Most Mysterious Unexplained Artifacts Discovered!

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from artwork that can be seen from space to an ancient city dubbed the eighth wonder of the world I'm Bob from world 5 lists and here are six of the most amazing unexplained artifacts in the world number six the Nazca lines in 1930 a perplexing series of geoglyphs edged into the sand was discovered off the coast of Peru in the desert plains of the Rio Grande de Nazca River Basin one of the driest places on earth by the way known as the Nazca lines they date back to 200 BC and occupy an area of land that's roughly a hundred and seventy square miles the Nazca lines feature thousands of representations of plants and animals now some of these geoglyphs are massive measuring up to 1,200 feet long and some are designed more puzzling than others researchers can only speculate about their meanings and included among them are straight lines some of which measure up to 30 miles long and hundreds of geometric designs based on their gigantic size scientists believe they were meant to be seen from the sky so were they meant for the gods or maybe ancient aliens geoglyphs created by the Nazca people have continued to be discovered in recent years peruvian archaeologists announced in 2018 that they had discovered more than 50 new geoglyphs in the region which were found using advanced drone technology the mystery surrounding the designs has more to do with why they were created rather than how and scientists are pretty sure that they were formed by removing the top 12 to 15 inches of rock from the desert floor which is covered in a layer of rust colored iron oxide pebbles however the Nazca people lacked a written language and therefore they left no record behind about the meaning of the geoglyphs arguably the most credible theory about the purpose of the lines is that they were created in an effort to persuade the gods to provide rain this theory is backed up by the presence of animal depictions symbolizing things like water fertility and like I said Lorraine researchers argued in 2015 that the purposes have changed over time as things currently stand nobody knows for sure number five the sexy human walls near the modern-day Peruvian city of Cusco the historical capital of the Incan Empire a series of walls has puzzled scientists and sparked debate ever since their discovery the walls are located among the ruins of an ancient citadel known as sex a human it easy to remember right which sits at over 12,000 feet above sea level at the site there are three concentric walls each averaging about 360 meters in length and six meters in height the walls were constructed with large limestone blocks that weigh about 300 tons each which would be kinda difficult to move in place even with gigantic modern machinery no mortar or cement of any kind was used to bind blocks together instead they were carved and placed with such precision and accuracy that not even a knife blade will fit between two blocks something that today's scientists and engineers have struggled to replicate even on a smaller scale archaeological research has shown that the sexy human may have been occupied as early as an entire millennium ago making it one of the oldest ancient establishments scientists still struggle to understand how these gargantuan and flawless structures were built in the absence of modern technology and in 2014 researcher and author Derek Cunningham put forth the theory that the angles formed by the walls blocks were astronomical in nature based on things like lunar and solar eclipses as well as the alignment of the Sun Earth and Moon on one hand it's not surprising it's a well-established fact that the Incans possessed advanced astronomical knowledge so doctor Cunningham's theory is questionable however it's because it connects the creation of the sexy human walls with ancient artifacts from China Africa and Europe that suggests that the walls were designed using language based on the motions of the moon and the Sun that were created some 30,000 years ago a hypothesis that hasn't been proven and remains largely hypothetical in addition to their impressive astronomical knowledge the Incans were also master stonemasons so it is possible that modern researchers may be under estimating the ancient civilizations capabilities and that the walls were built by way of good old-fashioned hard work and close attention to detail number four the pie ride Reese map a map discovered in Istanbul in 1929 proved to be anything but ordinary upon further examination written on gazelle skin parchment it was traced back to Pyrus a well-documented cartographer and Admiral of the Ottoman Turkish Navy the map was drawn by Reis in 1513 featuring Europe North America South America and several islands such as the Azores and the Canaries according to some researchers it also depicts a version of Antarctica that existed before the continent was covered in ice the last time that it wasn't was 6000 years ago moreover Antarctica wasn't discovered until nearly 300 years after the creation of the map so if the land form in question is indeed Antarctica how did pi Reis know about its existence in the first place let alone its prehistoric topography things get even more weird from there because in 1965 professor Charles Hapgood of the University of New Hampshire notice that the map was drawn using Mercator projection a method that wasn't used by European cartographers until the late 16th century it is possible that his use of projection was inspired by the Greek maps that he had his references although that lacked accuracy until the creation of the chronometer in 1760 but this doesn't explain Antarctica's presence on the map professor Hapgood introduced the theory of the map having been created based on knowledge passed down from sophisticated civilizations that possessed exceptional navigational and charting abilities another theory states that the landmass resembling antarctica is the lower portion of South America because on the map the continent thought by many to be Antarctica is connected to South America which indicates the possibility that it had been mistakenly identified by scholars have good combated this idea by pointing out that it was once customary for cartographers to exaggerate the sizes of coastlines all for the sake of making details visible causing coastal accuracy to be overlooked and land masses to appear in accurately close to one another the map features a mythical island called Antalya and perhaps it's not the maps only imaginary feature for now Captain James cooks in 1773 expedition into the Antarctic Circle marks the official discovery of Antarctica and it's alleged appearance on the Pyrus map remained shrouded in mystery number three the Bolshoi's a Otsuki labyrinths some of history's most confounding artifacts were actually discovered in northern Russia on an island called Bolshoi's a Otsuki as far back as 3,000 BC residents built villages and sacred sites on the island including an irrigation system along with several of its surrounding islands Bolshoi's a Otsuki was covered in a large pile of boulders which contained bones places of worships and petroglyphs the small island which has a total area of about one square mile contains the highest concentration of ancient labyrinths in the world using rows of boulders the labyrinths were constructed in the shapes of spirals with each one having a door which was used both as an entrance and an exit nobody really knows who built them or why but they're estimated to date back to 3000 BC and beyond that experts can't seem to agree on much one theory holds that the labyrinths were used for trapping fish water levels were a lot higher five thousand years ago which makes it plausible but skeptics have expressed doubt based on the existence of inland labyrinths throughout other parts of the world some researchers leaned more toward astronomical purposes with the theory stating that the labyrinths were a schematic reflec of the moon and the sun's orbits while others suggest that it symbolized the border between earth and the underworld and that they may have been used for funeral istic rituals unfortunately it seems as though even the experts can do little more than just gas number two the Baghdad battery this battery is also known as the Parthian battery and it's a device consisting of three artifacts that were found together in modern-day Iraq its components consists of a five and a half inch tall terracotta pots a tube of copper and an iron rod some researchers have hypothesized that the Baghdad battery functioned as a galvanic cell or an early form of an electric battery that may have been used for electroplating or electrotherapy of sorts others believed that it was a storage vessel for sacred Scrolls additionally the date of origin is unknown but it's guest to be from about 250 BC to AD 224 evidence for this date range is weak though and the original excavation of the item was not well recorded moreover the style of the jar is more characteristic of the Sassanid period which occurred between to 24 and 640 put simply littles known about the Baghdad battery including his age and the details that revolve around the discovery along with its purpose number one nan Madol adjacent to the eastern shore of pond PI and Island within the federated states of micronesia located in the western Pacific Ocean lies the archeological site of an ancient city called nan Madol the site consists of around 100 man-made islands made of huge basalt rock along with a series of canals by today's standards it would be an impressive feat to quarry transport and place the rocks that the islands are made of and not only do archaeologists wonder how the construction was completed they're unsure of the city's purpose and know very little about the people who built it in fact the mysteries that surround the city have earned the nicknames like Atlantis Venice of the Pacific in the 8th wonder of the war world and in 1926 writer James Church Ward proposed that the city was part of a lost continent named mu which was also known as Lemuria author and publisher David Hatcher Childress made the same suggestion and it's unlikely that either of the two were correct because loom Eirias existence has been largely discredited by modern science and the mythical continent has become more of a pop-culture legend to this day there's not enough verifiable knowledge about the city's origins to know how it was constructed or who the people really were that inhabited it thanks for watching now did you like this video and what did you think about these unexplained artifacts let me know in the comments below be sure you're subscribed and I'll see you next time on world 5
Channel: World List
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Keywords: world 5 list, mysterious artifacts, unexplained artifacts, mysterious discoveries, unexplained discoveries, strange discoveries, strange mysteries, archaeological discoveries, ancient artifacts, ancient archaeology, unsolved mysteries, mysterious, artifacts, ancient, archaeology, mystery, strange, discoveries, amazing, amazing discoveries, alien artifacts, world5list top 10
Id: _N689S2HLoQ
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Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 10 2018
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