World's Biggest Heists

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if you could press a button yeah and it it robbed a thousand random people on the planet of ten thousand pounds from their bank account i just gave it to you what's that milk three thousand ten million ten minutes you get 10 billion would you press the button i just want everyone to know that you you won't see the wave video because harry pressed me that's fine when i'm clicking my one on my obs is selected instead of the thing and i smack the spacebar i just and i just want you to know that the wave video was unreal we could watch it again don't worry no no no no no watch the weight video well i want to tell you but this fabled weight video is going to be like the mystic video of the song next sad men just watch your heart we're here for heist today okay let's get it greatest heist of all time even if we don't condone them most people i think the one this year movies because bitcoins sometimes these elaborate crimes occur outside of the world of fiction today we're looking at the five greatest ties to development diamond district is one of the most heavily secured places in the world with billions of toby i've got a quiz question for you why me which cop which country is anchor weapon belgium i think you're wrong but you might be right i think it is belgium it's better it's belgium yes yeah one gang of thieves pulled off one of the largest diamond heists in history now even though most of the gang known as the school and a thief responsible for many minor jewel robberies although police believe he was the robbers mastermind he claimed that he was contacted by an unidentified diamond dealer who recruited him for the crime notar bartolo said he was paid to take pictures of the vault's complex security system from those pictures the dealer constructed a full-sized replica of the vault states that the dealership with a small gang of italian jewel thieves each with specific skills for the robbery anonymous diamond dealer however no proof has been found to support this claim the themes got through the ten layers of security previously thought to be important the key lock magnetic if you've got like six six smart people that are good at motion fields and keyboards arming sensors you can use aluminum to trick the magnetic field and stripped plastic off the wires of the sensor circuits then bags of diamonds and other jewels it took two hours to get it all out of the building but thanks to one gang member things eventually fell apart that man was paid for known as speedy havana yeah lifelong friends speedy couldn't handle the pressure after unloading the loot into this car he had to pull over because he was having a panic attack oh god a single alarm went off as security guards arrived on monday morning they realized that the thick steel door to the vault was open and 100 of the 189 safe deposit boxes had been raided with some of the loot still on the floor the world's only specialized diamond police patrick pays and again debrecker phoned the vaults alarm company what is the status of the alarm they asked fully functional came the reply however authorities eventually so they watching security footage he was sentenced to 10 years in prison oh brazilian banks 17 brazil he's arrested towards a vault containing 1 billion 318 million that's what 15 million dollars and who were on referred to pulling off the largest ever bank robbery in the country's history authorities swooped just before the alleged gang was able to use its impressively equipped tunnel to enter the safe at all brazil branch it would have been the world's biggest heist said police chief fabio pinero lopez on globo tv police said work on the tunnel began four months ago starting from a house several blocks from the bank it had sophisticated supports fans and lights the police believe elsio seal gomez they didn't [ __ ] around me they have like train tracks and stuff like they get on these little motorbikes and drive through them was it we were talking about the other day the the bloke the [ __ ] escape behind the toilet el chapo yeah bro chapo was in tunnels bro yes mental ring leader of the operation he is a 35 year old man implicated in an attempted robbery of a security van in paraguay the court ruled the group be held in pre-trial detention though it's hard to believe the group dug the tunnel by hand they loaded the soil into sacks and carried it outside through an underground stormwater drain gang members descended a two meter ladder from one of the rooms in the rented house the tunnel was about 1.5 meters high and was reinforced with iron beams and wood and even white these people the walls were lined with plastic garbage bags to reduce the dust the tunnel was reportedly filled with food water special clothing and digging tools the gang had the assistance of an engineer when building the tunnel because the construction was so impressive the tunnel renewed memories of a tunnel robbery 12 years ago with about 70 million a couple couple of spades for the preview diggers worked in shifts from 8 pm until 4 am taking a break on weekends three gang members involved in that attempt were involved in two separate prison escapes using tunnels equipped with ventilation and lighting 500 million dollars cyber criminals from eastern europe infiltrated at least 100 banks in 30 countries and hijacked atm machines over a two-year period they did so with a mysterious trojan called spy eye the attacker struck at russian banks first as well as those in germany china and the united states they couldn't agree with it initially but soon authorities tracked them down and they were brought to justice alexander androvich panen the inventor of spy eye who went by alias rybodenmon and carter man online conspiracy to commit bank and wild fraud in january 2014 after reaching a deal with prosecutors prosecutor stephen grimberg said spy eye a preeminent piece of malware developed from 2010 to 2012 was used to infect more than 50 million people nearly yeah they do that thank you yeah institutions around the world the second man hamza bendelage a 27 year old algerian known online as bx1 was sentenced to 15 years prosecutors said he sold versions of spy right now he used the memory around information spy eye was a type of trojan virus that secretly implanted itself on victim's computer sensitivity very funny stock footage to steal sensitive information including bank account credentials credit card information passwords and pins but once it took over a computer it allowed hackers to trick victims into surrendering personal information including data grabbing and fake bank account pages the information was relayed to a command and control center to be used to access victim accounts canon conspired with others to advertise spy eye in online cyber crime forms and sold versions of the software at prices ranging from five hundred to ten thousands was the architect of a pernicious malware known as spy infected computers worldwide he commercialized the wholesale theft of financial analysis u.s attorneys if you could press a button yeah and it it robs a thousand random people on the planet of ten thousand pounds from their bank account i just gave it to you so what's that mill thousand ten million ten minutes i want to say yes but i genuinely wouldn't be able to live with myself hey listen you do it for me if you mandate it first that'll do it don't have the skills to effectively track down and investigate cyber crime tracking down cyber crimes it's true you know which limits the ability of law enforcement to go after cyber criminals it also takes resources and trained personnel which are in many cases in very short supply says martin roseller director of threat research there was put last superhero music in the back of the ship [Music] of the century french gangster jacquaz cassandra was in court in 2018 for a crime committed over 40 years ago police noticed the fact that marcie maffozo was the likely mastermind of the heist of the century after he was discovered to be the anonymous author of a book about the crime on july 16th criminals robbed a branch of society france's third largest bank in the southern city of nice using the tunnels underneath the city the gang was able to partially destroy the floor beneath the bank's basement vault and gain access to the banknotes jewelry gold bars and safety deposit box but i was trying to cop a gold bar in my lifetime into the society of generals i want just one gold medal the brazen criminals about 45 bags taking their time and going through the vaults even taking the time and luxury to picnic using the depositor's silverware he used a pen name but investigators quickly concluded that the writer was jacquez cassandra a key mafia figure in marseille i'm going to do a video where i'll buy a gold bar he has talking about the code too much money and his children later confess he's a gold barber often bragged about soon they're going to be no go gold bars to buy it what if they don't can't make gold bars anymore i heard you can get like mini gold bars as well you can get mini ones i don't know bro i want a gold bar or whatever you know yeah exactly i want a heavy gold bar i don't want to [ __ ] chop the coin bro what are you gonna do when you got it keep it somewhere bro keep it in the safe i will be i warn you if you have one i will be hiding if i can run to your house just just to [ __ ] you up no no no i will not be keeping it in my residence bro it will be in a bank my gold bar that's like that's like here's beerus changes oh yeah it's in a vault somewhere you need to have it in your background i'm like a christian or something hey me and my gold bar he eventually admitted to orchestrating the intrinsically planned job that involved at least six people and 30 tanks of acetylene to fuel the welding torches used to cut into safes and safety deposit boxes an inquiry found he has always said it was a novel and i don't think a court can convict someone on the basis of a novel that's what they do in drill music cassandra and his family members are facing a series of questions on his business dealings with prosecutors also alleging social security fraud and a real estate scam in corsica it's not his first time having been arrested in the early 1970s when police broke up from french connection heroin trade senator marcel doing a lot of criminal one million dollar financing back in 2016 the owner of a super value pharmacy in fort worth texas rang in the new year with a trashed business missing one million dollars worth of pharmaceuticals at 720. the biggest biggest industry in the world broken into in the early hours of december 21st the burglars took highly marketable drugs up to one million dollars she said surveillance footage shows men clad in black crawling and trying to break into a scene she planned what appears to be a safe with the side cut out an employee named richard irby said the robber tied him and three employees up with zip ties he said he didn't want to hurt anybody and we sort of took him at his word but he's still waving a gun scary part i never looked down the barrel of a gun before the robber filled the bag with narcotics and left through the yeah kirby knows through other pharmacists the robbers are escalating yellow hydrocodone soma was a legit robot most of them are after herbie said irby wonders how long it will be before one of those crooks decides the drugs are worth pulling the trigger the video ended up becoming extremely popular with over 4 million views and counting wow sunday xanax they're coming for it [ __ ] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,276,612
Rating: 4.9634285 out of 5
Id: JSGiffy_Q1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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