Morning In The Streets 1958

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ah Oh we went to Shrewsbury yesterday with their book leavening towns Women's Guild and oh the countryside was magnificent oh it was beautiful it was every shade of green you couldn't I didn't know there were so many shades of green and the little lambs now it seems to me that nobody can really afford to run a stately old nowadays who knows what else um stately colleges but I go foreign debt I say what we need now are not so much stately own but tightly Minds stately my that one of my favorite phrases take devise well maybe a lot of it is because there's no file but it might be that and which still leaves the only one in the family that's ever done it and what was unless what he did who was it three pound you stole spent it and I mean he's no need to do it he get say he goes to the pictures they get sweets when they get plenty of fruit don't know they kept shot of nothing I got a TV put in for them there's nothing the more I can give them I was going on the road one day just on my old solitary tick-tock way when suddenly round the corner come the Flying Squad the usual chatter the turn round the said well give an account of your movements I said I've been to London shuffle Notting of Newcastle Boca net cecum Liverpool bright notice feel our Fox Barnsley Wakefield Norman upon Ypres pluck eaten don't freeze Falcor don't eat channel botany Scotland mirth digital Punk a print of a dare Cardiff City recommend really well ishes hold on a bit lon I've heard enough they were for some other detective take it by enlarge surely we're a better people today this town's a better city today no the world the world just goes on the mass of people I don't think they have much interested in anything outside their own lives I think if I got a job and settle down get myself daddy dope so nice clothes I think my wife will ask me back tomorrow I was talking to a fellow the other wait he'd just come from Africa they'd been away on a ship and he tells me that it was over six million octet in Africa is that many in Africans over here and he said I've dreamed about going to New Zealand he said I'm going and I've called him for that I think I said I'd never speak to him again simply because like without my obv being so element that the boy was his Sun Moon and stars but I'm proud of it now and I say if anybody emigrates it takes guts to do it and that's why I wouldn't go to New Zealand because I don't think of the guts to do it why he should have and work they have the help of strength alive dead Johnny Johnny Kamali's how about seven more get you a member of the shelf a little Mong ji come on now I'm not sure your game just time for this message or perhaps two here's the first it's about an accident at Cuba London last Thursday night when an elderly woman was knocked down by a car and see failure love you are never long before when first I met you wonderfully green oh come to me my dream although this room I love you ones I love you when you Wilson when you were 16 come on here you're not half finished yet you knew you was late when I shouted you this morning I've overslept a bit myself now look it's quarter to eight by the right time that clocks not fast this morning you know or burn it come on son hurry up you know you about quarter an hour's walk to school Johnny do you want anymore before you go and I like it there and now itís a low with nice curly hair oh gee I love him icon D night I'll be with him wherever we go he stands on the corner and whistles me out he shouts you we we are you coming out oh gee I love him I can't deny it I'll be with him wherever we go he bought me a shawl of red white and blue and when we got married he tore it in two oh gee I love in my canteen ayat I'll be with him wherever he goes oh you have no idea that we live a plenty by the bus it won't bad by the loss I mean what used to be tryin to cover us you know and shove out coats on us you know and the nightmare had come and knock at the Joey and if that man found he was in that bed my mother was brought the court and find five shillings and he's actin it has to grow up in the backyard in the shivering cold and sit in the lavatory til he went the good old days was no good old days and I fully think myself that education is a fine leasing it about a month ago I've often said it is brains of my talent will go a long way if you follow the main by the lily white hand take care by the water give Erica's sons make comedy's Gorna burfi blog I went over to snow although it's a better world than he was I'm sure on a Christmas morning it was a fan used to come round used to call it father Christmas I don't know the Methodists or Wesley ins I can't tell you which belong to when central hall I think all Quakers or something they used to come round on the Christmas mornin with a van and that give each little child little underwear and a little penny and adul and that's all them children ever got there was no Santa Claus there no stockings you don't think I can live on the dollar to pound away and pay a big fat Irish Lara lady 3 pound 10 board Lodge where's my beer money in cigarette money coming from where's my Adam I think we all stand on the corner again before long woman a if you can see the skies will it Scott years the sky right through with no electric light whatever on the town now tell me I must pay for it missile my chimney start was demolished on the 5th of November 1957 I've got cast here I've got to cast a big one I'm a kid the big ones on out with sighs and left me with the little ones and that's no good big warm on say it goes out even the Casa de fresas then the bloody Houston yeah we've got Diane and a cockroaches well too lately they've been eating us alive go to next door but one and look up to the roof and is there big man hole in the roof where they've got caught with a policeman near the night to get the little baby house because the ceiling was falling on earth elements do you see that cat the damn lab stone that Oh is there only yesterday the roof it deemed in and teamed in and just weari I'm fed up with it they're just me and my sister - on her own I'm 6157 and I think it's downright shame that we should live under these conditions you I asked him like about a job and they were draining a nut with pipes not you know techie missile religion he says what can you do us is not what Yunus has come your way libera said yes it says can you go back in the mixture in yoga shovel I said I think I can and he told me said what tire you betrayed I said I'm a laborer so after need weighed milk from top to toe mr. Finnigan turn around he's around because as much as I admire book he says your to like whatever work and your to every for like what I said I'm now the ocean an ornament so walk out there no that's one of my death pass terms of the public library get him there say the old crone is the one time Empire builders trying to do the same as be live on the lesson free by the way now other speak the truth though wasn't satisfied with my condition and life I wasn't satisfied in my own class Rayleigh I wanted to be in a class are little higher intellectually because I belong is the higher working class the low working to us well they are the animal class actually absolutely they can talk on nothing they are absolutely on literate drink drink drink members of the cabinet lead of the opposition leader the Liberal Party and Lord Chancellor and the speaker High Commissioners the representatives of the services they stand before the Senate half and we await the notes of Big Bend to announce the silenced gun to welcome the Tuesday morning and never gamble oak came so I own December which I shouldn't have done what I did too and it was his papers to report to us and underlined so I said to the oldest semester don't go to school this morning I said Joe you better take this debtor the no he says I'm not missing school I said you'll do as you're told you'll take this letter down to the warehouse there must be a father so events so he come back so GD guano he said it's his mobilization papers made a disco in a way to the wall he says he'd be home soon but he didn't come home soon they all and ending to tommy dogs around the corner so any out early about sir Aptos wall no they rolled in six of them with a great big gala Giada be a drunk so of course I didn't know the tastiness Italy of comin in Nice state I said so one of them says over there man now he says will not see you for a long time after he said well anyhow I tell you they get a few hours sleep and they all went home and at nighttime they come again at the adjourn to singing Rumia so said oh don't go out and get any more drink I said you bad enough today you know very well you've got to go away tonight always we'll get there some rolled over well anyhow they went and they took bottles of beer with him to the station and he said thou Mary said if you have a little girl call it Margaret if it's in the bar call it Stephen I said all right so he kissed us and he went away and we never seen him up he was killed it I got no G to say had been killed he was a four days passed but he was killed it seems on the 12 March knew to bail so they are and the wind stirs the leaves and the flags of the Cenotaph as slowly these tributes grow at the very foot of the Cenotaph there are many reasons to be laid this morning so much said to me she thought that the body was egg bound and I said well would love to do something about it because it'll die if we don't I said oh he got a book on Babji she said no so she sent the boy out to buy a book and we did what we could for it so she rang me up the next day told me there was no eggs rang me up the next day no eggs so I said to her well you you better take it to the University and have it seen to there so she - I can't do that she said it says in the Bungie book you've got to keep them in the one heat if I take it out in the cold it'll get pneumonia and die so anyway she got a bet him to have a look at it and check the dog followed it in and he goes to the cage to get the body out opens the cage the blood she flies out a lights on the mat the dog jumps on it and no blood she he picks it up the vet looks at it he said this budgie is not egg bound he said it's got a tumor and with that he just threw it in the fire so much so good heaven she says my lads will go mad what did you do that for he said well cremation is the most hygienic thing madam that will be seven and six yes I mean nervous at Town is that seamless showing and going on with this stuff it's a very good bird and just telling you obviously a new job I'd be enough kissing and chef would I do the camp its fire sort they want to do the cab it's done it had done the big one in the parlor she did stage machine botany carpets but she wants to know really what was the region address the other place for so of course I told it was on the landlord came up you sued the other day and you said to me is justice delivery and I said you're such a competent so I started to speak to her and I said them I suppose you're wondering why I'm reading my Bible in here she said well it did seem a bit sir you won't card to come back but I've got the courage to come back but I'm not cutting the come back for no oh chok chok I love to listen to it go rowing in the mornings down the street yup yup yup people say to me big hearted be how did you come by but I thought I liked all by and I'm not cutting the Kaiba no oh the old oil came up the old attitude of everybody as you were finished you were too old go go go I would have liked to wear down the but Lumia huge because it was old it's a sin to grow old you know we had an old lady here and then she everybody would run and get a cup of tea and that way tender and do all those little things but you don't receive nobody wants me what I mean if you take that attitude you can't expect anyone to once you can you I could take a pound out this morning laid out and I would have see anything for it look at the pricier booklet where we got the best bottle now was a girl at 8:00 and sit down and the better old abatement sixpence 24 legs for a shilling two pound of sugar a pound of murdering and I think I'll take a pound of cooking throttle of its shirts how long the people being at having good material things how long they hadn't had it above what 20 30 years this release from sheer anxiety about where the next meal was coming from if when the pressure is lifted they should go a bit down for 10 minutes who's to blame and who's the one dress I've been on with the teeth party cutting abomination and water Jed and wounded will lie in a boat and as I lay there a voice alongside Lee said look Murphy there's a little buttercup I said well what about it that must be the good seed fallen on the good ground we must be the bad seed fallen on the rocks and we don't use go away to say like his buddy out on me mother you know you steer the beatings for nothing she's very hard wait a moment and saying when he come home from state all the money gold accounting and then cost me mother diet of just machine and select me 14 little baby twelve months old and another one there before me dad stayed with us eight weeks and then he got a ship when sway left us so he cause he died after you know then I had more table me place like my husband never never got much way and that's the way I told me life but time got thoughts been very good to me and he told him over it's a bit of a lousy life checking it all around from top to toe I was a big baby and I was a fat little girl at school Gayle a fat young woman and I'm a fat old woman ha ha ha ha ha happy days but we're all part of a great mass this great mass is just split up into little bits we the little bits I'm part of you your bottom a wagonload is this overhanging threat what can you say about that the overhanging threat the atomic bomb you to find out more about the capital of culture and see videos about the Arts in Liverpool go to the BBC's Capital of Culture website at BBC Co UK 8 next tonight that great city through the eyes of one of her most famous sons you
Channel: elviskline99
Views: 937,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Manchester, Stockport, Salford, Liverpool
Id: z9RZ5ul4SOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 48sec (2088 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2016
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