Morkie :The Complete Guide to Maltese Yorkshire Terrier Mix

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ever wanted a super small dog to cuddle into on cold nights the morky will do just the job a crossbreed between the maltese and yorkshire terrier the morky is a fluffy ball of love and loyalty and is the perfect dog for individuals and families before going into the video we are giving away a free video series that teaches the quick and easy way to an obedient dog without spending hours of training in thousands of dollars so make sure to get yours by clicking the first link in the description now let's get into today's video appearance and personality the morky is a super sweet combination having characteristics from both parents it can be difficult to determine the size of the morky as it is a mixed breed but as they are a designer dog they typically range between 6 to 15 inches in height and weigh around 5 to 10 pounds in terms of their personality the morky is a people loving fur ball that is extremely friendly and social they are fiercely loyal and tend to attach to one person like the yorkie when the morky becomes bored they can display behaviors such as chewing and barking as the name suggests the morky is a bundle of cuteness with silky straight and fine for arranging in colors from black and tan white or a combination of all three speaking of names if you're really interested in knowing all there is to the maltese yorkie mix yorkie maltese mix overkill we know but we need to cover our bases here's a list below covering all the names that don't make sense get ready for some hardcore knowledge morky poo morky plus poodle not just a cute name to call your morky dog morky ortiz now that's overkill yorkie morky yorkie pooh nope not a morky but a yorkshire terrier plus poodle good guard dogs but perhaps a bit too good ever heard of small dog syndrome the morky has it they love to bark which can be a bit of a problem for the pet owner when left alone this breed will continuously bark until their human comes home to be with them this is a typical sign of separation anxiety and is common in a lot of breeds the solution take them with you if you can or speak to your vet about options to help control their anxiety teacup morky fact or fiction the big question on the table is can a morky fit in a teacup or is that just pure fiction the answer to that is yes a morky can fit in a teacup when they are a puppy but don't hold your breath as they get older like any dog yes this includes designer breeds they don't stay a puppy forever and they will grow but we know a maltese puppy is cute a yorkshire terrier puppy is cute so the morky teacup morcu puppy is for sure a heartbreaker two troy parents maltese and yorkshire terrier the morky is a combination of the maltese and yorkshire terrier breeds here is a little information about each the maltese the maltese are famous for their startling white fur and dark eyes with features like their drop ears black nose and round skull they are great at conveying expressions the gentlest of dogs they can also be fearless and are fiercely loyal the yorkshire terrier want to know where the morky gets their personality from it comes from these guys the yorkshire terrier or yorkie loves attention and is dedicated to loving their owner unconditionally like the maltese the yorkshire terrier has a beautiful coat and developed their final colors in about three years ranging from blonde brown or steel blue a guide to morky temperament the morky is a playful dog despite how small they are they are a bundle of energy and can run around for hours so it's important they receive plenty of exercises because they are a smaller breed of dog the morky is great for children and is friendly with cats as stated before the morky does love to bark so it's important to start training them early who would make the perfect morky parents the great thing about the morky is that they are such a lovable and friendly dog that anyone can be their owner as they are great with children families will benefit from having this dog the most as they are a playful joy and not too much added work it's not easy to look so good morkies need continuous grooming the morky comes from two dog breeds that are famous for their coat as they are low shedding note not fully a non-shedding dog they need lots of brushes to prevent their fur from nodding daily brushes are best and their coats should be washed once a month it takes a lot of hard work to look that good breed size morky popper to morky full grown on the first assumption many believe that this maltese terrier mix stays its puppy size forever this is where the notion teak up dog comes from like every dog though the morky will grow in size to around 20 to 25 centimeters tall weighing 2.5 to 4.5 kilograms morky for sale if you are thinking of buying a morky or looking at a puppy for sale then here is some helpful information to influence your decision prices for a morky range from 800 us dollars to 2000 us dollars morky breeders as with all dog breeds make sure the morky breeder is reputable and responsible you can ask your vet local grooming or dog puppy training schools to find your next dog five tips to owning a morky if the morky is your kind of dog then here are some helpful tips to look after them one training these pups are extremely clever but also stubborn training will take time and patience and should always be approached in a positive light as this type of breed won't listen if treated harshly 2. socialization as a friendly dog socialization is important and training your dog to be in situations like this should be a top priority teach them how to accept and welcome attention from other people and animals as this will help to control their separation anxiety and the excessive barking 3. a lot of exercises a though the morky is a ball of energy they are small it doesn't take much to exercise them 30 minutes a day is plenty 4. love and attention morkys love their humans and want to shower them with affection you should do the same to your furry friend as they have a beautiful temperament 5. keep them warm did i mention they're small despite how much fur they have they will find it hard to warm up in the cooler seasons get them a nice little jumper or snuggle them up in a blanket give this yorkie maltese mix enough love and attention and they will repay you tenfold with such a beautiful temperament and a bundle full of joy you can't go wrong with a morky and don't forget to check out the free video series that teaches the quick and easy way to an obedient dog without spending hours of training in thousands of dollars so make sure to get yours by clicking the first link in the description if you like the video then make sure to hit that like button also if you want more dog training guides information then make sure to subscribe our channel let me know what you think of this video in the comments and thank you for watching
Channel: IPet Guides
Views: 48,411
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Keywords: Dog training, Breeds, morkie, morkie puppies, morkie dog, morkie puppy, maltese yorkie mix dog, morkie care, morkie training, morkie grooming, morkie health, maltese yorkie mix, morkie dogs 101, morkie behavior, morkie dog info, yorkshire terrier, should you get a maltese yorkie mix, are maltese yorkie mix family dogs, are morkies good for family, maltese yorkie mix temperament, morkie history, morkie origins, dog training basics, dog training videos
Id: qMqf-yNpmIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 50sec (410 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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