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what council president please introduce themselves and save their affiliation for the record Tony Busby for the injured worker introduce yourself to us please then to make mother and I understand you from Texas yeah and have you lived in Texas your whole life all 52 years so you were a barge foreman for B submarine in 2010 yes sir and was that the only year you had ever been a barge for me yes sir and you're no longer a barge foreman they bust me back down that's right sir would they bust you for when I cut my finger off what do you mean show me your finger and they demoted you for that yes sir help me understand that I don't know I can't explain it that's all they told me so there was an accident obviously your finger got cut off right yes sir and you got demoted yes sir what's a JSA mr. Macmillan JA safety Atlantis's Atlantis's yes sir okay and tell me what what it means that the Takeovers job steps up for the job okay safety-wise he's supposed to talk through it different and supposed to try to eliminate the hazards yes how do you go about doing that telling another all the paperwork all the proper whereas if majors had had it happen and how you live negated mm-hmm and that's anything everybody signs off on it yes sir did you ever look into that situation once you found out that its shackle had been dropped on somebody's head yes sir would you figure out what did you find out so it didn't have who said that who said it didn't happen well my guys told me it never happened which one's told you that all the riggers well which ones who said that but I looked into it but it didn't happen well who told you that who told me day that's what I'm working time just wanted to say that in our witness report they do was up for two okay second who specifically told you that the accident never happened because our nel was up there he did he didn't drop nothing now supervise that's how come no they didn't happen I was up there you were up on the helipad when the rigging was taking place mhm you were sir okay I helped break it up you were you were help rigging it up yes sir and you didn't see anybody drop anything no sir did you see the guys down below I'll make sure there was nobody down if I went up I've left one upstairs are you sure about that yes sir which time are you talking about exactly when we figured that when we start rigging it up I sent them up to catch the rigging and then I watch make sure everybody was that far went up where do you keep the shackles and shackle pins I'll take the shackle and the shackle pin out and I put the sling in that then I put the shackle back in and that penis have you ever dropped one does before not on purpose well not suggesting he did it on purpose I'm just asking these sometimes those can be dropped right yes okay and those things are heavy as a devil aren't they no sir would you want to be hit on the head with one from ten feet above no sir okay it knocked the devil out of you wouldn't it assuming you got any devil in you it would knock it out if you wouldn't they take a lot of knocking you got that much in you yo I got friend it was beer wine in shot at the inch and a quarter or anything they shot for you okay so it's a little bit different ya know they're smaller but there's a small amount smaller about a inch quarter inch quarter inch smaller yep you ever dropped one that's a quarter inch smaller yeah why did you do that 50 I'm a finger but they've over decide people make small mistakes right yes sir that's why the sequencing of the job is so important right yes sir you were relying on your welding Foreman to make sure that he didn't put his people in there until y'all got done yes sir do you know whether he sent those guys over there to cut before he was supposed to I don't remember okay so you believe you believe you probably did right I just don't remember well I know you don't remember but you didn't send them over there to do it did you no sir the only other person could be BRC right yes okay and you being a common since guy that tells the truth know that that's what he did okay so you found out he had done that didn't you know for when did you find out he did it two days later so you found out two days later that RC had jumped the gun didn't you yes sir and that son of a gun was not supposed to send those kids those men over there to do that cutting until you guys were done right yes sir but he did anyway didn't he yes sir why don't give me the life I mean did you talk to him and say hey man you know better than that you put those men in jeopardy did you talk to him they don't we don't talk he'd never talk to me after that he just wouldn't talk to you about no sir you're pretty well pissed weren't you pretty much I figured you were because you knew that was really unsafe yes sir and that guy sent those two workers and put them in jeopardy and you had no idea because there was no way for you to know it isn't that right isn't that right yes sir right but you understand that job one is don't put your people in jeopardy yes sir but he did that anyway didn't he yes sir you know who Ronnie took her is hey buzz bars clerk at that time where is he now I have no idea you gone anything going for a while why'd he leave you know I think you kids gonna become a diver officer diver apparently didn't work out well what happened I don't know I don't discuss it you don't even talk about it I don't even talk to Morris coz Horton who's is cousin David Jason Kate okay he work out there too they did he's gone as well yes sir what happened to him I have no idea just dropping like flies out there aren't they yes sir huh how come y'all had so many accidents out there well you mentioned for what I mean is I'm looking at your your daily progress report and I see 11 people who had some sort of accident can you help me understand why there's so many people getting hurt what did consider accident I consider dropping a shackle pin 10 feet and knocking somebody on top of the head an accident do you agree with me yes that would be an accident what but what I vote well would you consider down next repeat I would consider a guy catching his finger in a winch where it gets cut off to be an accident yes would you agree with that yes do you know what happened each one of these people most charming just scrapes okay what about one more you know what happened to him don't you well that's nice folks got knocked out shock repent but I don't remember you don't remember what then you getting hit because you didn't see it I didn't see it and I didn't win this anything I didn't fell out no paperwork who dropped the pen I can't take I can't remember was it you no sir which one of those other to drop that pen and I don't remember so your testimony would be it ain't my responsibility to do an investigation that's job I'll be never be asking questions but I won't get no straight answer out of them like they would want I said why would you not get a straight answer out of them but like they could because I'm always around me you never know when they're gonna be kidding with your nut or lying to you yeah so you'd say look I wouldn't I wouldn't question them cuz I'm around them all time they'll lie to me yeah that's how you feel that's how I feel and you feel like those rigors would lie to you yeah okay I tell ya I didn't drop a penny I really did right there's my hat yeah what I thought so that's why on your testimony that's why you didn't do any investigation that's right when you told me it was Reyes while ago you'd forgotten that it was really this flora Turner Jr got to have me they come and go back have a hard time keeping up with Who I am sometimes stand that completely luckily you've got a very unique look so you can always remind yourself that you are Wendell McMillan I got a look at my passport to make sure you're awesome wait where is your where happened to that finger did you ever recover it yeah well I just told him to leave that hospital I didn't need it oh they can start back home so why should I care if I'm a Knick I hadn't thought about caring around your neck but now that's an idea you ever watched Game of Thrones no and as a guy got his hand cut off they put it around his neck for a while that made me think of that now they asking for one of the throne there they can have it give somebody need really needs it did you ever ask him why nope okay dumpy I could I be the first one he jumps all over he gets on you in your case pretty good pretty regular hey sit up sorry Glen I jump back Eddie you do I do is that one your coffee level gets low yeah you can't even be stopped out there can you it's been a great pleasure to meet you I hope you keep the rest of your fingers you only got nine left all right keep them off all right I'm gonna retire with oh yeah just didn't demote that one all right that back you take a so that's my point for you know just tell me where he chewed up okay all right man I passed witness I have new questions
Channel: Roman Targus
Views: 479,132
Rating: 4.356297 out of 5
Id: 5jouqRtvCvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2015
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