Most Unexplained Things Found in The Ocean!

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they say life began at the bottom of the ocean many organisms evolved and came to earth in the water not only had been seen what could be intelligent beings but also strange events that have been capped on tape ready to join the finest squad then make sure to subscribe with notifications on so you don't miss any of our interesting videos ever again with that being said let's begin half-human half-fish in ancient times it was believed mermaids were beautiful women with long hair and a lovely voice that had a large fish tail from the waist down remember Ariel from The Little Mermaid well the creature captured in the next video doesn't look anything like her this recording was uploaded to YouTube in January of 2018 and she was a creepy looking creature half-human half-fish but not as we thought it would be unlike Ariel this thing doesn't have a beautiful face with braided long hair nor seashells on her body instead it has a fish head full of scales with protruding eyes it can be seen that it has two arms they don't have fins at the end but fingers its torso also looks human but ends in a giant fishtail the creatures lying in a cargo box so many have claimed it was in a port some believe it was in China but in reality it's unknown where this recording took place or who filmed it the truth is the video went viral because among all the evidence related to mermaids this seems to be one of the most realistic ones unknown creature can you imagine what could be found under the sea we're going to give you an idea here it was December of 2008 when a man named Doug West who was working in the Gulf of Mexico uploaded this video to his Facebook profile in it we seen elongated creature similar to a jellyfish or an octopus it moved as if it were a very long piece of cloth without tentacles or limbs its body seemed to swim going with the flow however the most curious thing about this animal is not just its shape but what happens afterwards it's long bluish structure started changing its shade first to purple and then to red once it became red you can see how its tail came off just as you hear it no one knows why but it regenerated in a matter of seconds and its shape changed entirely too flat fins come out where there was nothing before it even moved as if it were another creature many theories emerged after this video would up but none of them seemed to solve people's doubts mermaid recording in Israel the following sighting isn't oppressive just for the video but also for the testimonies everything happened in crayon Tom Israel the scene was recorded from a bridge here we see a humanoid creature with a fish tail that was resting on a rock and the tide when it noticed it was being observed it escaped but having no legs but tail it had to crawl along the rocky surface to the sea the shot looked quite improvised in fact the boy seemed very scared it seemed hard to believe a woman in a costume had pretended to be a mermaid the current and the cold water were so strong nor dare to performed that action also they weren't the only ones who saw it it turns out the government of Israel had offered a reward of 1 million dollars to anyone who could take a picture of the mysterious mermaid the representative of the Town Hall not ezel Berman explained in many people claimed to have seen it many of them described it as half girl half fish since it jumped like a dolphin and it tricks before disappearing what do you think should we worry or leave it alone underwater hunting do you think stories about another form of intelligent life or just tourist tales well this is going to surprise you the following video was captured by a group of scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration agency of the US Department of Commerce they examined in oil take 526 meters underwater and no it wasn't an underwater excursion in a diving suit human beings haven't been able to dive beyond 332 meters by swimming it's a video recorded with a specialized underwater camera this explains why it took so much time to film what definitely wasn't a dolphin as you can see a fish was swimming through the tank when it was pierced by an arrow thrown from somewhere deep in the sea about that the most surprising thing was the moment in which a creature took the animal everything happened to so fast the only thing you can see is its tail as a marine animal have the ability to use weapons to hunt this video filled people with doubts however scientists still don't have an answer of the boat chasing there is only one thing more chilling than sightings of strange creatures that run away from humans whether discovered those cases where these creatures chase you this is what happened to a group of young tourists in Puerto Rico it all started when Debbie Morales and her friends went on a boat ride through the channels of the Isabella River amid the laughter they could see something in the water that was swimming very fast behind them as you can see the creature with light tonalities was submerged underwater although it didn't let itself be seen completely its intention was to follow the young people if you ask the reason well nobody knows however its presence ruined a perfect day among friends especially because the waters of these channels aren't suitable for swimming once the video went viral some thought it was a parallel being others talked about a man who is drowned in the river and now torments all the people who come near how scary the marine or alien plants get ready and brace yourself because this can make your hair stand on end it's a living organism that was found by a tour guide and the beaches of Ken Gong Vietnam and we call it an organism because in reality nobody knows what it is it could be a plant an animal and even in alien but even the most knowledgeable scientists don't have an answer for this as you can see in the video the creature is on a green table while was being inspected by the people who found it it seemed to have branches like those of a bush but they also thought that these could be tentacles this last option was the most questionable since these extremities moved very strangely and were born spiralling from its center branching outwards the tour guide said was probably a sea monster so it was returned to the ocean however many believe this was a hoax and claim Oh some genetic mutation product of contamination others on the contrary thinking of some extraterrestrial Connie that hides in the depths of the ocean what do you think tell us in the comments prehistoric marine monster these images recorded by local fishermen in the Brunei River Asia we're in the distance they spotted what appeared to be a large animal the mysterious being was gray with large fangs rows of needle sharp teeth and small eyes although only its head came up to the surface but I that was left behind showed it had an elongated body fortunately it didn't look like it wanted to attack them it just stayed peacefully swimming looking for some victim of its liking the most surprising thing about this creature was that although the video is recorded in 2014 its shape and appearance reminded the inhabitants of those prehistoric beings that were already assumed to be extinct or evolved another strange thing about this case is that it went viral and many Internet users drew their own theories but the scientific community never spoke about it and left the audience with many questions today some believe it's a kind of prehistoric snake of Hindu mythology that seldom comes to the surface maybe that's what has been documented before or after scientists catch mermaid much has been said about how governments and the scientific community are silent about the thousands of strange discoveries around the world but these accusations have never been proven that's why the next video recorded in Poland is so shocking can this be a definitive proof that they're hiding something from us as you can see in the images a dozen men in biohazard suits were on the banks of a lake four of them lifted the creature from the ground which it seemed to have a fish tail together they transported it to where the others were and laid it on a structure it was then when his body could be clearly seen although it had a tail it also had a humanoid form from the waist up then several of the men returned to examine the area while the others waited with the strange being this one didn't move or try to escape so it's presumed that it was dead or at least unconscious the video ends with the team leaving and taking with them their new discovery many had questions after this video was leaked but to this day nobody has an answer Loch Ness monster in EE uu a family walk along the beach can become an unexpected adventure this is what happened to Jeff Warren and his son when while walking quietly along the coast of wolf Island Natural Park Georgia they saw in the distance the body of an unidentified marine animal at first they thought it was some kind of ocean mammal but as soon as they approached they couldn't up remembering the popular Loch Ness monster sure this was a much smaller Nessie than the original since his body was of approximately 1.5 meters gray and elongated with a pair of fins a spokesperson for the conservation section program of the Department of Natural Resources of Georgia acknowledged they didn't know what it was of course theories didn't take long to appear in fact many compared with the play CS or an animal extinct millions of years ago however as expected local authorities didn't make any further statements on the matter so this discovery remains a mystery the water devil if you think you've seen it all at this point you are very wrong a creature half fish half human is amazing but what do you think of being half demon half Aquaman yeah just as you heard it everything happened in 2016 when a group of men approached coral island in the Gulf of California as you can see the video showed the lifeless body of a being with horns fearsome black eyes and a fish tail its skin was reddish brown and its ears reminiscent of a bull but instead of having a snout it seemed to have a human mouth from the torso came what resembles a row of spikes or frightening horns it wasn't a small animal several sources clean there's at least two meters long how about that the being was lying on the rocky surface however due to its high level of decomposition it was difficult to know at first glance wood click alive the question as always is about its origin scientists rule out conspiracy theories by tributing it to remains of a wolf but it's difficult to convince people that a wolf has horns a tail and a human mouth what do you think do you think something big is happening in our oceans which of these videos did you find most incredible tell us in the comments also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time [Music]
Channel: The Finest
Views: 2,381,852
Rating: 4.7168107 out of 5
Keywords: underwater discoveries, cannot be explained, discoveries that cannot be explained, underwater, discoveries, mysterious, mystery, things, interesting, found, history, under water, nobody can explain, explain, unsolved, unsolved mysteries, unexplained mysteries, mysterious photos, mysterious things, cant be explained, amazed, deep sea mysteries, bizarre underwater discoveries, most mysterious, top 5 underwater finds, new, viral, ocean, unexplained
Id: Lj_mphn-kUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2019
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