Morel Mushroom Hunting 2020

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yep [Music] good shot boy on 70 across the road [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he was shot so we're out here today this is about my third trip in the woods haven't found anything yet but obviously watching on Facebook and whatnot and they appear to be popping released from what I'm seeing on Facebook and give me a little hike in here and first one of the year thank you laughs we're very short this year from what I hear but I don't have any real good black spots so but that is the first mushroom of the year I don't want to browse around here let's see if I can't find any more hopefully you guys don't see him on here and I don't but I got my eyes fixed on it and that is number one of the year let's see if we can find some more I love mushroom hunting so around here in this briar thicket here nasty nasty stuff but I just feel that one I said I will look for some more and about three feet away there she is the mushroom season has begun my favorite thing in the world to do thank you Lord gonna keep looking for more all right guys still here in the same area I'm gonna bet there's a few more sticking up so let's just pick this one mm put it in my sack here a few more steps over here I'm gonna bet we find another one or two Oh [Applause] this one's actually most a little dry kind of surprised at that so there's probably more just gonna take my eyes a few minutes to get adjusted and hopefully I'll come out with a little bit today you see thank you lord so I searched that first spot pretty good only found four get in there in my bag so moved a little farther and hung it just pretty good so far I went up try something new but there's another one right there so why keep on moving looking around here still a little early they'll really be coming up here soon I think but we're gonna start start looking around and I'm gonna bet there's probably a couple more laying around here this is a pretty decent little mushroom a little bit dry on the one side there but can't be in here every day I wish I could wouldn't work if I could so we'll look around here and see what see what more we can find so I just walked up through here didn't see anything coming back down the same spot that I sure can't hide these are some pretty good fresh ones here I picked that other one right over there just a second ago I'm sure there's some more they're just a little tough to see right now anything big yellows popping yet but there will be alright keep on looking pretty slow pretty early here but then here's kind of at the bottom of the hill just glassing up the hill [Applause] sometimes do you get down there at the bottom and glass up you're liable to spot one they're still popping these are a few early ones but we'll keep looking I'll try to fill my sack up a little bit and I think I'm up to like seven now so not very many but oh well if you just look there's another one so that's a pretty low keep browsing our way around the side of the hillside here and try to pick up a few alright let me pick these a couple of pretty ones there I bet there's some more around so we'll just keep at it till we well since I'm still on the camera here small tough to see he's pretty early but he's got a little brown on him so gonna go ahead and pick him cuz I don't know what I'm gonna get back in here to my spot but to get a little bit down in there so just keep on looking so I just picked a couple of small ones right there there by that poplar in a stir to just walk over this way and nice big fat you see one here the cam [Applause] they hint take a few steps down here [Applause] pumping right there a lot of people say let him grow but I picked them last year then come back to hand don't real close to 300 more so a little bit brown there so I'm just a little I don't want to let him go to waste that would be crazy so we'll keep looking keep trying to fill up the sacks I don't see any more right now as soon as I turn the camera off there'll be another one now well I made it down through here a little farther and see they're quite as big down here but they haven't really pumped pop yet but just slowly working my way along looking around I'm good and pick it probably a little small like I said but don't know where I'll get back in here and no need to waste it keep hunting through some trees and some brush here happen before another one not very big but he'll do and the writer Paul tells us to rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice so we'll take a moment to rejoice thank God for everything that he's blessed me with my family my health my friends I haven't seen in a while but I want to take a moment to thank God for all the blessings that he gives us and he takes care of us you know obviously our world of the country's going through a bit of a time right now but God's still in control we don't have anything to fear because he's in control he will take care of us you know say how do you know because he promised he would so we have nothing to fear guys keep on keepin on and rejoice and thank God every chance you get for what he's done in your life what he's gonna do in your life that's the most amazing thing is what he's gonna do you know he knows what knows what's going on with you he knows every hair on your head so lift him up every time you get a chance and that's what I want to do right now I'm gonna keep looking hopefully I'll be back on here in a minute with some more mushrooms so just kind of got up the hillside here a little bit and there's a little flat maybe a little old logging road or something new down there did a little scanning now I've lost it again where did that mushroom go there puffing up for you and for between right now but like I said we're still pretty early but when you find one usually look around cuz there's probably another one mushroom hunting tip six billion seven hundred and seventy three so I'm gonna actually take a picture this one with my phone it was pretty cold burning that moss like that I want to sit here look for a few more looking at the Freak yeah walking right for this guy rolling down here in the bottom getting a little mess I'm kind of lost track I'm probably 20 or so but keep on so I checked out another spot nothing not up yet they're still a little early so come back through here and thought I'd kind of walk the edge of this hillside they're few and far between but they are tasty ones so I'm gonna keep looking there's probably another one around here nearby I just can't see it right now but I'll do my best to find it not lost it we're going to continue to look here for just a little bit good Oh decent little sack full but you know for the first trip finding mushrooms this year not too bad so hopefully I'll be back on here again that may have been the last one so it wasn't our last one a baby pretty small one this kind of a little drier side I know they're fairly fresh but I'm just afraid we won't get enough rain and they'll just good waste so I'm gonna pick them more will come up it'll be alright so that last one was not my last one I got three more we're taking another another stroll down the down the way see that one's even got a little mold on it and a little bit of brown on his stem there but if I find him I want to pick them plus I'm afraid I won't be able to find him again all right well there might be a few more and they'll keep walking try to pick a few more and we shall see pretty glad I decided to take another walk big old yella standing right there which is kind of hard but a bunch of Grey's down the year down he's already looking kind of rough you must have come up in one of those nice little warm patches we have four dead I've been on this spot Pelly this is the third pass through it and I missed that thing right there they are tough to find it's gonna keep walking keep looking keep your eyes peeled we're gonna keep doing that so planting some up the hillside here definitely glad I took this little wall cuz I found quite a few more people I'm looking probably another couple laying around here somewhere that sex I'm getting Boop it in there I've had it a lot fuller but oh no real size and these ones before do these ones taste good no I keep searching along the little hillside here see if I can't come up with another couple this one was so pretty at filming just a pretty little morale there amazing how good fungus tastes just go back on my trek back down and I'll probably head back up about the same way I come and see if I can find any more amazing how many times you walk over a certain place you don't see them and all of a sudden they pop out to you on your second or third trip back up through there so or I continued our flight here [Music] pretty little waterfall and a pretty little morale [Applause] heading up the opposite side here I'll see if I can't pick up a few random stragglers that pop up over here we will see another little straggler not very big but they sure do taste good I know I'm here there and everywhere nothing real specifically now it's just my honey hole my good spot so keep walking along here and in about a week they'll be up now here in the bottom and they'll pretty plentiful I do believe maybe two weeks what's the other way there does all right guys that is a hiding little mushroom oh then once tastes good winds whipping down through here I'll get as many as we can today well I didn't finish up at least another 15 more so far these ones are just popping early so [Applause] calm this area over real good and see if I can't find another one or two so I didn't find anymore that last spot I was combing real good but if this happened to glance over fall down the hill here take a picture with my phone of it really want to scan here and see if there's any where don't see any right offhand but I'll film it if a fine one so it appears the big yellow one we found lasts was the last one so we're getting ready to hike out of here but it's been a good day we're out here practicing social distancing nobody around God was good to us today a little sack of mushrooms I had a good time so I give it another week and I think this will be filled up with them hopefully a bunch of big yellow ones so maybe two weeks but I'll post a video when it's on there so god bless you all and have a good day thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Fishers of Men Adventures and Ministries
Views: 2,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morel, morel mushroom, morel mushrooms, southern ohio, ohio morel, southern ohio morel, southern ohio mushroom hunting, ohio, ohio mushroom, ohio mushroom hunting, hunting, fishers of men, hiking, morels, mushrooms, praising God
Id: Po4nCvRB_h8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 27sec (1767 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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