Most MYSTERIOUS Discoveries Of Giants!

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hey guys it's Chris from mysterious mounds with enormous femurs two swords that are nine feet long here are ten discoveries of giants in North America number ten Serpent Mound in 1894 an Ohio farmer was going about his business hunting some foxes little did he suspect he was going to stumble on something of major archaeological interest this was no ordinary slice of history because he had found graves which appeared to contain ancient giants and that's not something you see every day right located in Hillsboro Ohio the graves are composed of limestone slabs they were three feet long and a foot wide they were close to Serpent Mound a famous Native American mound and shaped like a serpent some fascinating artifacts were discovered in the mound in the 19th century when experts looked inside the Ohio graves they reported they saw large skeletons over six feet in length that seemed to be the remains of giants from a biblical order known as the Nephilim the Nephilim appear in Genesis 6 of the Hebrew Bible now the result of a union between divine sons of God and mortal women and they lived pretty violent lives by the looks of things because the ribs of one of them had spear and arrow heads stuck inside but were these really the remains of the biblical Giants many believe the entire thing was a hoax and there are very few pictures to back them up and the actual whereabouts of the skeletons is now unknown and so the mystery of the Ohio Giants still remains number 9 crests at Mound in 1958 in Marshall County West Virginia a curator for the Carnegie Museum of Natural History named Don W dragoo that's a name a who was examining the crest at mount the mound was made by the Edina culture who are Native Americans thought to have lived in various states of america from 1,000 to 200 bc though opinion on that does vary the name Edina was taken not from their culture but from the home of a governor and not very much else is known about them in the mound ragu found the skeleton of a man who was just over seven feet and he bore the hallmarks of a so-called giant such as a developed cranium in a large jawbone this gave experts a further wimps into the lives of these ancient people particularly with regards to anthropology or human development this height was extremely surprising and scientists are still searching for more clues about these ancient people to see if they really were giants number eight Iowa Mound discoveries of giants aren't necessarily associated with modern structures but in 1857 a work crew came across a staggering find while excavating the basement of a governor's building in Des Moines County now it does sound like a scene from an Indiana Jones movie but they unearthed the vault which housed skeletons around eight feet in length this vault sounds pretty formidable with local newspaper reports of the time claiming it to have an arched burial chamber six feet in height and with reinforced walls that were 14 inches thick these giants really know how to protect their dead while it's strange to find human remains that are so big some experts believed using the term giant isn't appropriate thinking that these people are actually just very tall humans and whether they're giants or not this was one crazy thing to stumble across doing a routine work gig number seven Steelville Missouri in 1933 teenager Bill Harmon was exploring a cave reportedly looking for arrowheads the place was known as Puckett's cave and was near Billy's family home in Steelville Missouri and little did he suspect that in this unlikely location he was about to stumble on a berry giant because Billy didn't find arrowheads but human bones which he pulled up from under the ground returning with help to dig up the rest he excavated the layers of ash and limestone before coming face-to-face with the skull of an 8-foot skeleton notable features on it included an unusually small head and whoever it belonged to had been sent to their grave in a sitting position it was taken to the office of local dr. RC Parker he didn't really have anywhere to put it so the skeleton wound up in the hallway let's hope no one with a heart condition dropped by for a check-up during that time right and just in case you're thinking this couldn't sound any weirder what about what happened when the Smith Sonia Museum came to collect the giant well the skeleton mysteriously disappeared and where did it go well shocking allegations were made that the Smithsonian had long covered up evidence of sophisticated early civilizations such as that of so-called Giants what do you think let me know in the comments below number six Miamisburg giant now who knew that Ohio was just popping with Giants I certainly didn't the city of Miamisburg and Ohio seems like a fairly modern place but it has a secret history of giant skeletons one that relates to its very own mound this prominent local landmark hasn't been excavated in any detail but there have been finds in the area that suggest if experts really wanted to start exploring the Miamisburg mound they find pretty compelling evidence of an ancient Society human remains measuring just over eight feet were found in the Miami Valley and more dramatically there's an account of a large skeleton popping out from under a tree when it was blown over during a storm this happened in a field near the Mount and it's too bad no one took a picture apparently like with many skeletons on this list this skeleton no longer exists some initial work was done on the Miamisburg mound in 1869 when a couple of burial vaults were discovered however since then the mound has been pretty much untouched and authorities don't seem too excited to look into it either this contributes further to the idea of an establishment cover-up and the truth might be out there or in this case maybe in there number five San Diego giant up till now we've been talking about giant skeletons but this one is more of a complete specimen he still even had his own skin it's definitely yucky but it is fascinating a cave in San Diego was the location where the remains were found in 1908 and the people who discovered the giant were prospectors who were probably on the hunt for gold or other metals very wild west like other Giants the body was measured to be 8 feet long reportedly it was even found with clothing on and a leather hood and the giant wound up part of a sideshow before being spotted by the Smithsonian Museum an arrangement was made for the giant to be purchased for the princely sum of $500 sounds too good to be true right well yeah it was the Smithsonian weren't just going to hand over the cash without a proper look-see and made sure they got a skin sample when they analyzed it they found that it wasn't skin at all but gelatin yeah that's right the whole thing was a fake so it's always good to do your own research and see things for yourself you can't always believe everything you hear number four Catalina Island well there have been lots of movies made about giants turns out evidence of actual giants exist near the home of moviemaking Los Angeles California Catalina Island is found just over 20 miles from the Californian coast and has been settled since 7000 BC and it isn't a small island either it's 22 miles long and eight miles wide that's plenty of space for a giant to roam around right and Catalina Island had its very own Indiana Jones in the shape of Ralph Glidden who had been interested in the local archaeology since he was a teenager at one point he surprised the community by saying he'd found the remains of skeletons between 7 and 9 feet tall who supposedly lived on the island 3,000 years ago not only that but he'd built a picture of what they looked like - claiming they were blue-eyed and had fair skin he mentioned a gruesome scenario where he uncovered a funeral urn with the remains of a girl inside in 64 child skeletons around it this is the first time we're hearing about non male skeletons and it seems the girl in the urn was some kind of ancient VIP was Ralph Glidden telling the truth or was he spinning a lie to keep himself in the public eye and some do point to the lack of proof which is odd considering Glidden collected bones and artifacts selling them to museums although having said that if this was a deception then surely it would be a big gambit he'd be risking his reputation on something that was very difficult to prove but maybe one day we'll find out the truth number three Beaver Lake a divert exploring Beaver Lake in Arkansas in 2014 believed he'd seen evidence of a civilization of giants that's got to be pretty exciting stuff eh all he needed to do was provide the details and everything would be cool unfortunately what he apparently saw wasn't backed up by visual records a video was taken during the dive but frustratingly it doesn't show anything okay so we can take this one with a huge pinch of salt because there's really no evidence but what did the diver claimed to have found he said he saw a man-made wall in a cave that combined with a spring strongly suggested the presence of giants well that's nice but what about skeletons or maybe something like that a femur bone maybe a tooth anything big footprints apparently there was nothing like that just a wall and a source of flowing water oh well there are many legends of giants from Arkansas and while many people have claimed to have seen them we are still looking for proof number two Lompoc Rancho now up to this point when we've talked about giants it's been people who are a bit taller than your average human a historic find of a skeleton that's eight feet or so could just be explained by saying someone was really tall or they just ate their spinach back in those days the Lompoc Rancho case from 1833 though is a bit different this could legitimately be a giant because the skeleton there was found to be 12 feet tall oh yeah now that's what we call a big fella it was unearthed by soldiers who were busy with their spades digging a pit probably not the outcome they expected the deceased was sporting a large set of teeth which is a rarity with this kind of excavation it's hard to hear about these kinds of finds and not wonder whether the legend of giants could still be true number one West hickory now I saved the best and indeed the biggest for last in 1870 a skeleton was uncovered well feet beneath a mound in West Hickory Pennsylvania but there was a bit more to it than that at first excavators found an enormous giant iron helmet can you imagine what it's like pulling a Giants helmet out of the dirt and then they found a sword it was a shocking 9 feet in length a very impressive find and then came the skeleton itself now it did have to be glued together but there were reports it was an epic 18 feet in height now if that's not a giant I just don't know what is the bones were very well preserved so if this is true we're talking a major rethink of ancient civilization according to newspapers of the time this mighty skeleton was taken to the nearby borough of T enesta and put on public display for whatever reason it never made it into the history books perhaps someone realized it was a trick or someone kept the skull for themselves still just take a second and imagine 18 foot people running around with giant swords now that would be a cool movie thanks for watching what did you think of these giant discoveries let me know in the comments below and be sure to subscribe to world list before you take off don't want you to miss any of our latest videos
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Keywords: world 5 list, 10 most mysterious discoveries of giants, mysterious discoveries, discoveries of giants, real giants, giant skeletons, ancient giants, ancient discoveries, unexplained discoveries, strange discoveries, bizarre discoveries, strange mysteries, unexplained mysteries, archaeological discoveries, archaeological finds, ancient archaeology, ancient giant skeletons, mysterious, discoveries, giants, skeletons, ancient, unexplained, unsolved, strange, mysteries, world5list top 10
Id: tLN0Icbb7dU
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Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2019
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