More to do with old tire;s then flower pot's

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[Music] all right guys new project i have a bunch of tires up in my garage when i bought new tires for my car i had to bring the i brought the old ones back with me because i knew eventually i'd find something to use it for plus tar shop that changed my tires they wanted to charge me 12 dollars per tire to get rid of them and i thought for 50 some dollars i can take them home and use them in a project so right now i'm trying to cut this tire down the middle i haven't some ideas but we'll have to wait and i'm not going to tell you what they are until i can see if i can cut this thing down the middle guess what guys it's cutting too it's not it's not perfectly but it's got all right when i get ready to do what i'm gonna do with it i'll come back and show you guys all right guys now that i got the tire cutting too now we're going to clean it first we're going to wet it down real good and then i'm going to use the dawn because don has the grease cutting action and this will help get rid of any oil old tire anything like that in it that's been in it take a brush and you want to scrub the inside really good [Music] all right now i feel comfortable that we got it now we got to clean it but since i have flower beds all the way around i want to pull it down here to do it now now we want to wash the outside of the tire because since it is a used tire we want to make sure that all the mud gravel oil and grease has gone off the outside too all right we're going to rinse it again and rinse it well all right now that it's clean and all the soap's gone all right so now that it's all clean we're gonna turn it right here and we're gonna leave it right here to completely dry first thing we're gonna do now that we've got this all cleaned and everything is we're going to take one of these little pans that i use and we're going to measure across and it is 16 inches right on the dot so we got to find 16 inches on the [Applause] tire now that we got the tire cleaned with uh dawn i'm going to take an old cleaning rag that i keep around the house that i use on everything and i'm going to take alcohol and i'm going to clean right around the edge right in here because i want to make sure there's nothing like grease or oil or even cleaning it with dawn there's going to be probably little traces left so i want to make sure i clean this really [Applause] good with alcohol and i've got one of the plastic pans that i use for other stuff you know you guys know i have like uh light blue and and dark blue and brown and and red so i use them under my big pots my niece gave them to me her dad works at a factory that makes these anyway now we're going to take the alcohol and we're going to clean the edges of the pan all right now i'm using clear 100 silicone which there's not very much in this tube so i'm probably gonna have to stop in the middle and change the tube and we're gonna go right around and put a line a good thick line but just make a good thick line all the way around where your pan sits and then just kind of take your finger and go around it to make sure that you're smoothing it out a little bit and that makes it stick to the tire a little and yeah i'm probably making a mess but that's all right it's gonna dry and whatever gets underneath that if it once it dries i can peel it off with a knife gosh this stuff is strong so make sure you do this outside because the vapor from this stuff is so strong it could make you pass out if you're not in a well well ventilated area all right now we've got it all the way around let me wipe my hands here real quick all right now we're going to take our pan and we're going to turn it upside down right on it and make sure you have it even and where you want it because once it dries that's it it's there we're going to take and go around the edges on the outside and put another line and i just put a big glob all the way through and then i take my finger and lightly go over it just to smash it down some smooth it out but also it leaves it really really thick where i'm putting it all right i think that's it i think we got it i'm just putting a little extra where it looks a little thin to me so don't pay no mind to me i'm just making sure that it's set in all the way around all right now we gotta let this set overnight and what i'm going to do is take a coffee can i got and i'm going to put it right there and i've got stuff in the can to make it way then i'm going to put a rock on the top and that kind of helps push it down and keep it in place all the way around and now we got to let that set overnight all right another thing i did guys i went up and i got two old rims out of the garage and they're both 14 inch rims just the old ones that i never use anymore anyway i gotta clean these up and wash them real good and i can stack them on top of each other and i use this side because this has got the middle part that kind of sticks up and that will help support it so my next step putting these together wash clean them and paint them [Applause] all right guys now to the next step now we're gonna paint that tire and i've chosen kind of a light blue and this thing will probably need two good coats [Applause] well i know one thing for sure that silicone is not paintable because every time i get silicone on it it bubbles right back off but that's okay that's going to be hit anyway not going to be able to even see that part what i'll have to do is paint the whole bottom let it dry come back flip it over and paint around the top [Applause] and then do let that dry then do a second coat around the top then flip it back over into a second coat around the bottom [Applause] i was watching a little hummingbird this morning he was having a time running from the feeder to the bird bath so what i did is i just i moved the speeder down to the birdbath for these to be old tires man they still had a some really good tread on them i should have waited another year before i bought new tires can you guys guess what it's going to be yet when i saw the old tires up in my garage i thought there's got to be something i can do with those and i don't want to make flower pots out of them like everybody else does so i come up with an idea of whether it works or not it's a different story but i guess we're gonna find out i don't think there's any way i'm gonna be able to get between all those treads but i do want a good thick coating of paint on that because that way it'll last longer all right there's the first coat and i've got to flip it over and do the bottom part but i put little plants on each corner because there's a light breeze today and it keeps blowing the plastic up on it but can you guys figure out what it is yet all right this is uh a video for wednesday and there's going to be two parts to this video because i'll never be able to get it all in one video uh since thursdays is my uh spotlight channel day the second part of this video will be friday but the video is just way too long for me to put it all in one and you guys sit there and go through it but you just never make it even i wouldn't so anyway i will upload the second part to this on friday and you guys will get to see what i'm turning this tire into there's the other half down there still all right guys come back friday if you want to see what this half a tire becomes guys i hope you didn't get too bored and i'll see you friday
Channel: The Ozark Duke
Views: 3,154
Rating: 4.7894735 out of 5
Keywords: Old Tire's, Old tire bird bath, water fountain, tire water fountain, use of old Tires
Id: lQ3-GHE-csY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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