Most Dangerous Animal Body Parts That Can Kill Them

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number 10 sheep horns sometimes it feels like mother nature is on a mission to make us question the universe like what's up with hail ice falling from the sky yikes and what about fingernails what purpose do they really have except if they're long they can pull out splinters and occasionally look pretty with Polish and if you're not careful you can get an ingrown toenail that becomes infected and can result in your own death and don't don't even get me started on wisdom teeth but we're not here today to talk about human fingernails or toenails for that matter we're here to talk about animals with deadly body parts that can actually injure or sometimes kill themselves like the Majestic arly sheep which has a strange defense mechanism that if gone unchecked can work against the Sheep I'm of course talking about its giant horns the argal Sheep is one of the largest in the world growing to a height of over 3 ft and weighing hundreds of pounds but despite being a massive mountain sheep with millions of years of evolution behind it the arly Sheep has one defect sometimes it gets killed by its own horns the arly Sheep has a very unique spiral horn lady sheep have horns too but they are small and won't hurt them it's the males that have the biggest horns and the threat of death they typically use their horns to compete against each other often when searching for a mate but if gone unchecked as the Sheep gets older and older their horns can actually twist around to the point where they are stabbing through the face of the sheep while this isn't something that happens often it can happen the horn can twist around until it pokes into their face at which point the Sheep would have to endure a slow and unimaginable painful death while it's slowly impaled by its own horn the one thing that protected it against predators and competition can be the death of him number nine turtle shells turtle shells are absolutely amazing to think that an animal actually evolved to have a shield on its back that it could Retreat into when threatened is miraculous and people don't give the ftle enough credit however having an actual shell as part of your body can be a bit of an issue sure it's great to hide inside of your shell when a predator tries to eat you but in the case of a turtle or tortoise a cracken it shell is basically a death sentence let me tell you why a torus shell is actually part of its body it's not the same as a hermit crabs shell when it can leave and swap out for a bigger one the tortoise's shell is part of the animal's body if you peeled the shell off you would literally peel the skin the spine and the rib RS off the turtle or tortoise killing it pretty much immediately this is horrifying because a lot of people don't know that and so they try to rip off the shell of the tortoise which is not a nice thing to do it's extremely painful for the animal but here is another way that the turtle can be killed by its own shell if a normal animal receives a wound it would probably heal with a bit of a rest but if a turtle gets a broken shell there is really no coming back from it beneath the shell there are organs a cracked shell can reveal the turtle's organs to the world inviting a quick and painful infection or death by a hungry animal hey real quick if this is your first time checking out the channel welcome give this video a like and hit that subscribe button for more videos like these number eight autocannibalism you might not think it but a snake's ability to swallow a whole animal sometimes leads to an untimely death in the case of a snake it's known as autocannibalism which is what happens when an animal decides to eat itself this can happen for a few different reasons the most common reason is that the snake mistakes its own tail for another animal at which point it attacks and eats itself seems odd but this can happen when the snake is shedding and can't see very well also if a snake gets too hot it will often become disorientated and a little confused the snake will become irrationally hungry and if the snake happens to be by itself there is going to be some autocannibalism the snake will literally start to eat itself from the tail up this won't typically result in the death of the snake unless it's so disorientated that it bites itself in half but it's still a real condition with potentially deadly consequences number seven fish gills one of the most popular questions typed into Google regarding fish is can a fish drown the answer to this question is yes a fish can absolutely drown in the water but it's not going to happen the way you think you see many things can go wrong to deprive a fish of its ability to breathe the main way that this can happen is when the oxygen level in the water becomes so low that the fish actually starts to suffocate as it can no longer receive enough oxygen through its gills unstable water parameters parasites and even disease can all contribute to unhealthy oxygen levels that result in a fish drowning of course this is extremely rare the water needs to be in terrible shape for there to not be any oxygen in it plus this generally only happens in aquariums if you were a bad fish owner and don't change or clean the water you could end up with a dramatic lack of oxygen in your tank which could cause your fish to drown another interesting fact is that great white sharks actually need to be in perpetual motion for their gills to work properly according to how stuff works if a great white shark stops moving its gills won't properly work and it will drown even though gills are a really amazing feature of nature they can have their drawbacks number six sheep's wool imagine if your hair grew so long that it killed you well that's what almost happened to Chris the Sheep Chris was a famous Marino sheep that once had the heaviest fleece in the world the animal gained Global Fame in 2015 after being discovered in the wild carrying at least 6 years worth of wool on its body the Sheep had so much hair that in the wild it probably would have died if left alone the Sheep had 88 pounds of fleece on it which according to the BBC was later confirmed to be a world record it was about five times the normal amount of fleece found on a Marino sheep imagine walking around with an extra 100 lb of hair it would be a nightmare and yes it was a nightmare for Chris the Sheep luckily Chris the Sheep was rescued and given a life-saving haircut sadly he died 4 years later since then Chris's massive coat of wool has been put on display at the national museum of Australia where it can still be viewed today number five the human tongue the human tongue is one of the most dangerous body parts in the world while it may be physically impossible to swallow your tongue while conscious if you happened to land on your head have a seizure or be knocked unconscious for whatever reason your tongue can become a deadly weapon there's no better example of this than the 15-year-old boy who died after he swallowed his tongue during a rugby match it all happened when an opponent during the game fell on the school boy the Boy collapsed the other player landed right on his head and even a staff tried to revive him while paramedics hurried to the scene his tongue slithered down his throat and choked him he was taken by helicopter to the nearest children's hospital but was pronounced the dead shortly after cause of death choked to death on his own tongue this is obviously a horrifying and tragic accident but it just goes to show that some of the mechanisms we have been given by nature to survive and function in a human society can cause our downfall number four snake fangs have you ever wondered if a snake is immune to its own Venom can a snake actually bite itself to death with its own fangs the answer is absolutely yes but it is extremely complicated first a venomous snake is not going to be harmed by its own Venom if it digests it this is because from the primary component inside the Venom being a Protein Plus Venom is excreted from a salivary gland inside the snake's mouth meaning that no matter what the snake does chances are it's going to ingest a little bit of its own toxins so how can a snake kill itself with its own poison it all comes down to the method of injection for the protein toxins to be potent in snake venom they absolutely must be injected directly into an animal's bloodstream either that or they need to be absorbed into the body tissue so even though a snake can ingest its own Venom as the acids and digestive enzymes inside of its stomach break down the harmful toxins a snake can still inject itself if a venomous snake were to accidentally bite itself and inject Venom directly into its bloodstream the Venom would have the same effect on the snake that it would have on any other type of animal the only good news for snakes is that they are not very likely to bite themselves but that's not to say it doesn't happen after all how often have you bit your own tongue or accidentally chomped down on a finger while eating some French friers number three deer instincts deer are probably the most unfortunate animals on the planet no other creature in North America is run down with such frequency as the average deer the powerful legs of a deer the very thing that gives them speed and maneuverability to outwit and outrun Predators now caused them to run straight into traffic being smacked by cars and trucks on the highway but cars and trucks are not the only danger when the deer's instincts kick in its legs start running because it simply wants to get away but in a man-made world that's hard to do for example take the family of deer recently caught on film plunging to their death off a bridge in the state of Iowa according to USA Today an entire Hood jumped to their Doom completely by accident and yet they were only doing what they were programmed to do the deer were running across the road when they leapt over the safety rail which just so happens to be part of a bridge rather than landing on soft ground the deer all fell 20 ft onto hard concrete and died instantly this is incredibly tragic and it must have been horrifying to witness in real life but it just goes to show that animals can be just as harmful to themselves as anything else number two blood feathers did you know that chickens can actually die from just growing feathers apparently growing new feathers is an incredibly uncomfortable experience and yet one that is necessary for every chicken during the fall when birds are molting they will start to grow new feathers and when this happens sometimes a developing feather will break before it can be fully grown this is called a blood feather and it isn't in itself an immediate cause of death for a chicken as they will generally heal eventually in the wild it wouldn't be a big deal however chickens that are captives of humans and clustered in large groups will often perish because of a blood feather the reason why is quite horrifying basically chickens are a lot like piranhas in a way when chickens get the scent of blood they go absolutely bananas so when one chicken gets a blood feather that breaks and begins to bleed all over the place the other chickens will flip out and Peck the injured chicken to death in a matter of seconds they literally become enraged sharks when the pen is filled with the scent and taste of blood if your chicken has a broken feather and starts to bleed you better get them out of there immediately before the other chickens tear them apart number one barberusa teeth the male Barbara is a type of pig animal that is far more interesting than any other ordinary Barnyard Pig these incredible beasts have teeth unlike anything you've ever seen before both males and females have lower tusks also known as teeth however the male Barbara has unique teeth growing out of the front of its face that curl back towards its forehead because the teeth are made from a similar material as our fingernails they continue to grow forever if they're not broken off during fights or worn off in some other way they continue to grow and curve until they pierce the center of the Barbara's face and grow straight through its skull this is a slow impalement that can lead to death however it's pretty rare the Barbara only lives around 10 years in the wilderness and in all that time they typically find a way to break off their teeth before they get impaled by them number 10 Moby Dicks inspiration the most famous whale of all time is definitely Moby dig but did you know that the INF whale written about in Herman Melville's novel is based on a real creature the original novel was published in 1851 and is still considered a classic but it was actually based on a whale named mocha dick who had been wildly famous in the 1800s mocha dick was named after an island in Chile after locals spotted what they believed to be the largest and most powerful sperm whale in history mocha dick allegedly destroyed at least 20 whaling vessels and escaped death from over 80 ships set on destroying him this Rogue whale was the inspiration for the famous novel as it was the scourge of the Pacific Ocean in its day there was even a book written about him in 1839 titled mocha dick and that ended up being a huge inspiration for Herman Melville who transformed the real story of mocha dick into a tale that would survive the centuries but what a lot of people don't know is that the book itself did not make any money during Melville's lifetime according to Smithsonian Magazine it wasn't until much later when the Wailing industry had destroyed huge of the ocean and the public began to fight back against the industry the book took off and became a cultural success story number nine pilot whales when people think of whales they often think of blue whales humpback whales and maybe even killer whales and of course like we've already discussed people immediately think about Moby Dick but there are in fact a lot of very unique whales roaming around in the oceans of our world that almost nobody knows about one such animal is the pilot whale which is actually a type of dolphin but it's extremely large growing to be over 20 ft long the pilots whale is part of the Blackfish Group which also includes killer whales the biggest dolphins of them all what's really remarkable is that humans and Pilots whales have a few features in common humans and Pilots whales experience menopur with female whales losing their fertility before they ever reach old age there are not many other species on Earth that go through these same changes according to scientists the similarities have a lot to do with our family units in terms of genetics it's generally considered better for older women and for older female pilot whales to spend time caring for their grandchildren rather than making more children of their own one of the stranger things with pilot whales is that for some reason they often experience Mass strandings which scientists have yet to explain nobody knows why it happens but sometimes massive groups of pilot whales become stuck on Shore and die and apparently it's been happening since the time of the ancient Greeks and now for number eight but first if you're new to the channel welcome give this video a like and hit that subscribe button for more videos like these number eight the loneliest whale in the world back in the early '90s a mysterious whale was being trapped throughout the Pacific Ocean scientists believed it was the lonliest whale in the world this is because it was constantly singing some people claimed that it was wandering across the Pacific Ocean crying out for a companion that never came basically it was the most desperate Bachelor or Bachelorette in the ocean scientists don't know if it was a male or a female they don't even know what species it was a according to the BBC this curious whale is still one of the animal Kingdom's greatest Mysteries however scientists are now saying that maybe they were wrong about the loneliness of the whale it might not have been isolated it may have been singing its song Simply as a way to impress members of the opposite sex but what's so unique about this whales song well it all started in 1989 when submarines began to pick out some very strange signals the signals were similar to blue whale calls but there was a massive difference in frequency blue whale whales usually sing between 10 and 40 Herz but this whale was singing at a frequency of 52 Herz unfortunately this magnificent whale passed away after its last known recording in 2004 estimated to be roughly 78 years old to this day nobody knows why the whales call was so unique or what it was singing about number seven bowhead whales bowhead whales are another fascinating species of whale that not many people are aware of this fantastic creature has a skull that takes up at least 1/3 of its body it's also one of the fattest whales in the world with estimates saying that the whale has the heaviest weight in comparison to its body but that's not to say the whale is overweight most of its bulk comes from extremely thick layers of blubber that help to keep it warm while it wanders through its home in the Arctic Waters you might notice that this particular species seems to look a little grumpy the way that the boohead whale's mouth is arched makes it seem like it's frowning all the time but it's probably in a fine mood after all the boohead whale has special Bine bristles that hang from its upper jaw which means that all it needs to do to feed is open its mouth swim through the water and let Crustaceans and other Marine invertebrates get trapped inside the bristles it's like walking into a candy store with your mouth open while people place Bits of candy on your tongue it's perhaps the laziest way any animal on Earth Eats but hey it's what they do as for their length the bowhead whale has bristles inside its mouth that can measure over 10 ft long according to the World Wildlife Foundation the boohead whale grows to be around 60 ft in length and weighing over 100 tons number six the amuras whale the amuras whale is the most recently discovered large whale species on Earth and human beings are only now starting to understand their Global range and impact on the planet a researcher from the New England Aquarium in Boston has recently published a scientific paper stating all known sightings of The elusive Amira's whale we now know that the whale has a huge range much larger than we previously thought it turns out these whales are living all throughout our oceans but somehow without our knowledge how have they remained undetected for so long and just what exactly is the Amira's whale well just like the bowhead whale the amur's whale is a filter feeding B satation with bristles in its mouth that it uses to eat Krill and zooplankton the whale was first discovered by Japanese Whalers in the 1970s but it wasn't until 2003 when DNA evidence examined by researchers determined that the whales a completely new species that had been previously unknown to science and yet these whales are even more mysterious ious than that in 2011 research teams finally observed aive amur's whale in the wild to this day there is still very little known about this unique species other than that they are at risk due to global factors and that they clearly don't like human attention number five the Vita it's time to meet the most adorable whale on earth it's one of the rarest marine mammals on the planet and is also the most endangered satation on the planet for those who don't know all dolphins and whales are cations just like how how crabs and lobsters are all crustaceans in previous years the Chinese river dolphin was widely recognized as the most endangered satation on Earth however in 2007 scientists officially declared it extinct after finding no trace of the Chinese river dolphing anywhere in the Yanti River where they had thrived for Millennia before humans showed up now the vakita has been marked by the World Wildlife Foundation as the most endangered dolphin on Earth the Vita porpus is small and adorable and easily identifiable thanks to the black markings around its eyes and mouth that kind of make it look like it put on lipstick and eyeliner but even though these creatures are easy to identify they certainly aren't easy to be found as a resident of the northern part of the Gulf of California there are believed to be less than 200 of them in the area the species was only recently discovered in 1958 and already they are just a few years from going extinct they rarely go deeper than 900 ft below the surface of the water and typically swim in shallows which makes them even more vulnerable from being trapped in Nets of fisherman number four risso dolphin the Riso dolphin is another beautiful creature that not many people have heard of they are extremely social and arguably the most beat up looking dolphins in the world this is because the Riso dolphin spends most of its life getting into fights this type of dolphin fights with squid and other members of its own species and this causes them to be left riddled with pale white scars the older the dolphin is the more scars it has all over its body some of the oldest Ros dolphins look more like beluga whales what's really unique about this dolphin is that it doesn't have a snout after the release of the 2010 documentary The Cove about the Japanese in their annual dolphin hunting season there was massive backlash and Global condemnation and this is hopefully helping to prevent the destruction of the species number three migalo the whale when we think about albino animals what's the first white animal that pops into your head did you know that there is a famous albino whale swimming around our oceans the whale's name is migalo and he is 100% albo o and was first discovered in 1998 most scientists believe migalo is about 30 years old and after sampling its DNA in 2004 migalo was officially recognized as a male he's been spotted over 50 times by whale watchers from all over the globe and the Australian government keeps close tabs on him in fact migalo the albino whale is so important to the country of Australia and indeed to the world that he is protected under special government legislation that prohibits vehicles from getting anywhere close to him Marine vessels are not allowed within 1500 ft of migaloo and aircrafts are not allowed lower than 2,000 ft when flying above migaloo but what kind of whale is he migaloo is an Eastern Australian humpback whale and he annually migrates about 5,000 mi from his favorite Antarctic feeding grounds to the tropical regions around the Great Barrier Reef likely to try to get busy with some lady humpback Wales his beautiful albino blubber is what makes him famous what's really remarkable is that marine mammals can inherit the exact same condition that other creatures on Earth can in which the body refuses to produce melanin causing zero pigmentation of the animal this means that migalo has completely white skin and red eyes just like an albino gorilla or an albino squirrel number two Common's dolphin out of all the dolphins we talked about today the Common's dolphin is definitely one of the coolest they are a playful species that enjoy riding the waves and swimming upside down it has a striking black and white pattern which gives it a remarkable appearance the male dolphin has an oval-shaped black patch on its belly and the female has a v-shaped patch on its belly making them some of the easiest animals to distinguish when it comes to sex at least certainly much easier than distinguishing between a male and female octopus out of all the dolphin species in the world the common is arguably the least fussy most dolphins have pretty specialized diets but these guys don't really care what they eat they have a big appetite and will eat octopus squid shrimp and even large ocean worms a single commisson dolphin must consume 10% of its daily body weights every day just to stay healthy and active number one the Leviathan the final whale on our list today is the most intense I'm talking about the great Leviathan properly known as the Leviathan Melville which has been confirmed as the largest sperm well ever to roam the Earth of course this great whale is now extinct but millions of years ago it roamed the oceans feeding on smaller whales it's an ancient species with teeth dramatically larger than what you would find on any sperm whale today the most recent and largest fossil was found in the middle of the Peruvian desert where the species ended up going extinct between 12 and 13 million years ago according to an article published in the journal Nature researchers discovered 75% of the animal's skull in the desert complete with fragments of jaw and some teeth by pairing the skull length with what scientists know about modern sperm whales they were able to estimate the Leviathan was roughly 57 ft long however it's totally possible that bigger leviathans could have ruled to the Seas we just said haven't found any evidence of them yet of course the big deal about the prehistoric Leviathan is that it ate other whales it used its size and its teeth to rip asunder small ballen whales likely related to many of the species we've been talking about today the leviathon was much smaller than the modern blue whale which Remains the largest animal to have ever lived but it was far more ferocious and Miles more ruthless number 10 Big Jake this freak of nature is stunning he is the tallest current living horse his name is Big Jake and he's a Belgian gelding horse who has earned worldwide recognition for his extraordinary height without shoes Big Jake stands an outstanding 82.75% truth the photos really don't do Big Jake Justice he is absolutely enormous there is no secret trick to this horse's immense height he was simply born to be incredible his parents were completely average and Big Jake was not even overly large when he was born however he just kept growing according to his owners Big Jake eats a little more than an average horse which amounts to one or two buckets of grain and a full baale of hay every day as well as the extra food Big Jake gets some extra accommodation as the world's tallest horse he needs his own special place to live as of 2020 Big Jake is approximately 19 years old he now spends his time at home relaxing around the farm with other horses it's nice to see a wonderful and impressive horse like big Jake enjoying his retirement years peacefully would you want to take care of such an insanely big animal I bet you'd feel like royalty while riding this Valiant horse let me know what you think in the comments below and while you're there don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already there are loads of amazing videos coming out every week and you won't want to miss any of them number nine piron piron horses are some of the biggest in the world these Shaggy horses have a very unique appearance including chocolate brown bodies and blonde hair and they even have some of the hairiest feet out of any horse they are also incredibly gentle originally bred to be war horses then powerful draft horses the modern Peron horse is calm and caring and extremely comfortable with a Saddle and Harness these horses still compete on the competitive circuit and they're often crossed with lighter horse breeds to produce a very sporty riding horse a typical Peron horse will grow to be anywhere between 60 in and 76 in in height with a weight of between 1,800 and 2600 lb they have an extremely muscular build upright ears and are great for any type of owner these horses can also live to be an amazing 30 years old they originate from the P province of France which is where they got their name but other than that there is not much known about the origins of this bridge that said some experts do believe the earliest piron horses could have been a cross between a Flemish draft horse and a Barb horse somewhere along the line Arabian Bloodlines were introduced to give these horses a boost in athleticism number eight Clydesdale the cdale is probably one of the most well-known horses in existence they are extremely popular and can be found widely all over the United States but they in fact originate from lanx Shire in Scotland near the river Clyde the breed really found its foot in 1715 when a Flemish stallion was brought to the area to breed with the local Mayes and later shy blood was introduced to make them even more robust Clyde stale horses made their way to North America in about 1842 according to britanica but even though these horses are widely recognized they never became hugely popular as draft horses they only average between 68 and 72 in tall and weigh roughly 2,000 the horses are darker in color and typically have pale White markings on the their face and legs people in the United States recognize Clyde stale horses because of the Budweiser parade these Majestic steeds are always seen in the Budweiser parade and this is one of the reasons they are so widely recognized they are also super easy to raise and were conscripted during World War I unfortunately they grew very near to Extinction after the war but today the Clyde stale horse is doing okay with around 600 additional horses being registered each year in the United States Alone number seven Brooklyn Supreme Brooklyn Supreme is often considered one of the largest horses to have ever walked the Earth he was a Belgian stallion who weighed 3200 and stood 79 in tall with a ridiculous girth of over 10 ft to make a single shoe for Brooklyn Supreme it required a 30in bar of iron those are some pretty big feet this would have been in 1928 in the state of Iowa it's reported that Brooklyn Supreme lived for a full 20 years before passing away sadly in 19 48 during his life Brooklyn Supreme was a gentle giant apparently he had a weird habit of stealing food from unsuspecting children who wanted to pet him this is according to an old newspaper clipping talking about the horse in which it states that Brooklyn Supreme's greatest Delight is stealing ice cream cones and goodies from unsuspecting little boys and girls and to this his exhibitor agreed Brooklyn Supreme had a real hankering for sweets he must have needed something to give him all that strength number six Belgian h horse Belgian horses are some of the biggest in the world if you didn't notice the two largest individual specimens recently recorded Brooklyn Supreme and Big Jake were both Belgian horses these are remarkable animals that go back centuries to Old Europe the original Belgian horse was a descendant from the Flemish great horse which was a medieval battle horse used in ancient Netherlands Belgium and Luxembourg as you can probably imagine these horses were big enough to charge the front lines in 1866 the first Belgian horse was taken to the United States where the breed was well accepted and grew to be fairly popular this horse has a natural doile temperament thick muscles short legs and a whole lot of strength even though they only grow to be a maximum of around 68 in they can weigh up to an outstanding 2200 lb unlike the traditional Flemish horse which was black Belgian horses can be found typically with a chestnuts type color light brown with minimal markings number five Dutch draft horse another powerful European horse one which comes from around the same region as the Belgian horse is the Dutch draft horse these are famous for being some of the burliest and toughest horses in the world as for their appearance they look positively musclebound like gym enthusiasts these are powerful working horses that are great for using on the farm and for transporting heavy machinery they were extremely popular back in the Netherlands when they used horses rather than trucks Dutch draft horses were often seen doing agricultural work and tending to the land however with mechanization and motorization came the decline of the horse it simply wasn't useful any longer but luckily there are still horse enthusiasts out there who breed and take care of these amazingly powerful beasts today they are mostly used for recreation and dressage competitions they don't grow that tall only about 64 in but they do have Superior strength even among their taller cousins I wonder if this horse competes in any bodybuilding competitions number four the sh horse the sh sh horse is by far the tallest and strongest of all the horse breeds on the planet the blood from sh horses is found in almost every large type of horse around the world these are magnificent and beautiful beasts that can be found in many corners of the globe they look very similar to Clyde stale horses but they are far larger they have enormous Hooves a small amount of Feathering on their legs and can be found in a variety of different colors even though they are seriously large sh horses are known to be calm docile and great for horse lovers with any level of experience if you like the feeling of being tall on the back of a horse the sh horse is perfect for you a typical sh horse can grow up to be around 72 in tall though there are exceptions where they can grow taller in very rare cases they top out at around 2400 lb and like most other horses they can live to be up to 30 years old the first sh horse came to the United States in around 1853 but they weren't very popular people mostly use them for breeding to increase theze size of horses that they actually like because of this sh horses became one of the most popular breeds for mating unfortunately the sh horse is now on several lists of endangered livestock breeds in the United States Canada and the United Kingdom it would be well worth to keep these magnificent beasts around because they are friendly fun to ride and are absolutely gigantic number three Bumble the smallest horse ever it's time to take a break from the enormous horses and turn our attention to the world's smallest horse that's right a switch on the list of the biggest horses to see what the other end of the spectrum looks like and this friendly animal is almost too cute meet Bumble from Poland Bumble means bubble in Polish and the horse has been named so because of his bubble-shaped body he is a miniature appala and is incredibly adorable he doesn't even stand past most people's knees the poor little horse only stands 1T and 10 in from his Hooves to his shoulder blades when looking at Bumble next to an ordinary horse it's a little comical it's like trying to put a house cat beside a tiger but nonetheless Bumble is reported to have a whole lot of personality and an enormous heart in an article by Guinness World Records they claimed that Bumble was actually born to parents who were completely normal for miniature horses of course it soon became apparent that this horse was special and even with his status as the world's smallest horse bomble still finds time to give back to the community once a month he visits the local children's hospital to help cheer up the young patients I don't know know about you but I would love to get a visit from this wonderful little animal I know it would improve my mood no matter what number two Po in 2009 po horse was trying to be the tallest horse in the world which would have knocked Big Jake totally out of the picture according to an article by the daily maale po horse stood 81 in tall but he was no match for Big Jake who stood 82.75% currently living in the world he lives on a farm in tupperville Ontario he eats about two bales of hay a day 10 lb of grain and drinks about 75 gallons of water I try to drink one gallon of water a day but this animal has a thirst like nothing I've ever seen imagine trying to drink that much water you'd probably explode now if you're wondering where he got his name from the woman who rescued him named him after her favorite writer Edgar alen Poe the horse had been working at a brewery prior to being adopted hauling in crates of Budweiser of course he was a famous stage horse with that kind of majestic size and strength fortunately he is retired and lives a much more relaxed life now number one Samson Samson was the biggest horse ever at least that's what Guinness World Records say it's difficult to find any concrete information on this horse but the consensus is that he stood 85 in tall and weighed 3,359 he was born in the 1840s which is probably why there is so little information about him him but nonetheless Samson Remains the largest ever documented horse he didn't only go by Samson either after gaining some serious recognition he was given a new name Mammoth he grew up in bedfordshire in the UK and was bred by a man named Thomas cleever and in case you were wondering what type of breed Samson was he was a sh horse the biggest downside to the world's largest horse being born in the 1840s is that there are no images of him there certainly aren't any photos since the first camera was only in invented in 1826 and you definitely won't find any drawings but I bet if you'd been alive to see him you would have been totally Blown Away by his size this horse is taller than almost every NBA player and weighs more than most cars isn't it incredible he's the Undisputed king of stallion number 10 Gustav the crocodile perhaps no animal on earth is more feared than Gustav the crocodile crocodiles are some of the most fearsome animals on the planet with a history of about 100 million years on Earth they have survived Extinction events cataclysms and plenty of natural disasters and they are still the top predators in their territories they are also still a threat to mankind but Gustav is a threat unlike any other he is allegedly between 65 and 100 years old making him in his man-eating Prime Gustav is also over 18 ft in length and has apparently eaten at least 300 people in the African count of Burundi that's right 300 people Burundi is one of the five poorest countries in the world and to make matters worse they have Gustav the killer crocodile eating people left right and Center he became widely famous in 2004 during a documentary in which a herpetologist tried to capture him of course to no avail Gustav had apparently been in a firefight with police but even bullets were not enough to bring him down the herbologists did no chance of catching him and he never did there are some who believe the Croc was killed in 2019 but there's no definitive proof Gustav could still be haunting the rivers of Burundi eating people whenever the mood strikes he has shown no sign of slowing down and he could go on killing for another 20 years or more until he simply perishes of old age or tires of eating human flesh number nine the maneaters of Savo it's time to meet the most notorious wild lions in the history of the earth these are the maneaters of Savo and they have a legend that will probably never be outmatched it all started in 189 8 when a pair of lions began terrorizing construction Crews building a railroad bridge over the Savo River according to the Smithsonian Magazine historical estimates placed the death toll at 135 people one worker from the railway wrote that hundreds of men fell victims to the Savage creatures whose very Jaws were steeped in blood that is a pretty intense statement the railroad bridge was a project put forth by the British colonial government and apparently it ended up being a death sentence to many of the men who worked on it unfortunately the man eating lions were actually killed by a lieutenant colonel named John Henry Patterson he then sold their bodies for $5,000 to the field museum in Chicago where visitors are still able to Feast their eyes upon these killer lions and even though they were supposed to have eaten 135 people a zoologist with the museum named Bruce Patterson claims that it was likely much less they probably only ate about 35 people after doing chemical tests of hair samples from the preserved Lions The Zo ologists was able to determine that they had indeed eaten Mass amounts of human flesh in the days and weeks before they were killed however Patterson estimated that one lion only ate 10 people while the second lion ate about 24 it's still a horrifying number but not quite as disturbing as the original estimates what's really interesting is that today the lions in the Savo region are still the most bloodthirsty in the world they will attack people for just about any reason and are especially dangerous when injured this is not a place where you want to run into a wild Cat Number Eight rampaging elephant elephants have always been known to have a violent side of them but there was one elephant who went on a mad Rampage through an Indian town and damaged over 100 buildings shops and homes these massive creatures can do a lot of damage if they want to and there's nothing worse than something with such a destructive force being aimed directly at your town this happened a few hundred miles from kataa when the elephant allegedly strayed from the rest of its herd got lost and ended up strolling right into t down the elephant then proceeded to knock down about 100 houses and Destroy Vehicles as it expressed its rage in the street people threw stones at the elephant to try and drive it away but that clearly didn't work eventually Forest officials showed up and filled the lunatic Beast with tranquilizer dots to get it under control and then they had to use a special crane to lift the animal out of the town but at the end of the day it wasn't the elephant's fault after all it was the people who built their city in the elephant's territory luckily nobody was killed during the animals Outburst but a lot of people definitely had to do some rebuilding number seven the brown bear of sanketsu the sanketsu bear incident of 1915 created the most legendary brown bear in history if you thought bears were scary already wait until you meet the most feared bear to have ever lived it all went down during the first world war but while the Japanese were fighting military battles abroad off the coast of Hokkaido Island inhabitants were fighting a battle of their own a massive Usery brown bear had awoken from its hibernation early hungry and eager to eat the bear proceeded to go on a killing spree that would Mar the island for the rest of time the bear attacks began in late November except that the bear didn't attack first the local villagers managed to shoot the animal after spotting it three times they followed the trail of blood up to the local mountain but couldn't catch the animal and they assumed the bear would then leave them alone but after a week of healing the bear reappeared with a Vengeance the bear entered the house of a random family attacked and killed a baby then dragged the mother outside and mauled her to death five men tracked the bear shot at it but it escaped yet again at this point the village was in a total panic there were about 50 guards deployed in the village to keep watch for the marauding bear but despite the security detail the bear managed to sneak past get inside another house and mle everyone inside before kicking open the front door and attacking the guard who had come to investigate the noises in total the bear killed several children a pregnant woman and a guard in just one night and then he escaped again Into the Wilderness unfortunately for the bear a search party of about 60 men joined by experienced snipers crept up the mountain and killed him in his sleep when measured the Japanese found he was 749 lb and almost 9 ft tall number six the Jersey Shore Maneater the most feared shark in history lived just off the coast of New Jersey it was responsible for a string of attacks in 1916 that would bolster its place in history but between July the 1st and 12th four people were killed and one person was injured by a rampaging shark this was during the same summer in which a deadly polio epidemic had broken out in the United States thousands and thousands of people had been driven to Seaside resorts to escape the epidemic unfortunately for them the Jersey Shore maner was on the prow on July 14th just 2 days after the latest attack a taxidermist from Harlem caught a 7 and 1/2t shark while fishing off the coast of New Jersey the Shar was so huge and so vicious ious that it nearly knocked the guy's boat over before he managed to stab it to death with a broken ore when the shark was taken back and the guts were removed the man discovered a suspicious material inside its stomach which he later identified as being human remains it looks like he caught the Jersey Shore maner after July 14th the attacks stopped altogether number five tikum the whale tikum was a killer whale in every sense of the word this monstrous beast of the ocean was involved in at least three human fatalities during it 25 years at SeaWorld including a trainer from SeaWorld in 2010 you may also remember this well from the hit CNN documentary Blackfish in January 2017 the notorious and feared orca whale finally passed away at around 35 years of age SeaWorld had reported just a few months earlier that the Orca was likely dying it's always sad when an animal dies in captivity but there's no denying that tikum was a murderer the whale killed Dawn brano in 2010 when he pulled her underwater by her ponytail and drowned her in front of an audience the whale was so aggressive that Rescuers were unable to get into the tank and save the woman's life but even more disturbing is that tikum had been linked to at least two other homicides he and two other whales were involved in the coldblooded drowning of another Marine trainer in the province of British Columbia back in 1991 she too was dragged underwater and drowned in front of Park visitors as for the final death tikum is blamed for murdering a man in 1999 who hid inside SeaWorld after it closed and then climbed into the whale's tank you might call this self-defense so you can't entirely blame the whale for killing someone who broke into his house but at the end of the day there's no denying that tikum had taken three lives and was one of the most feared whales in history number four the Cobra That Killed Cleopatra cobras are not exactly cute and cuddly while there could have been a Serial Killer Cobra at some point in history today we're looking at the infamous Cobra that allegedly Killed Cleopatra so far as the story of Cleopatra's death goes she and her lover Mark Anthony were decimated in battle in 31 BC and forced to retreat to the city of Alexandria then when the Roman army came to their City Gates Mark Anthony fell on his sword and Cleopatra apparently allowed a poisonous snake to bite her two handmaidens and then herself but is this historically accurate if so the Cobra involved in the fatality would be the most notorious snake in the world it would be the Snake That Killed The Majestic Queen of Egypt how however everything is so vague when it comes to Cleopatra she fictionalized most of her life to be as dramatic as possible and according to there is no solid evidence about how she died whether by the bite of a cobra or by some other means the whole account could just be a fictional story we may never know the truth of how Cleopatra died or if a snake was even involved number three the elephant Asama Bin Laden it seems pretty rude to nickname an elephant Asama Bin Laden and yet that's exactly what the fearful villages in India named a rogue elephant after it allegedly killed 14 people in the region AMA Bin Laden evaded capture twice it killed as it saw fit and it became one of the most feared elephants in the history of India this happened back around 2006 and a wildlife Ranger was called in to deal with the situation it was eventually shot and killed but to this day some people claim the hunter killed the wrong elephant just 2 years after the death of the original Osama Bin Laden yet another rogue elephant cropped up near jarand and caused at least 11 fatalities and over a dozen injuries assama Bin Laden is now synonymous in India with killer elephants number two the Beast of jauan the Beast of jauan is one of the most mysterious and feared animals that has ever roamed the Earth it's also one of the oldest ones on the list between 1764 and 1767 the Beast of jaudon terrorized France according to around 100 men women and children fell victim to the malicious monster and while original accounts claimed it to be a giant wolf it may not actually have been a wolf at all some people even believed that there was more than one beast at work the entire country of France was terrified of the creature and King Louis the 15th ended up dispatching Hunters to try and capture whatever was plaguing the country there was a massive Bounty put on the creature's head and in 1765 a man named franois Antoine shot a very large wolf and collected the reward but this ended up being a fast attacks started again later but the Royal Court ignored all claims that the Beast was loose a hunt was eventually organized without the king and an even larger and more fearsome animal was discovered and killed on the mountain slopes and inside its belly were found human remains but to this day no trace of the mysterious Beast of Javon remains nobody has any idea what kind of animal it was accounts from the 1700s claim it was not like any wolf ever seen before and so it could have been some kind of strange canine like animal that went extinct hundreds of years ago it could even have been a dire wolf number one the leopard of panar the leopard of panar is one of the most feared cats of all time it was a male leopard that lived in India near the beginning of the 20th century and allegedly killed at least 400 people the leopard was apparently injured and so it was unable to hunt wild animals to survive in order to keep living the leopard began to hunt people and let's be honest if a person doesn't have a gun or a large sharp stick they make for pretty easy hunting even by a wild cat the leopard's reign of terror only lasted for so long it was eventually shot by a man named Jim Corbett in 1910 it took him a few tries to do it but eventually he did manage to shoot the wounded animal and put an end to its human Feast as a bonus bit of knowledge even though leopards are quite small compared to lions and tigers they are often considered the most dangerous cats some hunters even claim that leopards are about 10 times more dangerous than Lions mostly because of their stealth speed and Savage ability to kill number 10 the tree goats of Morocco goats are adorable have you seen the pictures of them in pajamas or heard about goat yoga classes we've all seen goats in precarious situations these animals have an uncanny way of climbing just about anything but there's a huge difference between goats that can climb up Cliffs and goats that can actually climb up trees there are groups of goats in Morocco that are better tree climbers than just about any 12-year-old that you know specifically goats in Morocco climb the argania tree which is a gnarled and thorny tree with crooked branches and rough bark these trees look like the last thing anyone would want to climb and yet they attract goats like crazy if you ever journey into Southwestern Morocco you can find these goats relaxing high up in the trees on extremely thin branches and it's not just one either there are often dozens of goats all congregated inside of the tree seemingly for no reason they just like to hang out there it's one of the most bizarre things you'll ever see but of course the goats do have a reason for climbing they Venture up in the trees to eat the fruit they then spread the seeds all over the ground because they're messy eaters allowing for more trees to bloom in the future it's all about the circle of life number nine sheep eating plant if you were forced to name one carnivorous plant it would probably be the Venus fly trap right that's obviously the most well-known plant that has evolved to eat live animals but did you know that outside of the swampy areas where the spectacular venus fly trap lives there is a spiky tropical plant that is able to eat sheep it's known as Pua chilensis and it's a native plant from the mountains of Chile however for the first time in 15 years of trying water culturists in England have managed to make them bloom that's right there are sheep eating plants now blooming in England but how do these prickly plants actually eat sheep well according to Popular Science they are not technically carnivorous like other plants as they don't digest animal matter instead the spikes on the rather sharp plant work to trap animals that pass by with thick fur a sheep The Unlucky sheep then starves to death falls to the ground and gradually decomposes when the Sheep decomposes it becomes food all those yummy sheep nutrients then seep into the soil and the Sheep eating plant gobbles them up through its root system again it's all about the circle of life hey real quick if you're new to checking out the channel welcome go ahead and give this video a like and hit that subscribe button for more videos like these number eight the biggest Lily Pad ever lily pads are some of the coolest and strangest parts of nature but nothing is quite as strange as the Victoria amazonica the largest water lily in the entire world this massive and lovely Lily Pad was first discovered in 1801 in Bolivia as you probably already guessed the world's giant lilipad can be found in the shallow water basins of the Amazon River it also goes by the name the giant water lily but just how enormous is the biggest Lily Pad in the world well it's big enough for you to sit on the giant water lily is about 10 ft in diameter with a submerged stalk that can be up to 26 ft in length it's also strong enough for a person to sit on they kind of resemble giant green Reese's Cups unfortunately you won't see any giant monstrous frogs hopping from lily pad to Lily Pad these are more like flowers painted red underneath their leaves with sharp spines so that the fish don't eat them other than just looking incredibly cool they don't really do anything else but they are definitely weird number seven Firefly Squid perhaps one of the strangest and most fascinating things that occurs in nature is bioluminescence there's nothing more striking than an animal or plant that literally glows like a nightlight each year between March and June there is a dazzling spectacle off the coast of Western Japan in which you can actually view the Firefly Squid floating near the surface of the ocean these magicall looking squids glow bright blue and it's a sight unlike any other they often wash up on the beach creating a luminescent blue almost purplish glow across all of the shore but what's even cooler is how these animals produce their life they actually have three different organs inside their bodies that make them glow then they have five smaller light organs found around each of their eyes oh yeah and don't forget the hundreds of tiny photo fors on the skin of the squid which produces green and blue light when all these organs are lit up you have a glowing squid that looks like a tiny alien monster going to a rave number six The Headless camel when it comes to a list of strange things in nature you would think a headless camel wandering around would without doubt Bey on it we've all heard of the headless horsemen but nobody has ever heard of the Headless camel and yet one has been caught on camera standing in the middle of the sweltering desert in India completely without a head a photographer had been visiting the beautiful ja salmir desert with his family when he happened upon the Headless camel at first the photographer was probably pretty shocked but as you can imagine it is actually impossible for a camel to walk around without its head not only that but you can definitely tell by the picture that the animal doesn't even have a neck to hold up a head that's just not realistic how can this be real well sorry to burst your bubble but the truth here is that it was all Just an Illusion the photographer took the picture at the exact right time to make the camel appear as though it had lost its neck and head but what really happened is that the camel was simply turning its head the other way and it managed to turn its head at such a sharp angle that it vanished to the other side of its body according to the photographer himself he had about 5 Seconds to snap the perfect photo before the camel finally turned around and looked at him miraculously growing its head talk about camouflage number five rainbow trees did you know that there are trees in Australia the color of the rainbow the trees are known as rainbow eucalyptus trees and when they shed their bark they almost look like colored pencils with the skin shaved off the rainbow eucalyptus tree can grow to be over 250 ft tall with multicolored bark and fragrant leaves that are a favorite of hungry koala beds but what makes this tree become so colorful this doesn't seem like something that should happen naturally in nature right apparently when the tree begins to shed it first reveals its inner bark which happens to be green but over time the bark changes color as the tree ages its inner bark turns blue orange purple and maroon the older the tree is the more beautiful its bark different layers fall off other layers stay on and what you get is a spectacular visual that looks like something out of Alice in Wonderland or a Dr se's book and don't worry if you want to see rainbow trees for yourself but don't want to fly to Australia they can be found planted in botanical gardens throughout Texas Louisiana and even in Southern California number four Honduran white bats let's take a look at another very strange animal found in nature this is the Honduran bat also called the Caribbean white tent making bat as the name would suggest the bat is found primarily in Honduras but it can also be found in Panama Costa Rica and Nicaragua these bats are pretty rare to see it was first discovered in 1898 but 60 years went by before it was seen again in 1963 out of all 13300 species of bat the Honduran white bat is only one of three that has perfectly white fur the bat also has bright yellow nose shaped like a leaf and bright yellow ears it truly is a striking animal to look at but what you're probably wondering is why it's called the tent making bat according to fact animal it gets its name because of how it builds tents out of plant matter that it finds throughout the night the bat cuts the plants carefully with its teeth to form a small structure for it to hide in sometimes and groups of up to 15 cuddling together in one plant tent they Roost inside the plant tent all throughout the day until the night when it then goes out and scavenges for fruit number three the never-ending wave some Surfers spend their entire lives searching for the perfect wave but what nobody knows is that deep in the Amazon jungle of Brazil there is a very strange natural occurrence known as the never-ending wave each year around the Spring Equinox a single Giant Wave surges from the Atlantic Ocean down the Amazon it is the perfect place to serve considering the wave is literally endless and stretches on for hundreds and hundreds of miles when you're dealing with a wave in the ocean you usually only get to ride it for about 15 to 30 seconds this is according to a professional Brazilian Surfer named sergino La who first started visiting the endless wave back in 2000 but the endless wave in Brazil known as pororoca is a tidal Bo that can reach up to 15 ft in height and goes on basically forever allowing you to surf for as long as you can the wave is so intense that it's been known to break trees in its path and cause all kinds of Mayhem it's also located in a region thick with Jaguars deadly serpents and even red bellied piranhas you can definitely surf the endless wave to your heart's content but one wrong move could have you swarmed by deadly man eating fish number two turned to stone here we have another strange body of water but unlike the endless wave in Brazil Lake nron in tanzan is not really a place you want to enter it's one of the strangest most Serene lakes in all of Africa and it's filled with the Petrified remains of animals who were Silly enough to try and take a bath in it this Lake literally turns animals into stone according to life science lake nron has a pH level of around 10.5 which means it's so costic that it could burn your skin and eyes just by taking a short dip the lake is surrounded by Hills and it has no way of draining other than evaporation this means that over the past few thousand years chemicals have built up on the bottom of the lake it is so full of chemicals that when a regrettable bird accidentally flies into the water it gets trapped and dies but then the body becomes petrified the Petrified bodies of all these dead birds eventually wash ashore where they can be ouled at by tourists the point is that even though the lake may look beautiful it's a strange death trap crafted by Mother Nature herself you better stay out number one web to trees it's bad enough when you find a spider web in the corner of your bedroom or heaven forbid in the shower but there is a place in Pakistan where millions of spiders encased full trees in webs making the solo web in your shower look like nothing but a stray hair it's the most horrifying thing you'll probably never witness in real life and I doubt anyone's too shook up about that according to wires it all happened in 2010 when there was an unprecedented flooding in the country of Pakistan the flooding disrupted the lives of at least 20 million people and it also affected the spiders considering the flood waters were coming and there was nothing the spiders could do they ended up climbing into the trees to escape the result of this Mass Exodus was that the trees in the region of Pakistan became cocooned in millions and millions of spider webs if you were to shake one of the branches you would have hundreds and even thousands of spiders falling all over your head and onto your clothes and now that I've succeeded in creeping everyone out it's time to end the video number 10 sloth bear when talking about the deadliest animals in Asia you can't skip over the sloth bear sloth bears aren't exactly cute and cuddly they have Shaggy Dusty black coats and they can grow 5 to 6 ft long they stand 2 to 3 ft high at the shoulder and weigh on average a whopping 200 to 300 lb sure Grizzlies and black bears can be pretty terrifying in North America but their Asian counterparts are just as vicious for example take the recent story reported in India today in which a farmer was molded to death and eaten by a rogue sloth bear it happen happed in a remote Village in India when the farmer apparently ventured off into the woods on his property by himself it's not clear what exactly happened but the farmer's body was later found partially eaten and horribly disfigured then another person was also attacked by a bear in the same area probably the same one who now has a taste for blood before it was put down by the authorities this is how dangerous Asian bears can be but of course it's not totally their fault sloth bears are endangered and protected under the wildlife protection act and yet because of the depletion of of their habitat under serious food shortage they are forced to move closer and closer to where humans live which often results in these types of deadly encounters can't blame the sloth bear for being hungry number nine Indian Red Scorpion there are a lot of scorpions found all throughout the world but the one scorpion considered to be the most lethal on the entire planet is actually found in Asia I'm talking about the Indian Red Scorpion which actually isn't completely red it's often a reddish brown or even an orange brown color and even though the indan Red Scorpion doesn't actively hunt humans it will definitely give you a nasty sting if you get too close the Scorpion can be found throughout Sri Lanka India and even Nepal and it's pretty small they only grow to be about 2 or 3 and 1/2 in in length and they have a thick tail with a bright red knot at the end where the Stinger is if this thing were to sting you you would immediately experience symptoms of pain vomiting and sweating once the Venom is in your cardiovascular system you can die from pulmonary edema what's even scarier about about this is the antivenom is almost never effective many people suffer allergic reactions from the Venom and go into anaphylactic shock they are small but deadly hey real quick if you're new to the channel welcome give this video a like and hit that subscribe button for more videos like these number eight kodo Dragon scorpions are horrifying because they are small and venomous but kodo dragons are horrifying for a whole different set of reasons these are the biggest and most fearsome reptiles in the world and they are only found in Asia specifically kodo dragons can be found in large numbers on kodo island in Indonesia due to the remoteness of its Island researchers didn't Discover it until 1910 following the discovery it quickly became clear that it was an apex predator in its environment these amazing reptiles demonstrate excessive power especially with its long tail on several occasions researchers have witnessed to the dragon knocking down grown deer with just a swipe of its tail often breaking their legs in the process they can be as big as 10 ft and weigh over 200 lb they have sharp teeth similar to sharks Venom that can kill a person within hours and they are incredibly mean attacks on humans are pretty rare but kodo dragons have been responsible for several human fatalities in both the Captivity and wild according to data from kodo National Park spanning a 38-year period between 1974 and 2012 there were 24 reported attacks on humans five of them fatal in a recent story from ABC News it was reported that a single unusually Angry kodo Dragon terrorized an entire Village in Indonesia it happened while a park ranger was doing paperwork and a ferocious dragon slinked up the stairs into his Hut inside the Komodo National Park and bit his ankle when the ranger tried to open the beast's Jaws it then bit his hand he ended up needing to be sewn up with 55 stitches and 3 months later he was still suffering from the pain if it hadn't been for his nearby friends hearing his screams of Agony and getting him to the hospital in time he could have died the lesson here is that kodo dragons are ferocious beasts and apparently some of them have a taste for human flesh number seven man eating tigers speaking of having a taste for human flesh let's talk about the man-eating tigers in India these are without a doubt the most ferocious and dangerous predators in all of Asia North from the Bay of Bengal inside the dense mangroves of the sunderbans there live a special breed of vicious tigers that has been known to kill around 50 people annually as reported by the BBC of course this is nothing compared to elephants that allegedly kill around 350 people a year but it's still pretty awful it's also probably a lot more painful to be molded to death by a tiger inside this remote habitat is 70% of all remaining wild tigers in the world there were around 3,000 of the beasts living here and they are not afraid of humans in the slightest but what's really fascinating is that not every tiger in this area is of course a Maneater that would be pretty insane according to a retired Carnival biologist with the wildlife conservation Society there are only between 10 and 15 tigers in the sunburns that are persistent human Predators still it only takes 10 Tigers to wipe out a small village these are beautiful strong and sadly endangered animals but also extremely deadly number six slow loris try to think of the most dangerous primat in the world I'll give you a second did you imagine a gorilla or some other large King Kong Beast if so you would be wrong one of the most dangerous primates also happens to be one of the smallest and one of the slowest in the world the slow loris is not only among the rarest primates on our planet diverging from African bush babies somewhere around 40 million years ago but they are also incredibly poisonous they live in Southeastern Asia they have humanlike hands with opposable thumbs and they have a bite so lethal it can kill a man in just hours as of now there is no cure for the bite of a slis in fact scientists aren't even sure why the primate has venom it's kind of insane considering the slow list doesn't do anything except drink nectar and hang out in the trees despite everything the slow loris secretes toxins in its saliva and in glands located on the inside of its arm the slow loris will lick the Venom from its arm combining the toxins with its already dangerous saliva to create a double Venom according to a conservation biologist from Oxford Brooks University even though this primate is slow and small a single bite would almost certainly lead to death number five the banded crate the first snake on our list today is the banded crate arguably one of the most venomous snakes in all of Asia it's commonly found in India and throughout southeast Asia including Thailand and you can recognize it immediately because of its black and yellow crossbands there is no mistaking the banded crates for any other slithering serpent it can grow to be nearly 6 ft long has a broad head and mean Beady black eyes it lives everywhere from dry forests to mangrove swamps banded crates also live everywhere from Bangladesh to Hong Kong and they are absolutely dead deadly their venom contains neurotoxins that can be fatal to humans but these snakes are deadly to other animals too they're typically lazy during the daytime and would rather run away than fight but if needed the banded crite can definitely protect itself it has been recorded biting and killing large types of cattle that ended up getting a little too close a giant cow will die after 60 Minutes of being bitten whereas a human can die anywhere from between 30 minutes and 15 hours number four Asian giant hornet in China giant hornets are a serious concern just a few years ago there was an Asian giant hornet attack that killed dozens of people and injured over 1500 these are not the ordinary Hornets you find buzzing around your picnic on a calm summer day these are monstrous insects with Venom able to destroy a red blood cells resulting in some cases of kidney failure and even death according to an entomologist of the Southwest biological Institute in Arizona an even bigger problem than their toxicity is the allergic reaction that many people have to being stung much as the time Hornet attacks in China killed people because of a deadly anaphylactic reaction resulting in a closed Airway and sometimes even Cardiac Arrest here's some other scary facts the Asian giant hornet is the biggest hornet species on the planet basically like the Mastiff of the WASP world it's a mean Little Critter found all throughout East Asia and Southeast Asia nearly 2 in in size basically the size of a human thumb as for why the attacks in China happened many experts blame it on increased urbanization unusual L dry weather and increased vegetation essentially climate change and habitat lost number three coconut crab the coconut crab is a very real monster it's a beast of a crustation that can grow 3 ft in length and is generally believed to be the biggest arthropod that lives on land what's strange is that according to the Vintage news scientists are now saying that coconut crabs may have been responsible for the unsolved disappearance of Amelia aart the original female aviation pioneer to understand more about this let's look deeper into the coconut crab the special animal has immense strength it only weighs about 9 lb but can carry over six times its body weight the coconut crab also has extremely strong pinces which can exert almost as much force as the bite from a lion and even though these crabs are so Fierce they primarily feed only on coconuts they climb up the trees knock the Coconuts down then use their strong pinces to break the Coconuts open however coconut crabs will also kill birds inside of trees and drag them into their layers they will even eat corpses she disappeared near Howland Island in the South Pacific and her body was never recovered scientists are now saying that Amelia Earhart likely washed up on the beach probably very badly injured and then she was swiftly dismembered and probably eaten by a group of very rude coconut crabs number two Asiatic Water Buffalo the water buffalo doesn't look inherently dangerous unless of course you're lost in the jungle staring one straight in the eyes they may look similar to cow but you definitely don't want to try and milk one in the Wild Water Buffalo are horrifying and it's believed that they all originated in Asia however they were introduced throughout the years to Australia Africa and of course North America the Asian water buffalo is actually an endangered species now even after being domesticated by humans thousands of years ago the water buffalo spends most of its time submerged in muddy water keeping itself cool and enjoying being lazy but water buffalo can be extremely dangerous in Africa the Cape buffalo is known as the Black Death because it kills nearly 200 people a year including hunters in Asia water buffalo aren't quite as feared but because of their huge bulk they are a force to be reckoned with they stand about 8 to 9 ft tall and can weigh over 2500b it just takes one angry water buffalo to trample a fully grown man number one Asian elephant elephants are the biggest land mammals living on the planet they're Giants weighing 6,000 to 9,000 and standing 7 and 1/2 to 9 ft tall but we often refer to them as gentle Giants the truth is that elephants are only gentle when they want to be when they're in a bad mood they can be violent forces of nature take for example the recent story of campers in Thailand that were woken up in the middle of the night when a wild elephant invaded their Campground and killed an old man who was literally doing nothing except sleeping in his tent according to the report from Asia 1 the elephant broke into the far clua May camping ground in the dead of night walked over the 80-year-old man's tent tent grabbed him with its trunk and then threw him so hard against a tree that the old man died instantly the rest of the campers ran away to safety and the Elephant made off like a criminal and this just goes to show that even in 2021 elephants are still the most dangerous animals in all of Asia thanks for watching have you ever seen one of these animals in real life let me know about your experience in the comments be sure to come back soon and don't forget to subscribe see you next time
Channel: Epic Wildlife
Views: 2,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epic wildlife, most dangerous animal body parts that can kill them, most dangerous animal body parts, dangerous animal body parts, dangerous animals, dangerous animal body parts that can harm them, animal body parts, body parts, strange animals, strange creatures, body parts that can hurt them, wild life, animals, top, things, the most dangerous animal body parts that can kill them, dangerous creatures, biggest horns, largest horns, dangerous horns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 52sec (4252 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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