Most ILLEGAL Dog Breeds In The World!

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now it may seem a little bit outdated but there are still laws against owning certain dog breeds in certain areas because of their less than positive reputations I mean even the Center for Disease Control admits that dog bite data is inaccurate but unfortunately I'm going to show you eight dog breeds that still remain banned around the world number eight the pitbull terrier now there's a lot of confusion about where exactly the pitbull was bred and what exactly it was bred for but most believe that it was originally bred to bait bulls and then in the 1800's baiting became banned so that the dogs were bred for a new sport ratting and dogfighting now ratting was essentially used for farmers to control rodent populations and it was European immigrants who would introduce the pit bull breed to North America sadly however because of the controversial origin the pit bull isn't recognized by the American Kennel Club it's a breed that is recognized by the United Kennel Club and the American dog breeders Association however the dogs have a bad reputation even though they were also used as nanny dogs because they were extremely gentle around children and just want to lick their faces off and sit on their laps unfortunately the breed has been banned or had restrictions in Australia Ecuador Malaysia and everywhere in between all the way to the United States pit bulls were once America's Sweethearts even earning spots as the hounds of the White House with Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson and who could forget PD the sidekick and the little rascals or the pit bull mascot for the RCA Victor and Buster Brown shoes the dogs do seem to have a darker side though Roosevelt's bull terrier almost caused an international media uproar when he bit off a French ambassador's pants at a White House function and the RCA's mascot nipper got his name because he frequently nipped at visitors legs however these are all small in comparison to the stories circulating about modern day Pitbull's they've earned a bad reputation because the media paints them as being extremely aggressive and mauling toddlers and adults and killing other dogs but is it all true or does any dog have the capability to become aggressive in an instant number 7 canary Mastiff this is the canary Mastiff or the pet old a present canary old a dog that was originally bred for working livestock their roots come from Spain and their name literally translates to canary and catch dog these dogs have gained bad reputation in the dog world as being aggressive toward humans and animals and have made headlines for a lot of their attacks with the most recent one being in April of 2017 that's when a 40 year old woman from Madrid was killed by her canary Mastiff the original cause of death believed to be pallets falling on her but an autopsy would reveal that it was a dog attack and the pallets must have fallen on her after ordering importation and sale of the breed is now prohibited in Australia and New Zealand number 6 the Japanese toes on the toes ax is a crossbreed between different European dog breeds that include the olde english bulldogge the mastiff the st. bernard the german pointer the Great Dane and the bull terrier the idea was to create a large and powerful dog and between 1924 and 1933 the Tosa would be bred it was said during the reign of this breed that there were believed to be over 5000 breeders throughout the entire country of Japan the dog it became a guardian breed in Japan but when looking at it it's more like a powerful sumo wrestler they can weigh anywhere between a hundred to two hundred pounds ownership of the breed is legally restricted in the United Kingdom and some insurance companies won't even insure your home if you have a dog breed that's deemed to be dangerous like the toes up it's also banned or restricted on the national level in fifteen other countries and now for number five but first let me know if you have any experience with these kind of dog so are the dogs I'm getting ready to mention in the comments below and be sure to subscribe click that notification bell because you don't want to miss more videos like this one in the future do you number five the Brazilian Mastiff the Brazilian Mastiff or the Fila Brasileiro is originally created to be a hunting dog doing well on ranches and plantations and would guard the estate hunting big game animals like big cats but it also worked well around the farm and was able to catch individual cattle by grabbing a hold of their neck for Brazilian ranchers it would be used to hunt runaway slaves for plantation owners as well and maintained an excellent tracking skill from its bloodhound ancestry these dogs are extremely loyal to their family and also very docile but they don't do well with strangers having an aversion to them as well as the testing being touched by them the breed is fiercely protective so if a guest does drop by your house unexpectedly the dog is gonna freak out and it may not be the dog for you they're going to attack an aunt or uncle just for hugging your child if they think they're in danger and something as simple as a walk through the park or a visit to the vet means that you're gonna have to be really cautious and prepare it definitely is not a breed for any kind of new dog owner or anyone who isn't ready for a whole lot of responsibility the dog is banned or restricted in many countries which include the UK Australia New Zealand Norway Denmark and in the United States your insurance company can cancel your policy if you own the dog number for the Staffordshire Bull Terrier now this breed was created in the mid 19th century in Britain to be small and fast and if I saw one of these coming toward me on the street and off its leash I'd probably turn around but owners swear they're the most sensitive and loving companions of the dog world and I can attest to that because I own one they make wonderful pets and love to be with their people can range from running errands with their owners or just being lazy on the couch watching football while slobbering all over you and thinking that they're a small poodle who can fit in your lap they're extremely sensitive and don't really do well with being left alone because they'll tear up the door and eat the mirror and ruin your bathroom this breed can be aggressive because of its heritage and although they're very sweet with children you should never expect a dog to be a babysitter or leave it alone with a young child the bulldog and the manchester terrier were probably most likely cross bred to create the Staffordshire Bull Terrier and although the exact history isn't known in certain countries it's subject to breed specific legislation which bans members of the bull and terrier family number three the Rhodesian Ridgeback the Rhodesian Ridgeback is a majestic breed if you couldn't tell by its name created in Africa to be both a versatile hunter and the Guardian for your home the dogs tend to be highly intelligent but also stubborn with a significant amount of energy and you'll quickly be able to identify the breed by the ridge that runs down their spine they are a mix of the European hunting dog and an African dog which gives them their defining Ridge the Rhodesian Ridgeback was once referred to as an African lion hound developed by South Africa's boa farms who needed a versatile hunting dog it had to be able to withstand extreme temperatures surviving low water ration levels and that's when they created the ridgeback these dogs were bred to be amazing hunters and were quick and strong enough to hunt down lions but it wasn't the only big game that they would catch they could also go for bears and boar today they're more apt to snuggle up on the couch but it doesn't really mean that they don't require any type of exercise there's still a breed with a moderate amount of energy and need to play fetch a few times a day or even go on a brisk daily jog their mind also needs to be stimulated because a bored Rhodesian Ridgeback means they can find themselves in a world of trouble when left to their own devices the UK has put restrictions on ownership in 1998 and they were recognized as an especially dangerous breed of dog number two the German Shepherd first we talk about the good stuff the German Shepherds a highly intelligent and devoted dog and has a companionship level like no other they're all so versatile when it comes to being trained and can be excellent Guide Dogs as well as perfect to assist the military and police forces the German Shepherd owes its ancestry to a puppy that was brought home from World War one by corporal Lee Duncan this puppy was brought to the States and trained to become the famous rin-tin-tin Wren Tenten is the famous German Shepherd who at the height of his fame would receive 10,000 fan letters a week people are writing fan letters to a dog really anyways that's quite a fan following for a dog now the German Shepherd hasn't been an on-screen star but the breed is also viewed as a national hero during the search and rescue missions of 911 these dogs would be found crawling through the rubble to rescue anyone they could find that was still trapped while the dogs have plenty of great traits they're not exactly for everyone that's because they're extremely active and high-energy requiring a lot of exercise as well as mental stimulation if you leave them alone for long periods of time they're going to chew up everything that belongs to you and then turn to barking there are also great watch dogs but rather aloof with strangers currently there are 11 countries who have restricted rules about ownership of the German some of which have even banned the breed from certain residences and number one the Rottweiler I know you're pretty surprised that the Doberman Pinscher wasn't on this list aren't you or even the wiener dog have you ever had a wiener dog one of those things oh my gosh they're monsters anyway the Rottweiler is another versatile breed which was created to do a whole lot of things everything from driving cattle to market and then later pulling carts for butchers they were also some of the earliest police pterri dogs the breed originated in Germany and were mostly used as working dogs for farmers to get their products to market they still do have the broad chest and the heavily muscled body that they were created with and are often referred to as the rowdy or the rot having a very sweet demeanor with their friends and family Rottweilers are mellow and intelligent and alert but can be aloof with strangers they'll never back down from a fight when it comes to protecting their loved ones and their natural guard dogs who are cautious with a new situation and especially with people if they're not trained at an early age some countries have banned the Rottweiler for fear of being a dangerous dog but however they're still legal in the United States although there are some restrictions within city laws in certain states not all housing communities allow their residents to own the dog thanks for watching do you think that any of these dogs should be banned or maybe some didn't make my list like the wiener dog let me know all about it in the comments below be sure you're subscribed and I'll see you next time on world 5
Channel: World List
Views: 4,452,952
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Keywords: world 5 list, dog breeds, illegal dog breeds, banned dog breeds, banned dogs, illegal dogs, dangerous dogs, dangerous dog breeds, worst dog breeds, most dangerous dogs, most dangerous dog breeds, top 10 banned dogs, banned dogs around the world, banned breeds around the world, biggest dogs, most aggressive dogs, worlds most dangerous dogs, deadliest dogs, top 10 banned breeds, most banned dog breeds, top, top 10, top ten, top most, list, facts, world5list
Id: ggCGx9PJ1tA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 17 2018
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