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greetings my fellow Jedi Masters and young padawans and a very warm welcome to you all so this is an Omega sea Master chronograph from the 1970s which accidentally got labeled with the nickname Jedi and don't worry I'm not going to drown you with Star Wars references and jokes I'm a Trekkie anyway Earl Gray hot engage number one you have the bridge now I know a lot of you like me to include some numbers and figures in my videos which is not always possible for various reasons but on this one I can tell you it costs 700 pounds to buy in this current state in good condition these will fetch around the 3 000 pound Mark and upwards and from my previous videos we all know that there's always a hidden reason why a watch gets sold for such a low price and why ends up in such a bad state in the first place you guessed it there is always a tinkerer behind it so this Omega also had one of the most complicated movements ever for that era with the Brazilian parts so just a disassembly and assembly of this movement took up a lot of video time adding to the mix the fact that we had to do a face restoration restoration of the bracelet hands and heck we even did the box so I could have punished you with a four hour long video so instead I've done separate longer versions of the case bracelet unbox which you can watch at your own Leisure if you want to know the full extent of the work that went in so without further Ado let me tell you about this Omega C Master Jedi not Jedi no we're not gonna do any Star Wars references remember okay so I can see some sort of adhesive that was applied to the gasket and you can see I can lift up the glass from the top so maybe the gasket shrunk and they were applied some adhesive to keep the glass in which is not good so when I first started off in this game the name Chuck Maddox would appear in many utterances regarding most things Amiga he was a legend amongst collectors and wrote many in-depth articles on the forums about the subject matter Chuck died at a very early age but his passion and enthusiasm for this subject matter has left a lasting Legacy you can see that this is here it's almost impossible to talk about this Omega Jedi topic without mentioning his name you can find the story of Chuck and the Star Wars nicknamed omegas on the net so my version is a very brief abbreviation it was Chuck who coined the nickname Darth Vader for this Vader helmet looking reference number and you can see why I removed all the adhesive and put the gasket back on and you can see how loose these glass is it just slides into place without any pressure whatsoever you can lift it out with my fingers there was also a great tungsten color version of the same reference which hadn't crossed over to the dark side hence the name and Skywalker we'll put that away for now some nasty tool marks and just for Giggles to complete the set Chuck named the subsequent reference number the Jedi oh yeah nice the force is strong with this one and so the original Jedi is sort of now called the flat Jedi to make way for this accidental Jedi that's in front of us today your boy Joe's been sharpening his tweezers for this one but Chuck did not designate any nickname to this tv-shaped sea master so what happened well in 2007 a famous Auction House accidentally listed one of these tv-shaped models in their catalog as an Omega Jedi and created this Schism amongst the Omega collecting Community you can see the chronograph mini hand is moving with the time minute hand which is strange the watch is nicknamed by Chuck used the famous manual wine caliber 861 which was a replacement for the even more famous legendary caliber 321 which is highly coveted by collectors and featured in that famous Hollywood production the moon landing I'm only kidding it wasn't really filmed in a Hollywood studio yeah it was filled in Area 51 but our watch has an automatic movement known as caliber 1040 which was developed by Omega in conjunction with lamania as was the three two one and eight six one so let's see if this movement has the high levels of midi chlorines in its DNA to be considered as a true Jedi plastic it's fantastic usually I just hack away whatever movements in front of me but this movement was so complicated that there is this instruction booklet on how to do it properly or some serious pattern so now just set the chronograph to zero start stop zero and just remove the chronograph Bridge so I'm gonna follow the booklet and it's nice to follow someone on a video If you're trying to attempt this book when there's a sheet available like this I would recommend you also use the sheet otherwise whatever mistakes I make for example you know I might miss an oiling step or I might have missed something in the edit so you're just gonna end up following that mistake so they don't often come around but when you do have a sheet like this with such detailed instruction it's always nice to follow it which is what I'm going to do today so underneath the bridge we have this small connecting wheel for the winding gear so I'll just remove that as well I mean I've never had the pleasure of working on the legendary three two one movement which was in the moon watch pre-moon watch this one very similar to that and that's the winding gear the differential look how cute and tiny that is so we have this hour recorder connecting rod you can see that Rod is sitting beneath this screw so you'll have to loosen this screw a little bit that's the rod now before I go any further this chronograph driving wheel is friction fitted on I'm just going to add a bit of Grease here just to loosen everything up because I will have to pry it off later on you don't have to do this but from experience this thing if it hasn't been serviced can be quite tough to get off and you end up damaging the whole wheel or you know the pivot so this is one time where you can't complain about me putting too much oil on something yeah and we'll just remove this valet for the connecting rod or a posh name for a pot sire would you like a valet for your connecting rod well I don't mind if I do this is the second spring usually are the balance wheel first or um I'm trying to follow the sheet so that if you guys are working from the sheet and the video should all work out for you I hope seems to be some grazing on this spring to know what happened there someone's had a go with a pair of tweezers on that and this is the second hammer and that should just come off like so um now we can remove the chronograph Runner so now we want to remove this cam spring which is also the coupling yoke spring and again it seems like it's been dancing with fire this one I don't know what's going on there now when I've removed that connecting rod I loosened this screw if I was gonna mold I would have said this should have been taken off first but my experience with flat pack Furniture is if you try and be clever and you don't follow the instructions and you miss a step then your lovely wardrobe ends up as a coffee table this is the upper up cam for the hammer are you gone and we have a lower cam for the coupling clutch so now you can remove this operating lever foreign so that screw should also be the same as the other two and that's the intermediate operating lever and then we have this operating limb spring which looks like a scorpion that's lost its body in a fight and now we can let the power down okay got a little spring here for the bolt stem second hammer and then that is the bolt stem the second Hammer so many interesting little things on this movement now we need to find the wig rag setting wheel spring now you'll hear the word over engineered thrown around for this movement wherever you go wherever you look I can understand why so now we've got this coupling wheel bridge in the coupling Yelp and the coupling wheel oh what's the matter with you sing me something new I should be a little slit somewhere so there is a slit there that you can use to pry open that bridge or whatever you want to call it and then that's one way of getting it off isn't it and we've got this blocking lever here now and underneath that just stuck to it the blocking lever yoke there's this spring blocking lever come on you little bugger friction spring for the runner now for this chronograph driving wheel here if I'll go be out of focus here because I'm having to get my eye loop on oh there you go so that little bit of oil that I put on helped a lot and it came out easily and we have this screw for the zero action pusher command push a stem for zero action now I'm gonna remove the date mechanism so first we'll remove this jumper spring oh sorry I'm going to remove the dead guard first we've got the 24 indicator here as well now let's be careful with this spring since we didn't follow the instructions and there we go you can remove the spring now safely adjust the hour wheel and we can remove the date disk and there's a little date jumper and our wheel is already out because you got stuck to the take card this the hour will Spring the mini heart is coming off with the just so that you guys can follow it properly just remove the spring and leave the mini heart in there for now and here we've got the double date connecting wheel and the date indicator driving wheel with the 24 hour indicator and it's painted so I don't want to get that in the wash so now we can just remove that mini heart and then we'll remove this mini hammer spring Hammer Time and now we'll remove the mini hammer and I've already used five different sizes of screwdrivers so Quite A variation in screw sizes and this is the our recorder stop lever and we'll remove this mechanism Bridge hello I'm just another screw that four screws come on my little pad one sort that out in a bit check out the river of juice all over it nice so now that I've removed this mechanism bridge I can see there are some parts missing on this watch got the valet for the minute recorder clamp which is missing under two minute recorder clamps are also missing uh so we'll have to Source those parts now we've got this switch and switch stem so that's another example of why a watch like this would just be abandoned so remove the Canon pinion this little tool here and this is the date correct of valet or as we would say in England so well you know I mean do you want to buy it do you want to ballot your car for yeah I'll do is disassemble the underside of mechanism bridge and here we have the spring for the deck corrector that's the decorate to Chrome it correct to lever and remove the screw for the deck to lever and then all you have left the operating lever for the date corrector this is the hour recorder stop lever spring as you saw in the beginning the the minute counting hand was moving with the rest of the hands and that's probably why well somebody who worked on it either didn't know it or knew it but there were parts missing or since the time keeping part of the watch was still working they probably just thought study and just kept it down the road these are recorded bridge now the hour hammer our recorder Runner you get to come out anyway operating lever for the hour and minute Hammers and now I will just follow the normal procedure as if you were servicing a normal manual wind movement so we'll start off with the balance foreign just remove this bridge that's holding in train works so these are different and this is shorter than the other two for some reason or is it just broken off looks like it's broken off actually so I'll have to do a bit of Investigation on that one so as I said these are one of the some of the worst type of projects to work on that have been fiddled around and because you just don't know what's missing unless you go through it step by step what will have a challenge on this channel don't we guy in the back with the naked watchmaker hat that was a rhetorical question you can see it back down yes we all love your heart where did you get it from the naked watchmaker merchandise store [Music] so we'll just remove the palette then a little pillow fork and now we'll remove the keyless and this is the keyless cover and spring that's the spring part and the rest of it just acts as a cover I don't know how long the opinion is sitting on that wheel and underneath the killers we've got another setting wheel that will be another intermediate setting wheel which will which looks same as the other one Focus okay fine don't Focus yolk in spring so that's another spring this watch has probably got more Springs than the mechanical alarm watch I did a while back which you can watch here and then the rest of it and we have a little bit more to go so we're gonna disassemble some more sub-assemblies here just remove the cling The Click spring and then some of the spring so we have the little ratchet oil here and there's a special instruction for this mainspring so you have to remove the lid without removing this our recorded driving pinion foreign [Music] take the arbor out but not the spring so this is the Arbor I'll study and take the Springer as well now that is one of the longest mainsprings I've seen so since we know that this watch has been in the hands of a tinkerer previously I did want to take the mainspring out but as you can see from the sheet remove Barrel upper without extracting the main spring now many people would say that you should leave the aging on a watch of this High Caliber and leave it unpolished and I would agree but this watch has been polished and replated several times and all the sharp lines have been rounded off so it's pointless trying to be a purist in this instance so you can see how this has been rounded from a previous polish and plating job so we'll use the lapping machine to bring back those sharp lines on those sharp Contours and then replating foreign so these two are absolutely buggered now so look at the state of these I could reuse them or I've got some steel ones which I can plate these are for the steel version of this case you can see some of the coppering some of the coppering that's shining through but from the old catalog pictures it does seem like that this whole top section is brushed and then just be sort of mirrored see the layer of copper underneath all that gold see how straight that line is getting now this one is still a little bit wonky but we'll get there so now you can see you can see that line It joined up with that log here similar on the other side so I think we'll move on to this section now foreign how much the case was rounded incorrectly on the previous polishes the top and the bottom I'm not even catching it so let's carry on there he's still got those deep pits there some tool marks there now these things are so worn and they're not solid so the reason much material I can take off to straighten that out but I'll give it a try anyway foreign foreign so I'll prep the outside edge but I didn't want to touch this hippocampus logo instead I'll just straight grain it well I used to be wristband of this white thing and then it was really stretchy oh that yeah I think it's on top of the drawer you know the Wardrobe too short he's only got baby arms he's only got baby arms can clean that up a little bit more somebody has tried to remove some rust from the previously there are special instructions to avoid certain chemicals on some parts and to avoid ultrasonic vibrations on other parts hence why I'm cleaning some parts by hand here foreign stuff separate and then you can see all the hundreds of steel parts there some more steel parts there copper plated stuff separate we've got one all right you are the flimsy bits so we've got all up replacement parts we've got a new gasket hola a little part that we need so before we start assembling the movement there's some pre-assembly and pre-oiling to do which makes life a little bit easier later on and all of this is available on the data sheet for those of you who are interested thank you foreign work and I'm just gonna oil the winding gear and it does say to our worldly to oil the underneath of the wheel where the wheel will rest or the gear will rest and then Grease the upper surface and it says all the teeth as well so grease up all the pivoting points on the lower mechanism bridge and we have three pivoting points one for the operating lever one for the deck correct to lever and one for the date corrector Crown make sure you clean it properly before you put it back on Mr troubles trying to fix a watch and those leaked acids because he's only got baby arms let's believe that let me put a little bit on the tip now we can put on the dead correct the lever he can't reach the Wardrobe you can't reach the Wardrobe the car reached the Wardrobe because he's only got baby arms and now the dead correct to Crown make sure everything works foreign just check the operation that looks good so we're gonna start off with the assembly and it says Grease the pivot hole for the hour recorded Runner and put some oil here 50 our recorder Runner and the Tweety Bird Goes here and then the operating lever and then you check the end shake and the freedom of the hammer so I'm just gonna oil the pivot for the click and this is screw two three four five just make sure that click is free and then we can get the spring in so we'll oil the pivoting positions for the wig wag setting wheel and the crown wheel and it also says put a little bit on the surfaces who's there on this one check to see everything's moving freely a little mainspring in and there's the ratchet wheel and that just goes in there and we have the driving gear for the ratchet wheel and this is all standard procedure and now we have the third wheel and then we have the fourth wheel with the extended pivot and we'll get the center wheel in and put a little bit with the bridge will sit and we'll get some screws in and we'll come back onto this side and assemble the keyless so apparently these teeth belong to Abraham brege we will Abraham bragay's teeth and get the winding pinion in Groove here and then this little fella can go in let me get that little pressure Spring Gun there will be a little bit of rocking back and forth on that post we also have the yolk post here put a little bit on there that little spring in and these two setting wheels are the same now I'll just oil the top and bottom pivot for the main spring Barrel 90 20. the same for the Third Wheel top and bottom and then we go back to 9010 for the open fourth wheel upper and lower pivots and the same for the Escape wheel 90 10. and the upper and lower post for the driving gear you can see the other Jewel just there give it a couple of lines yeah it looks like it's got some fire in its belly and you just do that a few times just to get the oil All Around The Escape wheel teeth boom let me just oil the jewels hello mate let's just check it out it's not bad we'll sort all that out later just get this board stem in for you [Music] you are a weirdo so this is the Bold stem spring back to school huh yeah and this is the spring for the wig wag setting wheel I think I need my eye Loop for this nothing and that's the blocking lever spring this is the lower cam the coupling clutch and then the upper cam the hammer so if it's the operating lever spring this is the intermediate operating lever just hangs around there freely on the operating liver yoke and make sure he engages with the injured scorpion now for the operating lever itself and I'll just move this intermediate operating lever out of the way just to get it seated correctly like so friction spring with a Teflon coating foreign ER now we can get the differential in making sure that the teeth engage properly and then on top of that we can get the winding gearing and we'll get the chronograph bridge in now the blocking lever yoke on the blocking lever foreign coupling and I've got this gorgeous looking screw here in a massive tick head slab it now it's chronograph driving wheel you have to fit it very carefully and make sure that it's the same height as the coupling wheel and you can get an idea of the different heights there so we want to get them both at the same height so they're engaged with each other because and I think that's pretty level and it's also pretty level on this as well so now we have this spring which acts as a cam spring and a coupling York Spring and I've cleaned it up as much as necessary second hammer we'll get the second and my spring while we're at it and there's the second hammer spring couple of guide pins there a world up the top and bottom surfaces The Pusher stem for the zero action so for the chronograph section there's all the greasing points here so I won't go through all that on the video you can follow those and just take them off as you go along as I've done I forgot all about the quick set date mechanism and this does Rock slightly even though there's a screw there and here I'll just oil the top and bottom of the differential and then we can move on so taking out the balance while I work on this side and put the Canon pinion put in hand setting mode foreign just oil up the switch stem on the switch finally I've got my parts we're missing come on don't be shy there we go brand spanking New Old Stock Parts the kadish lovely unmarked Parts which were produced in the factory many decades ago and I've been sitting inside the packets waiting for me to unpack them the extensive oiling for all of this section is on the sheet so I won't go through all of it otherwise we'll be here until next year because there's so many oiling points you can get this valet in that I'll record a stock lever will be in contact with this valet for mini recorder clamp let's get those mini recorder clamps on someone's obviously decided that they don't need these [Music] so you can see how the an opinion stops moving and only the minute part moves and those clumps stop it from moving so now we're just gonna install the mini hammer so now we'll get the minute hammer spring in hello mate can you help me out do some ticking for me do any homework or anything today it's your first day back so it is what let's engage that spring now we'll get the our recorder stop lever okay why did these flash keep on banging into our windows because the radiates me go and then do some ticking for me I've done that one and that one and I've done that I've done that as well go and take that for me as well but the our recorder stop believe the spring so that's the date corrector valet which is supposed to go on now but for some reason I already put that on so there's no biggie because it didn't obstruct us from doing anything else we can put the mechanism bridge on now here on here and there's one more here I think I'll just check them and now we're gonna go back on to the other side and install the connecting rod and I'll just finish off a few more oiling points with my eyelid and we have the connecting rod valet we nearly there come on stick with me those of you nodding off Stay With Me won't you stay with me and now we can finally get the Rodding oh I forgot to press record again well I did press record but I didn't so I put this fit lifting on I'm gonna take it off again and that's the minute heart oh I will Spring we're gonna stick the date indicator driving wheel with the 24 hour indicator double date connecting wheel so we'll oil these pivoting points Doubleday connecting wheel so many oiling points so my apologies if I don't get all of them on video but maybe it's something I can add onto my patreon page more detailed sort of showing all the screws and oiling points if you guys want let me know most of my patrons just sign up just to say thank you but there are a few who sort of ask questions on a one-to-one basis and I try and answer them they're stuck on a project or they need some advice I will feel a bit sad day it's nearly finished complicated over engineered or not it's been a pleasure to work on this thing now let's test the date click save is fine boom squeaky clean so as you can see these hands have lost their Loom so I'm just gonna get the hour and minute hand in the wash just to remove all that and then relieve it the Jedi lightsaber has got a bit of a red tip on it so I'll clean that manually and everything else let me just give it a quick wash and see comes up a little bit nicer I'm just using a gold polishing cloth see if I can get it to shine a little bit so now you can see that minute recorder hand is not moving with the normal minute hand as it was when we started off [Music] so as you can see there's plenty of life left in it that little bit needs a bit of work for the rest of it sounds all right but I don't think it would go with the nice clean case so I will try and give this a little play around with and see what we can achieve for those of you who haven't watched the full bracelet restoration video let me give you a quick recap initially I just tidied the bracelet up and made it sanitary I cleaned it did some minor repairs and gave it a gentle buff to remove some of the surface scratches but when I installed the bracelet the newly restored case was like ew get that thing away from me the fresh gold plating on the case did not match the color of the bracelet so I gently polished it further until I had a nice clean surface to replace the same 18 karat gold as the case foreign [Music] [Music] foreign Danger foreign the first video instantly sat up in your chairs and thought dude that's what's happened to my box and recognized that this was a common problem on many watch boxes they become lonely and depressed and start to let themselves go a bit so due to public demand and since this topic has never been covered on YouTube I thought it would be rude not to restore the box and since I did the Box restoration video many of you messaged me with joy and hope that you too can now restore your old boxes but again it was too long to add to this video so I've just added a semi-skimmed version here and if you want a full fat version you can watch it later over here foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign thank you get a little tachy meter scaling check out the detail now and I'm sure I can get that even better if I want but I'm so tired show them the way to go home the tire and they want to go to bed he wants to go to bed for a nap to the rest of them how do you see how they mock me because I only said he had baby arms so there you go folks I hope you enjoyed this one I thoroughly enjoyed working on this watch but the editing was grueling on this one there was so much I wanted to cram in but I had to leave out to keep this video under one hour I could have done a 10 minute video on the hands alone on all the different things I tried to give them a modern vintage look there was also a lot of stuff I wanted to cover with the movement and the oiling but looking back at it it felt too Technical and laborious so I don't know maybe I'll add them onto my patreon page if anyone wants to really have a go I really enjoyed working on this but I'm not quite satisfied with the video and would like to revisit this model in a stainless steel version so watch this space so can we anoint this piece as a true Jedi let me know what you guys think in the comments cool nickname or not I think it's a really cool piece so thank you all for chilling out with me for a bit and I hope you guys found this one useful in some way like share subscribe and all that good stuff you do look after yourselves folks and take care of each other peace love and blessings to you all and if the almighty Wills I'll see you in the next one try a bit [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] this time you should be [Music]
Channel: Nekkid Watchmaker
Views: 1,033,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Omega jedi, Jedimaster, Jedi, Jedi restoration, Watch restoration channel, Watch restoration, Watch repair, Polishing gold, Craft, ASMR, Tutorials, ASMR video, New video, inspirational video, omega, omega restoration, gold plating tutorial, Awesome restorations, Watch bracelet restoration, Omega bracelet restoration, Deinfluencing, Pocket watch restoration, Restoration videos, Smartwatch, nintendo direct, tiktok mashup, ukraine, islam, Judaism, christianity, chatgpt, trending
Id: Ns216AUgJSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 59sec (3599 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2023
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