Most Effective Price Action Strategy - (Simple & Powerful)

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today i really appreciate it first milestone let's get over 100 guys so yesterday i asked you what indexes would you like me to analyze and you guys came with some great ideas now i know some of you came with um how do we call it synthetic indexes i really want to just stick to the main ones to be brutally honest with you because i know that's what everybody focuses on so if i can have some ideas and you can help me get them together on this list um and then that'll be fantastic so somebody in the chat said nurse 100 i think i have that one here just let me know which one it is please i'm not going to go over the dollar index i'm really really not a fan of the dollar index uh but someone says then there's 100. so the nas 100 is which one here is a symbol i know it's one of these i'm almost sure of it and us 30 if you tell me what ns100 is in us 30 yeah i'm going to go over the 10 pairs this morning don't worry guys just help me out with the indexes because sometimes i get the symbols wrong so usd czar us 100 yep so us 100 is nas okay fine so we're keeping this one what is us 30 oh usa okay perfect you nas 100 is us 30. oh no okay so it's the same thing okay fine um what else what other indexes are we looking at here you mentioned cheap indexes oh no jpn225 i don't think we're going to focus on that us 30 nas 100 yes okay oh don't worry listen guys i'm just gonna go to my community and ask them to help me germa 30 uk 100 uk 100 i have uk 100 here that's fine there's 100. all right coco let's focus on what we've got here i'll start this from tomorrow yeah i'll make sure i'm more prepared and i know all of the symbols that we're looking for i know what the indexes are i just don't know the symbols for them on trading view all right cool so look i put it in the description here is gold going to 1821 let me tell you what happened this morning on my trades uh but is gold going to 1821 that is the big big question here um boy we've really really struggled to break above these key levels for a very long period of time and i just want to know from you guys do you think we're going to get to 1821 if we can sustain this bullish move it's uh a lot of pips to the upside i really don't know the previous behavior of the market has been pushing bullish and from an intraday perspective uh we are attempting to break above 1813 and you know i took a bye this morning on gold thinking that that was going to be the break to the upside um once price started to pop above these levels here and this was pre london open and uh yeah unfortunately it didn't play out i did take a half stop loss on this so around a half a percent loss um based on the commissions and that because this stop-loss was small so the lot size was pretty big um so i got stopped out on this just for a small loss before i took the cell but you can see that we're trying to break above this structure here price has been pushing strong and as long as we maintain this structure above the brick wall and we can close above 1813 the big question is are we going to 1821. someone says 51 that's very optimistic but i think the next high is where i'm looking for and uh well it's easier to see it on the 4h to be honest with you we have 700 members here please hit that like button for me guys please please please i'll ask you every now and again just get me to at least 300 with 600 members okay so how would i approach uh gold today well i think the first things that i'm going to be focusing on with gold because i really want to be in this move if i get in this move i'm going to hold it for sure i have to um so first things i'm going to identify is where's price failing to break above and i can clearly see this is the level if by the time the new york session comes we get a close above this level and then what i'm going to be looking for is how the intraday time frames are working uh with these structures here and what i'll do i'll probably scale down to like my 15 minute time frame because this is my favorite time frame with the 4h and i'll identify the structure so currently bullish at this moment in time um the idea is as long as price trades above the higher low so that continues to validate the uptrend plus it falls really nicely in line with our trend line here this brick wall then we're good for buyers okay once the structure starts to break above this level here we start to gather the evidence that we need to identify where the market could potentially go so we have to get past these huge rejection wicks here which is really what's holding this market below this level look here okay this is where the market is holding below and notice not at one point in time if we closed above so personally this is what i want to see so the idea would be to see price breaking above this level creating a sustainable bullish sentiment in the market and then looking for that retest of this structure for that continuation and the idea kinda would be this that we go from being in a consolidation where the market is moving sideways off of the back of a previous uptrend so the market starts to stall at this stage then after price stalling so this tug of war between buyers and sellers ends based on the higher time frame analysis we've had lots of bullish behavior if the market breaks above that's going to give us some real good assurance that the market is more likely to push higher than it is to push lower and then just to be able to get into a trade to make sure that we have a good range here i'm just going to need that retest i'm going to need that continuation from an intraday perspective to break the highs and then i'll be happy to jump in stop-loss placements on this if this starts to happen there's a few ways to approach it okay you have to understand this is always going to be the safest place to place your stop-loss based on how structure works because remember what before it turns into consolidate consolidation this is the last high right this is the last high so if price trades above this last high we're still by bias if the market breaks the structure which is this information here which is this information here and you find that you get the retest or you take the break of the next high then your stop loss placements will either be this it will be below the breakout level below the retest level or below the previous structure i don't think any of us are going to opt in for previous structure here i think the safest option is going to be key level above the new higher low which is this information here and then look to take the trade on the way up the idea behind this is then once that new trend starts to form within the consolidation price in theory should then just continue to make higher highs and higher lows all the way back up to 1821 and the reason i'm choosing 1821 is because once we clear these wicks the next area of resistance is this area here which is the previous lower high in the market because the area where we're resisting now is the previous structure here if we get through this level we come back to this high it's almost a guarantee but we do need to see price breaking above this level i think the only thing that's going to get us above this level is if the new york session starts to bring in that volume that we're looking for and the new york stock exchange as well hold fire on this one don't rush into it because more often than not you will find around the three four o'clock bst time so that's around an hour or two before the london close you will see gold move near enough every single day and if you don't believe me then go and check it yourself so i'm kind of in this mood right now i've taken my cells on gold already today from this level i'm not going to take another trade unless the buyers play out so if i make a plan now then you know what i'm going to um look for the patterns um moderators if somebody's spamming just kick them off the session please because it's just annoying just kick them off the session please um okay so let's go through what we're going to see across the board here we have almost 700 members here on the session please can you just hit that like button for me traders please at least get me to 450 with 700 members please okay hit the like button if you don't like me hit dislike all good for me baby i just want some likes in the building okay get me to 450 please so let's take a look at the markets this morning oh my goodness what has happened since yesterday did anybody get into those gu cells i mean if you did you was trading the news and you was being naughty um because we know that we had the cpi news yesterday right and when we spoke about the trade ideas on pound usd we were looking for those cells below 34 38 46 if you got into this trade really well done if you didn't it's understandable the markets did move really quickly and boy oh boy it was a tough feat now i think the best next idea after this movement down is you have to understand something here traders you really really have to understand something after every push phase in the market what are we going to have next what are we going to have next thank you for the likes well and everybody thank you ah yeah and ppi today on usd after every push phase what are we gonna have next pull back exactly so every impulsive move to the downside or to the upside will be corrected at one point or another and this now gives you an opportunity to trade in two directions so even if the market is trending down or trending up if you identify that the market is extended there is an opportunity for you to trade in the opposite direction i'm going to share something with you so beautifully today before i do continue to hit that like button for me please i'm going to share something with you beautiful beautifully something beautiful but hit that like button for me 800 members 500 likes let's get me to 600 please okay i sound like a beggar here but you know it is what it is so let me share something with you after every push phase we have an exhaustion okay so after this impulsive move what can you gauge from this you can gauge that there's one or two things that's going to happen okay so look at it here and share this with you you can gauge that the market is going to do what is even going to continue to push bearish back down to either 37.91 or it's going to have its final destination at 37.58 how do you gauge this you have to think about this every time there's news there's going to be one impulsive move if it's really really bad news or good news you're gonna have a continuation once price fails to break a low after a new candle is open so if you go to the hourly now once price fails to break a low what does this indicate to us that the market is more likely to exhaust now granted this pullback a lot so in this instance you didn't have time to take a trade on the pullback here but what can you look for well as part of a downtrend you can now look for the retest of structure and how do you identify the re-test of structure you look for price to show signs of wick rejections and then you look for signs of price showing bearish behavior so in an instance like this you have price pulling back as part of an exhaustion you then have price showing signs of bearish behavior and then once you have signs of price showing signs of bearish behavior what do you then look for you look for a shift back in the direction to the downside this is just simple structure this is just a retest pattern here and then how do you validate a trade you look for a break to make a new low or break of an area where prices fail to break below and once you get this information you can then enter the trade it's very very simple it's not brain it's not brain science okay and traders we're at 570 viewers please hit that like button for me almost 900 viewers get me to 650 please okay get me to 615. now this is not one i wanted to show you because this is too easy you all know how to do this but let me show you something even more beautiful after we see that the markets have now retested structure and is now pushing bearish we have validated that the bearish sentiment is present in the market the retest has happened as part of a pattern and there's a very high chance that price is going to do what now continue to do what what is it going to continue to do at this stage what is price going to continue to do at this stage you're understanding the behavior etc etc what are you what is going to continue to do now in theory theory exactly going to continue to push bearish right based on the way the market has developed and and it's constructed itself based on the behavior in line with the news in line with everything they're supporting that this market should go down now if the market fails to break the low and continue back down to this structural low and this structural low here and you start to see evidence that a support is being formed based on the structure which you can see here from the hourly time frame what is potentially going to happen potentially we cannot say for sure but potentially what is going to happen now delete your channel well done that's a good answer you know the market is going to do one or two things uh one of three things it's going to continue to range between the structural high and the structural low is going to break this low eventually and continue down or if the market starts to push higher and break above intraday levels and invalidate the structural trend we're now gathering evidence that the market potentially is going to create what we classify now as a pattern which is a double bottom a break of the brick wall a break of the potential lower high indicating bullish behavior now look how everything comes together now watch this we have identified at this stage that the market should have continued bearish we've also identified from the hourly time frame that price is failing to break and make new lows we're also identifying that the what should be the lower high and the brick wall has now been violated with bullish behavior once you scale down to the 4h time frame what do you identify here the current 4h candle has closed bullish the current phase of this market is in a push phase what comes next after all of this information that we've gathered what comes next think about it what comes next tell me what do you think comes next based on bullish behavior push phase failing to break the lows previous 4h candle closing bullish current behavior through the asian session into the london session is bullish what can price do more than likely price is going to pull back to a retest level before a continuation down okay because at the moment everything is indicating bullish behavior that failed to break the lows we have intraday trends that are being violated and we have a very high chance that price gonna pull back to a retest level so if you want to see me show you how you can enter this please hit that like button for me okay please hit that like button for me get me to 750 we're at 940 viewers get me to 750 please okay 750 please now we've gathered the structure we gathered the behavior we've identified the phases of the market we're identifying the intraday structures as well so how can you take this trade well this is the theory if the market breaks above this high we then end up making a new higher high the only time we want to sell this is if the market breaks the low or if the market comes back to a retest level so if the market breaks the high it means that we're going to make potentially a new higher high if the market doesn't break the high then there's a chance that we continue with the main trend which is down so once we go over to our intraday time frames what we're trying to identify now is the market's behavior so in an instance like this what do we have we have an area in the market where the market was trending down an area where price was failing to break an area in the market where price was consolidating we have a break above this level indicating bullish uh sentiment and now what do we have here we have a close above this level okay now remember on the 4h we're expecting the next 4h to continue bullish back into a key level in the market where we're going to find the retest i just want to make sure you all understand this point is this making sense right now is this making sense right now is this making sense right now does everybody understand what the plan of action would be now in a scenario like this now when we take this trade this doesn't mean that we're necessarily going to win this trade do you understand this could actually mean that i mean in any scenario it means we can win this trade we can break even this trade or we can lose this trade but based on the evidence that we've gathered the confirmation that we've confidence that we found on the higher time frames plus our understanding of market structure and how it moves there's a very very high chance that price is going to do what price is going to continue to push bullish so what we're going to do now is we're going to wait for evidence of price to do one or two things we're going to wait for price to close above for a re-test or we're going to wait for price to come back for a consolidation why because the 4-h candle needs to do what first before the 4-h candle continues pushing bullish it must pull back to create the wick and that's what we need to wait for so we continue to wait for the market to give us that evidence so now understand this phase this phase is the 4h candle the new 4h candle pulling back to create the wick okay new 4h candle pulling back to make the wick because every candle must make a wick before it goes up or down then what are we looking for we're looking for evidence of that bullish behavior in line with our plan and our analysis to break close above structures or below structures and then in a scenario like this we can take the trade with much higher confluence or probability that the market is more likely to continue bullish back to the highs okay once you take the trade there you have it bob's your uncle and this is just simply understanding how the market works that was identifying the phase of the market so first it was identifying the trend down failing to make a new lower low after the retest then price breaking intraday structures which was showing signs of bullish behavior and then the asian session into this morning's london session showing signs of bullish behavior and then thereafter we're identifying the new intraday structures which are being violated creating patterns and illustrating to us new potential trends back to retest levels in the market based on the 4h time frame okay and notice when i take this trade i didn't take this one this morning but it is a is very good education for you to understand if you're interested in learning my way of thinking in the markets or theory actually it's the way the market moves but look at this we don't enter here because it's too early we wait for con evidence of the market showing bullish behavior we don't enter here immediately on the breakout because this is not a sign that we're going to continue bullish but once we have evidence of price creating patterns based on a consolidation break and re-test and confirmation which is bullish behavior then guess what we can enter the trade now if we basically remove this what are we thinking in the back of our mind we're saying behavior switching to bullish 4h time frame is not breaking the lows 4h time frame is trend down but behavior is bullish and it's more likely to pull back to a retest level first before then continuing this overall trend down okay this is our destination then we scale in and we identify the behavior and we say this looks like a new uptrend because we're breaking the lower highs we have the re-test and we're breaking the new highs there is a very high chance that the market at this stage will continue to push bullish and that's how i approach the markets so if you like that with almost a thousand members watching it i think this is very education uh very educational and it's gonna help a lot of you just do me a big favor please hit that like button and get me to 900. please please please so that's one way you could have analyzed pound usd this morning and you are not limited to how you can use this approach on any time frames of your choice okay 830 likes guys get me to 900 please please please um i don't use any fibs i don't use any tools i don't use any anything i just use price action i understand how the candles form how they move and i use intraday time frames to validate my biases just like i shared with you just now so that was a master class in itself i must say and i hope you enjoyed that and if you did just get me to 900 likes so what is the plan of action today the plan of action is to identify what currencies are strong and what currencies are weak and at this moment in time there is no evidence of anything right now currently we are at the retest level in this new downtrend that's forming on gu based on yesterday's news the idea would to see uh would be to see this market continue bearish but as i've mentioned already we have failed to break these structural lows we're now exhausting back to the retest level and current behavior is bullish i personally think that if the market cannot sustain retesting this level at 38.46 the current 4h candle attempted to go bearish and failed and now we're flipping bullish if it sustains this then there's a high chance during the new york session we are going to continue bullish because the previous behavior tells us we're bullish the exhaustion and the failure to make the lows tell us we're bullish and right now this flip on this 4h candle failing to continue to push down at this retest level there's a strong sign we're going bullish so what do we need to wait for we need to scale down we need to isolate levels in the market where price is failing to break above this is the level of most resistance then you identify the patterns of the market this is the last lower high once we identify the last lower height we then say this the market is now failing to break new lows the behavior of the market is now shifting to bullish but to confirm this bullish bias what am i going to need to look for i'm going to need price to break the structure look for your retest and your continuation then identify targets and say well look if we break this level there's a very high chance we can continue to push higher back to these highs potentially as a final destination and back to these levels here as a management level so when you go down to your lower time frames you look for the previous higher low and the structural high and this is how you manage it so now we've created a very simple plan so at 38.72 we can manage our trades to break even taking partials whatever you want if you're still in the trade at breakeven and price starts to break above 38.72 then you can take the trade up to 39.05 if the market breaks above 38.48 if it doesn't when is the best selling opportunity is this retest level a good selling opportunity no way no way why because the behavior is bullish the previous 4-h candle closed bullish the current 4-h candle is bullish why are you taking cells at a resistance level just because you think it's a double top or there's wick rejections it is not the right way to trade and i'm going to tell you here now fact hand on my heart is not in order to take cells if you want to you need to isolate a structural low you then need to use some of your intraday time frames to identify the behavior of the market which is bullish in order to take cells you want this behavior to shift from bullish to bearish then look for your retest to look for your cells which creates your new downtrend and in this scenario bob's your uncle this is the way you should be taking cells wrong it's not the way you should be taking cells it's the way i would take cells because like i always say i'm not interested in being first into the market i much prefer to be second or third because i only need to make money or want to make money i don't want to get sniper entries i don't want to enter supply and demand zones i don't want to enter at the best liquidity levels i don't care i just want to make money so why would i enter first when i know the behavior is bullish structure is showing signs of bullish behavior etc etc do you get the point okay so that's my plan with um gu today for the new york session if it plays out fantastic i'll jump in this trade all day long i'll either win it lose it or break even it okay but what i won't do is take a trade that i shouldn't be taking now are there occasions where i do of course there are because we're imperfect and we're all traders and you know when there's emotions involved you're going to do things that you don't want to be doing it just happens all right but if you make a plan this is what i've been trying to teach you um for the last four or five live sessions is make a plan and stick to it you'll feel more confident you feel more comfortable you'll feel happy to risk what you're risking and you'll just let it play out without interfering with it okay so that's the plan for gu at this moment in time this is what the markets is telling me and then i'm so focused on that so with a thousand members watching the stream thank you and welcome please subscribe if you're not subscribed and please do me a big favor traders i just want to get over 1 000 likes share the love um and just hit that like button for me and if you don't like me then hit the dislike button it's all good but please just get me over a thousand and i'll be good so let's move on to aussie dollar jpy what is the current status of this market condition well at the moment we've seen this impulse move from yesterday correct back to the upside we've come back to retest the low that was broken as part of this uptrend but do you remember yesterday what i mentioned i mentioned that the level price needs to break in order to look for solid sales is going to be 80 to 11. we haven't broken it which means what price is doing right now is respecting the current uptrend and creating what we all know to be a double bottom pattern here so after the push phase we have the correction after the re-test we expect the lower low no lower low has been formed yet traders no lower low has been formed yet so the question is do we look for sales or do we look for buyers well this is kind of easy we have intraday levels here we can work with which i've explained to my students how to get into trades um with these ideas but if you want a solid plan of action on how to approach aussie dollar yen today then it's very simple the behavior illustrated to us that it was bearish it created the retest that failed to make the lower low that means that the bears are not in control of the market because the balls keep on holding the structure based on price holding this structure and price moving sideways that means there's a tug of war right now neither the bulls or the bears are in control which either illustrates to us one or two things the dollar is weak and the yen is weak or the dollar is strong and the yen is strong or neither of them are anything right now there's no relevance in the market and investors are not invested in these two currencies because there's no directional bias so when can we identify a directional bias in this market condition well once price gets out of this range slash consolidation all we need to see price do is break 8211 or break 8248 once we get that break then we can get a bias on what the market is doing and look to trade it now would or should you buy the lows here it's up to you if you know how to do it or well and good just be careful you don't get trapped in a lower high sell opportunity that's all we need to consider can you sell the highs here well of course you can but just mind you don't get trapped into a uh sorry yeah sell the highs a high low buy opportunity here okay so be be very careful i personally would say no one knows if the dollar or yen is strong right now wait for one or two of these options to play out i'm one like away from a thousand oh we've done it thank you everybody again i really really appreciate you all a lot so let's move on looking at aussie dollar jp why we're ranging okay we're arranging looking at pound usd it looks more bullish than it is bearish meaning pound strength looking at pound jpy we're also having confluence that we have pound strength here remember yesterday when we done the analysis we said in order to look for sales we want to see price break below this week back down to these lows or if you're waiting even more patiently you want it to break these lows it never broke it and plus this was part of the news so what's happening now well we can see that price has just recently broken above a very very important level in the market this level is so important in fact that we spoke about it yesterday before it even played out i don't know who was here with me yesterday but i'm telling you now we spoke about this and what did we say we said as part of this behavior if the market is going to respect this key level at 150 255 which is this retest level and you want to buy this what you're going to have to wait for before buying it is to see the change of structure break the brick wall look for the market to create a structural height or even a clearer structural high and then see the market break above the level in order to look for the retest continuation this is exactly how i drew this yesterday exactly how i drew it okay now by time price broke the structure it was london closed so you're not looking for any trade ideas but coming into the morning what you are looking for is how the behavior is developing and now once you see prices failing to break and you start to see behavior pushing higher now you can start to say to yourself at this stage well look this is looking very interesting i think now it might be an opportunity for me to look for a buy but at this stage you also have to have this in the back of your mind what is the session that i'm trading right now it's the latter end of the london open new york opens in about an hour and 45 minutes currently the behavior on gj has illustrated to me that it's bullish because we've broken above 1.5286 and now the current candle is pushing bullish if i take a trade on this trade what is the best plan of action and where do i expect it to go if the 4-h candle for the new york session continues bullish where is the market going the market in theory should come back to 342 or in terms of management some levels around here the higher low so this is how you're going to work with it then in terms of a plan let's go to the 30 minute today we go to the 30 minute we identify the break above the structural highs here we also identify that price failed to break the lows we can see that the new trend is forming and then the plan of action is this do you look to take the trade now probably low volume best to stay out or can you wait for price to do this well i would say as long as price trades above these levels here and we get a break above here we can look for a continuation higher up to these levels here this is what makes sense pound is showing strength on pound usd um pound jpy just broke above a really important level which is this level here in the markets current 4h candle is bullish strong evidence that price can continue higher trend on the intraday time frame is pushing bullish a nice break close above can see this moving higher and that's how i would approach pound jpy um today again if it doesn't play to plan i'm stepping out of the market baby okay stepping out of the market so gold is pushing you're saying yeah that is that is pretty decent that is pretty decent oh no that's not decent guys that's not decent so look if i was trading this is what i would do i'd identify that attempted to push higher and failed oh you're talking about now what it's just done i've got you okay yeah you're all right so but now what i would do i would just isolate this all of this okay i'll just isolate this i know we here theoretically have broken above body wise so it's a good sign but what i'd want to see is this let's clear this wick rejection okay we have a target back to the high here if we close bullish above then that is sustainable bullish pressure in the market if we close with a wick rejection that's evidence of bearish pressure so you need to invalidate the bearish pressure now by seeing a bullish close to show that these the bears are going to sustain this move up okay so i personally wouldn't buy now but don't let that stop you if you want to buy now that's fine again i'm not looking to be first because remember i believe that if the market continues bullish it's going to continue bullish all the way back to these highs look how many pips there i have to take advantage of okay i have a lot of range so there's no point me rushing into a buy now just because i think it's going higher i'm waiting bearish pressure i need to see the bullish pressure sustained once the bullish pressure sustains then i'll look to take a trade all right so it's not sustained yet i'll come back in 15 minutes no problem so um where are we what power are we on we've done that and we've done this so we're expecting pound usd to continue higher at some point during the new york session if it doesn't traders then it is what it is in terms of sales i mean boy i think the market's going to have to do a little bit more than it's done already to look for sales because we're currently ranging behavior is bullish i'll need to see bearish behavior and i think for cells you have an intraday level here or just excuse me a major level here let's see what happens um for those that have just joined welcome to the session thank you for joining and if you're not subscribed please subscribe for future notifications and if you can just please kindly hit that like button for me okay or if you don't like me hit dislike either or it doesn't matter to me just hit the like button for me please traders get me to 1100 i'll be very very happy with that right let's take a look at ufc swiss franc right remember yesterday usd swiss franc was in a hot mess we just saw this market moving sideways and we said the best plan of action is just to wait for the breakout this impulsive move to the upside is clearly based on news or whatever you want to call it and for that exact reason i will not be trading it we've had the correction the overall move of this market has pushed bearish this is the level where i think price can come back to for the retest currently the market is ranging i think personally for any tradable opportunities i need to see a close above on the 4h or i'm going to need to see price get out of this area as of now usd swiss franc has been put on the back burner and i'm not interested in this at all next pair we'll take a look at is aussie dollar usd now take a look at this pound usd is showing signs of pound strength dollar weakness usd swiss franc is now ranging showing no signs of dollar strength now we have aussie dollar usd which yesterday impulsive move was down for dollar strength correction retest and now look what we're doing here we're failing again to continue to push low on this market structure so what's really tough about this structure now is that the current behavior of the market has been bearish from the london open we had a spike to the upside that failed to sustain this bullish move we've come back into this retest level at 74.65 and we've rejected it very aggressively but but but but what is the current status of this 4h candle what happened with this 4-h candle that is really off-putting about even looking for trades on this pair can anybody tell me what is off-putting about this potential this pair period hmm traders what is off-putting about what we're identifying here bullish rejection bullish rejection wix no new low wicks the upside down side looks similar bullish candle okay right so all of that is right let's just focus on this if price fails to break the high and we break the low we expect a new low if we have news of dollar strength we expect a continuation if we don't continue expect the pullback as a correction and then the retest to continue lower if we fail to make a new low previous candle closed bearish current candle attempted to push bearish and failed and now we're pushing bullish what is this telling us the market's ranging it doesn't know where it wants to go look how strong that previous candle closed bearish and now it attempted to continue bearish and failed after everything that we've gathered across the board and the behavior of the market and the market sentiment what is the point what is the point so in this instance we now need to start our analysis again because at this stage we could have identified the retest failure to close bullish term bearish next candle bearish right but it's not doing that now it doesn't mean this can't flip and turn bearish for the new york session but we're not really interested in that anymore what we need to do is make a plan of action aussie dollar usd are you going bullish today if you are then prove it to me break above a key level in the market and show me that you're no longer re-testing any structure sustain that bullish move by closing above a key level if you do that i have more faith that the structure has now gone from being rangy to now more so pointing towards being potentially bullish so break above 74 55 to create that structure for me to work with if you're going to continue bearish okay don't break above 74 55 but how do we trade this you have to scale down you have to scale down okay so on scaling down what do we do we isolate our levels if you're going to continue bearish where are we going to find the most traffic do we want to sell the resistance the no that's down to you guys not me i know where i'm selling if you're continuing bearish prove it to me break below this key level start creating the new downtrend then i'll look for the retest and then once i take a screenshot of this and share this with my community or on instagram or wherever i share it you would all understand that this is a downtrend because by the time i get to my 15 minute time frame this is what it will look like structural low low or high low low high and then on the break lower low lower high does this make sense so nothing's going on right now we're arranging prove it to me you're going bullish get above this level if you're going to continue bearish prove it to me again get below this level other than that i've got better plans gold is a better plan gu is a better plan gj is a better plan aussie dollar usd is not a better plan too much waiting to happen on this one next pair we'll take a look at is usd jpy now who remembers yesterday and this is the importance of yesterday's session about me telling you when to identify or when you should be waiting for candles to close and when you can be taking the immediate breakout who remembers that because we spoke about it yesterday right you can see that the overall market conditions was bullish we also saw that price broke out at this level but after breaking out this level what happened we entered another consolidation so because of that reason what i said to you guys yesterday is if you're going to continue to look for sales on this market based on the fact that price was failing to push higher based on the fact that the yen was showing strength and the dollar was showing weakness that the only time you should look for sales is after price invalidates its uptrend and to invalidate this uptrend you need the market to break back below where it broke the consolidation anybody remember this yesterday i spoke about this in detail because if price trades above the consolidation level which is this level here then in theory the market is still going to continue bullish but if the market closes below the consolidation then that's when you validate yen weakness a failure to break the highs a new break below and then an anticipation of a continuation lower so no one should have taken any trades on usd jpy yesterday because this is exactly how we planned it out and you should be able to be very patient with this one now usd swiss franc is entering again another range which is pretty horrible and for that reason i don't really need to analyze this because it's too much of a hot mess as i said there's easier pairs to trade and as of now i'm going to let this one go next pair so euro yen did anybody get these cells yesterday i said if price breaks 130 62 were continuing bearish price broke 130 62 and we continued bearish i also mentioned that if this candle closes bearish the next candle will be bearish it started bearish it continued bearish and there's a great opportunity there once you start breaking these lows to see the market move down 26 pips which is very very simple to take advantage of especially in euro yen because guess what you only need a three to five hit stop loss with euro yen and if you do the math you're looking at almost a 5 to seven risk war ratio trade here just from one full h candle okay that was a trade idea why what did we identify yesterday traders we identified that the euro was weak and we also identified that the yen was strong for that reason we stick to the bias we look for the trades and i mentioned that euro is very weak look for these trading ideas now granted this was part of the news as well but no one cares it was part of the technical analysis and it done very well now what is the consensus of the market today currently euro yen has done not done nothing since yesterday absolutely nothing we've not made any new lows and we have not made any new highs once you scale down what do you identify a big fat range now what makes this even harder to trade is that we don't know if the dollar if the euro is strong if the yen is strong if the euro is weak or the yen is weak we have no idea so this makes it very difficult to trade euro yen today because we haven't got confluences to add to this to really help us out okay so what's my advice to you you're going to need to gather confluence and i think the confluence is going to need to be come from a higher time frame and first you're going to need to see volume and to see volume you're going to need to see a higher time frame candle close either strong bullish or strong bearish okay if it closes strong bullish we're getting somewhere we can now start to build on our intraday trends and identify structural highs and lows and patterns if we close strong bearish we can start to validate the 4h time frame structure breaks which is the break below this level the push phase slash exhaustion lower high then anticipation anticipating the continuation lower back down to some of these lows okay so what would be my plan of action i personally think today in order for me to even go anywhere close to euro yem we're going to need to break close above 130 36 to validate bullish behavior if that happens i anticipate the exhaustion on this 4h back to the retest level at 1.30 62. if we don't break above it then boy oh boy we step out if price breaks below 135 15 then and we close strong on the 4h then guess what we continue back down to 129.86 but as of now this goes on a back burner okay this goes on the back burner hey look at that gu man look at that gu wow it's moving already what is gold doing the candle we're looking for is the clothes above on this 15-minute candle in 15 seconds you need a stronger close you need a stronger close the idea now is the new height becomes this level here based on the new uptrend that's formed on the intraday time frames okay so the new uptrend is this this one on one minute now just scaling you down just showing you how this magic works this is the new uptrend on an intraday time frame okay the current behavior went bullish but failed but we're holding now a higher low level in the market if price now starts to take out the new high then we anticipate the new higher high to be formed and then we can continue bullish back to some of these structural highs so let's see what happens this candle has now new candle has just opened and idea would be if price can sustain the break above here i don't know what patterns you guys trade with um i am not going to call my patterns here on this session but the idea would be to see this uptrend sustain now as it has been created on the one minute and if you get a break above this level you see it continuing higher using gu as a confluence making sure that you can identify that the behavior is still the same which is bullish on here and the market can sustain the structures on this time frame as well you can anticipate a continuation higher gu is moving first gold will move second and then you see this move higher okay that's usually the plan of action uh 15 minute time frame is now pushing bullish uh we are now 30 minutes before one hour pre open and current 4h candle is pushing bullish okay see what happens with this one boy uh let's finish the analysis this morning we've gone through euro em next pair we'll take a look at is usd cad here usd cad currently ranging i said this this morning to my students that we're just going to wait for the market to do something special and that's going to be show us behavior just like on your yem show us behavior break clothes below this level on the 4h or above on the 4h maybe look for trades not the best player to trade euro usd i don't know if you guys got into trades on euro usd yesterday we spoke about bearish behavior failing to break looking for the break of um 1831 for cells and that's exactly what's happened currently we're identifying here euro strength because we can see the market pushing bullish but i wouldn't bank on it right now euro yen needs to push bullish in order to validate this euro usd and also we're going to need to start seeing strong signs of dollar weakness across the board um not seeing this push bullish instead turn bearish this term bearish as well in order to validate that um this is going to continue to push uh higher okay because it just doesn't make sense why this will go up based on structure i've mentioned that i think i would just wait patiently at some point this week to see price come back to 1831 if not i'll see the break of the lowest part of the new downtrend okay so this is this is this is my analysis gold i've already given you my analysis on gold i do believe we'll get to 1821 hence the title is gold going to 1821 in order to see gold to go to 1821 we needed to close above this level and if we're going to continue higher we need to see this high being taken out now do i advise any trades here well it's your prerogative and it's down to your strategy and trading style some will wait for the retest some will take the immediate breakout let me just tell you something your stop-loss placement is going to be safest down here more aggressive we'll be here and some will just put it below the candle that opens it's up to you but i'm just saying we're 30 minutes out from one hour before pre new york volume may be good now but it's better it's more than likely going to be very good at the new york open so what does that mean for this plan maybe wait for the retest but it's down to you all right for those that are new here welcome to the session please hit that like button for me if you haven't already and subscribe and we've gone through the 10 pairs already this morning indices we're gonna get on to them tomorrow i'm gonna get some help from my community uh just to make sure i've got all the right symbols i don't know what i'm talking about because i don't want to be that guy that doesn't know what he's talking about you know what i mean yeah all right cool so let me take some questions for from the chat here um mother uh moderators yeah i think you're called moderators i believe that's what you are that's what we call them right uh is it moderators yeah i just want to say thank you so much again for your time and um for looking after these chats here the moderators are from my community and i promise i'll give you some of my time and look after you okay don't you worry so let's see what is popping here uh i just want to say thank you everybody for all the compliments i can't read them out i'm just going to try and focus on the questions and then go from there okay thank you thank you i've done gu um yeah dislike also that's completely fine thank you top not education okay uh okay no questions man all of you seem to be picking everything up pretty well by the looks of it no questions here wow hey traders listen yeah let me just say something i'm not sure if there's news but that was just a huge move already that was just a huge move and for you those that are 10 pip killers you lot are done wow what a move on gold no questions man this is pretty phenomenal pretty phenomenal i'm looking at indices tomorrow just fine uh there's no questions here no questions here whatsoever i don't see questions here my friend you can pay to them if you want what tips you have for beginner traders make sure you understand the basics of the market so go to do not trade live funds until you have a system that you're going to follow and then just practice that system and just continue to execute execute execute i cannot stress this enough you have to keep hitting the button you have to 100 trades make a small plan 100 trades make another plan another 100 trades keep going until you're confident that you're able to take what you are learning and your system into the live markets if you're not learning from somebody else who has systems that are already working then that's what you'll have to do that would be the process is it okay to stick to one pair one thousand percent stick to one player how do you not make sure you don't miss a trade man you're always going to miss trades so many of them i was speaking about it this morning with my students saying how many trades i miss and i call them out but i don't take them because it's just hard you just can't but again the more pairs you have to monitor the more likely you're going to be complacent so just focus on i'd say a minimum of three pairs is all you really need is your dollar a week should i get out of usd cad long should you get out of usd cad long usd cad long usd cad long i don't know where your stop loss is on this and how much in profit you are on this trade i think your benchmark or or the area in the market where you're going to be looking to really just close this trade out is once price starts to invalidate this level so if you're in the trade i'd much prefer scale your stop loss up to these highs higher lows and then take it from there okay that's that's my point do you um well eric if i'm looking at the h4 then the retest is always going to be on the h4 isn't it because that's what creates the wick the wick is then what creates the higher low on the 15 minute time frame higher rocks was just wondering if your course is worth buying wow i'm not sure if that's a genuine question but i don't know how you want me to answer that how do you make sure you're not okay i've answered that one do i think gold can go to 1850 i'm not worried if gold goes to 1850 why would i be worried if gold goes to 1850 as i said i want to make money so if gold breaks above 18 15 97 like it has and i can take 20 30 pips off of the market or i can get my one to three within a small space of time by scaling down to like my one minute time frame and finding my entries down here then that's what i'm doing okay that is what i'm doing i'll be looking for price to create the structures on the one minute as i've mentioned i'll be looking for price to be taking these highs out i'll be placing my stop-loss below these levels and then i'll just be going for my one-to-three wishful ratio trade and that's me baby okay that is me bob is your freaking uncle now the point is i know it can come to 1821 but just put it into perspective if i've just risked five grand to make 15 grand why do i need to be in the markets anymore i've taken advantage of the 4h impulsive move to the upside i've identified that previously from the previous candle close that i'd i've identified on the 15 minute time frame that this is a resistance where price needs to break i said don't take the impulse wait for price to close above once you get that break above then there's a very high chance the next candle will continue bullish based on sustaining bullish behavior but don't impulsively jump into the trade wait for the market to take out the high to indicate that the market is bullish scale down to your intraday time frames to identify the trend and the breakout level in the market identify your patterns and take the trade okay this is exactly what i've said and this is how i would have taken the trade on gold now can you notice here right on gold and and this is this is not me blowing my own trumpet here this is really really important you understand this okay notice that this impulsive move was impulsive not sustainable but you never jump in on this move here you wait for sustainable bullish sentiment once you get sustainable bullish sentiment then you know based on the development of the higher time frames which is previous 4h closed current 4h pushing bullish higher chance price will get to the highs look how much volume you get based on that consensus so it wasn't like i magically just figured it all out it's just how the market moves if the bullish pressure is not sustainable and it keeps rejecting it means there's going to be less likely a chance for price to explode in your direction but once the market gives you everything you need and you see the bullish pressure of this market sustained above this level after evidence of bearish sentiment look what happens you get an explosion and then you can take advantage of these trades and then some people would be like messing with instagram rocks how do you always choose the right trades how do you know which pairs to take how did you know that the market was going to push bullish well exactly how i've illustrated to you here on this live session is exactly how i trade the live markets and i don't know well i don't know why it happens but it just happens and i do more often than not seem to get on the right side of the movement to the upside it just happens i don't know why and look at these buys on gu look at these buyers on gu look julie said he got one to three unbelievable ma'am unbelievable so we called out goal buys and gu buyers here and look at the markets what's gj doing and gj buys oh my life what can i say what can i say what can i say what can i say what can i say damn g you buys gj buys gold buys that's it we call it a day man we'll call it a day time has passed and i must keep on going everybody thank you so much please hit that like button for me what a session what an absolute session i hope you've enjoyed it show your appreciation please by hitting that like button and share the love but i'm telling you now i'm just feeling happy because i'm just feeling happy man the community is growing the viewers are growing the likes are growing the calls are growing your bank accounts are going to grow soon you might love me even more i don't know or you might just like me even more i don't know but it is what it is hey traders have a good trading day today and um i wish you all the best good luck be patient trust the process hit the like button you know and uh take care for now bye bye everyone bye
Channel: RockzFX Academy
Views: 48,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live trading, xauusd, gbpusd, gbpjpy, eurusd, moon, amc, new york trading, new york trading session, london trading, london trading session live, london trading session, london trading floor, new york trading session forex, new york trading floor
Id: 7e79iTan-_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 35sec (4415 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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