Mother goes to jail for Parental Alienation

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a jury of her peers heard the overwhelming evidence presented against sandy tech Victor on the six counts of deprivation of parental rights sandy no longer understands what it means to be a parent and therefore I do not believe she understands what she took from me or more importantly our children to this day I still do not understand why sandy thought complete annihilation of our family was a good plan she needed to first destroy me the father of her children in order to do so she used our children not in appreciating that she was destroying them in the process Nico was forced by Sandy to write false claims about me on his Facebook which embarrassed our son with all his friends and filled him with enormous guilt he was torn between the desire of trust and belief and his mother and his need to tell and finally tell the truth he has done what he can to make sure his words the words he knows I'm sorry he has done what he can to make sure the world knows that the words on his Facebook page were not his they were not the truth they were his mother's words she used him to try to hurt me destroy my reputation destroyed my relationship with my children I thank God every day that Nico and all our children are finally able to recognize the truth from the nightmare sandy created while I was following the instruction of the family court to heal our family sandy was creating an environment of paranoia and fear and our children sandy went to great lengths to convince our children that the world and the world that I was a monster during this time our children should have been focused on school on their friends having fun and growing up the time was spent being used by their mother to destroy their father as to the long-term effect what you did to our children this will take them years if not a lifetime to comprehend the trauma and the pain you inflicted upon them but sadly our kids may be haunted for this the rest of their lives and will possibly never understand why their mother didn't just let them have the love and support of both their parents you stole two and a half years of their childhood from them time they'll never get back time will never get back four 944 days two of my kids were away from those who loved them the most they were living in a desolate part of Minnesota with complete strangers they didn't see a doctor they didn't go to school they didn't see any of their friends and they didn't see any of their family one of the worst days during this nine hundred forty four days my girls were missing is when Trish van Pilsen from Fox nine showed up uninvited to my home my daughter's had been missing for ten days and law enforcement was working with me and my family to help find them at the end of the interview van Pilsen told me that she had interviewed the missing girls and told and but she would accuse she refused to share the information on the location with me and law enforcement she left me helpless knowing that she alone could help bring me to my girls yet hiding behind the shield of journalistic integrity she had the power to end this nightmare in just 10 days instead it lasted 934 days even after repairing all the damage to the home two of her kids were still missing even when the noise it was noisy in the house there was missing two voices even when the house was full two were missing 944 days with two missing it was a living hell a hell that sandy designed and built as a vehicle to battle her own personal demons and enemies she created in her mind received a phone call from the lake the Blakefield Police Department asking me to collect DNA and dental records for my missing girls was one of the lowest points the wave of reality that my girls may never be found her worse may never be found alive became a sudden reality I wish I could go back in time and get sandy the help she needs while she is my ex-wife she is the mother of my children I want them to have a mother who truly loves truly loves them as the children should be loved by both parents I invite you to stand during this morning's hearing I was deeply affected by mr. Rocky's victim impact statement first mr. rocky in his eloquent and heartfelt tribute to family the strength of family into his children described his relationship with the five lucky children the five rocky offspring who I have learned our vibrant and unique individuals each in their own right he lovingly described his relationship with his children and he described the impact of the events that led us to this day mr. rocky described defendants acts as the annihilation of the family truer words have never been spoken the senselessness of these events have haunted each member of the rocky family since April 19 2013 the pain and the loss that each family member has endured is beyond comprehension my heart aches for you we do not live in isolation and surely we are all reminded today of the ripple effect that one life has upon others I was also touched by mr. Rocky's words about a family that endures a family that heals from trauma and pain this is never an easy process and it's often a process that bumps along lurches along two steps forward one step back a sentence will never heal the wounds dead mr. rocky and the children have suffered a sentence will not bring back precious time that was lost in experiences large and small that you all should have shared together a sentence will not take away that pain miss Grazyna rocky the jury's verdict was clear you were found guilty of six counts of deprivation of custodial a parental rights during the trial you claimed and you have always claimed that you acted in the best interests of your daughters that you acted as a loving mother if so it defies logic that you left your three other children in the custody of the father you claim was abusive your animosity for mr. rocky robbed you of good judgment and it robbed your children of stable sibling relationships and the important connection to their father during formative teen years your animus towards mr. rocky spilled unto others including the professional whose pet the professionals whose paths crossed yours there is a saying my way or the highway and on April 19 2013 you literally took to the highway with your two daughters because you did not get your way in the family court proceeding and those two children remains missing for 944 days the family is the cornerstone of our society I'm not a psychologist a social worker or an expert on child development I am however a mother a grandmother and a judge I believe without hesitation that our community our children your children need and deserve the guidance and love that a father brings to their lives so as to the conditions of your probation first you will serve 250 days in the Dakota County Jail you will receive credit for 133 days actually served by my tally you have 34 days to serve on the original term of confinement and you will be taken into custody today to serve the balance of this confinement period you will serve 15 days in jail during each year of your probationary term and your 15 year day jail sentence will begin on November 18 of each year the day that girls were recovered beginning in 2017 so you will surrender to the Dakota County Jail at 8 a.m. to serve 15 days on each of the following days November 18 2017 November 18 2018 November 18 2019 November 18 2020 November 18 2021 and November 18 2020
Channel: David K
Views: 1,780,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sandra Grazzini-Rucki, David Rucki, parental alienation, rucki, divorce, child custody
Id: hRoSUOB8H9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2017
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