Most MYSTERIOUS Legendary Creature Sightings!

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hi it's Katrina from creatures seen in the woods - one scene in disguise and the waters below here are eight of the most famous legendary monster sightings [Music] number 8 the flatwoods monster on September 12th 1952 an odd event happened in West Virginia that is still unexplained to this day a fireball was seen in the sky but unlike regular meteors and comets and such this fireball was seen all across the United States there were sightings of it from coast-to-coast Edward and Fred Mae who were in West Virginia saw the fireball in the sky and then realized that it crashed on a nearby farm along with their friend their mother and a neighbor they went to go and observe the crash site when they did arrive the area was covered in an odd mist and a metallic sound of sorts was filling the air as they tried to get closer to figure out what was going on they saw a pair of red eyes looking at them through the mist it was then that they saw the creature in its full form the creature that was looking at them was ten feet tall and had a glowing green body the creature hissed at them and started to approach so they all ran obviously they told whoever they could about the event and the people went out to look for it but they found nothing yet a reporter found some odd skid marks near where the crash was and also found an odd gooey deposit the mystery was never truly solved the people who saw the creature stuck to their story and again the red fireball was indeed spotted all across the United States so were they just lying and what did they have to gain if they were interestingly enough this encounter was so famous that it was featured in an episode of The History Channel series Project Blue Book where the explanation of the bobster was a mix of gas hallucinations and an owl perched outstretched on a tree what do you think let me know in the comments below number 7 karati AAM's mermaids in terms of cryptids the mermaid is one of the most legendary mythical creature is said to be out there many sailors claim to have seen them including Christopher Columbus but apparently there have been modern appearances by these creatures as well such as in 2009 in Korea Tom Ezra this all started when one of the people of Korea Tom went to the beach and saw the mermaid apparently she was sunbathing relaxing on a rock once she was spotted the mermaid went into the waters and disappeared but the sightings didn't stop there in fact they just started more and more locals came to the spot and around dusk the mermaid would occasionally appear helping fuel mermaid fever this fever got so crazy that the Town Council of Korea Tom offered a million dollar reward to anyone who could get definitive proof that the mermaid existed sadly and somewhat expectedly no proof was ever found and the legend continues so was this just a hoax to stir up the town or was this really a frequent sighting it's hard to say for sure but regardless of what you believe there are people in the world today still hunting for a definitive proof of mermaids number 6 the Jersey Devil according to legend there was a woman named Jane mother Leeds who had many children during her life but one night she was giving birth to what would be her 13th child and when it was being born she uttered the words let this one be the devil if you believe the story that wish came true for after being born it grew horns wings and a tail it flew up into the chimney of her house and went out into the world so goes the legend of the Jersey Devil the Jersey Devil is said to live in the Pine Barrens of southern New Jersey hence the name of the Beast and throughout its lifetime it's been one cryptid who has been spotted by many people over many years the first sighting of the creature came in 1812 when Joseph Bonaparte the older brother to Napoleon Bonaparte said he saw the creature near his New Jersey estate in 1909 the legend grew to new heights over 1,000 sightings of the Jersey Devil came that year including from some canon soldiers who saw the creature shot it hid it and said it still lived since it didn't drop dead from the shot fueled by this and the finding of some tracks that didn't match creatures of the area bloodhounds were brought in to try and find the creature but the bloodhounds apparently refused to follow the tracks more and more sightings have followed even some coming as late as 2015 some even claim to have taken videos or pictures of the creature have you ever heard of this before anyone seen the Jersey Devil let us know in the comments below number five the objects over Washington DC while aliens aren't technically cryptids there are many who view them as legendary monsters and just like monsters any sightings of aliens are sure to cause a panic especially when the event itself comes out of nowhere and there's still no true explanation as to what happened that's likely what certain air traffic controllers were feeling in 1952 when their radar started picking up something they couldn't explain in Washington DC at Ronald Reagan National Airport some air traffic controllers started noticing aircraft on their radar that shouldn't have been there what's more some of them were moving at such speeds that they were actually confusing the radar itself fast-forward a week and a bunch of people from all walks of life including military personnel started reporting things whizzing by in the sky that they couldn't recognize these reports spread around and people flew into a panic to the extent that a massive press conference had to be called to calm everyone down it was actually the biggest one since World War two which shows just how frightened people were what's more over the course of the next few days the story of what happened was edited and changed based on where the story was being shown to help quell the panic that it started on the History Channel series Project Blue Book if you missed that episode they showed the events of that period and it was one of the episodes where the explanation was meant to be open-ended because no one could truly say what happened that day number four you 20h crocodile and World War one there was a British steamer known as the Iberian it was going through waters next to Ireland when it came under attack by a German u28 submarine a battle commenced and despite the Iberian fleeing with all she had the submarine won in the end but that doesn't end this particular story the captain of the submarine Baron von Forstner went to the periscope to watch the Iberian sink when he did he saw something he couldn't explain soon after the Iberian fully sank there was an explosion it was likely the iberian internals giving out and causing the blast but whatever caused it Forstner claimed that he saw a massive see crocodile thrown into the air so certain was he of this that he wrote an article about it in a German newspaper in 1933 and said the following the animal was about 20 meters long and Krakow like in shape with pairs of strong front and hind legs adapted for swimming and a long head that tapered towards the nose he claimed to have seen it for 10 to 15 seconds at a distance of about 150 to 100 meters in bright sunshine usually reports like this are dismissed due to a lack of details but Forstner was very specific he gave measurements noted that it was bright outside gave key details about the monsters shape and more Plus after just securing a victory for Germany he had no reason to lie about this why talk about monsters when you just sank a British ship further adding to the mystery is that six other crew members claimed to have seen the creature and certain credited scientists believe he honestly did see it in one zoologist Bernard humans felt the description matched up with a prehistoric giant crocodile that could possibly still be living today called the salato sukiya is that really what he saw why does the crocodile right near the surface of the ocean during the fight and are there more of these out there we may never know number three the Kraken the Kraken is a legend that continues to thrive around the world despite many people believing that it is just an exaggeration of a now known creature the giant squid according to legends the Kraken is a squid of such size that it would dwarf and consume massive vessels but it despite the story being born in the time of sailboats there have been many modern-day accounts of the Kraken including some in World War 2 a British trawler was docked off of the Maldives and a crewman AG Starkey was on the deck of the trawler when he thought he saw something in the water he said as I gazed fascinated a circle of green lights glowed in my area of illumination this green unwinking orb I suddenly realised was an eye the surface of the water undulated with some strange disturbance gradually I realized that I was gazing almost point-blank at a huge squid but the story didn't end there for after seeing the eye of the squid he walked from one end of the ship to the next and he found that the tentacles reached to the other end making this Kraken about 175 feet long while it's true that no one else saw this beast in the waters he clearly believed he did so did he is the Kraken still out there number two the Loch Ness monster in terms of legendary monster sightings there are a few beasts that truly stand the test of time and one of them can be found in Loch Ness Scotland the first official sighting of the creature came in 1933 and ever since that point the people around the lock or whoever comes to the locks try to find it the monster now known as Nessie is said to be a sea creature of a sort with a large body and a very long neck which has led many to wonder if it may be some kind of prehistoric creature that has somehow survived the many changes of the world obviously as the sightings of the Loch Ness monster grew more and more people came to Scotland to try and find proof of the creatures existence but as of yet they haven't found any and this includes a sonar deep scan of the entire lake so it's not as though it wasn't a thorough search people in scientists have genuinely tried to find Nessie either the creature that did exist in the lake was the last and has since died or Nessie is truly a hoax many people continue to look and think that Nessie is smart enough to know when people are looking for her number one Bigfoot perhaps of all the stories there is no greater one than all the sightings of Bigfoot that have been reported over the years for those of you that don't know the Sasquatch aka Bigfoot is an ape-like creature that is actually taller than a human and walks on two legs they're said to be very powerful and pretty intelligent the hunt for Bigfoot and it's similar counterparts from around the world has spawned many legends stories and even TV shows dedicated to finding one or its species as some claim in terms of famous sightings there are many to choose from you'll find stories of the creature from Alaska Canada the continental United States in places like Idaho and many more and while many sightings are clearly fake there are many people who swear that they have seen a creature that is not like any on this earth others like the Yeti have been reported for many years in the Himalayas hikers were warned by Sherpas and in 1951 a British explorer named Eric Shipton took a picture of a gigantic footprint next to his axe while looking for an alternative route up Everest The Legend of the Yeti took off and then sightings and footprints have continued to appear some of the Bigfoot reports come from Army Rangers who are verified to be completely sane they even wrote books about it to describe their experience with the creature what's more some encounters like one in the Everglades appeared to reveal a subspecies of Bigfoot called the skunk ape all in all bigfoot remains the cryptid that most people see in the woods or other wooded and natural areas while some argue there is proof until there's a full-blown Bigfoot brought before the public sightings are likely all will get thanks for watching have you ever seen any strange creature would you like to hear more stories like these let me know in the comments below be sure to subscribe and I'll see you next time bye
Channel: Origins Explained
Views: 480,914
Rating: 4.7991123 out of 5
Keywords: origins explained, 10 most mysterious legendary creature sightings, mysterious legendary creatures, mysterious creatures, legendary creatures, unexplained creature sightings, unexplained creatures, unexplained sightings, mysterious sightings, mysterious creature sightings, mysterious discoveries, strange discoveries, unexplained discoveries, creature sightings, strange creatures, bizarre creatures, mysterious, legendary, creature, sightings, bizarre, strange, origins explained top 10
Id: D_6mF0sMXW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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