Most People Do This the HARD Way - Seam Seal a Tent or Tarp and Make Repairs - Seam Sealing Guide

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my friends welcome to this episode of the outdoor good review what i have here is the three ful gear landshan one pro tint i am going to seam seal this tent in this episode and i'm going to show you how to do this process the easy way there's numerous ways that you can go about seam sealing a tent all of them but one is extremely messy this is the simplest of methods and this is a method that i've developed over the course of 10 years it is super simple and all that you will need are a few items item number one is a syringe with a curved tip this has no needle on it nothing like that but it does come to a fine point next up you're going to need the correct seam sealer for the tent that you're sealing or the tarp basically folks they make different types of seam sealers for different materials with this tint here this is a sil nylon with that being the case i need some silicone tint sealer in addition to the seam sealer you will need an acid brush in this case the brush came with the seam sealer but that's not always the case sometimes you will find the seam sealer by itself or as part of a larger kit now speaking of which there are seam sealing kits out there that feature funky little heads with brushes that basically go on the top of the seam sealer they absolutely suck do not use them trust me if you use them you're going to make a huge mess don't do it now of course there's always like one person who says oh i've done that doesn't make a mess at all bs there's a reason why there are thousands upon thousands of forums out there of people complaining about the seam sealing process it's because those tools are not very good that's why i've developed this system and it works incredibly well it's neat it's tidy it doesn't make a big mess it dries fast it looks good and it performs good some additional items that you may want latex gloves an old rag some paper towels and you may want some acetone to clean everything up let's say you get it on your fingers acetone will get it off when it comes to the three full company they do not seam seal their products so you have to do this yourself or pay them an additional charge to do it when i purchased this tent they were not offering that service but i think they are now i'm not sure what the price is it might be forty dollars to have them seam seal it either you can pay that price have them do it or you could do it yourself this is a process that a lot of people are hesitant to do because oftentimes with those kids out there as i mentioned it makes such a mess it can be a real nightmare but luckily this system is super simple it'll save you some money and also it's kind of fun so with that being said everyone let's go ahead and get started so first things first you need your syringe you also need your seam sealer when you open this up you will find that it is sealed so you have to punch a hole in it oftentimes there will be a little spike in the end of the cap which you can use to punch a hole in it but that's not the case with this one for some reason so i'm going to use my knife here you should be prepared that once you puncture this that it's under pressure somewhat and it will begin coming out so let's get the syringe ready i'm going to punch a hole in it in this case it's not coming out that's surprising actually so now you take this and you squirt it in here you don't have to fill it too full a little bit goes a long way put the cap back on or you will be sorry now you take the plunger you begin putting it back in turn it upside down that way the air goes to the top you will have some coming out of the end it will be just a small amount take your paper towel have it ready go ahead and push on the plunger until you have the air coming out just like that you can see here with the plunger right there's air in the tip you can pull back on this just a little bit and it puts more air in here that way you don't have to worry about the seam sealer coming out or leaking out so you can put that down until you're ready i tell you what before we get started there are a few points to make when it comes to seam sealing you always seam seal the outside of the tent seam tape is done at the factory in some cases not this one on the inside of the tent seam sealing is done to the outside of the tent next you can dilute some seam sealers but this is not something that i've ever done i've never found the need this system works well enough on its own next everyone when it comes to the curved tip syringe these are very inexpensive you can get like four or five of these for about four dollars very cheap the same goes for these little acid brushes these are very inexpensive if you have to purchase these on their own also talking about the syringe if you find that two littles coming out at one time when you're pushing on the plunger you can take a pair of scissors or your knife and cut the tip and make it so that more will come out the last point to make is that you need a good sheltered place to do this and the tent needs to be set up for at least six hours the instructions will tell you three to six hours i always do at least six and if at all possible i'll leave the tent out overnight set up it's vital that the seam sealer dries and cures 100 before you begin breaking down the materials it needs to adhere to the material and cure with that being said everyone if you have a garage that's a great place to do this you can do this in your living room you can do this out on your porch no matter what you need to do it in a location where the tent is protected not only from rain but also from the wind if it's a little bit breezy that's good if it's windy that's bad it goes without saying that the tent needs to be cleaned before doing this process so if you're setting up the tent for the first time you're going to seam seal it it should be clean if you are making a repair to a tent go ahead clean the area and you could do this very simply with just water and rag wipe it let it dry then you could start our focus for this process are the seams we are looking for all of the seams all of the stitching that's what we're going to coat with the seam sealer we're focusing on those areas because those are the weak points with any tent when you have a high quality tent water is not making its way through the material itself it's making its way through the seams and that's because that's where the sewing's been done to connect one panel to the other you have small holes that water can make its way into also water can be absorbed by the thread that's connecting the two panels so that's what we're covering and that is why we're seam sealing the outside of the tent if you seam seal the inside then all of those seams all of that stitching all of that thread gets wet and you will have a higher likelihood of issues so seam sealed the outside prevent the water from even coming into contact with the thread and the seams when i begin seam sealing a tint i start at one point and i work my way out so i'm going to start here at this point i'm going to seam seal around here i'm going to do this seam here and the stitching then i'm going to go straight up then i'll come back and i'll go straight over and so on luckily when you're seam sealing you can see that you've coated the material so it is something that you can see that way when you think you're done you can actually go around the tent you can take a look and confirm it you can see how i'm holding this in my hand the plungers in my palm and basically i could push on this and squeeze out the seam sealer i will put it on go around then i'll switch hands take my acid brush and fan it out making sure to cover all of the seams making sure to cover all of the thread i'm switching over to the acid brush and i'm covering up all of that thread there okay now i'm going up a little bit higher switching over to the brush focusing on what i just done here you can see the stitching on the outside there's two lines there's one here one above it so i went across those use the brush smooth it out also there's a flap that goes around here i seam sealed underneath that and use the brush to kind of fan it out too the same applies for this seam here you have two lines of stitching coated it then you have this crease right here where the material is basically folded under and sewed so i seam sealed underneath that use the brush fanned it out now we're going up here and higher all the way up to the top with this seam here you can't see the stitching but you can see where the stitching's at this is what we're covering we're going to squirt it right into here and then fan it out as we go up starting down at the bottom i have that tip right underneath that edge of the material when i stop i pull back on the plunger just a little bit that way the seam sealer doesn't continue to come out of the syringe switching over to the brush i'm just fainting the seam sealer now when you're doing this everyone the most important thing to keep in mind here is that you're doing your best there's time when the syringe tip will maybe hop out of that seam if you run to the side that's okay take your brush wipe on it fan it out that's all you have to do i've come back to the point where i started at i'm going to do this seam that goes across here so when you come to something like this make sure to seam seal on both sides so take the syringe and put it here and then pull this back and put some seam sealer there as well as you all could see the seam sealing process is very simple but it is time consuming so i'm going to put this in a time lapse i'm going to go fast so that i don't waste your time the most important thing here is that you need to pay attention to detail go slow look at the seams make sure that you're putting this on liberally for every single scene because ultimately is the tent going to leak it's all on you if the answer is yes then you miss something it's your fault so pay attention go slow listen to some music and get her done [Music] you will find with this process that you will use very little seam sealer and that's because this process is so efficient with the other methods those brush attachments you will go through so much seam seal it's crazy [Music] [Music] [Music] so far i have all of the vertical seams done and those would be extremely difficult to do without this curved tip syringe with a brush attachment which you'll find in some seam sealing kits you could not do that correctly now i'm working on this long seam here then we'll do the small things and wrap this up [Applause] [Music] all right folks now we're moving over to like this guy line point here so there's seams that go around and there's also seams here that go across the guideline point itself to attach it to the fly here you need to make sure to go around those on top and go around that guy line point also underneath it [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right everybody that's it i have seam sealed the tent if you follow this process you're going to make easy work of it let's see this took about 45 minutes to seam seal so that's not bad again folks it's all about paying attention going slow make sure you're hitting all of those seams the curved tip syringe makes a huge difference folks i mean it really does with the brush attachment that you find with most kits you could not have seam sealed this entire tent because of the inverted seams it would have been impossible plus you would have made a huge mess so without a doubt the acid brush the curved tip syringe is going to make easy work of this process again it's important to leave these out for at least six hours or longer if at all possible six hours that's the minimum another important point to make is that you should not seam seal with temperatures below 60 degrees below 60 and it won't cure correctly it has to be above 60 degrees once you get done seam sealing the tent go ahead and walk around the tent making sure that you hit every single point once you have it done you let it cure get it out waterproof test it make sure that it's waterproof make sure that you didn't miss anything that is super important before you take your shelter out into the wild coming up very soon here on the channel we will do a waterproof test with this tent and also we will test it for condensation moisture control and airflow that is going to be interesting we'll see how it goes folks if you enjoyed this episode hit the thumbs up because it does help make sure to comment down below and share your thoughts about the process that i've developed over the last 10 years do you like it do you prefer something else either way is great everyone be well take care strength and honor bye for now it's 2 am and i can't fall asleep cause i'm not tired i'm thinking about the days we used to shine when we were young i told you that we should start a band and reach for the sky it's 2 am and i can't fall asleep i'm just not tired i can hear the raindrops it's cold outside and i kind of feel like but i it's miss you
Channel: TheOutdoorGearReview
Views: 136,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gear, Review, Gear review, Bushcraft, hiking, hike, gear, care, seam, seal, seam seal, seam sealing, seam sealing a tent, how to seam seal a tent, tent, tents, tent repair, repair your tent, seal the seams, seam sealer, seam seal a tarp, seam seal a tent, seam seal a bivy, waterproof your tent, backpacking, tarp, bivy, seam sealing 101, how to seam seal your tent, how to repair your tent, easiest way to seam seal a tent, repair a tent, repair a tarp
Id: 3sv2Hhrn1Vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2022
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