Most Popular Truck Trends of 2021!!

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(guitar music) - What's going on guys, Dustin with Custom Offsets, Custom Offsets TV on the YouTube. Today I'm here with Junior. - What up. - And we got a spicy one today. Like, mean it. (laughing) Dude, what the fuck? (beep) - What is going on back there? - I don't know. - I think Banker's finally lost it. (beep) Anyway. We're back with another video. - We're not just going to redo this? - No. We're just going to run with it. Let him splice it together and make some movie magic with it. So today we've got a spicy one. We are covering the 2021 truck trends. Now before, - If we're doing this I want "2021 truck trends" right here. - Yeah. Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh! And then can we like, can we like stretch them out and then bring them back in? (laughing) - Cole's going to hate us. It's fine. Any who, now, before we jump into it I know what you guys are saying, It's already basically April. I think by the time this video goes up, it will be April. We get it. However, with the state of the world the last nine months and no SEMA happening in 2020, we opted to wait on this video for the specific reason of, we wanted to get out there, kind of see what was going on before we made any long-term predictions for the year. So we did go to Lone Star Throwdown. Got a good feel for what we thought's going on down there. And we're gonna jump into that today, so. - [Junior] Let's do it. - [Dustin] Before we do that, - [Junior] Oh! - Wheels, tires, suspension. Performance. (censor beeps) - Wow. No, get outta here., all your truck parts. You already know it. Now we can jump into it. - [Voiceover] Adjustable lifts - Adjustable lifts. So this is one I think that we saw, or at least, I thought we saw way more of than I expected to at Lone Star Throwdown. - [Junior] Yeah. And it seems like a lot of companies like, like Magaughys was kind of the first one to be like doing, like the seven to nines type of thing. And for some reason you're seeing a lot more of them now. I don't know if it's just because like, how trucks are made nowadays where the coilovers are adjustable, so it makes it easy to have a range to the lift kits. Or is the technology used for them, like torsion keys you can crank up, so your seven can be a nine. - Yeah, correct. - I don't know exactly why all of this is kind of becoming the new norm, but it's like you're definitely seeing a lot more of them. - I think it's because, a lot of it is guys want level trucks. They don't want to sit either squatted or raked or, they want to sit true level front to rear. And so before, it was "Okay, well I'll buy a strut spacer for the front and I'll space that in the front." But a lot of companies were like, "Hey, why would you do that? We can just sell you an adjustable kit that you can do it." You know. - Kind of has it built in, then. - On top of that, I think it's the play of, of your general lift kit manufacturers trying to get on the same level as like, That's so loud. (laughs) But I think it's, it's a play on a lot of your regular lift kit manufacturers trying to get on the same board as like your Keldermans, or your AnyLevels or, the guys that have true adjustability, you know, they're trying to play in that market space without having a ton of cost. Cause the Kelderman kit's what? Four grand? Six? It's a lot. - I think it's more than that, but yeah, right. - And then in airbags and airlines and all that fun stuff. So, AnyLevels even more than that, so. I don't know. It'd be interesting to see. It's definitely cool to see adjustable lifts and see guys that are like that first gen that was done at LST that was just, - Oh God, yeah. You know, it's tooted up as a mother (beep) with a hood stag, it's pretty dope, so. Cool! - [Voiceover] 22x12's are the new normal, 26's not so massive anymore. - Yeah, it does. - Yes, it does. - It does if you don't think about it. - Yes. But also think about it. - Think about not thinking about it. but then we'll make sense if you don't. (laughing) (beep) - But anyway, so, the next one, I think we got to cover here is that 20x12's are not a big wheel anymore. - No. And even 22x12's are almost, - Like the minimum. - They're like normal, you know, it's like with lot of trucks coming with, I think all the big three now are coming with 20x8 or 20x9's from the factory you know, a 20x12, isn't a flex anymore like it was. - Well, no, cause you're not going bigger than factory at that point. You're going wider, but not taller. So at that point 22's are, what you want at least. - [Dustin] Yeah. So I think you're gonna see a lot of 22x12's, 24x12's, you know. We've seen those sizes kind of tick up the last couple of months here. And then, - [Junior] Even with like, the 14 wides though, jumping into like, the 26's then so 24x14, if you're going with a big size, that's kind of like where it's at. But then like even 26's don't seem overly huge anymore. I'm running 26x14's to 35. There seems like a rubber band set up where the wheels should look massive and it looks like, - [Both] Normal. - Yeah. It's almost normal by today's standards, which is wild to me because it wasn't that long ago that a 20 inch wheel was like, "Whoa, he's got twenties, dude. Watch out." You know, a TIS was founded on 20 inches strong. It's crazy, you know? You're seeing a lot of 30x14, 30x16 now even, on some of the big show trucks, it's like, where are we going to be in five years, 42's? - Electric vehicles. (censor beep) (laughing) - [Voiceover] Alternative tire choices. - So this is one that I think we've seen probably better than anyone with the shift of the tire market. If you guys didn't know right now, there's a lot of weird stuff happening in the tire industry with some anti-dumping taxes and stuff like that that are really shaking up the game in terms of tire manufacturers in the market. So some of your OGs that have been there forever are starting to transition out and you're seeing some newer brands, Venom Power is one that I think we've seen blow up in the last couple of months or Versatyre, guys like that that are coming to market with directional tires that look really good, come in cool show sizes, you know. It's gonna be an interesting year, I think, for a lot of that. - [Junior] But at the same time too, you're seeing a lot of, it's still like the MTS or the hybrids, right? You're not seeing like, the ATS? When talking about 12's were big, it was like the AT3s or something, like the AT2s - AT2 at the time, yeah. - That were like the big thing to have and everything like that. And so now seeing that, it's still the hybrids, which kind of have been prevalent in the last couple of years. Like, that is what it is, but it's right. It's those companies that are kind of like your one-offs but they're being smart about it. They're introducing shelf sizes. They're not just doing like, "Oh, here's the 33x12 1/2 to stretch on your 22x14's. It's like, "No, here's a 33x14 1/2 for 22x14's, so. Yeah. And I think that that's where you're going to see those guys shine is the weird size, Venom Power does a great job of this, cause they're a really square tire, right? And when you look at them, they're 12. Like if you take a 12 1/2 wide on a 12 wide, it is flush on the edges, you know. Or Versus Tires coming in with those really unique and niche sizes, the 36x14 1/2 R26, or R24, excuse me, which was an unheard of tire size until a few months ago. - Yeah. Pretty cool. - So yeah, that's what you're going to see, I'm calling it now, is a lot of, that market's going to continue to grow because guys are looking for that really unique stuff. Want bigger than 35's, can't run 37's, 36x14 1/2 it is! - [Voiceover] Forged wheels. - This is, - They're everywhere. - This is a fun one though. - This, I think, when we talk forged wheels in 2021 you have to say it with a caveat, right? The market has done, - Isn't that like a snail? - What? - That you eat? - That's, caviar? - That's what you said. - That's not a snail. - It's like a sushi. - [Off-Camera Man] Sturgeon egg. - It's an egg. And you eat it on like, crackers, I guess? I don't, I'm not fancy enough for that. (beep) - So if you'd be running Forces, you'd probably - You'd be eating caviar! - You're eating caveats. (laughing) (beep) - But I think, I know, that the forge industry is in a really unique situation right now. You're seeing a lot of like, forge was dying and was dying very quickly, right? And now it's almost like, you see all these little, and I say little, but these smaller startup forge companies that are popping up everywhere and it's done some really unique things in the market. It's made it very competitive, you know? It used to be Force and Specialty Forged and that was it. And now you have Liberty Forge, and JTX Forge, and KG1. And I heard the guys over at HD Alloys have some really cool stuff going on too, they've got some forged wheels coming. So it's going to poise that forged wheel market to be in a really interesting state this year. - Yeah. And I don't know how I feel about it cause there's a lot of smaller companies, which makes it good because not everyone's running the same wheels all the time then. - Correct. - But at the same time, some of these you don't, the styles aren't overly like, crazy, just a different brand or something like that, you know? So there's some that are really sick and dope out there. But, I don't know. We'll see how it plays out, I guess. - It's going to be so strange with, you know, cause Force makes literally every design under the sun. Cause they've been in the market for 30 years, you know? So it's definitely gonna be a struggle to see some of those guys have to, you know, find their way, or find their niche in the market and what makes them work, so. It'll be cool to see. - [Voiceover] Rock lights. - Dude, rock lights? Never gonna die. - Rock crawling? - No. For, not rock crawling. For mall crawling. - The opposite of rock crawling. - Yeah. - Facts. - That's it. - [Junior] There's, not even just the rock lights. But the fact that people are putting like 24 of them under their trucks and stuff, like, do you need that many? When does it get to a point where you've covered all of the dark spots under your truck and you just have more because you can, not because it's actually helping with brightness? - [Dustin] Banker won't let me put any more than 12 under my car. - I mean, you don't need more. - He told me that I could only get eight. And I'm really mad! - If you do eight with some wheel rings, I feel like you're okay. - Yeah. That's definitely what we're doing, is eight and wheel rings. (laughing) I don't know. I just find it super cool. My inner 2003 Fast and the Furious fanboy loves the fact that rock lights are not going away. And are, if anything, gaining momentum - Here's the thing though. They're all white, it seems like it's turned to. It used to be the RGB. Or RGB+W, because you'd actually have a true white. Now it seems like, cause you can run them all the time. The cops aren't gonna harass you, it's a neutral color so it'll go with pretty much anything your build looks like. And if you get 30 of them, you just have a spaceship. (laughing) - [Dustin] Yeah. There's nothing more to say about it than that. I'm super excited, I love rock lights. I cannot wait for them to continue to just be pre, prevalent, present? - You know what I'm excited for? - Persistent, per-something. - Have them on the Dually, have them on the Bronco. Ideally have them under the trailer but I don't have a trailer yet, so nix that one off. And then run them all at once at night like it'll literally be a giant, giant UFO shuttle bus thing going down the road. - Listen, I'm so happy that the internet, does the internet know you bought a Dually? Is that a thing? - I bought a Dually. - Yeah, Junior bought a Dually, we're going to build it. Anyway. It makes me so happy that someone else is super excited to tow shit around, cause I thought I was the only one. And now there's another and it's pretty cool. I'm excited. - [Voiceover] Dually builds - No way. Okay! - Yeah! Let's go! - So speaking of which, Dually builds. So when we were at LST, obviously everyone down there, like the weather's way nicer. So you can have nice vehicles pulling nice vehicles. You can run your nice vehicles all year round. Some of the dually tow pig builds in the parking lot were cooler than some of the vehicles in the show itself. - [Dustin] For real, you see them all over the place and it's not just, it used to be like slam Duallys only. And now you're seeing guys that are like, buying Duallys, throwing four to six inches of lift on them putting them on 35's or 37's with like 24 inch forces. And then they'll throw a gooseneck behind it and tow their super duty like ours down the road. It's freaking nuts. - So sick. - Right. I love it so much. I'm low key a little jealous that you bought a Dually. Can't tell. I love my LBZ but it's no Dually, you know? - Yeah. I don't know. It's cool. And it's, Dually is one of those weird things, right? Where like the setups are kind of goofy. The numbers don't make any sense and all of this stuff. But like, it's definitely on like the uprising as like, the new cool thing almost to have is like, like a tow pig to go with your showbill is to have like a Dually set up - Just trying to skate down the road while you're pulling a truck skating down the road, you know. I'm about it, let's do it. - [Voiceover] Starry night headliners. - Starry night headliners - I have been wanting one for the last like, three years and just haven't had the balls to rip my headliner out and poke a bunch of holes in it. And now, you can't go anywhere without seeing 3000 of them. - [Dustin] Yeah, theyre everywhere, - [Junior] Which is kind of a good and bad thing. They were unique at the time because it was like, more car side of things that would do it, like VIP style builds, not trucks. And now it's like, everyone has them to a point where it's like, do I still want to do one? And then I'm like, yeah, I still want to do one. - They're one of those that like, no matter how many people have them, they're always going to be cool because it's such a, first of all, it's such a flex, right? Drop your headliner out, either take your doors off or send it out your window, either front or rear. Cause it's pretty much impossible to get the headliner out otherwise. - And then painstakingly spend the next 12 hours poking holes through your headliner, running fiber optics cables, gluing them in, then flip it over, cut them all off and then put it all back together again. It's miserable. I've heard it takes upwards of like, 36 to 48 hours. - Bigs did his in like 12 hours, but he has an extended cab with a sunroof. So he had about this much space to do. And it still took them that long. It was like a whole weekend project. Not just like, "Oh, I'll do this real quick." type thing. - Yeah. I know a couple of the guys I talked to said that they spent an entire weekend on it. But, all of that being said, it's still super dope because like, you get the little twinkle, you can do the shooting star thing like the Rolls Royces have. I just, it's cool. I'm all about that. And it's one of the things you do for yourself, right? Like everything on the outside of the truck, when you're driving it, it's not there for you. But like, I feel like, starry night headliners and like a sound system, if you have a halfway decent interior already. Having those two things and it's like your vibing then. You know it looks dope on the outside, on the inside you're just like, let's go and just cruise. - You're just booling down the road, you know. Leather seats and heated seats. I'm just trying to pick all the things that the LBZ has that your truck doesn't. - Cloth seats that are worn down, cigarette smolder. - I mean, it has character, right? It's like, Bill dropped that cigarette on the dash, - In 1997. - Yeah. After he came over the turnpike and hit a bump with a load of concrete on the back, You know that's a true story! That's how it happened, I promise! I'll can just picture him, just (vocalizes) Patting the seat, you know? (laughing) - All right guys. Well there, you have it. There is our take on the 2021 truck trends. What do you think, did we miss one? Let us know down in the comments section below, and as always, make sure you like, share, and subscribe to the channel so you can keep up with all the truck content that we're making. - Peace.
Channel: Custom Offsets
Views: 150,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: custom offsets, custom offsets tv, custom offsets garage, offsets garage, wheels, tires, suspension, accessories, lighting, bumpers, performance, steps, lifted trucks, lifted, trucks, 2021 truck trends, truck trends, trends, trending, popular truck trends, adjustable suspension, rock lights, starry light headliner, forged wheels, dually builds, builds, dually, forged, dont do this, do this, truck builds
Id: _eaNT4qQVJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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