Most Metal Finale Ever!! Stranger Things Season 4 'Chapter Nine: The Piggyback' REACTION!!

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what's up everybody welcome back to the channel stranger thing season 4 episode nine it is the season finale of what has been an absolutely superb season of television so good everything has looked great this the scariness the horror the emotion the story the action the laughs they do such a good job of managing to get you to laugh through what has been a super intense story but things feel like they're about to get crazy and i am very scared for most of our crew because we've got max lucas and erica going to the house the main house they're going to use her as bait yeah which makes me very nervous not excited but also excited because it's gonna be great it's just very nerve-wracking to put max in this position but the plan makes sense her idea makes sense that you know vecna still got her marked and this is just so intense and scary and the whole crew they they're going to the entrance of the upside down to kill vecna slash one slash henry it's just so the idea is that like 11 one slash henry vecna will be in a vulnerable state while he's trying to kill max yes and they're going to slice its head off blow it up whatever they got in terms of weapons to fight him and kill him which and defend against the bats with trashcan lids with nails through them yeah just better than thor they this needs to work okay go for the head just just share it oh my gosh go for the head like that whole situation in the plan on paper sounds like the best option but again it's just horrifying i'm scared i think people are gonna get hurt there's still another season of this so they all can't die but somebody could die and i'm i'm fully expecting it i don't know who i i like my list of who can't die is like 12 people long so the only person that i'm going to be okay with dying is vector yeah that's yeah that's fine yeah i mean papa died in the last episode which they tried to give you kind of that like emotional kind of sympathetic type of situation there i wasn't headed to him at all dude he gaslet her like the whole time just the moment that i felt like brenner was going in the right direction and had positive intentions you were like oh no no this no this wasn't a good thing this wasn't good intentions you yeah that was you just used her and then like made her feel bad yeah he got shot what like three times or something yeah like it was pretty intense so for yo guys will tell me yeah so he got shot a bunch and then 11 with her insane powers and just like twisting and manipulating then bringing the plane down that needs to be just holy [ __ ] like she's so insane she's so strong and i mean just watching her just toy with that helicopter was just crazy so they need to get her they need to get her somehow to fight vecna because obviously she's the strong one sees the weapon she's defeated him before when she was like this big so now that she's older she should be able to you know put up a even stronger fight but vecton has also potentially been you know building strength this whole time too so this would be pretty crazy but 11's back with will and mike and argyle and jonathan so that whole crew is on their way and just hurry up they're far from hawkins so it's gonna take a minute but we've also got joyce and hopper and that crew in the soviet union trying to get back to the states on katinka on a helicopter that doesn't that's never flown he's never flown it nope and it's got to go a long distance so yeah i don't know how they're going to pull that one off because that just seems absolutely insane but everything seems insane the the emotion the story i can't wait to see how they wrap up this season this season has been so good and i just can't wait to see it you ready yes let's go and they're still working on katinka i'm nervous oh [ __ ] this guy are you serious i mean why would we think we could trust him can we give her another try why not an [ __ ] [Music] my woman make noise when i pleased him oh please oh jeez oh that's nasty looking man oh my god no it's not that bad okay no i need to wait anyway it's a six-pack damn i never should have sent you that message i knew it would be dangerous i made this choice and i would choose it again even knowing everything that i know cause you know we do have that date ticket yeah you do [Music] i've been dreaming about it oh yeah gonna have it all planned out two orders of breadsticks two those things knock your socks off oh you talking about the food and not her you've been dreaming about breadsticks and lasagna i've been on a diet of water soup moldy bread and maggots so yeah i've been dreaming about breadsticks not me but the lasagna and the bread stick shirt there's a wine oh mine's good i was thinking about a nice chianti chianti use your imagination who needs imagination his poor body oh my god damn it remember you're listening oh my god of course the phone rings phase one we meet erica at the playground she'll signal max and lucas when we're ready phase two max batesvacna he'll go after her which will put him in his trance who's three and eddie draws the bats away we had indefechna's hopefully newly bat-free layer and flambe dude this plan is so scary holy [ __ ] so the plan is to use the molotov cocktails to kill vecta i guess i mean that was you wouldn't get like super she held the bottle i don't know if that's the [ __ ] but i mean they also have like blades and stuff he's carrying and axes a shotgun just so trippy that's really cool the way they did that oh hell let's go steve what does he want us to do applaud i'll fly for you that was almost a superhero style landing right there just kiss him already oh god can with this oh my god if things here start to go south i mean at all you were born okay draw the attention of the bats keep them busy for a minute or two we'll take care of that look at us we are not heroes i i think i mean eddie is like one of my favorite characters he has been such a great addition to this show i love him make him pay hell yeah that was just the intro yeah holy [ __ ] i mean this whole thing feels scary i like that they are kind of prepared with a plan they're not going in like winging it they actually have like an idea of what they're doing i know but like my heart is already started like chapter nine the piggyback he's all mine folks he's all mine this is max when one attacks he will be in her mind but i can do that too i went into mama's mind she can carry me to vecna i can piggyback oh oh mind fight righteous wait so you actually think this can work a bathtub would help yeah to be clean to enter the mud that's dude we just passed a motel yeah but they won't have enough salt well how much salt are we talking here my dudes to 600 pounds suffice you know a place that has 600 pounds of salt i know of a magical place that has all you need my brave little super powered friend dude he's been a fantastic addition to the show too yes he has been so much fun i hate this house i love that song i wouldn't even want to be inside that house i wouldn't want to be anywhere near that house so which part of the team would you be on um staying at home and making sure the pets are fed but also wearing my brown pants um dude you got to get out of here buddy you got to go home dude get out of here you're walking she says that she's a friend of the dogs so the dogs with the girl and the girl went off to fight some evil in hawkins and they all went off created the dark the girl everybody and they're not alone okay i i see the mood here is bleak also i love murray if they're alive that means a gate to open in hawkins gate what does this mean uh you might not want to know the answer to that question you got to be [ __ ] me the pizza place of course whoa nice shirt my dude thanks my dude i need to get on my dude shirt with my dudes on it like my old my dude's shirt she needs a tub with a bunch of salt so we can enhance her psychic powers so she can save the world from the super bad dude i love how everybody's eyes are so [ __ ] bloodshot [Music] first ever mine fight held in a pizza dough freezer oh my god i love it [Music] oh and he's going to have some dinner is there pineapple is that pineapple there is there's pineapple on that [ __ ] pizza argyle just dropped way down on the list [ __ ] you put pineapple on pizza it's like she was destined for an alternate dimension are you ready for the most metal concert in the history of the world bring it eddie i was a baby i actually crawled backwards that's how you start i reversed my baby butt down a flight of stairs and something my head really good right out of the gate like i'm super confident you know but i'm also like an idiot i get a big enough thump on my head i can change oh steve listen i guess what i'm trying to say in a really stupid roundabout way is thank you for giving me the biggest thump of its life two years ago and now i'm crawling forward i don't know part of me thinks that we would have made it mm-hmm remember the dream i told you about with the winnebago about seeing the country with my six all nuggets it's all true every last word and you were there with me um you're there [Music] you've always been there hey guys you guys damn it robin cockback chant lots of moments getting interrupted already where are the guards maybe this will be easier than we thought i don't know jim i got a bad feeling about this ah it always comes back to star wars see i've got a bad feeling about this oh my god oh yeah they're fighting a demogorgon right now oh come on they can't just drive in oh [ __ ] come on there's like still they gotta go through poop and stuff no thank you so much there's still a big explanation that needs to be had of why they have so many of them like in these tubes under like as like in a lab for like what is happening right now you gotta give them the pride talk his blue eyes they're so blue he's been a great addition to this show all the new additions have been so good this season and did he just sway him i think he did be a hero you're not going to get talked about by as like some smuggler you will get talked about if you are a hero okay the love birds have copied max is moving into phase two distracting vic oh [ __ ] my heart rate check we're at 99. i'm so nervous for max i'm nervous for all of them but it feels like she's the one who's being put in obviously the most danger yeah ugh what if this is fake what if this isn't him doing this like he's baiting them yeah [ __ ] i'm here what are you waiting for huh oh god [Music] oh god do i look cool i feel like i look really cool are you giggling it's speed this is cute but let's speed this up come on hurry i guess i just i wanted to say that oh my god dude this is pineapple try before you deny no it's not good 11. what do you mean it's good really good what that's insane it's blasphemous putting fruit on pizza no i didn't try it no i obviously [Laughter] do you remember that time you told me you had a lego stuck up your nose what i feel like you used to come to me more for help or to just talk you know it feels like you don't do that anymore everybody's having like these such sentimental moments which makes me worried for everyone i miss talking to you i like really miss it right now we need to talk more than ever because things are getting just complicated right a lot more complicated than legos up the nose you know i just and i'll always be here you're my brother and i love you good job big bro absolutely nothing i'll ever change that and and i'm always here for you too i know come here [Music] it's time holy [ __ ] dude you all right yeah that was just really sweet you know you hope that everybody has a family member that that's that is that supportive this is so insane i don't know if argyle is going to be able to handle this i don't think his brain's ready for the mind-blowing experience he's about to witness right i'm right here okay oh what's going on it's not working does one sense 11 i would think so i thought about what you said about how i wanted my brother to die i thought that you were just trying to upset me you were just telling the truth billy he made my life living hell i would pray that something would happen to him i knew that he drove too fast so i would imagine him crashing now when i lie in bed at night i pray that something will happen to me you ever have thoughts like that about me uh what normal people don't fantasize about killing other people max i thought you were getting better what the [ __ ] is this dude he's being possessed vekna vekna got lucas maybe it is good he takes you this is going to be huge that breaks the world oh my god here we go oh [ __ ] dude the way it's blending the voices i should he's [ __ ] terrifying this is bonkers dude oh man i think i am in a memory this is from you [Music] okay eddie get it oh metallica okay oh i love it oh [ __ ] oh you love that oh [ __ ] oh oh [ __ ] no oh [ __ ] run no [ __ ] no is oh my god [ __ ] get it [ __ ] [Music] i love this i need the soundtrack [Laughter] i hate the way becnus says everyone's name it is so creepy oh no no leave her alone that's okay you're a giant dork it's okay dude i love the metallic oh [ __ ] oh my god [ __ ] oh [ __ ] dude this billy memory is horrifying dude okay guitar riff he is killing the solo uh the memory is her kiss with lucas [Music] [Music] oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god dude that was the most metal ever that was pretty awesome that was incredible oh man and now we're back here hopper and a [ __ ] flamethrower oh they're oh yeah yeah yeah yeah so they weren't dead i want one of those for what i don't know just to say hey do you have a flamethrower i didn't kill the spiders in the backyard i don't need you terminix i'll take care of this myself oop and accident oh my god that was a hand that was a hand i'm not loving you he says they call it the shadow shadow went into them into who [Music] of course you die right now uh music just gave me chills i'm glad she found the memory oh [ __ ] what the hell as i was saying these are the worst balloons ever everything's turning positive thoughts max some positive thoughts don't let him get to you find your happy place don't shut your mouth or break your arms oh my god [ __ ] guy oh no no no the hell are you done this is what you did to christy jesus oh my god did you wake her up from whatever the hell this is can't do that brah you don't wake her up right now you die sinclair what the [ __ ] he has been completely twisted by this whole idea of this witch hunt and everything that's going on yeah i mean he's an idiot it's a hard thing to believe but it's like put the [ __ ] gun away and just that doesn't give you the right to take everything in your own hands of course people yeah it's a hive mind you draw one you draw them all oh my god dude oh my god oh my god what about you i'm the bait come on hopper he's all alone he's our target [Music] i'm gonna die someday but not today i still got a date to make remember i don't think he's gonna make it to the date this time it's gonna be different i i don't why you say stuff like that it's like storytelling 101. you don't say those things i feel like somebody's going to die right now this sucks and that guy just died you're the worst they can't get in through there can they [ __ ] oh my god great uh plan doesn't feel like it's going very smoothly now i gotta say though the best jump scare thus far has been argyle with the pizza oh [ __ ] except for that oh my god it's time for the axe now oh [ __ ] [Applause] no no [ __ ] yeah about that plan not going so well all of a sudden yeah that's it thanks for confirming i'm not comfortable with hop rather than run away with those things with what's happened to his leg and foot at this point okay can you hammer that in and close it up nice thanks close the door close the door close the door oh [ __ ] they can't get out get out get out dude oh my god oh my god eddie eddie eddie oh my god upper body strength come on get it oh my god eddie oh my god oh my god no oh my god no no come on oh [ __ ] let's go what do you no no eddie [Music] oh my god oh goddy you can't hide from i me i don't see what you're doing i've seen your friends it's time but do you see and feel 11 right like how do you not though it's time for 11 to do something intense and drastic right now but how she's like stuck in here i hate it [ __ ] ah [ __ ] awesome though you have five seconds to wake her up oh [ __ ] yeah erica quick oh jason sucks oh dang it dude you are brave much braver than your brother but in the end you are weak and fragile just like him dude the visuals insane honestly the the makeup is so good oh [ __ ] [Music] there we go yes there we go let me reintroduce myself i just got chills holy [ __ ] but you know who's not weak eleven she's gonna do that dude the whole body the whole body look at from head to toe done up oh my god remember me [ __ ] i've grown up a little bit hell yeah get him oh [ __ ] eddie oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god is he trying to go back in oh [ __ ] oh my god oh my god oh [ __ ] oh my god oh my god did he just break something he's got weak bones i didn't know what to do so hard i ran away we are not heroes [Music] oh my god come on dude oh [ __ ] bad dog bad dog oh you [ __ ] dude are you are you real i'm real i piggybacked from a pizza dough freezer what [Laughter] i'll explain later but yeah i'll tell you all about it stay back if you touch her again i will kill you again is that what you did i am so glad you are here 11. this is going to be beautiful i think we have different definitions of beautiful beautiful what the hell oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] this is so bonkers dude [ __ ] before i kill you i want you to watch what the [ __ ] dude this is so wild [Music] the way his like skins crawling like literally so gross i know what he did to you he made you into this i am what you made me he did not make me into this you did i believe you had sent me to my death but i was wrong i was somewhere new insane absolutely insane this story is like so good you have the backstory on everybody i found the most extraordinary thing of all the mind flair dude so creepy looking he became spiderman sorry trying to make jokes because i'm scared all i needed was someone to open the door and you did that for me without even realizing it she's gonna go back to thinking that she's the monster [ __ ] you chose to resist so i sought a means to open my own doors dude the story oh [ __ ] what's been building you have freed me you can still stop this your friends have lost [Music] no no there is nothing you can't do to stop this now no [Music] [Applause] no no no oh my god oh [ __ ] dude this story is so strong there was a time when i had hoped to have you by my side when's he gonna hit her with eleven i am your father no don't be afraid the [ __ ] don't be afraid [ __ ] off no problem kidding me it will all be over soon i hate this i hate it i hate it i [ __ ] hate it you're the worst [Music] no hell can you hear me al come on wake up wake up now wake up hell can you hear me don't stop okay you're the heart okay remember that you're the heart i want you to know i'm here okay i'm right here i love you stop i don't know how to live without you i feel like my life started that day we found you in the woods i love you for exactly who you are you're my superhero you just have to fight okay do you hear me fight all right mick let's get this son of a [ __ ] oh man this is emotional [ __ ] dude oh [ __ ] get him lucas no no no no no no no [Music] oh [ __ ] dude [Music] [ __ ] run dude oh god [Music] oh my god oh [ __ ] oh god get it murray [ __ ] love this guy holy [ __ ] oh this is a lot oh man that was a miracle i mean 11 is your miracle uh-uh are you for real right now all right one hand oh my god no the [ __ ] sword are you for where did the sword come from where when was there a sword oh it's probably in the in the weapons closet from the first fight hopper and l come on is this going to work like combined with 11 and them you believe you have one but this is only the beginning oh really you have already lost you have you are one ugly [ __ ] oh oh my god shoot him in the street in the [ __ ] face he kind of has like the feeling of like the grinch gotta i'll be honest go for the hat go for that this is incredible this is absolutely incredible so good yeah you're you [ __ ] it's about [ __ ] time [Music] how many pets are being named katinka now we're children hopefully not children sorry if your name's katinka but i mean people named their children after lots of things i mean one of the kids at preschool was named renesmee so oh god eddie no not eddie no no come on no no no no you're gonna be fine we just gotta get you to a hospital okay okay i didn't run away this time right no no no no you didn't run i love you dad eddie [Music] god damn it dude we need a doctor call it ambulance hurry call it ambulance i can't see anything oh god [Music] stay with me stay with me there we go [Music] stay with me he's not there right he took off oh [ __ ] it's happening anyways oh my god [Music] [Applause] oh [ __ ] dude is this all really happening [ __ ] holy [ __ ] dude not calling no can she reverse this i don't know [Music] [Music] hi [Music] yeah it is two days later what the hell everyone's leaving 48 hours since a 7.4 magnitude earthquake rocked the quaint town of hawkins jeez that's what they're calling it most recently a string of high school students were killed in a series of ritualistic murders which have been linked to a local satanic cult known as hellfire someone order a pizza [Music] where's lucas he's at the hospital was he hurt oh god you don't know he could feel the hair stirring on the nape of his neck lucas what came as soon as we heard i'm sorry do they know when she awake they say she might not she died then she came back doctors don't know how 11. i'm here max oh [ __ ] [ __ ] these are blankets and sheets some clothes and some kids toys is there anything else that we can do to help i found another jar of peanut butter and it's crunchy stuff hi what are you doing here i am making pb js right yeah no of course uh i i'm also making pbj's as it so happens my boyfriend um he was visiting and took one look at all this and let's just say it's not what he was envisioning for his spring break so he was like i'm out of here back to purdue good luck then who trashes fast times because it has no plot i mean as soon as he said that i should have ended things right there and then exactly like robin and i have just made a peanut butter peanut butter monstrosity i'll take it he doesn't you know like jelly you're weirdo give me that peanut butter sandwich all day it's like sometimes my mouth is moving faster than my brain and it's like this runaway train and i cannot seem to get it stopped no matter how hard i try yeah i think i know what you mean thank you so much mr munson i'm dustin henderson can we talk i was with him where is eddie now i'm so sorry i wish everyone had gotten to know him really know him they would have loved him he never stopped being eddie he fought and died to protect this town this town that hated him he's a hero you went out metal as [ __ ] if it wasn't for her if she hadn't left the lab max wouldn't be alive right now i know she's never lost before not like this she'll have another chance let's hope no let's hope one is dead and rotting he's not now that i'm here in hawkins i can feel him oh [ __ ] he's hurting but he's still alive and he's not going to stop we have to kill it [ __ ] and we will so there was nothing there when she went in [ __ ] yes sad yes stop believing i know you look not fat i kind of stole your little kid what do you think just a little no oh god oh [ __ ] particles were those particles are they yes [Music] oh my god look at all the color disappears it's killing everything [ __ ] at least they're all together they get to fight it together holy [ __ ] oh my god that was so insane oh my god so insane that season finale was absolutely insane it was insane yes just the lot of crying there was so much emotion in there i can't believe i'm so sad that eddie died he was an amazing addition to this show but he didn't run no he didn't run metal as [ __ ] he was such a great just such a great character yeah i'm really sad that he only got i mean this season was epic yes it was the that was like the fastest two and a half hours like in a good way ever yeah it was i agree it's unfortunate that he only made it through one season yeah because i would have loved to see more with him but rest in peace rip eddie i mean you are so cool i i what dustin said about him i wish everyone got to know him it's true it's too bad that he's gonna have this like horrible label attached to his name now yeah do you think that dustin pulled him back from the from the i hope so i hope he didn't leave him there but i don't know how he was a broken leg it's like where how could he have pulled him from that i don't know but that was really sad max's situation is so sad i she's gone she thinks she's you think she's gonna die like she's in there screaming max and max is not nowhere i just like vecna took her too far with the bones and everything i hope she like max max's story and journey through this show has been nothing short but just amazing from the moment we met her to where she ended up just one of my favorite characters in anything that we've watched just the story the impact the emotion her and that song is so perfect i love that song and like kate bush awesome i mean so happy for her that's such an amazing thing to happen just an artist from the 80s gets like a like a big push yeah yeah it's completely coming back stronger than ever and thanks to stranger things like unbelievable but this just feels so intense and now like will is feeling all the things again oh the like the two yeah that's like the tingles on his neck and just being back in hawkins and that whole situation is just i feel so bad for will honestly well now he knows like the whole time that he was everything that he went through from the very first season it was all vecna like i love how they wrapped around that story like i mean this story is insane you go back to season one of this show and just start it and then we're here now like the story is unbelievable it is just absolutely bonkers how much they've tied into all of this and now it's all connected all of it has come to a head and hawkins is basically under attack and one is not dead 11 and the crew were not able to kill him but he's like this feels like a voldemort type of situation where you've killed enough of the horcruxes and like he's wounded but he's not dead yet what is it going to take for that final blow what is it going to take for one to finally just be gone and dead and removed from this whole situation i have no idea but next season is going to be amazing i mean i can't even imagine how they could top what they just did i know it was because horror was so good the horror was great the story was great the comedy did not suck you out of the any of the moments like sometimes comedy can kind of pull you out of moments but i thought the comedy was so good and like argyle and just the way they used some of these like comedic moments was perfect you know what comedy pulled me out of the moment yours oh yeah sorry i do that sometimes it happens you mean well i do mean well just trying to have fun yeah but i mean i think the way they weave it all into the story i think it's perfect and these are long episodes this has been a long season and pacing is a really difficult thing to handle these days and i thought they absolutely crushed the pacing yes i thought it was great the way they went from story to story the way they kind of like constantly gave you a little bit of a hanger as they went into like the next thing yeah and just kept you wanting more with the stories and continued just to push that envelope and drive the story and so much emotion there was so much emotion in that finale i cried hard i cried pretty hard hardest for max yeah yeah she's like a good kid i mean her story is incredible like it's absolutely incredible and just everything that's i don't know i'm just happy that the whole cruise together the hopper joyce reunion the hopper 11 reunion the hopper and mike reunion like all of the hopper stuff like all of the like 11 reunions like everyone coming back together and just seeing each other again for the first time in a while it was all so well done and what's steve going to do now i'm happy for robin yes it looks like she's made her connection and got her friend now and they just like they calm down it's not all like stressful like they can talk to each other and they instantly clicked because she's just like robin it's like the same exact person the way they talk and they can't turn their brain off when they start going robin's like she got to kind of get her own dose of it for once yeah and i think she loved every second of it i'm i'm really hoping that you know i mean you can tell jonathan was having apprehension but i mean like especially after this traumatic moment like is it gonna bring them closer together jonathan and nancy i don't know i don't know poor steve i mean it's kind of hard to focus on that kind of stuff when they just kind of saw what they just saw exactly like their whole city is turned into like even after all that [ __ ] he still can't be honest with her about like the acceptance letter or the application letter so like that's not a good sign i mean she wasn't honest with him either i agree so that's just that's not a good relationship if you can't be honest with each other you don't want to be with each other just let it go dude elsa overall i was blown away by this season same i was not hyped i was so disappointed when i saw that hopper teaser right after season three that it kind of just sucked all the enjoyment and excitement for this season okay and i wasn't looking forward to watching the show at all and then when we got that first episode and they started building the story it just bloom like the explosion happened and it was like instantaneously hooked the way like you could tell the show had a huge budget this season because it looked awesome by the way us sitting here with these headphones on i feel like announcers at the racetrack right now so yeah just the fact that i went in with like no expectations with like little like not any excitement at all and then coming out at the end of this after these nine episodes and it's probably one of my favorite shows of the year i mean this season has been amazing we bought some really dope [ __ ] and this is one of my favorite things of the year for sure so back to you mike back to you mike in the studio i'm sorry oh my god uh you're welcome i ruined everything anything else no you have any other thoughts i don't it was really good that was a lot i was i had a good cry that was emotional that was exhausting yes and can't wait to see what they do with the next season yeah all that war probably probably it's kind of what i hope eleven could get some like help in like her realm of what if max comes back i mean i don't think that's gonna i think she's gonna come but like as with powers like 11. i mean yeah i don't know i don't know how this is gonna play out but i'm i'm definitely excited now yeah definitely not watching any teasers or trailers or nothing no we're gonna stick to that and just go in blind and not let anything ruin expectations or set spoilers or do any of that stuff we're going in completely blind next season best we can and just keep everything hidden on social media and do what we do so we keep a positive excited mindset going into the next season so yep all right anything else all right time to wrap it up you guys leave all your comments down below we'll see you guys later for the next one have a good one bye [Music] you
Channel: Nikki & Steven React
Views: 572,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nikki and steven react, nikki and steven, stranger things, stranger things season 4, stranger things season 4 reaction, stranger things season 4 chapter nine, stranger things season 4 chapter nine reaction, stranger things the piggyback, stranger things the piggyback reaction, stranger things season 4 episode 9 reaction, stranger things reaction, the piggyback reaction, stranger things 4 reaction, stranger things4 reaction, the piggyback stranger things reaction
Id: ygx7kRiyUh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 15sec (3735 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 06 2022
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