Morphle vs Orphle - Dragon Knights | Cartoons for Kids | My Magic Pet Morphle

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hi i'm mila and my magic pet marble can morph into anything i want [Music] who's ready for a fun little story me me me [Music] once upon a time there was a brave knight named mila mila the night reporting for duty she wasn't alone she brought her magic armor with her [Music] fantastic together we are unstoppable the king of this land asked mila and morphle to meet him in the woods i can't wait to see why the king wants to meet us maybe the castle is under attack by a dragon or an evil knight has stolen his horse other story too [Music] hop on it norfolk the more the merrier [Music] right let's go see the king [Music] welcome good night so what's the problem bandits giants oh no problem unless you call these cupcakes a problem i baked them myself a cupcake not yet little one first we play with this ball a ball i didn't become a knight to play with a ball i will take cupcakes [Music] [Applause] no what are you doing more full oh interesting [Music] fear not king daddy we will save you how with this sword it turns everything it touches into a chicken [Music] let's throw some boosters into the mix [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] help drop your wings you're a chicken oh right [Music] are you okay king daddy well apart from being a chicken i'm fine but i miss my sweet-smelling cupcakes how will we get them back maybe if we had a super nose we could smell them from miles away noses for sale big ones small ones long ones noses with ones noses without warts do you have a nose that can smell cupcakes ah you want a pig's nose little piggy says what what that was weird never mind that can you smell my delicious cupcakes oh yes this way [Music] [Applause] found you [Music] well this is not really how i imagined this story would go but don't you think this was way more exciting than playing with the ball well i guess you're right and i have a little surprise for you in the real world cupcakes [Music] we need to build a brand new house here but first we need to get rid of the old one marvel morph into a wrecking ball okay morphle ready when you are [Music] okay robot dump truck clean up the mess [Music] with this amazing invention that we got from professor rashid building new buildings is easier than ever [Music] now we are the construction zapper magnets [Music] [Applause] [Music] after them [Music] [Applause] [Music] the wall [Music] so [Music] let's zap ourselves some statues [Music] [Applause] [Music] you guys are headed to the police station [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] those kids are so loud is that awful [Music] do you want to help me play some pranks on mila and morphle yeah [Music] now awful [Music] huh [Music] oh [Music] it's awful [Music] hey [Music] oh no [Music] it's awful again hmm i think i know what's going on listen marvel i have an idea look awful you can jump on top of their sand castle [Music] [Music] oh no i know mr vanderbooth helps you to prank us but how would you like to help us prank him for once yeah [Music] hi mr vanderbilt hi mila i'm sorry for being so loud mr vanderboost we will never do so again [Music] oh that's all right i guess i can go back to watering my yard [Music] that's strange now i'm all wet [Music] what is going on [Music] what where did you come from [Music] no stop growing now my backyard looks like a jungle [Music] a tiger it really is a jungle [Music] this is barry he received an invitation from his nephew frank who lives in the jungle and he would like to visit him but i can't just leave the zoo unattended could you take barry to the jungle mila and waffle of course zookeeper kenneth more full morph into a helicopter [Music] don't get too close morphle the volcano is really hot [Music] [Applause] okay barry where does your nephew frank live [Music] bye [Music] don't worry we will help you find him this sounds like a job for detective mila and detective morphle [Music] does frank like bananas berry then he must have dropped these while taking a walk if we follow the bananas we will find friends [Music] oh no a tiger morph into a lion more full [Music] oh thank you morphle [Music] yes back to the search oh no look the elephant is dropping all those bananas not frank you want us to follow you [Music] [Applause] [Music] so this is your nephew frank [Music] hey barry it's getting late and we have to return home [Music] oh that's very nice thank you so much for the party everybody morph into a helicopter more full [Music] [Applause] [Music] camping was such a great idea this is going to be so much fun [Music] hmm this is fun and all but i feel like doing something more exciting hmm marvel morph into a speedboat [Music] hang on guys [Music] oh no where did our towels go somebody must have taken them [Music] morph into a kite [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh our food is gone not again something strange is happening morphle starting a campfire is so hard but i want to have these delicious marshmallows hmm mortal morph into a dragon [Music] hmm i wonder who or what is stealing all our stuff maybe it is a monster right and the monster comes during the night and eats you while you sleep what was that marvel let's have a look [Music] oh [Music] hey i think it's scared of us hmm oh i think it's just a baby and it doesn't have its mother it just took our stuff because it was hungry and alone hey buddy don't be afraid let's find its mother [Music] [Music] hmm i wonder where she could be [Music] whoa its mother must be huge [Music] oh you are going to jail you hear me come back here oh no peter freeze thinks the mother is evil but she's only looking for her baby [Music] ha finally caught you [Music] no wait she is just looking for her baby ah what ah i see i'm sorry monster seems like i had you all wrong you are free to go [Music] oh bye-bye friendly monster [Music] morphle morph into a big truck [Music] we need to bring all these machines to the new building site [Music] [Applause] [Music] to the new building site marvel [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] not in my city here we are the new building site hey there's a truck here already yep that's the only truck we didn't have to bring it came by itself it's a robot dump truck that we got from professor tsong i remember you [Music] builder lawrence all your machines fell from your truck and it's causing mayhem in my city [Music] ah you are right the truck is empty what do we do now [Applause] morphle and the robot dump truck could go find all the machines yes that's a great idea purple morph into a dump truck too [Music] let's play a game whoever brings back the most machines wins [Music] okay marvel let's find some machines [Music] the robot dump truck found his first machine but we'll get the next one [Music] look morphle those people are stuck in the cement mortal morph into a jackhammer [Music] [Music] wow [Music] you're not big enough morphle morph into a bigger dump truck [Music] look morphle the robot dump truck also found two vehicles whoever finds the next vehicle wins [Music] there it is the wrecking ball oh no the muddy bandits got a hold of it stop it muddy bandits that's troy's house we are no longer the muddy bandits we are now the wrecking bandits [Laughter] and we are about to wreck this house no that's our house morphle morph into a robot [Music] the wrecking bandits will strike again [Music] we will help you rebuild your house we should stop the game and work together [Music] do [Music] morph into a t-rex too [Music] wow [Music] wow don't worry morphle i think it's almost time for brother time to zap us back to our own time [Music] thank you brother time using your magic pet powers we went to the past and saw lots of dinosaurs thank you did you hear that yawn yeah they saw a lot of dinosaurs yes and they had a lot of fun this means we can go to the past as well oh good ideas time and in the past we can gather dinosaurs to create our own dino army wow i always wanted to be a general stein what's that oh no stop it bandit we i can't see them anymore muffle cannot true i know marvel morph into a search dog [Music] look jon they are so cute and little they will be the first members of our dino army i don't think they want to join us time come on guys it's gonna be great bandits oh no the bandits are in trouble morph into a gallimimus so we can catch up with them [Music] [Applause] now morph into a t-rex to scare the velociraptors away [Music] the age of the dinosaurs is very dangerous it really is stein i guess you're right oh no a pteranodon has taken the bandits more full morph into a pterodactyl [Music] i can't fly oh morph into a triceratops so you can pin down its tail [Music] thank you stein behind [Music] can't you morph into something oh no i have an idea morphle morph into a big argentinosaurus [Music] we're safe here great i love you marvel [Music] now we only have to wait until brother times hourglass runs out of sand and we will be sent back to our own time look [Music] we're back yeah [Music] maybe the dino army wasn't such a good plan after all mila morphle look at this new toy i got oh
Channel: Morphle TV
Views: 315,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morphle vs orphle, dragons, knights, fairy tale, cartoons for kids, my magic pet morphle, morphle tv, morfol, mila and morphle, dino, jungle, truck, kids videos, kids tv, videos for kids, adventures, stories, cartoons, orphle, morphle, mila, daddy, morphle cartoon, cartoon
Id: shvptMQs4Tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 32sec (2012 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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