MOST DISTURBING Videos Filmed In The Woods

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this video was uploaded to YouTube in 2017. it features the uploader and his friend riding dirt bikes in the woods that's when they encounter a dangerous situation as one of them approaches a steel cable is revealed stretched tightly between two trees just in the nick of time the friend manages to avoid being seriously injured by the tripwire the incident leaves them shaken as they suspect it might be a trap set by an individual lurking in the forest the frustration and concern an uploader's voice are evident as he contemplates their next course of action he even discusses the possibility of hiding in the woods and seeking revenge on whoever returns to the spot after some time they decide to disarm the Trap and take the wire cable with them like in September of 2014 this video captured a thrilling encounter with a mountain lion near Fernie BC the video begins with a man standing in a clearing surrounded by trees and brush he claims there's a mountain lion nearby although it's initially difficult to spot due to its excellent camouflage after a few minutes in the footage the lion starts creeping towards the man who is filming the encounter as it gets closer the man quickly moves backward however he remains calm and starts talking to the lion you can see it but there's a mountain lion it's crouching in the grass crazy hey Mr mountain lion how are you doing nice to see you nice to see you I am much bigger than you I'm way bigger than you go the line moves into the bushes growling while the man shouts at it to go away with the line re-emerges on the other side staring intently at the man without any signs of intimidation right here in a later moment the line continues to stalk the man but he confidently turns around asserting that he's not afraid after a few minutes the lion turns away and walks off okay this cat is coming back at me this is unbelievable right in front of me I'm not afraid of you foreign this video was uploaded to YouTube back in June of 2012. the uploader James was in the process of creating his own horror film and had set up a prop ritual Circle in the middle of the woods based on his research for the movie after conducting some rehearsals he left and returned the next day to continue filming to his surprise he discovered a mysterious figure in the exact spot where he had set up the ritual Circle when James returned with his camera that evening the figure had vanished while some viewers speculate that it might be a tree or a stump the exact nature of what was captured in the video remains uncertain this video was uploaded to YouTube on January 9 2019. in this video the uploader and his friends explores an abandoned facility deep in the woods as they Venture inside one person climbs to the top of a large Blue container and peers over the edge unaware of the potential danger their attention is then drawn to two other large Vats and one of them begins turning the release valve however the other men yell for him to stop realizing the risk involved if the vat contained a hazardous substance the consequences could have been severe after few minutes inside a nearby shed they discover what seems to be a gas mask and large science beakers used for chemical storage curiosity leads them to examine a full vial outside but one of them intervenes and prevents any accidents it becomes apparent that they have stumbled upon a biological waste treatment center researching further they find policy dinocular a substance that is used for breaking down biological waste they realize that they have been handling dangerous chemicals and exploring an environment that poses significant health risks this facility is not the kind of place where one should casually expose themselves to potential harm such as leaning over chemical Vats or inhaling unknown substances the implications of their actions could have serious consequences this video was captured in 2019. in this video the uploader and his friend are exploring some Trails when they decide to take a rest little do they know someone has been secretly following them after few seconds in footage the man that was following them can be seen they noticed the strange man appearing to wave while holding a knife they discuss their options but before they can decide the man starts running straight towards them I usually never see nobody here weird I guess hi where has his hands behind his back is that a knife bro dude just get out of here man yo I promise every time bro to evade the pursuer they quickly lose him and take cover allowing the man to run past them they eventually make their way back to their car is he following us though yo he's right there we go all right so I don't know what's going on but there's like some crazy guy up here there's literally nobody around us you might know the drill more than we do so we're just gonna have to hide for now what's going on like 20 minutes while some speculated that this person is one of their friends the true identity remains unknown in June of 2007 a video was published depicting a dangerous encounter with a moose the video begins with the Moose wandering in a forest while a man and his dog approach it the scene then cuts to three moose running alongside a house presumably being chased Away by someone while a dog starts barking at a certain point one of the Moose starts charging towards the dog and the man filming in response the man lets out a loud yell causing the Moose to reconsider its approach Additionally the Moose encounters difficulty getting through the thick Bramble giving the man and the dog a chance to retreat the man filming remarks in his native language that the Moose attempted to get to them this video was uploaded to YouTube in October of 2022. the uploader was exploring the Gettysburg field that's when he captures what he believes to be a genuine ghost sighting the video is eerie and seems to support his claim what is that God no way there's a guy out here 2am the upload of mentions when they turn around the figure they had seen vanished unfortunately the footage captured at that moment is too dark to discern many details swing around this footage was recorded in the same location during daylight in the daytime footage there are cannons lined up but no statue present if this is indeed the same location it strengthens the possibility that this is a legitimate ghost sighting captured on video this video was filmed in February of 2018. it shows the Olio dagua River in Bonito Brazil heavy rainfall had caused the forest to become submerged revealing captivating and slightly unsettling views of an underwater Forest the video captures scenes of tree stumps branches and bridges submerged in the water the uploader mentions that this level of flooding has occurred at least three times in the past 16 years thank you as the day progresses the water gradually recedes back to its normal level however the unique and mysterious atmosphere created by the flood leaves a lasting impression this video was uploaded to YouTube in 2017. in this video the uploader shares his claim of being able to communicate with mysterious Forest creatures that emerge after rainfall he finds a spot under a tree initially it appears that nothing Eerie or unusual will occur in the woods however suddenly a goblin-like creature makes a brief appearance in swiftly leaves consistently looking back over its shoulder I'm sorry about that he was he was doing it oh there he is okay let's there the video doesn't seem edited leading viewers to believe that this creature could be genuine in this clip originally posted to Reddit a strange Forest sighting is captured while the location is initially believed to be deep within the forest a well-maintained trail indicates that it may not be as deep within the forest however in the years that followed the mystery surrounding this sighting has been solved it turns out that this is an unsettling sculpture found in the pride of the valley Sculpture Park located in the United Kingdom for quite some time this image has circulated online without any context leaving viewers perplexed this video was captured in June of 2013. it features a series of strange and unsettling noises in the forest the uploader had left his camera to record deer but ended up capturing something disturbing the video captures Eerie screams Grunts and the sound of rocks being thrown at the camera the uploader speculated that it could be children playing or a homeless person causing disturbances in the forest however the source of these sounds and disturbances never revealed itself on camera [Music] a deep Bello Echoes through the Wilderness only after a few seconds the sound of tree branches breaking can be heard after some time a growl or a bot can be heard throughout the video creature can be heard moving through the leaves and branches the overall video is deeply unsettling leading viewers captivated and disturbed by the unknown presence lurking within the forest this video was uploaded to YouTube in 2013. the uploader claims to have captured a real ghost sighting in the midst of a potentially haunted forest while talking about something a pale figure can be seen creeping through the woods behind him it is worth noting that the ghost encounter coincides with a sales promotion which raises suspicions about the authenticity of the sighting some viewers speculate that this could be a cleverly crafted viral marketing video rather than a genuine paranormal occurrence in this video a family is gathered together enjoying Christmas festivities that's when a mysterious noise captures their attention they catch a glimpse of something swiftly moving behind the garage prompting them to quickly rush outside for a closer look got a tree what was that oh my God no way I can't to that surprise they witnessed the presence of a lodge dot creature walking off in the distance although they don't encounter it again for a while the creature reappears for a brief period before disappearing completely oh my God while some speculated it could be someone in a gorilla suit it is uncertain what actually was captured in this video an Explorer Ventures up along forest mountain path to an abandoned house near the Chinese city of Chengdu rumored to be haunted the Explorer's intention is to investigate if there are any paranormal activities in the house upon entering the house he discovers that there isn't much left inside except for an old book that catches his attention at a point in the video something appears to either push the book out of his hands or he may have dropped it himself the video does not provide clear information on the content of the pages but the Explorer finds it interesting enough to show it to the camera as the expiration continues not much else eventful happens until a distinct noise catches the Explorer's attention he hears the noise again this time coming from the attic of the house [Applause] sensibly he decides to leave the house shortly after these encounters possibly feeling uneasy about the potential haunting in this video the uploader captures footage of two mysterious creatures these creatures can be seen covered in fur and walk upright as they move around to cover more ground at a point in the video one of the creature's turns revealing its broad hairy back and it may be carrying one of its offspring the crust yeah it looks it looks okay there's two Bigfoots dear the uploader was wearing camouflage and the creatures didn't see her they eventually settled down in a clearing providing the uploader with an opportunity to quietly get away some viewers speculate that these creatures could simply be people wearing gorilla suits as they appear to be of normal size however many others have commented on the video expressing how it is one of the scariest Forest creature sightings they have ever witnessed this video was captured on February 18 2016. it features a man's hiking trip he took in the forest of Monrovia Czech Republic as he was walking through a Mossy wooded area he suddenly heard strange sounds coming from the south the camera captures the moment as the sound Echoes throughout the forest intrigued the brave hiker decides to venture deeper into the woods to investigate [Applause] to his surprise he discovers tracks that resemble those of Bigfoot human-like footprints realizing he'd rather prioritize his safety over a potential encounter with the creature he swiftly makes his way out of the area however as he leaves the strange sound is hurt once again echoing through the forest throughout his journey back to the car the man claims to have heard the strange noise persistently while speculations about the creature's identity range from Bigfoot to werewolves it remains unclear what was heard in the video in September 2015 a man named Brian Schultz ventured into the forest unaware of the Eerie encounter that awaited him according to him while camping on September 6 he witnessed strange lights moving from tree to tree varying in sizes and colors he mentions that the video quality isn't the best since he was doing a live Periscope at the time in the video Brian can be seen Reading and Responding to viewers comments a flash of light is captured between the trees resembling a spark when his flashlight is directed towards it when he turns off his flashlight the light becomes bright the mysterious light continues to flash throughout the trees appearing like a flashlight at times in the comments section others share similar experiences without any explanation some viewers point out a moment in the video where something is seen moving behind Brian upon closer inspection of the footage slowed down a discernible movement can be observed the nature of this phenomenon remains unexplained will and Western have been noticing the presence of a man looking around their house for several days determined to gather evidence and prove their claims they started recording to capture the man on camera during the latest encounter the two friends decide to split up and record separately Weston manages to capture a glimpse of a tall dark figure prompting him to quickly find will to share the discovery you know what was that well it's still unknown who the man was and whether he was seen again this video was uploaded to YouTube on January 15 2013. in this video a strange sound can be heard in the forest the video begins with the man behind the camera expressing confusion and curiosity wondering about the source of the sound they remark on being in the middle of nowhere and speculate that the sound might be originating from above although it seems to come from all directions the man and his hiking partner had previously heard an unsettling noise prompting him to start recording on his phone's camera in hopes of capturing the sound if it reoccurred after few minutes in the footage the Eerie sound resurfaces this is followed by a d echoing whale that doesn't resemble anything human or animal my phone's about to die anyway [Music] so there is you're going through that thank you maybe if we just spray a bit further up we might asleep so this is it maybe what 2012 it was 2013. good now all right okay [Music] all right [Music] while some viewers dismiss the authenticity of the video due to the apparent lack of reaction from the individual's present others suggest various explanations some propose a connection to the global phenomenon of mysterious trumpet-like noises this video was uploaded in August of 2015. the uploader shared a chilling experience while packing up his belongings to leave the forest he describes an unexplainable sensation a gut feeling that he was being followed by something or someone as he walked along the path for a couple of hours he experienced unsettling and threatening Sensations although he had planned on staying another night in the forest his intuition urged him to leave throughout the video he expresses the sense of being observed he recalls hearing strange sounds emanating from the trees during his earlier walk on the path he manages to escape the forest without encountering his pursuer this video was uploaded in 2020. in this video the uploader describes a strange encounter with a mysterious creature while exploring an abandoned house located in a haunting forest at night the small house he investigates is empty but as he turns around and looks up he comes face to face with the creature white glowing eyes of the creature can be seen that thing is freaky hello I can't even tell what animal that is it doesn't look like a possum the nature and identity of this strange creature sighting remain unknown this video was filmed in the winter of 2012. in the forests of Oregon a man found himself in a life-threatening situation while filming he came across a black bear in some Cubs initially the bear kept her distance but soon it charged at him the man managed to scare the bear away by making loud noises just when he thought he was safe the bear charged towards him again before the video ended fortunately he was able to get away unharmed considering that black bears can reach speeds of up to 40 miles per hour
Channel: Just Kinjaz
Views: 399,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GISloicgQ8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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