Most Incredible Wild Animal Battles Caught On Camera !

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[Applause] nature can be a beautiful thing with different animals living in Perfect Harmony across the world but there can be no such thing as perfect peace and even Mother Nature's beautiful Creations have differences buckle up for what's coming because you're about to be amazed this Puma took quite a beating after it grabbed a hold of a guanaco but it kept hold of its neck and in the end came out on top is Big look at me look at me look at me elephants are some of the smartest animals in the wild so when they attack another animal unprovoked it can either be out of necessity or in this case it may be hunting Buffalo for sport no man what the hell God is terrible no man bears are some of the most ferocious animals in the wild and that is twice as true when there's a fight between two of them just watch as these two Alaskan monster bear males go at it and compete for breeding season [Music] dominance once a python gets a hold of you it never lets go and this monkey understood that better than most as it was strangled to death his friends watched helplessly and even tried to help but it was pointless at first it looks like this lioness is chasing this Antelope for a fresh meal but it turns out she was just protecting him against the other lions in her Pride lions are usually coldblooded Killers but this one decided to be good for a change I'm and this hyena mistakenly walked right into a pride of [Music] lions this snake and eel got grab of each other's jaws and put each other on a death roll in a battle of the serpents sloths may seem slow and harmless at first but their claws are like knives and this grounded sloth taught this ocelot lesson it won't forget get your ass back here boy this Hawk had the snake by the neck but little did he know it was the snake that had him where it wanted orc is are the Undisputed killing machines of the ocean as this pot of orc is showed successfully hunting down a great white [Music] shark it's a battle of the reptiles this to gecko tried to take on a snake but it was too slow hopefully it knows how to swim this tried to hunt down a warthog little did it know it was biting off more than it could chew this baboon thought it would have an easy meal in a baby Mongoose but it didn't account for how tough a pack of mongoose can be in a [Applause] fight and at this Zoo the monkeys were harassing and bullying the otter for years until they finally built an army of otters and went in for Revenge by Drowning the [Music] leader these two moose decided the best place for a showdown was an Alaskan suburb and they proceeded to beat the Daylights out of each other for some reason one of them has a blue ribbon around its horns watch out get back back back eventually the Blue Ribbon moose wins the confrontation and sends the other moose packing these Bears felt threatened by each other's presence so there was only one solution a hardcore brawl they start off slow but it quickly turns into a vicious fight but then after a minute of constant fighting they're both exhausted and after taking a little break they just go their separate ways you might wonder why a lion is digging up dirt like a madman but it's not random the lion smells warthogs down there and he's hungry it pays off in the end as he sits down to enjoy his Feast Jaguars are renowned for their exceptional stealth and ability to move silently which is why this Marsh deer was completely clueless of this insane Ambush a true David versus Goliath scenario happened here when a rooster faced up against a very angry dog and just like in the Bible the underdog comes out on [Music] [Music] top this monkey didn't like the way this dog was looking at him and proceeded to attack monkeys can be extremely dangerous when angered and the dog wanted none of that smoke and ran away imagine being a fish eaten by another fish only to be dug out of its stomach and eaten by a shrimp talk about being unlucky oh wow oh my gosh there was a fish inside the oh my god wow wow a warart Hog's tusks can grow longer than a foot and they do not fail to make use of these deadly weapons these two warthogs duked it out for nearly an hour before or the cameraman got tired and called it a [Applause] day when a rival seal appeared this male knew it had no chance but to stand its ground and fight seals are extremely agile especially in the water and these two battled it out for dominance of the beach [Music] and the beach Master wasted no time in making the most of his victory this honey badger bit off far more than it could chew and paid the price HOH go the force of an alligator bite is 2,000 lb per square in which is more than three times that of a lion and almost 20 times that of a human being after seeing how effortlessly this alligator snapped it in half this turtle's friends will never feel safe in their shell again wild dogs and wart hogs are two Gladiators of the African Savannah so what happens when they face off each other this warthog tried its best to fend off a huge pack of dogs from its burrow but once they caught a hold of it it didn't stand a chance in the animal kingdom awareness is the most important tool for survival you have to know what's happening around you at all times unfortunately for this toi it did not taking two hyenas on is a piece of cake for this mother Rhino there's only one problem the hyenas aren't there for her they're aiming for the calf and because she has to protect herself and her calf she has to fight twice as hard as soon as this jaguar and Puma cross paths they both knew it was time to assert dominance they immediately started fighting each other attacking each other mercilessly but there can only be one winner and the Puma proved its superiority by beating the Jaguar to the point where it had no choice but to retreat this crocodile took a zebra's entire side off with a big bite the zebra tried fighting all it could but the water is the Crocs Kingdom and no one can beat it there the crowd at a carnival was left stunned when these two horses decided it was time to have a fight a single horse kick carries up to 2,000 lb of force and you can see just how much the kicks affected [Music] them War Hogs can be scarily vicious known to take down animals up to twice their size capable of running up to 40 kmph and armed with deadly tusks their manyi death machines these War Hogs charged a baboon and wasted no time St stting to eat it [ __ ] we don't know if this was about food or whether they just didn't like each other but these two silverback gorillas had some issues with each other and they settled it the only way they knew by beating the heck out of each other we've already established that kimodo dragons are very hard to escape kimodo Dragon stomachs are so big and the acids inside them are so potent that they can eat 80% of their body weight in a single meal people usually say the worst a girl can say is no when you her out but when this donkey tried to mate with this zebra it got a couple of kicks in the face to go with a rejection this baby elephant narrowly avoids becoming a Crocs dinner thanks to his mother who nearly trampled the crocodile and sent it [Music] running [Music] chasing down this frog was Child's Play for the snake the real question is how is he going to eat it it may seem like it's biting off more than it can chew snakes have super flexible jaws and they can adjust them to swallow snakes have even swallowed Hyena's whole compared to that this frog is just an afternoon snack this deer got pretty close to this kodo dragon and it looked like he wanted to fight but as soon as the dragon moved towards it it ran away faster than you could say coward this rooster was just teaching the cat how it's done as it manages to kill a rat in just one well-placed peck oh my god oh oh my God it died this baby baboon and his mother needed a drink of water unlucky as it was the water was infested with Crocs and the baby got caught as its mother narrowly escaped crocodile's ability to hide in waters means that even intelligent animals like baboons can't sense them coming and that proved to be this poor baboon's end when up against an orca this great white shark was put in his place that place being about 20 ft in the [Applause] air these maribo storks were playing around with the fish they caught and were having the time of their lives until an eagle showed up attacked them and stole the fish this is why you should never play with your food this wilderbeast couldn't escape the mud quick enough before a lioness grabbed a hold of it even though Lions usually hunt in packs this lioness was all by herself in normal circumstances she wouldn't have won but because it was stuck in the mud that was the end of the wilderbeast story when this leopard attacked a baboon the poor thing did everything it could to fight back but in the jungle the strong always come out on top and the baboon was defeated which animal fight shocked you the most let us know in the comments and don't forget to like And subscribe and click on the notification Bell to be the first one to see our next video [Music] goodbye
Channel: Novella
Views: 90,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animals Messed With The Wrong Opponent, animal fight, animals, caught on camera, animal attack, wild animal fights, wild animals, wrong opponent, scary animal encounters, best animal fights, best animal fights in the wild, unexpected animal fights, animal attack animal, animal encounters, wild animal attacks, prey vs predator prey wins, biggest animal fights, animal fights compilation, animal battles, dangerous animals, wildlife, safari animal attack, animal attack at zoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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