Most "Vicious" Hits in Football History

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[Applause] good protection Vaughn incomplete big hit by Kyle Fuller and now flag is thrown returnable by Speedy oh wow oh that's Mac Wilson a true freshman by the way [Applause] what's up boy oh my God it's cam Rising now he breaks it down and rolls out Rising step two and gets absolutely demolished oh my gosh what a hit that was raelyn go forth that just lit him up against the tie short kick free ball and Christian Jones levels it's a peel back block and that's going to be a fine and that's going to be [Applause] in fact three of them Davis lost the ball cam Chancellor comes in that's what Brett's saying that's not reviewable first passes that was a shellacking of Sean Shivers and did I mention something about Witherspoon Britney's class third and seven over the middle Polamalu got a hand on it and Ryan Clark laid out Wes Welker Wharton sloger to the sideline caught first down what a hit Denzel [Applause] on Dustin Keller as the ball arrived Stroud rolling looking that way retreating and he'll just throw it out of the back of the end zone there was Heavy pressure actually a flag comes out I thought it was going to be Way Beyond the end line Harrison worked his way back and actually made a play on the ball to keep his defense off [Applause] and there is the biggest hit maybe of the 1989-90 bowl season separation oh big hit Sanders gets walloped by McLeod penalty marker on the play thank you warden from his own 40. oh whoa what a hit 37-yard line Brady stepping up keep that field wide open Brandon Cooks and he gets smacked down at the 40-yard line taking some shot there by Jenkins Martinez to throw it over the middle he finds Jamal Turner Turner touchdown Nebraska that's the best block we've seen this year flag on the play second to nine Stafford throwing middle there's Johnson hit hard by Camp Chancellor the legal shoulder hit by Chancellor there's some pressure from the Bengals Roethlisberger Juju Smith Schuster is blown up and the whistles blow playing like a one lurk and watching this come downhill boom it's perfect he does it perfectly he knows it's coming to him wow Michigan at the 41. what a hit balls free on the ground South Carolina deserves to have it and they do cloudy just says I'll take care of business right here here's another oh watch out a flag on the hit by Derwin James who just laid out Ashton Doolin as Norwood comes to the middle of this defense oh my goodness that's why the rule is there oh that's the burgundy and gold and here's Banks hump fake and he's going to be hit Ryan to field now Dawkins has the crowd going pick up of three yards by Banks thank you pulls it down to run and gets leveled by Shazier confidence in the penguins are allowing that to happen by Gino Atkins and that'll wipe all the confidence off steps up throws and he completes the pass to Sterling Shepard who drops the ball the flat comes out and this this is not going to be pretty KJ Morton with the hit Here Comes Harrison chasing oh my goodness Moore is absolutely lost I don't know how he's going to get up foreign that was Bud Dupree drasky fires deep middle oh my goodness pits didn't make the catch and we're gonna have it looks like maybe a targeting cook on the run and he's gonna come up short oh Sean Taylor got him down oh did they hit it though I don't know how he held on to that family white well he did looking stops in trouble and he gets decked at the 30-yard line wow what a hit and that's perion wendbury [Music] yeah was drilled oh my goodness could be a fine right there helmet that's exactly what the league is trying to stay away from okay little pump fake now over the middle floor what a throw what a hit What A Catch algae Crumpler hung on after getting a vicious ball from Brian Dawkins [Applause] [Music] Skinner by Quincy McAdoo is heading having himself a really good Liberty Bowl third and six the Blitz oh what a crashing tackle at the 10. Robert [Music] you hear that yes he's trying to cover Brooks and Atwater with a crushing hit pressure coming he's going to run away from it and get the first oh maybe he didn't get the first down the ball is out and it's out of bounds short of the first down did he take a shot from Owen paffle off the play fake over the middle and hold and then the ball is intercepted as it was mccordy who comes up with it see Browner get his head out of there or try to hits him with a shoulder in the chest area this run defense but looking to throw and oh taking a huge hit and there comes a flag he launched so Bill that is that's going on the tape I would assume second down to 10. oh what a hit Lookout Brad Smith my goodness he's the leading taxi leading pass Defender reality set in when you drop back down to his knees Bradford not a body within 10 yards lofting down the sideline for Johnson and he is leveled by Major rights from the 30-yard line average did a tremendous hit by DeSean Goldson Brady throwing and that's incomplete and Gronkowski gets pop well he took a shot girl Thomas is going to make Gronkowski pay you cannot draw it up any better than that onside kicks Harris throws a wobbler oh my goodness bird got laid out and you knew that flag was coming in today's football you're just not going to be able to do that anymore Nigel Bradham Reese swings it out and a crunching hit put on by Sheldon brown and bush takes a while to get up now as Jonathan Bostic he is that a native building up whether it's in chaos and tight quarters oh yeah it was Rush Thomas in there as well goal this season that's coming chasing goth away flag gets thrown and Doc with a ball oh gets slammed out of bounds it for three here comes the fresh orange Rock ball is out and it's Clemson's football Trey Lamar able to knock the football out and recover what a shot Brady in trouble here comes the rush and here's the hit and alive Brady's up that's good to see but uh what looked like a knockout hit by Nate Clemens who played against Brady when they were both in the Big Ten Clemens at uh Ohio State and Brady and Michigan this exchange unless Roberts can do some work and he can oh smoke him it's a 30-yard line my goodness one third down The Possession guy oh you know who was looking for him oh DeAndre Singleton was on the lookout fake screen one way goes the other to Bettis has a blocker 20. bro is he hit hard by Lewis with ball wearing support now there was a Ray Lewis openfield tackle defense on this play and Prairie gets his pass off and he's completed to Bob Stevenson and Stevenson does it out of bounds with a first down watch this Collision wow that's powerful inside the five and Barner with a good return and gets smacked out by Badger so Baja says well here comes pressure he's going to get drilled the ball is loose Minnesota ball elbow with the recovery people want to put that over his mantle right on the fireplace it's better than any touchdown catch he's ever made [Applause] [Music] WWF style and there's the penalty Rolando McLean got a man wide open and that is complete and a monster shot the ball's loose and they say that Devin Street is down and Devin Street might not get up flushed out of the pocket and now he throws at the last second and completed it as he got planted and I mean planet and he's down and there's Flags down as well yeah I think we're going to get ahead no line off and running oh he is nailed and the ball is out and BYU's got it with the hit of the year bounces at the five and down there a flag is thrown inside the five yard line I think Amendola comes across he got leveled and lays them out hit balls out recovered by Timmons Ryan Park is still down both players coming right at each other I'm in South Carolina had a little trouble with the exchange and there's cloudy picking up the running back Neil and planning him that looked like Michigan with the exception of the helmet coming off sure looks like it Brunell having to hold it along and that passes incomplete and Ray Lewis just leveled for Bernie is calls holy cow [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Peak Highlights
Views: 362,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vAC2almlat4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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