Most people don't know this, how to properly AirTag a vehicle

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hey there today we're going to talk about protecting your vehicle and putting a locator inside so that in the event of it getting stolen or whatever it might be you can easily locate it and we're going to do that with an air tag in the event that your vehicle gets stolen you can locate it but i'm not just going to show you how to throw this in your car because obviously you already know how to do that but i'm going to show you how to hide this in your car and not only that but i'm going to show you how to take this apart safely without damaging it and disconnecting the speaker so that it doesn't start to ring if it gets lost and that way the thief doesn't find it and throw it out maybe so i'm going to show you how to hide this in your vehicle how to take this apart and how to remove the speaker so let's get started the first step is going to be to take this apart and get it ready to install in your vehicle to hide in your vehicle and so it doesn't ring let's take this apart and remove that speaker so working inside sitting on a desk is going to make this a lot easier so we're going to take this apart now and we're going to start off just by twisting this and this should come off and your battery as well avoid touching your battery as much as you can and now with that out you want to look where your terminals are and point those terminals up so with this positioned in the right way all we need to take this apart is a blade just like this and what we're going to do is get into there and pry it open but we need to know the position of the clips that are in there and that way we don't damage it so there are three clips on here there is one where this gap here is there's one right here past this right in the middle here there's another one and at the bottom where there's this clip here there's another one right here so what we need to do is to get our knife in there it shouldn't be too hard and then pry back and you could hear it click and now the next side which is right around here and you might be tempted to just pull this out but don't do that go to the bottom and again put your knife in here and pry back and this can come out now okay so this is scuffed up and damaged on the edges and that's going to happen but in most cases in most tutorials out there they tell you to put a screwdriver underneath and go around and break these tabs off but in this case we we saved these tabs and we didn't break the tabs so we're going to be able to put this back together and that's how you take this apart without destroying those tabs and without messing this up so you can put it back together okay and after taking this apart you can see there is the speaker it came with it now in some cases it may not come out like that you may stay in here just get something pry that out of there and there's your speaker so this is glued onto here so all i have to do is get this blade behind here and this will come off and there we go our speaker is removed and this won't make any more noise next we can put this back together and what we need to do is look for this dot at the top right here and align it with this dot on the plastic and with that aligned all you have to do is push down and we could hear that click and now this is ready to put back together you just put your battery back in and get your cover on there and there we go and by pulling out our phone we could see that it's still working so we've successfully removed the speaker and this doesn't make any noise now and we could now hide it in our vehicle or install it in our vehicle now just real quick i want to mention that the purpose of this is to track your own vehicle i do not condone doing this to track other people and i think that's a terrible idea so just do this if you want to track your own vehicle but not to track other people all right let's go install this all right and here is the part where you can get creative so just go into your car and start looking for places you can install it so maybe down here in this fuse area maybe you could stick it somewhere on the sides of these and that's where it's hidden down on there you can take apart your steering column and put it somewhere inside of the steering column maybe take something like this off and install it somewhere in there just look for places in your car like that in air vents in vents and different areas you could take this apart and put it under here look for clips like this that you could remove and put it inside you could remove your map lights entirely and put it over that and it'll be completely hidden in there i have faux switches which i could pull out and stick this to that faux switch and put it in there there's just so much you can do with this and so many places now i already found my perfect spot but i'm not going to show you guys for safety reasons obviously i'm putting this out on the internet i want this to be hidden and secure and i found a good place for that so i'm going to install it and there we go my air tag is installed somewhere in this vehicle and it is very very unlikely that they will find it it won't make noise it's going to track my vehicle and in the event that anything might happen i'll have an extra safety to find my vehicle now to make sure your air tag is working you could pull out the app and see if it is locating it and obviously you don't need to locate something this big but this just tells us that this is working properly and it is if i continue to walk this way it returns and our vehicle is tracked that's it for this video if you enjoyed leave a like on the video subscribe and i'll see you guys next time
Channel: James Gatlin
Views: 926,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AirTag car, airtag, car tips, car accesories, car upgrades, car locator, car gps, car tracker, care safety
Id: ZtAay-N-LgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 17 2022
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