two kids and it's frustrating and that baby is 2 months so you have hormones going and you know people are looking at you crazy and I just I just wanted to help God sent me there to help her Tiffany says she's overwhelmed by the reaction not only are your gorgeous but beautiful inside to a small gesture Rebecca will never forget kindness understanding goes a long way you know and I think it's true because I didn't feel judged you know how to helping hand and I needed at the moment standing for Houston Ray Camus Dhiraj KHOU 11 news it's the smallest gesture right that made the biggest difference
Channel: KHOU 11
Views: 7,557,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Features, mom, pearland, target, viral, act of kindness, khou
Id: BOsm3I8jdlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 33sec (153 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 22 2018
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