Most Embarrassing Car Recalls

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Kia just recalled 70 000 cars because they keep catching fire that's just embarrassing but it's not even close to being the worst Automotive recall today we're going to look at the most embarrassing car recalls in car history I'm James welcome to Donut [Music] thanks to omaze for sponsoring today's video I know what you're thinking what is a jock with a 100 authentic bulging muscles doing with Jerry going through a golf base it's not a phase Nolan oh my God there's jocks and there's gox and rarely do they mix well now they do because omaze is giving you the chance to win the ultimate 80s muscle car in 1987 Buick Grand National GNX decked out in all black my second favorite color after misunderstood gray plus it's simply Sinister all black exterior houses a turbo 3.8 liter V6 engine sitting on 16-inch cross weave Wheels it's the strength of a muscle car with the dark brooding Charisma of your favorite super villain hey Nolan you want to listen to some death metal and scribbling notebooks about our favorite spiked collars ah I'm cool goth Jerry oh I feel the pain best of all every donation supports the ACLU and non-profit that fights to defend the rights the Constitution guarantees to all of us now that's strange what are you doing there golf Jerry bicep curls this GNX has inspired me I can be brooding and strong so for your chance to win this 1987 Buick Grand National Gen X taxes and shipping included go to Donut media oh yeah make sure you're focused like you're pinching that muscle ah like you're pinching the bicep not necessarily a pull feel that pinch the first ever Automotive recall was more than a hundred years ago on the Ford Model T Henry Ford used cheap materials to save production costs one of them being Spanish moss Spanish cushions what is this freaking New Orleans but little did he know little insects called Berry bugs freaking love that crud customers buying model T's off the lot found their cars riddled with these bugs who had made the Spanish Marsh cushions their home the bugs would bite that bring their big dumb old butts so old man Henry had no choice call the cars and personally squish every single insect himself talk about in embarrassing being as embarrassing as some of these other recalls our next one comes from a brand that my friends and I like to call Mazda I think we can all agree that Mazda is a completely normal car brand that isn't embarrassing at all unless of course you lived in the Seattle area of February 2022 and owned a 2014-2017 Mazda when owners of these cars changed their radio station to 94.9 FM the local NPR affiliate they suddenly found that they couldn't change it to any other radio station oh you want to listen to Danny bonaducci on Kazakh too bad you're stuck listening to endless hours of all things considered hope you like Ira Glass thank you so why did this happen to begin with well it has to do with the image metadata sent by the radio station normally radio stations will send out an image that displays on your car's head unit but NPR station forgot to include the file extension and the Mazdas ripped off Mazda had to issue an official recall for the dozens of people affected by this egregious era it's just downright and embarrassing all right so that last one I'll admit is a pretty benign and silly reason to recall a car but I promise to not this next one is way less funny unless you're a sicko from 1966 to 1980 GM installed trans from 1966 to 1980 GM installed transmissions in their cars that would occasionally pop into reverse on their own the reverse gear would self-activate sending the car backwards without the driver's consent for nearly the entire 15 years that these were produced GM knew about the problem but they refused to fix all these cars because it would have bankrupted the company to fix all 23 million of them so they just didn't but you know what's more expensive than spending three cents per car to fix a deadly transmission problem getting sued 100 times ask me how I know in the end GM had to pay over a billion dollars in settlements because they let the problem go on for so long and that is what I call embarrassing for our next recall we got to go to the far away land of mercedesville Mercedes has had a fair amount of recalls in the last few years there was an issue that affected the AMG g65 models where the speed limiter on the reverse gear wasn't calibrated correctly meaning that you could drive super fast in reverse okay so that's not that embarrassing in fact it's pretty freaking sick then there was the time all those ignition modules started overheating and short-circuiting preventing certain cars from starting and uh last time I checked I'm pretty sure you needed to start a car to drive it Mercedes ended up spending millions in repairs totaling over 269 000 cars were called but even still that wasn't even their most embarrassing just a few months ago Mercedes recalled a million cars because of a little teeny weeny major issue involving faulty breaks the problem has to do with the brake booster the device that increases hydraulic pressure in the braking system to make sure that your car can stop now over time these brake boosters can corrode leading to brake failure now luckily Mercedes says there haven't been any reported injuries or deaths yet because of this but still pretty appearancing but you know what's worse than faulty breaks forgetting to install brakes in the first place in 2011 Chevy had a recall on their subcompact model the Chevy Sonic 4. not having brake pads it's not like they were installed improperly or they used the wrong part Chevy just straight up sent out some Sonics to dealerships and fleets without brake pads turns out that when the brake assemblies were being shipped the pads fell off in the shipping container and no one noticed before they were installed on the cars at the factory in total 4 296 cars were recalled making this the second most embarrassing Sonic recall of the 21st Century downright and embarrassing our next caller Tugger is another one from GM who also decided to sell customers big floppy engines that pop up and out of the car a big floppy engine what the heck are you saying about James well if you owned a GM car in the late 60s there was a chance slim chance that a motor mount would fail and your engine wouldn't be securely mounted but it gets worse if the left Mount failed the engine would push up when you accelerated which then opened up the accelerator leakage causing the car to accelerate beyond the driver's control this resulted in a bunch of accidents GM recalled nearly 7 million cars and fixed the problem with the cable cost less than a dollar that's what I call embarrassing I would like to take a moment right now to go on record that no piece of donut merch has ever been recalled except for the time we made that asbestos hat that's our bad it was really cool it was flame retardant but it gave a lot of people mesothelioma if you've got mesothelioma you can call this but all of our merch is available at it's really cool stuff including this bubble print shirt now 100 asbestos free a recalls aren't Just for Old stinky cars turns out the Teslas aren't perfect either especially when it comes to the self-driving mode okay turns out that on self-driving mode Teslas won't come to a complete stop at a stop sign and this wasn't a bug it was a program feature called rolling stop mode that's like programming your Terminator to jaywalks not great Optics Tesla had to recall 54 000 cars which is super embarrassing but somehow less embarrassing than Elon Musk in any social situation if you love Mars so much you should rock it yourself over there and stop bothering everybody it's embarrassing next up is easily the most famous embarrassing recall of all time I am of course talking about the legendary Infamous 2015 an independent investigation found a bombshell discovery that nearly all of Volkswagen's diesel-powered cars were cheating emissions tests using defeat devices these devices would detect when a car was getting small and enter a low emission mode allowing it to pass the state regulated tests but when these cars got back on the road they became way stink here Volkswagen didn't do this by accident this was hard programmed into the cars and VW ended up recalling 11 million Vehicles some of the top Executives at Volkswagen receive jail time hundreds of thousands of owners ended up losing their car ours because of this and DW paid a billion dollars in settlements this was embarrassing on so many levels but even still it's not the most embarrassing one of those the number one most embarrassing car recall is the Dakota airbag Scandal you may know Takata as the backpack company for sad Boy Car enthusiasts but they actually make other things too like airbags the ones that come in basically every car in 2013 tests showed that when certain Takata airbags exploded metal shrapnel burst right into the driver's face now I'm not a doctor anymore but I want to be one again and if I wore one again I'd say having shrapnel explode in your face is not good for his home unfortunately this wasn't just a small batch of airbags this is a list of every car affected by these faulty airbags [Music] that's right cars from 19 manufacturers sold between 2002 and 2015 had these faulty shrapnel-filled airbags and it gets worse they came out that Takata and Honda both knew about it and didn't tell Nitsa at least 27 people have died so far in total over 46 million cars have been recalled dying is embarrassing now when you combine those cars with the ones were called from takata's other Scandal a few years ago involving seat belts that puts Takata at a list topping 108 million cars were called that is embarrassing mortified thank you so much for watching this video and everything else I'm doing immediate hit that subscribe button make sure you don't miss anything again go to get yourself some sweet sweet apparel or accessories support the sponsors that support us how we make these videos uh speaking of videos go make one with your friends go pick up a wrench go have a little bit of fun beautiful outside
Channel: Donut
Views: 1,714,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7pf2Kas7eZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 24 2022
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