MOST Disturbing Dashcam Footage EVER Captured

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this happened on the 11th of May 2020 in wol England two individuals named Simon padet and Dean Stone decided they couldn't bear the slow moving traffic on the m6 which stretched for Miles they made the choice to race down the emergency Lane in their BMW I8 unaware that a Midlands police officer was also among those caught in the congestion What followed was an adrenaline fueled Pursuit with Simon navigating at speeds reaching 100 mph in his attempt to evade capture Simon maneuvered between vehicles creating a perilous situation for everyone around him uh 30 limited is a dual courage way traffic is light just mounted a curb so I suspect it may have some damage and vehicle is standby a34 Morel Road he is contravening a keep left Ballard can I have empass tactical units towards me please he is um making several overtakes thank it's standby I've got one out on foot it is off road it's um one out and running the driver's still in the vehicle on to Grassland uh passenger ic1 Green Top blue trousers and vehicle is now returning to the road despite his desperate attempts to escape including a futile effort to shake the officer in a parking area Simon Al resigned to his Fate on a quiet residential Road it was at this point that the officer apprehended them and uncovered the true reason behind their frantic flight Dean hastily left his backpack behind upon exiting the vehicle which upon inspection was found to contain 5 kilos of potent drugs valued at around half a million dollars for their actions including possession and fleeing from law enforcement Dean was sentenced to 6 years while Simon received a 7-year prison sentence this incident took place in Okala Florida on the 11th of August 2022 a distress call was made to the police about an auto theft the owner who was casually visiting a friend had left their vehicle unlocked with keys in the ignition seizing the opportunity a 35-year-old man named Dale schury jumped into the car and made a hasty getaway when two officers attempted to intercept him Dale was determined not to be caught he initiated a high-speed chase weaving through congested streets and quiet residential areas before steering the stolen vehicle into the Wilderness in an attempt to evade the offices 41st be here with be down South 30th fo Road on a dirt road head soub still going to the wood line now we're going east away from the railroad track in the wood line incredibly Dale managed to navigate through the dense forest leaving the pursuing police SUVs entangled among the trees while he emerged on the other side a police can9 unit was quickly on his Trail Dale didn't give up easily resorting to erratic Maneuvers like spinning Donuts on lawns and speeding along narrow unpaved roads the situation escalated dangerously when he tore through a private property destroying a fence in his wake full new yard 3,000 block the road all right we four through a fence still southbound some back the highspeed chase eventually concluded when the officers executed a pit maneuver it lasted for approximately 21 minutes Dale then attempted to flee on foot but was no match for the pursuing German Shepherd the dog heroically subdued him allowing for his capture Dale faced a multitude of charges adding to his extensive criminal history of 13 arrests in the last 16 years spanning 86 mil between Tulsa and Oklahoma City the Turner Turnpike is a Highway in Oklahoma typically bustling with over 300,000 Vehicles daily as residents commute between these two primary cities however on April 2nd 2022 this bustling Highway was shut down due to a dangerous situation A Man Named Charles 32-year-old wanted for armed robbery LED law enforcement on a frantic Pursuit through Oklahoma City demonstrating a blatant disregard for safety he frequently shot at the officers trailing him amidst this chaos state trooper braah Mill found himself directly behind the as salance car dodging bullets [Music] 950 City shots fired throughout the ordeal Trooper Miller maintained remarkable composure even as the suspect persistently targeted him determined to Halt the chase swiftly he executed a well-known pit maneuver despite the suspect's continuous firing and visible damage to the patrol cars windshield Trooper Miller remained stoic eventually his attempt to pit the SUV succeeded causing the vehicle to lose [Music] controlo that was [Music] ugly C I've taken one round through the front windshield he's still continuing to fire unfortunately the confrontation didn't end there Charles continued firing as additional officers arrived on the scene the confrontation ended with Charles's demise during an encounter with law enforcement in nanyang China a harrowing incident captured on dash cam unfolded on January 7th 2021 amidst the city's routine activity a local man's decision to drive after consuming alcohol led to dangerous and nearly catastrophic event the dash cam footage paints a stark picture the inebriated driver loses control of his vehicle resulting in an alarming scene where his car ends up precariously along a steel wire of a telephone pole in a stroke of luck he manages to exit the vehicle his staggering movements evidencing his impaired State concerned bystanders quickly converge at the scene the situation escalates with the arrival of the police their subsequent breathalizer test confirms the inevitable the driver's blood alcohol concentration far exceeded the legal limit China's stringent stance on drunk driving especially as of 2023 ensure severe repercussions for such actions the country's rigorous legal framework aims to deter drunk driving underlining the gravity of the offense and its potential for causing harm on May 24th 2023 the usually peaceful streets of Cobb County Georgia became the stage for a high stakes Pursuit a man already notorious in the local law enforcement community for his alleged involvement in an armed robbery decided to test his luck against the police after commandeering a pickup truck he sought to flee the state but his plan was quickly thwarted as the police began their Pursuit he sped down a 75 weaving dangerously between cars the chase intensified when he encountered congested traffic yet he continued maneuvering the stolen vehicle down the shoulder at speeds exceeding 80 mph his desperate attempt to escape the law was marked by a series of increasingly Reckless decisions the the defining moment came as he approached an exit ramp one of the pursuing officers saw an opportunity to end the chase before any more harm could be done the officer executed a pit maneuver heavy traffic on the r over 0 milph get off Windy Hill Windy Hill Place the maneuver was described by a witnessing officer as perfectly executed it brought the pickup truck to an abrupt halt but the suspect wasn't ready to surrender as officers surrounded the vehicle to prevent any further attempt to flee the man discarded a firearm and brandished a knife escalating the standoff tosa swaner a 33-year-old found herself under arrest in lkin Texas for theft however she wasn't ready to give up without a fight while seated in the back of a police SUV handcuffed TSA managed to slip free as the officers were examining her belongings she seized the moment to scramble into the driver's seat and started frenetic Pursuit across Angelina County the entire incident was captured on several dash cams including the one in the vehicle TSA commandeered dang hey [Music] throughout the chase TSA pushed the vehicle to its limits reaching speeds exceeding 100 mph and narrowly missing several patrol cars in near head-on collisions the highspeed escap came to a halt when TSA was halted by a pit maneuver causing her to Veer off the road the chase lasted for 23 minutes as a result of her audacious attempt to escape and her previous criminal activities tosa received a 45-year sentence 29th of August 2022 a dramatic event unfolded in the relatively quiet city of Glendale Wisconsin at around 300 p.m. Glendale Police Department received a distressing call about a stolen White Volkswagen reportedly taken by four individuals during a Brazen home invasion the stolen vehicle was spotted kening through the streets of Glendale officers swiftly responded initiating a Relentless Pursuit as the driver executed dangerous Maneuvers in a desperate attempt to evade capture at one juncture the chase veered into a local park where the vehicle wildly tore through the grass leaving a trail of Destruction in its wake as the chase progressed the urgency to bring the situation under control intensified hit up po we're going to be coming out onto Hampton squads coming out on the Hampton still north still north we going to come out on losing a lot of it that a precise and tactical maneuver known as The Pursuit intervention technique was employed by the lead police officer with minimal Force the officer nudged the rear of the stolen vehicle causing it to spin out and lose control the driver in a frantic attempt to regain stability overcorrected leading to a catastrophic collision with a telephone pole inside the wrecked Volkswagen authorities apprehended four suspect ects a 35-year-old woman an 18-year-old woman and two teenage boys their identities and roles in the incident were not fully disclosed but the distressing cries of those are my kids from one of the women suggest a familial connection possibly indicating that the 35-year-old was the mother driving with her teenage Sons Michael warning a 47-year-old military veteran decided to steal a 6ton hanvey from a Fort Gordon Fourth of July display in South Carolina his his audacious theft didn't take him far only about 15 miles before the police caught sight of him swatting a military vehicle cruising down the highway isn't a common occurrence making Michael easy to track down [Music] to do something the chase lasted for 12 minutes and Spann 20 miles and almost resulted in a fatal incident for one of the officers his Reckless actions led to multiple charges including one for endangering a police officer likely due to his near collision with a cop car on the 16th of November 2012 an officer found himself in the midst of traffic when suddenly a motorcyclist zipped by him at an alarming speed reacting quickly the officer activated his siren and pursued the biker who seemed to be accelerating at an incredible rate widening the gap between them it took a considerable amount of time for the officer to finally close in initiating the pursuit one [Laughter] as the officer emerged from a tunnel a burst of sunlight momentarily disoriented him causing him to lose sight of the motorcyclist the situation escalated as the traffic density increased making the highspeed chase even more perilous weaving between cars the officer was fortunate to avoid any missteps that could have led to a severe Collision persistence paid off when the officer managed to catch up to the motorcyclist in another tunnel eventually the biker was cornered and apprehended by the police ending the risky Chase C he out fore in late June 2022 Hardwick Vermont a town of under 2,000 became the center of a bizarre and dangerous confrontation Vermont State Police sought to arrest 24-year-old Brandon torman for burglary at his parents home the situation escalated when Brandon's mother tried to obstruct the arrest and his father Wayne intervened with an excavator Wayne swung the bucketed officers who narrowly avoided injury [Music] this extraordinary incident led to worldwide attention and serious charges against Wayne including three felony counts he pleaded guilty receiving a 90-day jail sentence but faced calls for harsher Punishment Due to the Peril he created the case highlighted the unexpected and perilous situations Law Enforcement Officers encounter and spot discussions on appropriate penalties for endangering public officials on March 10th in the busy streets of the UK drivers must be vigilant against not just the usual hazards of the road but also against the growing threat of Crash for cash scams these scams which cost UK insurers an estimated £340 million annually involve frauders deliberately causing accidents to profit from fraudulent insurance claims the video from the A10 near London exemplifies this Peril the dash cam captures a car ahead abruptly stopping at a roundabout causing a rear end collision because it was true of almost every referend has ever been anywhere was the people who went all way through were still basically undecided if they voted would end up for the St State because it's the less risky option that's happened almost everywhere and that didn't happen either because it didn't feel like the state did it it felt I mean that was one of the great victories of the snake oil salesman is that it felt like a kind of a temporary aberration by the time they finished their Administration rather than actually what seems like an ordinary accident is in fact a calculated move by scammers these criminals often disable their brake lights or break suddenly for no reason targeting unsuspecting drivers behind them victims of such scams are frequently chosen for their perceived vulnerability such as elderly drivers or young mothers with children the fraudsters calm demeanor post accident their Readiness with insurance details and inconsistencies between their injuries and the impacts force a telltale signs of a scam this case on the A10 with the dash cam evidence led to the frauders arrest and the rejection of their inflated £ 28,000 Insurance claim this incident underlines The Importance of Being alert to erratic driving patterns and maintaining safe distances especially in urban areas where such scams are more prevalent on January 14th 2019 19 truck driver Chad mock witnessed an astonishing incident in downtown Mano Minnesota a 2-year-old child strapped in a car seat fell out of a moving vehicle captured by mock stash cam the toddler who miraculously remained unharmed and calm had fallen from a 20004 Honda Civic driven by her mother munah Hassan investigations reveal that the child's car seat was not properly Tethered to the vehicle this oversight combined with an unbuckled chest clip and a door that unexpectedly opened led to the child's fall Hassan who was only holding a learner's permit and thus should not have been driving without supervision faced charges including child endangerment and failing to fucen a child's restraint in 2021 Hassan pled guilty to careless driving and received a sentence of one year of Probation and mandatory parenting and child restraint classes emphasizing the importance of proper child safety in vehicles on February 18th 2018 a perilous situation unfolded on the streets of Columbus Ohio the Columbus Police Department specifically officers from the seventh Precinct received an alarming report at around dusk a white Ford tourist was observed driving perilously against the flow of traffic on I 670 situation fraud with the potential for tragedy officers Jeff Ward and Josh Buck Vigilant and quick to act were patrolling eastbound when they spotted the Rogue vehicle heading directly toward them with practiced Precision they activated their emergency lights and executed a swift U-turn setting the stage for a critical iCal intervention initially it appeared the driver might heed the officer's presence and pull over however in a sudden and defiant act the individual accelerated plunging deeper into danger and prompting a high stakes [Music] Pursuit got him these situations are often exacerbated by factors like distraction or as Is tragically common intoxication the pursuit reached its climax when the officers skillfully performed a pit maneuver this precise action brought the vehicle to a halt allowing the officers to take 26-year-old Roger Ford Jr into custody subsequent investigations revealed that Roger was heavily intoxicated 2016 a perilous incident occurred in Brook Park Ohio Richard burer 47 found himself in a life-threatening situation when the at& T van he was driving became in snared on norfol southern railroad tracks after maneuvering around a truck at Eastland road in route 237 with crossing gates down and warning lights activated boger's van was immobilized with its front will lodged in the rail officer Harold Duncan witnessing the dire predicament bravely intervened he rushed onto the tracks leading burer to safety merely 20 seconds before a train collided with the van burer fortunate to escape unharmed due to Duncan's quick actions was cited for a crossing lights violation highlighting the critical importance of adhering to Railroad safety regulations on August 16th 2023 a harrowing incident occurred in Buenos Iris Argentina's bustling in capital a double length bus faced a dire situation while navigating congested traffic an electrical malfunction triggered a fire onboard necessitating an immediate evacuation of all passengers security camera footage caught the dramatic moment the bus abruptly stopping amidst the flow of traffic quickly became engulfed in flames Panic ensued as over 100 passengers scrambled to safety some climbing a nearby Hill others darting along the street meanwhile the fire intensified spreading a fiery trail of o across the highway and forcing other vehicles to navigate through The burgeoning Inferno the bus ultimately turned into a huge Fireball a towering Blaze that halted all traffic and produced a dense cloud of black smoke even scorching parts of the adjacent Hillside fortunately thanks to the quick actions of passengers and bystanders all were evacuated safely with no injuries reported in in Manhattan on July 9th 2015 an unsuspecting pedestrian became the victim of a cell phone theft a crime that's unfortunately all too common in busy urban areas a cab driver ironically advising his passenger on scam avoidance witnessed the theft the dash cam captured a thief on a bike swiftly snatching the phone from The Pedestrian and disappearing into the cityscape [Music] law despite a fellow cyclist's attempt to pursue the thief and the victim's own efforts to chase on foot the thief was long gone Vanishing into the Manhattan traffic this incident highlights a rising issue in major cities where crowded streets create an environment ripe for opportunistic crimes cell phone thefts have become a significant concern globally especially in urban areas in the US more than 1 million smartphones are stolen each year according to the Federal Communications Commission FCC on the night of June 10th 2023 Mesa Arizona became the Proving Ground for a groundbreaking police technology known as the grappler this Advanced Pursuit Gadget designed to safely and efficiently end high-speed chases was put to the test when a report of Street Racers dangerously weaving through traffic came in with one driver reportedly hitting a pedestrian before fleeing the police equipped with the grappler quickly located and pursued the suspect's vehicle good the device a robust net system attached to the front of a police Poli Cruiser was deployed with Precision it entangles itself around the suspect's rear tire linking the two vehicles and allowing the officer to forcefully hold the suspect by breaking the result was immediate and effective leading to the detention and citation of the 17-year-old driver and passenger for street racing the incident not only showcased the grappler functionality but also highlighted its potential to transform high-speed Pursuits making them safer for officers suspects and the community located in the of Angelina County Texas the quaint and relatively small city of lkin serves as a peaceful Abode for approximately 35,000 residents an emergency call was placed in the early hours of June 6th 2019 reporting a possible home invasion it instantly mobilized the entire department and sent ripples of concern through the community the incident unfolded at around 6:00 a.m. a time when the city was just beginning to stir from its nightly Slumber the terrified homeowner upon hearing the jarring sound of their window shattering made a Split Second decision to seek refuge in a closet from this precarious Hideout they dialed 911 the homeowner remained in this state of heightened fear until the police arrived on the scene ready to confront the situation headon OH police let me see your hand that's a deer it's a deer it's a deer it's a deer stand down what for go go [Music] go go come on come [Music] on I no get the shield in come [Music] on no open the door you stand up open the door open the door oh [Music] goly imagine the intense moment when the responding officer notices the broken window and discerns sounds of movement from within the residence a baffling twist that soon unravels into a rather unexpected Discovery contrary to the anticipated dangerous criminal the culprit behind this chaos was none other than a disoriented deer which surprisingly might have been the best possible outcome under such alarming circumstances the official police report later confirmed that fortunately both the deer and the inhabitants of the house emerged from this unusual event unscathed AED however the homeowner was left to confront a considerable aftermath the house was a scene of disarray with numerous breakable items sent crashing to the floor by the Frantic movements of the deer in fory County Georgia teenagers Ryan Brewer and Justin Smith both 19 learned a harsh lesson about the gravity of reckless driving in miday 2023 after a fory County Deputy clock their white BMW speeding at 87 mph in a 45 milph Zone Ryan instead of complying decided to escalate the situation by accelerating initiating a perilous Chase reaching up to 140 mph such high-speed Pursuits are incredibly dangerous posing a significant risk to the driver passengers other Road users and law enforcement the pursuit ended when the deputy executed a Precision immobilization technique causing the driver to lose control and stop [Music] speed's 140 clear speed 140 when the teens were finally stopped the seriousness of their situation became evident the request to call his mother and the realization that youth was no excuse for endangering lives marked a turning point for Ryan finding alcohol in the car compounded their legal troubles leading to charges of reckless driving and underrage alcohol possession this incident is a stark reminder of the severe implications of such Reckless Behavior Arkansas State Troopers have been pursuing a driver in a black Dodge Hellcat notorious for eluding capture by going dark and disappearing into the night for years Troopers have been on the tail of this elusive driver who by September of 2022 had successfully escaped capture seven times during Pursuits he employs a perilous tactic switching off all his lights and merging into the darkness his vehicle a deep black Hellcat essentially becomes invisible against the night [Music] sky 15 1037 with blacks Char 4 he just blacked out observe how swiftly he disappears from sight the car is like a phantom it's baffling how the pursuing officer managed to track him for as long as he did despite the officer's efforts the Hellcat Slips Away especially after making a sharp left where it further accelerates into the Shadows this footage recorded in October 2019 suggesting that this driver has been getting away from the police for well over 4 years reports indicate the Hellcat Sports temporary plates making it even more difficult for authorities to identify the driver on April 21st 2014 a tense Pursuit erupted on the bustling streets of downtown Los Angeles a suspect wanted for Narcotics related offenses led the LAPD in a high-speed chase that would test the limits of Public Safety and police strategy experienced officers knew the stakes were high every second the suspect remained on the run in such a populated area increased the risk to innocent bystanders as the suspect we through the streets the LAPD coordinated a response to bring the chase to a safe end helicopter footage captured the moment as the LAPD attempted a pit maneuver the maneuver didn't go entirely as planned although the pit was successful in spinning the suspect's vehicle the driver managed to regain control the suspect's car hitting a street sign and curb might have inadvertently helped the driver maintained some control and continue the chase the pursuit eventually came to a head in Downey a smaller City south of downtown LA where the suspect with no way out pulled into a culdesac realizing the gravity of the situation the driver refused to exit the vehicle leading to a prolonged standoff with the police dozens of officers trained for such critical incidents worked to resolve the situation safely this happened in Pompton Lakes New Jersey on the 14th of January 2023 the local police and fire brigade were alerted to a potential emergency as smoke was seen emanating from a residence located on Ramapo Avenue in Response six firefighters ventured into the building to locate the origin of the smoke entering via the basement suddenly the entire house exploded violently remarkably despite the severe blast that tore through the house no one sustained serious injuries the firefighters who were inside at the moment of the explosion managed to survive thanks to their protective gear and a hasty Retreat through the shattered staircase meanwhile the police officers who were stationed outside were caught off guard as the building suddenly burst into flames transforming into a raging Inferno initially they had presumed the incident to be a minor one due to the absence of visible Flames upon their arrival the exact cause of the explosion remains a mystery but speculation suggests a gas leak might have been the culprit this incident took place in Perth Amboy New Jersey this officer found himself at the center of a critical and life-saving incident on July 25th 2018 an event that would underscore The Importance of Being in the the right place at the right time on that fateful summer day officer Carl seavoy a newcomer to the police force with just 7 months under his belt was dispatched to the local train tracks to perform a routine wellness check upon his arrival an individual at the station urgently directed his attention to a distressing sight a man lying motionless on the railway tracks as officer seavoy approached his heart plummeted there in the distance a train was rapidly approaching and the person oblivious to the imminent danger continued to Slumber peacefully on the rails stop the train stop the train buy move move move move move s be advised uh train stopped right before he moves sit down are you okay where you come from than you officer seavoy reacted with exceptional speed and determination he embarked on a desperate 200 yard Sprint towards the endangered individual his voice echoing loudly as he attempted to alert the oncoming train and Rouse the sleeping man in a stroke of sheer luck and timing the man stirred from his Slumber and the train managed to come to a halt just in time on April 21st 2023 a routine day in bvad County Florida was disrupted by a high octane drama when 21-year-old Adam Crosby and his passenger 30 old Samantha Simpson were involved in a traffic stop that escalated into a full-blown chase the duo suspected of being part of a large scale methamphetamine trafficking ring decided to make a desperate attempt to escape when Florida Highway Patrol attempted to pull them over setting the stage for a dangerous Pursuit down the busling corridors of I95 the highspeed chase saw Crosby performing risky Maneuvers weaving in and out of traffic and placing countless lives in Jeopardy the situation reached a critical point when the suspect vehicle refusing to yield forced the officers to to consider a tactical intervention The Troop has executed a pit maneuver in an attempt to safely bring the vehicle to a [Music] St following the successful pit maneuver Crosby and Simpson were apprehended reports indicate that Crosby was arrested on several drug possession and traffic violation charges highlighting the serious nature of the allegations against him on May 6th 2016 a quiet community in Greenfield Wisconsin was shaken by an alarming event four teenagers emboldened and Reckless stole an SUV from a local dealership and catapulted themselves into a perilous situation as they sped down a busy main road at speeds reaching 100 mph the seriousness of their actions quickly became apparent when initially pulled over by an attentive officer the teens had a chance to comply instead they chose to flee setting off a dangerous Pursuit weaving in and out of traffic ignoring red lights and exhibiting a complete disregard for Public Safety they transformed the streets into a scene of chaos and Peril the situation escalated dramatically when one of the teens fired a gun from the moving vehicle the officer trailing them faced a daunting decision performing a pit maneuver at such high speeds could be as dangerous as it was decisive yet allowing the SUV to continue its Rampage posed a clear and present danger to everyone in its [Music] path [Music] the stolen SUV skitted across the median crashed into a concrete pole and was rendered inoperable miraculously the teenagers survived the crash and fled on foot notably one of them wore a GPS ankle bracelet from a previous carjacking incident the aftermath sparked a debate on the use of high-speed pit Maneuvers especially at such dangerous velocities police chief Brad wentland stood behind his officers decision citing the imperative to prevent further harm in the quaint town of Limestone Maine unbelievable incident happened on June 8th 2017 on this fateful day a distressing call was made alerting the local police and fire department of a fire that had erupted in a nearby wooded area as the blaze grew in intensity and ferocity it became apparent that this was no ordinary fire the Flames were rapidly advancing towards a collection of propane tanks the potential for a catastrophic explosion loomed large heightening the urgency for the firefighters to contain and extinguish the fire before it could reach the volatile [Music] tanks give firefighters valiantly endeavored to hold the fire's Relentless mark towards the propane tanks engaging in a perilous battle against the Relentless force of nature despite their best efforts the situation escalated perilously in Ry North Carolina a dramatic event unfolded on August 14th 2013 when state trooper AG Knight experienced a near Miss during a routine traffic stop on us64 as he interacted with a driver two semi- trucks nearly caused a severe accident 39 R uh just out a 1050 out here on 64 just uh just west of 96 nestled in the northwesternmost region of the Sunshine State Escambia County holds the distinction of being the the oldest County in Florida in mid June of 2023 this area faced an unforeseen natural Calamity the region was Suddenly besieged by severe rainstorms unleashing torrential downpours that led to unprecedented flash floods throughout the county in response to this crisis the brave deputies of the Escambia Sheriff's Department were promptly mobilized to Aid residents grappling with the sudden Deluge amidst the chaos Deputy Will Hollingsworth was diligently patrolling the waterlogged streets offering assistance to motorists who found themselves trapped by the rapidly Rising flood waters it was during this critical mission that Deputy Hollingsworth encountered a dire situation A man later identified as David boss was navigating his way home through the waste deep Waters after completing his workday unexpectedly he vanished beneath the murky water reacting instinctively Deputy Hollingsworth plunged into the treacherous Waters to rescue the man oh oh man I got you he bud got you oh Jesus oh Jesus buddy hey David David David can you believe what just happened to us you're okay buddy can you believe what happened to us just breathe Just Breathe free bu oh my god oh thank you [Music] Jesus oh Jesus thank oh good die too buddy suck me in oh my I did I never my like that in my life I mean oh unbeknownst to both it was a storm drain that had transformed into a perilous trap due to the overwhelming flood operating more like a powerful vacuum the storm drain and snared David B and nearly claimed Deputy Hollingsworth as well for an agonizing 30 seconds both individuals were submerged and dragged beneath Highway 98 during this terrifying Journey they were pulled through approximately 100 ft of water miraculously they emerged on the other side gasping for the sweet relief of air wori an a tragic incident involving a teenage cyclist at a railroad crossing highlights the dangers of impatience and disregard for safety signals the encounter occurred at a Crossing Mark with cross arms and flashing lights Universal indicators of an approaching train most people would Heed These Warnings and stop but this teenager chose to risk it all ignoring the safety barriers and the presence of a waiting car the teenager darted across the tracks narrowly escaping a high-speed train the train clipped the rear wheel of his bike sending it spinning offc screen miraculously he sustained only a minor head injury and was discharged from the hospital the same day this incident underscores a concerning Trend according to statistics about 61% of all fatal trained vehicle collisions occur at Crossings with active warning devices like Gates and lights in the United States alone there were more than 1,600 collisions between vehicles and trains in 2021 resulting in 133 deaths and 644 injuries these figures highlight that even with safety measures in place drivers and pedestrians often ignore warnings leading to preventable tragedies Adams County a routine traffic situation nearly turned tragic due to a driver's failure to adhere to move over laws this this incident captured on dash cam underscores the critical importance of these laws designed to protect roadside workers and emergency responders the dash cam footage captures the moment when a vehicle failing to follow the Move Over Law comes dangerously close to a police officer conducting a roadside stop okay so don't take this as you know jeez oh my God I got to go after [Applause] him while the video ends before the officer reaches the truck it's reported that he eventually caught up with the driver and issued a citation thankfully the officer was unharmed but understandably shaken by the near Miss move over laws now enacted in all 50 states mandate that drivers must either change lanes or slow down when passing stationary emergency vehicles these laws are not just regulatory measures but like life-saving ones according to the national highway traffic safety administration every year about 23 roadside workers and First Responders are involved in fatal crashes along roads and hundreds more suffer injuries while attending to traffic incidents in September 2015 an unusual incident occurred on Harbor Boulevard in La Habra California involving a 2010 Hyundai Sonata the driver 22-year-old Jasmine Lacy of San Bernardino was caught on dash cam footage acting erratically before she exited her moving vehicle after Lacy left the car it continued to move and caused a collision Lacy was later found wandering nearby by the California Highway Patrol and was initially taken to the hospital for a non-injury related reason she was subsequently arrested for driving Under the Influence according to reports Lacy was released from custody shortly after due to insufficient evidence to support a criminal complaint following her blood tests however she faced charges of driving under the influence of drugs hit and drawn with a runaway car and driving without a valid license Lacy failed to appear for her scheduled court date on February 10th 2016 resulting in a warrant for her arrest she was arrested on April 18th 2016
Channel: Just Kinjaz
Views: 217,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 10sec (2830 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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