Most Compact 4wd Wing Awning - Supa Peg

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every man and his dog has an awning on their forward drive these days it's so common and there's so many to choose from how do you decide well sticker and I'll tell you guys why reckon this is one of the better awnings on the market today guys I guess it's nighttime so that doesn't really make sense but anyway I've camped out of this camp kitchen for probably about eight or nine weeks you know on different trips some were longer some were shorter and overall you know everything works pretty well everything's got a place but there's just one thing that this kitchen said it's been really missing and that's shelter now admittedly when you open the canopy door it does give you a little bit of protection from the Sun and from the rain admittedly the rain usually comes in the side so it doesn't really give you that much so the table here usually gets wet and if the fridge is out that gets wet too now in the past I have use the 3 meter by 3 meter gazebo and they're really really cool because you know you can put them wherever you want whatever side of the car you want you can park your car under it if you really want but the trouble with them is they're quite bulky and heavy and you always have to remember to take them while a four driver warning it's always on the car ready to go so I always knew I was gonna get an awning but I just couldn't find one that was the right shape size and was just gonna work with my setup and till I finally found one that was gonna work so it came in the mail today I always love it when stuff comes in the mail on a Friday because you know you got the whole weekend to play with it so let's check it out this morning is from a brand called super take now I'm familiar with super carrier mainly because I'm a big fan of their steel 10th pick I reckon these are a great unit and especially at the price that they come out really good product but I never even knew that they do awnings until I saw this one on their website and it was the right shape the right size and everything just added up it's got some really cool design features as well so I'm pretty excited to test it out this weekend especially because we might be getting some rain so let's get this thing installed check out this fancy little bag you know it's a good quality product when it comes with a super beggar's standard you're not going to have to replace it the second you get into hard ground also comes with four straps a manual and a roof rack mount kits some awnings on the market don't even come with brackets to install the awning with I know my last awning didn't but this comes with stainless steel brackets stainless steel fasteners you know it's gonna last for a long long time that's just awesome so the only thing is that these brackets are designed for roof rack bars like your Rhino Rack and that kind of thing they're not really designed for trays but I'm pretty keen to take this awning out this weekend so let's figure out a way to make this work it's getting pretty cold in Perth at the moment winter's coming so I'm kind of glad that this came in the mail today as well get opportunity to test it out you know and a nice cold winter's night alrighty so these are the brackets that came with do I look weird with my hoodie on these are the brackets that came with the roof rack warning and this is a bit of flat bar I've drilled three holes in it so the theory is we're just going to sandwich the roof rack and pretty much got together whatever bolts I could find that are going to work so this is going to be a bit of a temporary thing but it'll get us by all right yeah I think this is gonna work out so if I have this bracket about here I'll just get my little bit of flat bar underneath we'll just sandwich the roof rack and we should be Mickey Mouse oh man all right oh the spring washers so what do you guys do for fun on Friday nights yeah this should work out awesome oh man except that bolts too short dang it I've just left this bracket a little bit loose that will allow it to square up when we put the awning on so I'm just gonna do the same thing over on the back side and then we should be able to try and get the awning on got a bad feeling this one's gonna be too short as well might just work awesome stuff let's try and get this awning on I'm a bit worried about how well that actually went it's not normal for things to go that well something must be wrong man that is such a sweet height it's barely higher than my roof rack so I should still be able to go in parking lots first up I'm just going to tighten these bolts that actually hold the awning on because that way the brackets can square themselves up to the awning awesome stuff now all I got to do is tighten these ones up and then we're done I'm actually really stoked at the level that it's actually sitting at what a fluke eh I mean that was all planned anyway guys that's the awning installed which is awesome I'm gonna try and squeeze in a quick little overnight or tomorrow night so it's probably gonna rain so it'll be the perfect test for it so we'll catch you guys then Who am I kidding I wouldn't be able to go to sleep without giving this thing a test this awning is just the perfect size so stoked with it alright guys catch you tomorrow [Music] as usual the weatherman got it completely wrong we did not see one drop of rain last night by even say it was really cool to test out the awning for the first time this awning is just perfect for this kind of side kitchen canopy kind of cooking setup you can see the table over here completely out of the Sun and the rain same as the fridge completely out of the Sun and the rain and even in this side on shot here you can just see that there's no way you're going to get wet while you're cooking because that's virtually the biggest deal for me because there's nothing worse than sitting in the rain in a rain jacket trying to cook your sausages over a little gas cooker man get that fly off my lens so really stoked with this awning obviously I've only had it for one day so I can't really tell you guys all the pros and cons so today I'm just going to give you guys my initial impressions some really cool features that this awning has that other awnings don't and also some cons as well so let's get stuck into it one of the coolest things about this awning is actually what it's made out of so this is made out of diner proof canvas a lot of the other awnings on the market are made out of a poly cotton canvas now you may be kind of wondering like it has canvas in the name what's the big deal it's got to be good well the biggest difference is let me explain it to you this way have you ever sat on the beach under somebody's awning that's a poly-cotton canvas awning and you just feel that heat radiating out of the awning so even though you're in the shade you can just feel the heat from the Sun so with this canvas product you shouldn't be able to feel that as much because it's canvas it breathes a lot better disperses the heat a lot better and totally blocks out the Sun so that's one thing that I really like about this awning it's 375 GSM canvas which is a nice high rating and it's also rot and mildew resistant which is awesome because how many times have you packed up an awning wet and forgot to dry it out I know I have in the past so technically if you do do that and you get a bit of mildew you should just be able to get some warm soapy water and a sponge pretty much and just clean it off so that's one thing that I really do like about this awning all of the poles that come with this awning are actually part of the awning so they fold up with the awning some of the other brands that I looked at the poles are actually separate well these are awesome because when you're setting up they're right where you need them that brings me to the other thing I like about these poles now I had an ARB awning in the past and they have a little metal cam here that twists and grabs the other pole as you're spinning it some of the cheaper awnings that's made out of plastic now I've seen both the metal and the plastic ones where out and eventually they just become really hard to actually make them lock so super peg here have designed their own little ones that decides to focus this little shim here so as you spin the pole that twists and catches the other pole now not saying that this is going to last longer but I'm just glad that someone's finally come along and redesigned slink so hopefully this lasts a lot longer than the old design they have actually designed their own feet for their poles and what they recommend is actually drive the pegs through so they cross each other like that to give it the best chance of it not blowing over the roof so if you ask me that's a fantastic idea anybody that's owned an awning and used it out camping a fair bit knows there's one problem with them water pooling so when it rains really heavy you get water kind of pull in this area here so what you can do is drop one corner of the awning to allow the water to run off and that's good to remember to do that I remember one night I forgot to do that I woke up in the middle of the night to this loud bang kind of thought I wonder well that was we went back to sleep unzipped my swag in the morning and our yeah the awning was on my swag so that was pretty funny but super pair you've come up with a fantastic idea now this is an optional extra that they sell but this is just so cool so it just slips into there like that slips into there like that you just tighten this little nut screw here and I check that out this curved rafter means that no water pulls it all it should all run off the sides because it's supported in the center with that little curve now is that a fantastic idea or what I think this is what four drivers have been waiting for you don't have to worry about dropping one leg or anything like that it's done now that being said the nice thing about this awning is that you can still adjust the picture of the roof thanks to these flexible hinges because a lot of the other wing warnings on the market they have fixed hinges because they are freestanding now the thing with that is whatever level of the awnings mounted up that's the level that it has to come out up so if you have a four inch lift and 35 inch muddies on a really high vehicle chances are if you put it out your poles your legs might not actually be able to touch the ground now if you have a really low car like a Subaru Forester I don't know why people actually put awnings on vehicles like that but I have seen it you can actually pitch the roof up to get some decent height under the awning so it is just a nice thing because if you do have any water pooling issues you can always drop one leg or if you have a really low cake and pitch it up if you have a really high car you can pitch it down so that your leg is actually touch the ground so it's just really versatile that way one thing that really sold me on this awning is the size when it's packed up so it's two point one meters long which is perfect for the canopy but also another thing it's nice and low-profile I had a look at the a hundred and eighty degree awning install and it just sits really really tall so with this one I can actually still drive into a two point three meter underground car park which is something that I would still be able to like to do and as a result it is a little bit wider but that's not really an issue for me so I'm really stoked with how it sits on the roof rack it's really nice actually how long does it actually take to set up I'll show you guys in a minute there is just a little bit of prep work that you need to do with the straps just to be ready for the setup this is going to be the third time that I've set up this awning let's see how long it takes me all righty how long was that it took me three minutes to set up the awning which I didn't think was true bad at all admittedly do you have to put the four straps around the car so there is a little bit of prep work involved maybe a minute or two of prep work but even five minutes that's a pretty good time to be able to set something like this up by yourself and I've got to say once it's set up it is a really solid unit but let's talk about some of the things that people could view as cons some bad points about this awning so one thing about this awning is that it's not freestanding so what that means is when you put out the awning it can't support its own weight awnings like the dachi a hundred and eighty degree awning they can be self-supporting and support their own weight but this one can't but the downside is is the dashi awnings a lot more heavy-duty and as a result it's a lot more bulkier while this one is nice and compact so it really depends what works better for you because personally I prefer to have a compact design that isn't freestanding and the funny thing is is with the dachi awning they still recommend to peg it down if it's windy which in Western Australia it pretty much always is so it's a bit of a trade-off but it really depends what works for you another thing that I'm not too sure about is these plastic buckles that come with the straps I've had a plastic buckles break on my swag and all sorts of other things but I think it's the thing is I understand why they need to be plastic at the same time because I wouldn't really want to metal buckles scratching up my hood so we'll just see how they go I showed you guys the feet on these poles a bit earlier there is one little thing that I'm not too sure about I could be wrong but I don't think the little hook on a sand peg is going to fit through that hole what you could do though is just get a little bit of parachute cord and just tie a loop and put the peg through that like how that warnings have but yeah until I try it I just won't really know I guess the thing is I wasn't really expecting to need a sand peg out here you know you know what I'm saying alright so I'm down at the beach and I got some sand pegs this time so let's see look at that you can't actually get the hook through so yeah I was wrong again can't believe it I guess that's the only thing with this you got a bang in one end at a time to make it even or you could just use one sandbag gotta say that's pretty solid when it's in though there you go guys you can use it with sandbags so you might be wondering how much does an awning like this cost well for this one here the recommended retail is $800 but at the time of filming it was on sale for 720 now they do have your standard two and a half meter by two and a half meter awnings as well and I'm pretty sure they're on sale for three hundred dollars which I thought was pretty reasonably priced they do also have a stack of different accessories and also if you break anything their website has all the replacement parts so that's awesome too but this curved roof rafter is just next-level stuff I just can't wait to try it out in the rain because I reckon it's going to work so well and they also got wall kits and all that kind of stuff as well so I might eventually give one of them a go but that's it from me guys we'll I'll catch up with you guys in probably about a year and see how this awnings held it up but for now ciao catch you another video thanks for watching and there was one other downside it didn't come with a sticker what kind of full drive product doesn't come with a sticker tell ya so it was meant to rain this weekend so I was like oh yeah great it'll be perfect to test out the new warning you know see how it goes in the rain well I've packed up I'm just about to leave and it's just started raining typical adventure
Channel: Seek Adventure
Views: 258,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wing Awning, 4wd Awning, Camp Shelter
Id: KveCRRbvnbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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