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how much you want to bet I can make this shot five bucks do you owe me five bucks all right yeah what's up guys we're here at Costco right now why we found this thing that's just like insane and we have to play with it today so you want to see what it is yeah all right check this out I don't even know why they have this to be honest this can be used for many things is it glass or plastic its class we're not gonna be using this for alcohol right they're gonna be there's way better purposes 80 bucks Oh take right also have you guys ever seen a thousand dollar toilet before I only poop on thousand dollar toilets [Applause] $1,000 it's got lights it's got a fan it's got a sprayer Oh Bailey okay we're outside now get this thing opened this thing childproof or what yes [Music] [Music] go do I take a sip I wanna see what that alright now that we have the wine glass we have to think of a bunch of like weird funny challenges places I can already think of a place let's go we just got to the chick-fil-a drive-through we got our water ball up here so we're gonna get some food and ask him if they could fill up our water bottle and then hand them this yeah is this a good idea will work yeah you're gonna be able to fit that out the window I don't know testing it fits it fits yes also it's wondering if you need fill up my water bottle what if I haven't like used it yet oh I see that rise but I love it you should totally it might fit in my bed you are you try it yes how about that because you called it a water bottles did you specifically need water in it no Philip the toilets I didn't totally fill it up with a suicide of notice oh yes okay perfect yes words yes yeah okay can you carry it Andrew yeah I got it go park boy get this thing out of here my hands falling asleep this is heavy oh you gotta take a sip your first sip out of the beverage container in this thing [Music] you look so awkward drinking fishing what have you ever seen the tsunami trick what's that check this out good night bro now what do we do with this water the plants thanks chick-fil-a for giving us all this but we can't drink it all we still have other things to do all right we're at the coming cold gas station we got to go inside and ask them if we can bring our own water bottle to fill up beverages see what the site yeah because sometimes gas stations and places let you bring your own container and it's recycle five bucks fill up whatever size so yes can we bring our own container for the filler upper of the photos how much would that be all right so they said we could bring in our own container but I don't know how they're gonna price this yeah oh yeah let's see on the box how many ounces it says it is it's 46 ounces it's 46 - I don't care we're back [Music] honey man Steven no we're just getting some big gulps she charged us for three one hundred ounce refills yes how much how much I have so five bucks so we do it spero Dedes that's over time to decide should we go with like a beverage or a slushie swashy all right slushy pickle that's a serious job I think that's gonna vary yeah man so we're gonna be here wild guys this is frozen and fun [Music] [Music] how heavy do you rate that 50 pounds e alright so now we need to construct a mega straw [Music] Bertie the slushies melting [Music] right 80 bucks yeah it's totally worth it [Music] we're gonna go and try and see a movie and this is gonna be our snack and beverage we can't fit in the car so we're gonna have to walk there which it's way over there so let's go if we tried to travel this thing this it would spill literally all over the car okay guys Adrienne I've been walking forever our biceps are about to blow up well we have made it to the movie theater check it out hopefully they'll let us in otherwise this was a big waste of time but if they do it's gonna be the best movie yeah we're here for a movie what movies are awesome Oh watch the straw but take a seat time to go see a movie ha ha you're tired of carrying that yet but what are people gonna think when they see you okay what is that psycho doing like a 24 hour challenge I don't know you need to stay up all night I always bring my own things sir hmm what so we finished it guys yeah I brought the ball up jeez well guys this has been a really fun episode leave a like if you're hungry don't forget to laugh daily and we'll be back next week good later what guys
Channel: undefined
Views: 22,917,231
Rating: 4.8437934 out of 5
Keywords: jstustudios, life size cup, huge cup, drive thru, jstustudios drive thru, slushy, huge slushy, biggest slushy, largest cup, funny drive thru, family friendly, kid friendly, oversized cup, oversized, extra large cup, funny, hilarious, entertainment, morejstu, jstu, sneaking in, movie theater, worlds largest slushy, shave ice, worlds biggest, morejstu forts, funny videos, challenge, cam and jeff, team edge, worlds biggest slurpee, worlds biggest slushie, $5 meals
Id: XZSFit886tU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 24 2018
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