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freaking mold man it is good to be back behind this camera behind this table and recording videos now for you it probably doesn't seem like that because videos were coming out regularly but list 5 videos maybe they were all pre-recorded and for last two weeks I didn't record anything besides that nature adventure video that I didn't record here but actually while I was on vacation two weeks ago and last week it's not relevant to this channel and you maybe even heard it but Blizzard they released the world of work a classic game and for the last week I was just playing that and doing nothing else for 18 hours a day I was just playing the game and of course I was coming here for the quick maintenance but all the other time I was spending at home playing the game and now that is finally over so I can return to my normal schedule and yeah yesterday was a feeling day and you see this is what developing less than a week and you know this is my my most expensive tarantula it is actually a new species called B repairs see more oxygen C Moksa Gore me I was right we are now with a heavy heart with the said heart that's how I said right I need to tear this enclosure apart and torrential actually made it really nice to see if you webbed up everything and actually is using this cork bark as its height and stupid freaking mold and besides that we have this this is so on a cosmic kawaki also same type of mold next to this this white thing are not white thing this yellow thing you see this is not the mold this is actually a fungi so we have fungi and more than one single enclosure and this inspect it is a mature male it is really small I was really surprised that this this tarantula is so small at least when it comes to me else I have no idea how big females get so we need to also get this tarantula outside and in fact I will be passing this guy too one of my friends so that's why I will put it in this small container and I will open Sunday I will take it with me to Zagreb where I will give it to my friend for some haba haba time and also while I'm there I will be taking one of these big guy see these are difficult land snails giant African land snails have three left an idea I want to only have two because you see they have babies a lot of babies and I what I need to do when they lay eggs I need to take all the eggs outside and actually destroy them because they reproduce like crazy and in a month I would be covered with snails so I will also give this one to my friend and also I will take two of these small ones and I think I have a third one that I where's the third one he said they are currently marching on the moon this vegetable I don't know I'm convinced that there is a third one but I cannot find him I'll check out of there munching on this vegetable you see Munchie Munchie Munchie put them away and also I need to show you one second I need to show you this percent oh look at him I actually posted this on the Instagram but he wasn't featured in a videos for a long long long time and there is a special reason why there is you know he was information for last three months maybe even more and that is something like hibernation but it is not a complete hibernation he was basically like half asleep and he didn't eat he didn't really move he spent all the time behind those cold bark pieces in the darkness and I actually turned off the light and heat because in nature they would basically bury but you see now he finally woke up at least he's slowly waking up it seems like he's still not 100% at 100% operation but he already ate and yeah it is cool that he is now back to be honest I was a bit worried and also before we start with the rehouse I need to show you one more thing you see this board this is a board where I keep all the molds at least majority of big molds but you can notice that some are actually missing on every pin we had the mold and where are they well they are basically here and here here here here here here here you might be wondering how did they fallen off someone actually did that was it on purpose or not I don't really know but let me show you who that was that guy right there you see him slowly moving thinking that we cannot spot him yeah Felix did that he was most likely I mean not most likely but he was climbing across dead because he can actually grab to this background it is grabbable so he was climbing over it destroying all of the malts I definitely need to figure out how to close off his enclosure because this is not funny I was collecting this most for a long time and he destroyed some of my favorite molds that guy right there well to be honest it is more my fault because I was thinking that this will actually work no it doesn't and also we have some some folks there arrives together with some fan mail and stuff so we will also open that at the end of the video but ok time to start you know this species bureaucracy more see Moxie gorrum simmer oxy Gordon it is an old-world Asian tarantula which means super super fast and Balti and everything so we need to be super careful with this one and I need I need the top last time she wasn't able to climb this top so maybe you also get lucky today actually try to use this wish me luck this won't work dammit we will need to figure it out inside hello you good morning how come here going outside usually that is not what happens okay wish me luck now who bought the bill dead no tea no tea now to quickly set up the new enclosure it will basically be the same thing and I will have this cord bark substrate a lot of substrate that's it and hopefully this time no mold and this enclosure in fact got a bit more holes so hopefully that will help with the I mean it will definitely help with the ventilation because usually when you get mold it means lack of ventilation but if you have good ventilation it doesn't guarantee that you won't get mold here it is the most basic one now I just spoke it from the outside don't be so don't be so fast nail it let me try to show you one more time how she looks beautiful beautiful beautiful and she actually molded once in less feeling video where I featured her there was a moat in the enclosure and I didn't actually spotted while I was recording the video I have split later in the recording and I was wondering how the hell you didn't see that I don't know but I didn't know the other one is also an Asian or boreal and I mean an Asian terrestrial superfast and now it's actually a mature male so now it's probably even faster let's see if we can actually are you I see the movement okay you have a lot of mold in your enclosure and you're off to a girl so that is how don't I don't really like the way he twitches can you please not both like crazy now No see what I'm talking about that is what I'm talking about chill dude be just a little bit chilled you see how smokey ooh there's actually something wrong with his back legs or is not I don't know he walks weird he will see now look you see how they are weirdly bent I don't know I cannot really figure out what's wrong but definitely looks off how convenient but yeah you see his movement is definitely weird yeah his legs are somehow been to be early I don't know let me just make the enclosure and you know just you okay you want to go that way I can make it happen no problem no he's still in the old world so no no chill chill down there will you chill a bit just so I can record you oh he sure likes one leg look at that you see one leg here this is missing and this right one is kind of weirdly bent so I assumed that he had some trouble more thing and that's why his legs are are a bit not all right but other than that he looks alright I think that he will be able to fulfill his duty will you guy sure hope so we'll let you know in the future and while he's here I will be able to check on him more easily more easier and just clean those need to use the time jobs right fan mail Mandy thank you for the letter and good luck with your I will collateral Claudia or pink though right this is a lot of text for this page to page one holy crap a lot of things this is for Patrick thank you for the letter and he actually asked me 7 questions that I think are really interesting so I will answer them in the video usually I don't answer the questions in the video actually sent the mail like a male dancer bad I like these questions first one is do plan to make videos in a longer period like 20 years I really don't know it is hard to say I want to continue doing this for as long as I can of course we have no idea how long the YouTube will be thing and how how long did the channels like this will actually be possible you never know that but as long as I can do this I will do this next one do plan to breathe your non tarantula animals I don't know I don't have any plans but who knows what future brings like for example the the jungle limbs they are breathing on their own so when I have a situation like that sure but breathing in animals it is currently not a priority for me this third one I actually cannot figure it out because the handwriting is your handwriting is kind of tough so I don't really know what you asked me here about for funnies do you show your girlfriend in a future video probably will you show your government she really doesn't want to be featured in my videos because she's really shy and she doesn't really want to be a part of this but a long time us could spot her in two videos for us in some really short part but no I will probably never do a video with her like actually with her really get the snake and if not why not this is actually related to previous question a long time ago when my girlfriend and I started dating I promised to her that I won't be getting any snakes at that time I had like only 50 tarantulas I was doing videos every now and then I didn't have like a regular schedule or regular audience or anything like that so when she asked me please promise me that you won't get any snakes I said yeah sure of course but I didn't really knew that one day it will come to this and now I would actually like to get a snake but I'm not really a super like into getting snakes and I'm men of my word so since I promised her that I intend to keep my promise 6:1 if this place runs out of space will you search for another yes and no generally I don't really need the bigger space than this I just need to have it better organized so they say but I plan and I would like to get another space and actually get a space of my own because this currently is not my space I am paying the rent here so it would be nice to have my own will you be getting more reptiles and amphibians to be honest I don't really have any plans to I wanted to get some but after I got Felix and Esposito and Thor and eight they all require regular maintenance and only on them and spending more time weekly than for all of my tarantulas and/or other invertebrates so that's why I currently don't plan to get any more reptiles or amphibians maybe some dart frogs I would like more dart frogs but other than that I don't think so thank you for the letter for the questions and everything next light on Damon thank you for another letter and for the spider Josh next one a lot of sex once again oh this is from from Brandon thank you for the letter and I don't know how to present this in the video but Brandon is 14 years old and he is being fascinated in insects his whole life but when he was 7 he was diagnosed with uh with some sort of rare disease that slowly depletes all your muscles and he is currently in the power wheelchair but he still rolls around in his backyard to get those nice macro shots which is cool but sucks it really sucks anyhow he is actually really really into bugs and arachnids and insects and he was actually hosting classes where he was teaching other kids about bugs and now he's starting a podcast it is called little dudes insect Academy and he's asking if I could shout him out here and of course man and he's also asking me if I would do a phone interview in one of his episodes I will send you an email and we will see what we can do in the meantime good luck with it with everything and keep sharing the the law for creep across next email picture let's see look at this picture thank you darlin thank you Garvin this is awesome drawing and of course I'll put it somewhere there check out Gavin's Instagram he's doing spider commissions and finally the the biggest books here see what is inside I headed for two weeks now I think that I received it before I went to to my vacation so let's see thank you for a while I'm opening this the wrong way oh no whites busted so much I don't have a monster king like this oh I will need to try to fix it nice feeding time haba haba time recalls time I really like how we change the law but to actually have spider collars to see pokey this is probably almost myth him and more eNOS maybe I don't know but this looks sweet awesome I really really I really like this one angel and Kelly thank you so much for this thing food later and for the cans and for the candy stop a nice I realized from the letter then this is actually the toy for me too so I will give it to her and she will be somewhere around here she currently is this is awesome I will hang it somewhere I'm still not sure where about these lockers are awesome oh actually you had a question you asked me about Game of Thrones sites in Croatia if I visit them actually you know the city Murray where the nearest comes I don't know in which episode that is actually recorded at Fortress of cliffs and that is where my father lives so yeah I have wasted at some sites and while I was on vacation two weeks ago I wish the Dubrovnik or how Americans pronounce it Dubrovnik that is the King's Landing in Game of Thrones and also I I stopped in some botanical garden and how one place where also some scenes were recorded so yeah I will now I hope you enjoyed this video if you did thumbs up and comment something if you want to support the channel more there's a page of page if you're new to the channel make sure to subscribe and he did be like an apple there Monday and Friday see reasonable right [Music]
Channel: The Dark Den
Views: 186,855
Rating: 4.9562116 out of 5
Keywords: the, dark, den, tarantula, tarantule, tarantulaguy1976, spider, fast, spiders, care, sheet, how, to, unboxing, transfer, escape, beginner, live, feeding, animals, Ants, Canada, Brave, Wilderness, Tailor, nicole, dean, exotics, lair, face, reveal, birupes simoroxigorum, biru, sp biru, rehouse, mold
Id: L8kZtZ33iLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 09 2019
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