Most popular synth request-Vital tutorial #shorts #vital #synth

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this is by far the most requested synthesizer sound and it's very simple initialize preset turn on filter 1 and choose analog 24 decibel set the cutoff to negative 12 semitones and turn key tracking to 100 now click on envelope 2 turn down the sustain and drag envelope 2 to filter cut off now let's control that with macro 1 by dragging it over to that modulation let's label this macro pluck after that hold shift and drag macro 2 over to the envelope to Decay let's call it this plug length endless drag mod wheel over to filter 1 cutoff this will control brightness now turn down filter resonance then drag macro 3 to filter resonance and call this Reds lastly drag macro 4 to the attack time of both envelopes 1 and 2 and call this wa now we have a preset that can make every one of these requests simply by turning these four macros and by moving the mod wheel [Music]
Channel: Eric Bowman
Views: 12,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1l5gkjrlT2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 58sec (58 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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