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I was only two minutes two minutes late I try do this one-handed ever [Music] a vicar I wish I could see this camera house my planner [Music] factors on that I will say that these equipment is not quite [Laughter] dropped with a red sector green sector purple Chester make one of they turn diesel fuel into power [Laughter] what is an exacta much plainer exact remarks planner is was developed by dear with the motto released by the last three or four years electric delivery system so every grow disc is controlled by an electric motor rush the seed off of the seed plate that's being spun by the electric motor and it delivers it down to the ground one of the biggest issues you have with speed is not only getting an accurate population but when you're driving very fast turbo unit sir probably important to a woman sixteen inches from control point to where he in this planet if the drop in Russia precision planning offers a product yeah please cover the delivery part I'm not sure about their situation population control that's the unit itself very expensive planner if you're playing with this pointer which you wouldn't want to go anything over five six miles for very sensitive to seriously I talked a little bit more about that by Mike earlier you can make a 60-foot planer fifteen miles an hour [Laughter] this man and guide me after you run this all year it's relatively easy to know where the driving straight [Laughter] I'd rather have to close the dips in omphalos about less room for weed day time too you can actually see what's going on I'm putting a lot of faith in this iPad now I got my iPad pro up here on the screen not enough Larry [Laughter] I'm any tipo anyone in here now with there's all pictures of [Laughter] [Music] for me yes I've been full-time with my family three years hold on [Music] michael says v momentum that's what I was talking about give me trouble for a while I think [Music] no one mess with the tractor God [Applause] [Music] occasionally after playing in the dust like this these sensors from the C tube let's get a little bit obstructed by dust and start to show on my mom has been doing so killed but if to back up a little bit because the planner knows I planted their money has a delay explode [Music] Oakland I was going down one suction cup on my mom you've got about three seconds before your honest air kicks off what's the weather Larry right now it's a volume 72 degrees a high of 74 very windy as a crosswind [Music] supposedly they're gone for good somewhere and entered somewhere that there was a range over please that's a lot of rain especially that came in one drink rich so dry right me lightning four inches would it be this is giving me anxiety ooh [Music] all right that's not going anywhere we had four inches over like four or five days at this point it'd probably be just Bala we need this grounds dried I'm putting these soybeans in about two inches in the ground extremely in the ferryman he did work them a little bit his brain came up really funny [Laughter] what's that one else up for today working from home now feels I would speculate that of just about every planter in the Corn Belt [Music] ever back-up plan planning - friends how much horsepower distractor detroit 185 work [Music] both feet it's a problem we don't deal with very large changes in altitude I've seen two farmers in Iowa Minnesota places with farms you know it maybe under coordination even more I would speculate I would speculate that the elevation change in this farm is maybe three to four foot this is some of the best farm packaging fine [Music] [Music] now fast you planning I usually go on 10:07 laughter I pineapple farm and 11 here in like 8 miles an hour what part of central Illinois to ask I mean right now I'm in Windsor Illinois just west Coles County and that's second ago Easter Shelbyville in the community you are familiar I'm from Mattoon five minutes or so with the school for an angle a degree yes drop sciences [Laughter] Northeast Ohio were flooded you just get a pretty big shower recently mmm raining here's the tooth question do I go back around and reverse while the natural feel I always like to plan around my field [Music] back to the west artista bit hey do you remember me I'm back in the nine I'm planning come to I forget how many people do I know playing with a nine one of my good friends from school apart from this area they plan with it maybe really eyes if I pull these planners in stream one of our biggest gripes for the 9r tractor on the planet a lot of climbing up and down diagnosing bunker planner so much it'd be real hassle that to climb up at nine are six three four foot off the ground this tractor - you got climb or or a late night uh I city tractors fall off of the one time in Arnold what's the weather like and it fix my problem leaning on that since gonna have to build a planner on snake [Music] questions r10 day for I hate to hear that I'm sorry the worst part is that so much the core melt is planning you have to watch them you have to watch me plant soybeans as the time of meat [Music] too far away that's up there in gods I graduated three years find the woman last time I was in Georgia visiting yeah I think we might hundred degrees down there it I don't like people all your meals it really depends on the ear it's hard to give you a specific on a bite efficiency we do so much jumping around the weather effects is so much I really have to sit down and just average the time into this you know planing even [Music] if you follow my videos when we've been doing I mean last year our first build we planted the first week of May my last build we plan the second we compute i replanted beans and the third thing shoes and i replant it aids in July we planted beets in July I'm not sure how you define weeks the nicest thing about backing up a tractor is that you have individual brakes on your rear when you get the planner working for you suppose you break around you can make a pretty sharp not much trouble [Laughter] other than that snow we had asked me was that this when you got my day that's knowing that lately that probably the last no we haven't easily we'll get one that's my iPad is dirty Maharis Martis no more movie to hear my although our last two winners have been much much warmer than once previous we have maybe one or two weekends we met maybe one or two weekends in the land two years total maybe two or three weeks where we actually had a solid deep freeze on the ground which makes it very difficult to get a lot of my dirty work and I do a lot of back to work on niches trees under them you can't do that on ground it's not person you only get one of us to now Matthew going title trying to find my follow my water at the same time why'd you have three nine arch factors yeah I got one for backup looks like I'm going to mild an hour seven six nine right now ten here may have to relocate for a minute so I get this squared away no one wants to watch me though it wasn't winner you'll make John Deere off-center we tried the demo program but guilty last year it has its place a lot of really interesting information and analytics I have a hard time seeing how that adds value to your farm unless you're doing something better [Music] [Music] surely they're not waiting Ranger thing the next [Music] okay [Music] [Music] if you can't tell but it's learnt you can lose like this the mountains not only [Music] pretty fast get cooked into nine miles an hour right the way seatbelt go on that fast from western New York at least you're gonna use snowmobiles I don't ever give up behind right side this thing is being a real rascal I need to clean the window before I put it up that's what's going on behind me [Laughter] all right we're fixing this once and for all [Music] [Music] okay [Music] Justin says bleep please make an equipment [Music] [Music] I feel very easily just to walk around all of our barns and talk about our equipment but I think this quality something like [Music] maybe we'll get lucky here after planning edge not even any women [Music] the new John Deere tractor have well I mean you can we put out anywhere folks wants the whole team out you see if you see people at the tractors without 20 different screens I've got two screens I'm looking at the new tractors don't have one [Music] iPads actually the tractor last year and planning he tractor before the field new connection device to connect synod's gain additional I was gonna go fill up the seats in there upon Tyler's face how many in our track into a tower three nine arms [Music] they have allow you telling your trackers [Music] I'll answer your questions on the better [Laughter] question [Music] is that just standard on farming YouTube [Music] [Music] mess eval family the whole of our entire farm on the mouth communicating by Kevin I don't want to know do you go to her tracks in Illinois there Ilana I don't personally and you enjoy outdoors growing that family was there Talisman's dealership I'm more of a big I didn't have a street bike at one point Yamaha [Music] we have a little bit of production years ago maybe took one audience is very nice [Music] beyond the heart they're speaking I thought funny millennium [Music] that's a question that was up story - damn him like David's pie out of building [Music] I've never seen before look like a golf course [Music] are you planning [Music] get a haircut maybe I can I I wouldn't trust just anyone to take this off here and you just put a bowl on it's kind of [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] ever find emergency different levels the owner some people ran a lot of ground some alone No ever have sure some people of cash rents Justin rice says what's your favorite track now probably the 9r we use on the auger wagon [Music] as a toughie my basement typical [Music] really good question I think about 40 [Music] find them on my [Music] three membership or not maybe it's 20 on it from here [Music] at one point last year I give you some perspective of rainfall we had teachers of rain in ten dates two of them payment mortgage rates launches it like the flower talk membrane there's nothing you can do you do the best you can to put the crop in the ground you have perfect stamps you get tensions around ten days water heating rare each you irrigate is that what you need water coming from [Music] just comes over to our hangar [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] we have a lot of German good field yeah we have a lot of large farms that we subdivided into smaller farms become ever there's so much difference in soil type as opposed to farming them all is one farm we split them up into give thank you [Music] it's not ready to play at all another quarter should be playing a week ago [Music] what about the plain amount [Music] you wanna make sure you even from the best [Music] by earning later [Music] 95r now probably not take this backdrop we don't really have a need to I'm a believer that would be trade you know straight something more power base productivity than what you have almost palpable demamp can value-- matter as completely this is a ninny tweet by this a couple years old now probably six or seven years old take 380 hours that's how much me Yuni custom farming no we no I hate them if you don't land there at the beginning of the game don't land there [Music] ask my buddies I played with about that one [Music] [Music] [Music] how much weight is amazing [Music] with Egypt with the accept [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I miss radio to radio to somewhat more convenience um you got secret tender and got people [Music] and people they turn up nothing [Music] optimal speed for planning fun my depending on the planet some planner you don't want to fight back per hour another plane it's all depend on equipment this planet right here I'm kind of pushing the boundaries a little bit because we're planting soybeans I'm willing to sacrifice accuracy and precision in exchange complaining a little bit faster than it's capable of putting seeding the ground engine sound I'm sorry I need to pull it somehow : we talk louder is it better if I talk like that all right I'll talk to a ladder pretty good I used headphones it sounds a little bit better I need to pull you closer but your RG as far away as you can possibly be from me if I pull you closer you're not to be able really see much you're just gonna see the tanks on the planner there's no quiet spot there's no quiet spot in the track Ian says hello I'm from the UK making the lockdown more bearable I'm glad I can make [Music] nick says he's planning form today have fun knocking on the box Nick what's the biggest game-changer on your farm in recent years in terms of general productivity was that executive our planners phenomenal Tecna a lot of things have not changed much I don't make we've made leaps and bounds and productivity on the farm employment side especially on factors are more for the nominee very nice interiors very nice for the operator however they've not made your mission anything like that it's not just they have made leaps and bounds and improvements in exhaust emissions and cleaning them whether or not you agree with that is beside the point they have done a good job is very inconvenient they sacrifice a power inner product inner Georgia farm boy Jack says we have an 8400 with 17 pounds that is a typo 70,000 hours any plans for an eight-hour exposure not anytime soon and I'd rather buy I'd rather buy farm founded by commercial assets farm equipment is not investment do you have here irrigation is it a good investment for corn and soybeans that's a great question someone asked that the other night my life it depends on the crossing around your Browns where your ground struggles if it bounces sandy soil that has no problem draining water drink water almost too the irrigation is probably going to pay if there's a water source nearby and not before you can tap into orange the well we have the water table to run irrigation I don't think it'd be an issue however we arrangement here to an extent that we can grow just is going to process something to ham on their irrigation farms boundaries if you're dealing with a very be very sensitive from some to ensure it's not run out of moisture then you meet one of your nation you have California they're not run anything but you have to roll the props into flying suit that's like we do in the UK we do not personally do that there are plumber in the United States in certain regions that do roll their secrets bringing says we have the DNR the people who have used them even the people who were not provided one really important formulas to meet the mother farm and said that there are some of the nicest tractors they've ever driven however five hundred six hundred thousand dollars per tractor dies saving you that much money or work back Spence there comes a time we have to what you wanted what you there's a certain point of efficiency where you need so much these newer tractors that who runs on this high-tech equipment but do we need an 8rx tractor with the quads on you got money to spend you don't know Georgie said it is 17,000 that's a lot of hours that maybe four hours of our entire I mean twice [Music] [Music] it's usually the other way around don't usually eat less planners and warp reforming just warned me most guys here in West gentlemen [Music] there's tax advantages to Lisi don't take something risks that you do it's all expensive doesn't matter can be seen by it's gonna cost you my overbite booyah someone's an earlier I just now thinking about the common someone's in they think I'm the only farmer they seen that does not wear a hat I do on occasion where at TV wear hat and supply videos one miner gets this long wearing at and challenging and frustrating I don't very few farmers and actually with my family but most partners I know do wear hat mostly put a son [Music] the end of the field stop speeding it up are you gonna speed it stops yeah so let me turn this you can see right here I'm sorry the LED screens kind of flicker each one of these green lines at the bottom each one of these represents a set 32 ml planner each second each section is full rows for 8 sections when the light turns by in this path up here when I overlap a spot that's already been planted so these lines right here colored aren't and they planted each swath control unit so each row control will shut off as it crosses into that territory so I'm on the end I can actually plan all the way through because the player stops planning even though the planners in the ground so that's how sloppy I can probably show you but I'll have to be so happy when I kind of deal with one hand I wish I could zoom out here's what I'm working with on the command side here's my throttle around a full throttle here's my power shift I've got if I bump in for that bump Samantha gear my fullback that pulls me down down to gear here's my rear where my reverse backwards is up a gear forwards is down here this is my three-point control foot controls this hitch directly here I shut all the ones I'm not using cuz I don't want to mess with them this controls my up and down through the field it's all I really need if I'm doing the in rows I can turn the marker on so I can switch these on which those are the markers there I've explained that in the last video so when they're those are markers there I control my markers on that one three runs one of my vacuums and then four is running my other backing over there when one's pushed all the way down and also runs the fan so you have to make sure it's click down you can see on the display here I've got one you see the little gauge lever on one it's showing that it's all the way forward because it's still providing continuous hydraulic power then my three and four are the hydraulics for my back as I explain and see their click down on continuous that gauge right there means they're running right now locked into that pressure and you see twos not doing anything so it shows nope okay so I'll try to I'll try and show you the swath control go play it up because the issue as I cross at the end here see my row units just shut off I lifted the planner up I like to tap the right brake a little bit around turn my auto steer back on and click that click that down puts my planner back down sorry it's a little shaky I'm on this by hand as I cross back over my rail units turned green and we're playing again it's that simple [Music] Brenden sorry I'm trying to get to that last question hopefully I answered your question inventor Carlos Brennan wants to know where are you my man West Mountain miles familiar with winter it is to the east of Shelbyville to the southeast [Music] east-southeast have sold in Illinois beginning Shelby Moultrie town does the other snare button set cruise [Music] it is not I don't know if that's a functionality any affected me really not sir there is a button here that I can program to a macro or a combination of commands and lots I used to immediately he's here full throttle in theology abundant fire [Music] for most rain you bring it's the elevator ride for this farm I'm at right now pretty far away from the away from my own farm maybe 20 you don't have meet me in Siberia we don't have [Music] you can stored quite a bit of a cop 300 to traffic whistles large capacity not a lot of huge bins much smaller bins very convenient like to ever been to place closer to the farm [Music] is 1,400 military [Music] Joshua Meyer since I got might not be a pelican we hole all of our we all every situation is different storage gates with marketing thirty to forty cent Perry 30 40 cents net I will sometime lux wants to know what a good terrible prices per acre in your hearing it's all gonna depend on the productivity of the farm around I doubt you see anything go under $10,000.00 anchor I know that there's a large tract of ground couple months ago an acre chunk of some phenomenal farm ground I believe the average price was over $12,000 anchor [Music] four thousand US dollars not Manian dollars u.s. there was a 2,000 acre chunk of ground and also I believe very productive ground that's hold on no shield bed the winner was like ten six that's on 2008 million dollars 120 million plus one of the biggest factors affecting the difference the value of farm ground some of these farmers tramplings how to try to buy a farm and apartment and they don't care if they have to me maker baffled a few now did some not everyone's that way in the ground when it says we have 20 more Brennen you run a case of Liberty runnin Deerfoot [Music] now the cases planner on there I've got a friend about aces high speed planner and they're phenomenal planner well [Music] from Croatia as doing Joshua said I once filled our worst trailer with 100 1000 Quixote knew [Music] spreading yeah I wish you were there too Alex it's hard to it's hard to be away from the farm are you gone by choice are you stuck there because of the virus miss at home Lux said we used to cash rent at $65 an acre in 1991 1991 was along not no offense a lot has changed in agriculture in the last 30 years the value of farming is tremendously higher there's a lot more money involved over all landlords are getting a larger cut I guess not everyone kilometer there was a period of years from 2006 to 2012 in 2013 during that especially for corn farmers with the mandate of the renewable fuel standard production ethanol where some farmers were making more money in the user that imagine their whole program eventually in 2012 very burn commence an email everyone makes good quick no it doesn't demand I am right there push it all to see every every well units each you starts right there on the other side the tank in the fan pushing disease all the way from there too at the unit the seed piles up in that seed boys he piles up the plane as the plate spins around it starts to grab see combination of that plate you see each side of me can't really see that one what you see right there each row unit also has a vacuum hose such the seat up liveth plate you know comes around as the hydraulic units are spinning plane as hydraulics join the population and goes all the way around drops out at the bottom drops out in the back there's a little bit of a descent vertical drop [Music] Machinery the I've seen everything differently rainbow [Music] that killed the truck six times before I need Frank theis snap the trailer and have you ever seen a picture have a trailer just poured into [Music] be able to know how long will it take to complete [Music] 178 [Music] we are probably you only have to round up three although when I say that a planners can plant 40 acres now or 35 acres an hour that's not a true test of efficiency because much like the NASCAR racer forum there won one race for anything he ever made pit stop yep you see and [Music] the player to keep my yeah just about any the right before we started this that way to then stop to see tender behind me waiting [Music] now it says the virus is racing so I wish I was at home I'm talking this now that's probably a fun I said earlier in life I've got him [Music] room says hello from Norway hello from Illinois Joshua said yes the hoppers our trailer we don't run trailers that long a 34-foot trailer if I get a thousand bushels on a trailer one the corn has to be really heavy so it's best we has to be - two loaded so so all you could even Cartman you can actually see the sea level in the tank right there if you see the line now that you drill next process scoring planet well some people call this a girl it's not some people think the listen 15 [Music] what's the next process for the field well hopefully it's a rain on it it needs a ring I've got a moisture so really next process we did ring plenty of moisture start their life the only Israel beef or another like spray it again I mean the very low maintenance you put them in the pan along [Music] we'll come back for next pass and I might explain this a little bit more video I think I can talk some more my herbicide program and what we do keep our fields clean we've already had one pass out here a residual herbicide to offer some protection probably seem to be our trouble [Music] come back we usually you should only start to get some meat break or walking a powerful other side people eager to be straight with extinct which is my camera chemistry [Music] and we'll spray our flamin fields right around [Music] we will spray them with a bunch of side-by-side insecticide I mean if we really need to we'll come back around labeled Emily but the budget I'd insecticide last row we had check strip it was ten bushel maker difference to where we sprayed by the side insecticide that part's Adamo mange she's I hope you are going to see the cheese good if you did you had a good season you have an aggravated from where yes I have a bachelor's degree from on the phone says house I got a Honda motor on my seat tender up there always starts hello [Music] maybe someday I will Joe says [Music] where's my battery and for you Josh my pleasure chief fan Packers fans women one hectare near Boston about evening very intense Cavallari so your values about two that's similar either cattle in our area there are no masks operations broke up farming there are people who knew half size not really there's a few dairy farms around majority people in this area are focused on real charming there are two hog farms and well that's a pretty big mod points years ago before my time my family did operate [Music] before ever I'm pissed on programs farmer lesson set we are planting soybeans if it is playing horn playing soybeans to Chile [Music] it's a little chilly up there silence state right up there by Swingline [Music] he said it's 30 degrees there yesterday [Music] we're also five hours south of there it's a little cold here in Ohio well at least you're planning it [Music] by that time around 10:00 to noon [Music] I'm always hesitant even soybeans you don't feel right foot minute round little chilly but I even suck a soil probe in the ground getting up into the if you're wondering what I do all day yesterday I was getting down a lot I had a lot of issues meeting into one of the real units if I get a break here one of these days I'll get I'm not sure now some of these people do it they they're putting videos out all the time I don't have time I didn't stop working how do you get home call 911 [Music] [Music] well example yes this point we actually just worked this farm last night and this morning is our last field that hasn't been work we had that beauty last week where it was live of really cool so we let our feel cold aiders is my while work our entire farm the reason we got that planning so quickly is the warm back up here Sunday you know Sunday going into Monday you know that one minor once we didn't have to wait outfield called it or anything now why doesn't plan a 40-foot planner got 31 32 rows on it the phoenix basin plan five minutes it can be used as form planner you can lift up every other row for 30 inch rows 16 rows 60 Footwear [Music] what do I think diesel for ow right now pulling at full capacity or by the engine full throttle burning about 12 gallons per hour and right now I'm not sure I don't trust this [Music] and working about 33 acres an hour at [Music] 12 gallon [Music] [Music] it's a part of the operation what burns a lot of fuel oil contractors actually [Music] gunther says we have to [Music] [Music] have your residue where you have a lot of washing miles on a sense couldn't get corn in until maintain early challenging really one of the most interesting years we've had other than 2012 in 2012 for us I don't know without affecting you and but 2012 for us for the party fantastic crop I almost taken my today like the first resentment with April how to start just like this from one the best state of the poor we've ever had Lakeview and suffering you got hot that's the one thing with the you're like that and doesn't pay nine years out of 10 maybe the 19 years out 20 irrigation would not have him [Music] I think the last [Music] we plant a majority of our soybeans the second week of May one night I stayed up well practically all night playing soybeans in total we got an absolutely right the next morning I had [Music] get your exact emerg each room has a hydraulic downforce unit the wings actually happening to help keep the weight and the sinner Hill takes spread out over the tire bar as opposed to that weight to be focused on the back for tires [Music] John your planner I love those it's all our planners especially the really hard ones [Music] surprisingly there's not very many baby planners and I say that 20 to 30 miles of meat when you get outside of that there are some large farms and 1:20 some problems in challenging so many different soils in one four Lyman Windsor right now by inframan like Sedaris from sandy soil west you've no one put it [Music] there's pockets of irrigation in every state some states are really heavily mostly rain-fed getting really far north or east of pockets around riverbottom in River areas whenever pockets of sand everywhere [Music] 33 34 35 [Music] I'm shocked how much those days while equipment is firmly especially new equipment I think a brand new 60-foot exact emerged planner which is the that all the bells and whistles Donnie or their 60-foot one [Music] this planner is a an older-style planner [Music] I will put it close made to upper 100,000 probably many hundred thousand a lot of money [Music] what do you put exactly where's my with 24 River with 16 rows probably going to be opening the loan I believe that the Camino I thought he had 24 hour planner but it looks like a 16 smaller than the one we think we [Music] that 16 is demo you know the only thing I would say is that that's 60 more my speed he's only going to barely be able to plant that 24 row [Music] you can run this cell I know they're not trying to sell I'm trying to showcase it perfume you can put the tracks on for the tracks on this point but service [Music] morty public 5080 is 2.1 million 43,560 we're feeding anchored so that is paintball at ten miles an hour 48 acres now our spring my initials that's the ice-cream planner [Music] miles an hour [Music] sixty-foot planner is political 47 acres now is that planner much efficiency but he does ain't him tremendous precision and accuracy my students r24 resin phenomenal playings better the faster you drive then eight miles an hour does not plan it's like 99% simulation at 11 miles an hour the plants smell just a hundred percent I've seemed to hit on personal [Music] inside Nebraska it's kind of choice if you want here the question is is where you better off with rather [Music] 1930 got any snacks from everything that's a pizza a little bit ago [Music] I got my water [Music] I really don't smack my gun no I usually just get lunch that might get all my dinner but I don't either [Music] I'm married being a hydration [Music] water because then I have to stop all the time [Music] where he is I don't know how they do it when there's a wilderness away [Music] blows my mind [Music] a level of stuff and I've never seen it but it's not my thing we don't have that exciting of terrain are the exciting part about our farm ground [Music] Paula Smith says my son would smell how you plant soybeans well this machine right here takes care of me all the soybeans will wait for some period she likes to keep it all destroyed each scene is stored in these two tanks when we load up top at the bottom of these tanks their hose each row you knit across the back so if you've met that planet as I was doing that thing right there in the middle let's eat [Music] there is a plate in combination with that vacuum so you can sit back here there's back this back that's exactly right sucks up the seed that's been delivered from the tank to the unit hole spins it around at rate determined based on how fast I'm going plant density that I wanted out here 100 and sixty-five thousand plants break to the plant grow about everything [Music] see these chains spinning down in here early [Music] there's a hydraulic motor I drug solenoid in the back is computerized to determine how fast I'm going [Music] all this drive system and [Music] well [Music] get off of the sidewalk the crops we never meet last half [Music] you can throw 300 you can grow massive props yeah planning [Music] [Music] I stopped let's like before [Music] get used to the beeping yet while my West in my Park we use we are all done that's awesome here [Music] they're not a deer construction dealership [Music] [Music] Westside an overpass [Music] he'll drive on the right side [Music] I know I I've explained a lot of times but someone asked what population [Music] messed with our core population too much thirty-four thousand plants rearranged at the other day for us as long as far we don't want to play 1984 I guess the best way the in the man employed so we're playing underneath it more 114 de coeur 249 make the most out of a growing season [Music] the hook money make the most of our growing season and a lot of times the order is important longer season corn we Neil Davis what about the work to see [Music] we like to have some shorter season horn the and six degree to make a big difference for year we can plant all 114 they form and get an underdog coming July not get the range we need but the hunter Nathan for me hedging our bets in a way my [Music] which makes most corn hybrids so if you put point out there 30 2014 third degree rain certain trains I adjust your size up so you can go out there plan 20050 too much there's a certain range to be drawn like unlike for me get away thanks to the plaintiff 200,000 need to pay 100,000 what is the average bushel [Music] my truck horn they even make 200 yield we're not even close to your fryer in 2018 this is a phenomenal year and we've had a series of year similar 2018 our corn crop average over Twitter for a pestle for a confessional just by the channel not big Honda I look forward to making for unfortunately everyone Poorman is my full-time job the videos are a hobby it's nice that I can go live for you right now but I've really have to focus on the crops this is how I can't go home and my enemy takes so long last night I got that marking my time I go home he might try to head a video my and I have to draw in somewhere murmurs when we get a rain we're calling for rain tomorrow morning a good rain [Music] I have been reporting as when you're confused what that one is like Oprah this next one never be free long video also got some awesome drone this is where the battery goes to me drone shot [Music] Lux wants to know every duty voting at Lake Shelbyville I move the lake fat to 9 my family has different parts my family have a couple different places in Lake I do know a lot of fantastic Lake I went there one time last year so ladies of jet ski c-can you jet skis [Music] awesome place play says hello from Iowa doesn't call a token farmer today that your area have a higher bid for means compared to dark ilium I could be honest Kevin I have it [Music] there's a market very thing is that be like a difference in protein content my protein will there's my Royal Ballet [Music] very blessed both agree we do implement [Music] but absolute is that time see fenders come wait we're gonna load it here a couple rounds [Music] when I got on the tractor last night I've been I've led yesterday for 49 hours never take on and off I got a tractor I was still I was just sitting there like in my head I can feel myself bouncing you can tell like my air ride seat just slowly goes up and down I just sit there at home like this in my head like I wasn't an understanding I'm going on after a really long day you can't see it but I've got both my duels in like the corner interview it's kind of like being in a boat all them about all day laying in bed at night you just feel the boat shaking every time it comes close to dry don't you guys have price down there are zombies all you guys know is Evanson honestly it's only difference I love color but some markets like Vietnam consumer life [Music] some places man well there is a facility in Mattoon and [Music] specialized shipping to those countries have specialty demands like that I'm sure they do offer bids the largest majority of special about the special email interior I don't even know a single working that's not to say they don't exist [Music] to be honest with you it's very easy to tell and soybean farm that is not G above when I handle mostly non-gmo full of water him no way to control something even a rope cultivators no doubt Kevin I'm all for specialty crops if there's a demand we as producers should eat that demanding [Music] organic farming be fine especially cropped as long as they don't get our place in the market by trashing mom I'm playing tackle a bona fide sleeve if the opportunity right performance and we would consider if a massive hurdle financially possible financial I've ever put my passion [Music] my iPad charger [Music] [Music] me and my truck actually I don't want to stop the lonesome you lose me all the sudden I've had apologize for that [Music] we are in [Music] [Music] it's something that's warm [Music] I'm about 150 lots of rainbows [Music] great attention on the live stream putting in another test clock that's awesome I love test once I love seeing data is it hardly ventured and other people [Music] family stuff interchange that's famous for but we have a general we share a very mutual understanding of the way the farms operate and as I said in verse time the difference one of the biggest things on our list right now things we'd like to have [Music] [Music] justifying your actions numbers and financial financial data and as to my unique maybe he likes you need to have solid evidence in life maybe we should change which are whether it's trivial and reduction in cost maybe a redemption in downtown increasing efficiency don't just trade because you think that you need a newer one [Music] equipment harm screen problem take your seat [Music] and some people just stomach now let's went on to check my truck you can watch us load the plan alive but if he dies put a finger one [Music] the planner you can watch it you're alive or dead my lunch planner see that phone if my iPad dies it's because it's not charged [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's windy out there good news guys it's some people to do like I don't know maybe recently [Music] [Music] [Music] two hours live who need to explain to me what Apple always changes the end of their devices this iPad pro is the only device I have [Music] on to ask is there a TPS bloke on the - GPS [Music] [Music] and Leslie meters my brother that's it make sense [Music] right now I buy everything [Music] desire for the specifically rate of psychometry Sawyer says hi initially [Music] get to be very careful with the test plots I can see independent [Music] but there was enough one fighters done planning [Music] we can play another 150 300 acres one days over you need a ring this crowd [Music] my dad was back there trying to take the planter away from me because he he's done planning for now and I just work you can take me out of my job in 3 1 pioneer be 31 a 22 [Music] because his farm because this farm is so much farther away than most of our farm around I can find a shorter season beam here we get over there earlier in the season again five as far although other farmers travel much our process every two combines over to Draper's daughter wagon for train cars getting on with [Music] No mission yesterday that would walk me to my seat [Music] not have a water [Music] knock on something that somebody's like I've said some of the things channels don't even make sense I almost think that the stage [Music] well it turns out we're supposed to grease that on that so it's kind of our fault [Music] all Punjab like thanks I think can I get [Music] piling soybeans to are the easy job [Music] planning extending list that these are extinct means the largest portion except he'll go try announcement list a largest portion of our farmers extend I think in chemistry [Music] free misnomer the very challenging treat apply to your farm [Music] system except die cambogia if you can spray it on lately and make no mistakes you come to have nation which is unfortunate for our guys out there planning system right Liberty on [Music] moonshine that model [Music] in this bottle [Music] Nik with a square rose or was it a a more elaborate we're girls I don't want on big deal could take a while [Music] luck says what model Jamie are you driving 80 to 85 are from Wilson not a massive trekker but has plenty of horsepower to pull this planner as fast as is painful our 60-foot exact emerges on a a 310 horsepower which 310 horsepower then it's not enough horsepower for that way planner is the power to folders fast if conditions are right we can usually get north of 10 miles an hour on a speed however you didn't solve the ground some more moist bound when you're losing a lot of your power the ground trainers and we're coming on [Music] [Music] snow today no life for me we do have [Music] it's been so dusty lately is really gusting you seem so strange [Music] I might just leave all the equipment marked out over time that way it gets washed off yeah there is a massive storm down the south [Music] that's tell ages away from us [Music] the blue dog is to the east we see were these it's inverted doesn't that camera on my back pretty big storm down to southwest of us slowly had no way [Music] my phone says 9 p.m. [Music] [Music] all this is Namita Phil came up [Music] we go plant soybeans and some of Mornington mushroom and default for loitering it's crazy and I've talked about this before if [Music] your dog imperfect is not you'll achieve a perfect on one kill by the time you win you missed your opportunity the planet I just saw my see that way over there if you see I'll walk by the plan with it pretty sure one of my bro [Music] [Music] [Music] we did impact we great video content [Music] we aren't gonna point back though because there is to throw closers on each row in there for me [Music] well gets the other end it almost looks like the bearing went out on it it's supposed to be a little more to be another piece in between I'll have to do is let them probably see up all these off in publicity your project up this plastic part off bunny Berigan [Music] are you three [Music] all night [Music] your soil frosting [Music] I would be kind of worried about some we have a rotary hoe [Music] like to [Music] you're a lucky dog on that on that fine you think I'm not paying attention but I'm actually always thinking [Music] Tucker says we're just starting [Music] with hammer down and in Western Kentucky [Music] takes class I know do you guys have any moms last year while counsel for them hardest said he changed me I this stuff just happens no such thing Pamela play says hello I'm back I swear what is your worst fear planning it's not gonna come up obviously planing soybeans is a very low stress job what is the latest time you stayed one time planning last year I was up no foul about 4 o'clock in morning and maybe love it [Music] we try not to overwork you can put lighten up late nights in a tractor very easily really do here something is impressive guarantee to rain the next day that's a lot of strain to put on your body is it impossible now if you want to be like like that working till three o'clock in the morning with five o'clock the next day really gonna happen it's not good for especially multiple days in a row really hard on your help this is a very dangerous job you're not careful something go wrong very quickly all time you can run someone over cause a lot of the immature when now that now those bullet rotors would you screw that I'm glad to hear it that's something I can drop bosses out here doing something with a show objects like this note do cause the both amount of damage to a planner we're gonna move it over here we're gonna look at it it may end up just be me watching him do it I'll be back folks [Music] we're gonna go ahead and keep cleaning he's gonna run love worship at some point time of the tension on this book that we need well she Mac were you saying about me you guys not allowed to have fun here allow me we're just gonna run over one pound they'll probably go get another one some point the barracks [Music] actually the first time that's ever have still looking for a young planner [Music] we get rain another matter of the beans [Music] yeah Tyler that probably would have caused some issues he does the metal do the most damage growth piece of metal in a combine and just tears the rotor up what's the smallest tractor you well you are lawnmowers count we have some john deere 6430 utility tractors doesn't it's not a long track to the team [Music] small farms as power take-off for the mark grinding feet we do something like that we have an old 45:20 we use it for one thing actually you keep our horn heads in a barn we don't have much more reason the holy tractor we have Thanks a low enough clearance but enough hydraulic flowers to choose one hitch to be able to pick the coordinates up off the down little mom it's not responding yes we and I don't know won't hurt me I got this airbag the exact all factory here why are they think I appreciate that I cannot get over how immediate is to be able to see around the how we grow the same crops differently in our climates go really fast performing gunpoint see other people farm put small grains in the ground he's just between this type of one [Laughter] [Music] blissful and better way by what you mean Nana not familiar with that technology so I probably know do you grow any winter weeks 2s I don't I do know a few farmers in the area that grow some way to me and actually did pretty very vulnerable [Music] the Italian property there playing the naked arm shield the controversial maker trying to punish sides correctly you can come back in with double crop soybeans at the years right you get 40 or 50 bush will be [Music] my largest JB's Hey probably three nice little track [Music] that your utility on tractor not enough landing [Music] we run the John Deere Draper's and they're actually fantastic about you have to watch out for I believe I missed a comment earlier someone asked if there's rocks out here [Music] if you find a rock out here other than a stray small one occasionally the average highs were occupying this farm is like big enough that I couldn't pick it up but they're so deep we form what Rachel Korine [Music] right in our area where the glacier did a lot of receiving but also proceeding from here Rachel till right at the Mauryan wines [Music] rocky soils you guys may even know one is very productive soil [Music] basically we've been here for a while but we're only a speck of dust on a beach [Laughter] [Laughter] so we can't take him down the road [Music] you're so mean up they put wine on the private combine there is both of our roads in this area are friendly to farm vehicles Arius to get over would really like to make a transition six both live and hold it and the air hose on ahead or no Tyler if you talk about on a Draper's we don't run sickle and beyond the regular weekend it wasn't the most more than Isis upgraded me [Music] we're switching to the to a dream for style platform for cutting [Music] boss very little 70 and 896 17 papers have the built-in trailers now they 30 foot baby [Music] fekra planning the culture down here really can't tell our well front is the no-tell culture puts the first channel in the ground it starts the furrow behind it is the true B opener that basically forms for the seed to be placed right after the tree be open for the c2 Jason to Lazare delivers the seed there each bow has a grown close on each side some people use packing goes all different stuff we run to closing wheels one on each side they both pitch him tough close that far it's not ideal to have one gone [Music] just attention on the road building units with a spring back showing up that tiltyard moment so it has a little bit more force on the one side that's working there's soy beans they'll be alright we're gonna we'd rather just funny pinky planning supposed to waiting for someone to bring me anything but that's just not something prepare for me especially if we need a rain we get a rain [Music] and now just 7-series combine I really like that like a meeting bye [Music] thoughts on the jet Sportage place so I'm running a it would be nice to have all at one location [Music] see I have to control all of my tractor stuff comes up my hydraulics everything tractor side is controlling here whereas all of my planning and Otto stairs control to this monitor if I understand critically the gym floor would run everything which would be very nice to operate out of one screen I don't like having these two screens there's perfect 385 hours [Music] again though at one point are they worth the money gonna make me the older technology I don't we'll help your operation than you I do look poor though at some point time and you may not be this year maybe [Music] or at the time but I get to try out some truths that telling equipment that you all of your telex do you [Music] you guys get tired of hearing the engine boy good point soybeans why does it paint Orangeman let's just say if you changed everything Jenny Miller weirdly Brown we found mas change of the time when I go to college more about science higher education required for farming now [Music] and for some reason something ever went on he changed employment education Vox provide a different type of making engine you a certain set of skills now I'm not saying this and itself stupid what you are working this is a vastly different [Music] [Laughter] ear hunting in my and we know not my family and you know some you know a lot of whitetail deer and I he forms the absent waiting the only deer hunting we do is when they cross the street in front of us not hunting I hate no one you'd be surprised in our area here [Music] there's a lot of and you drive early morning late at night even if I drink Aksum theory morning [Music] michael says thinking about how to farm one what kind of different ways they can I got another year yes just down the road it's pretty different there isn't play people farm some people are bad at it some people are bad at it [Music] we do in patches but when he goes into our farm we've got a lot of open land an education entry [Music] [Music] this is what we do right here rewarding to be able to that's why and for gays it's like taking massive sacrifices Delano there's no bad time [Music] [Laughter] [Music] couple small fields even less me for trying programs seed as you can without suffering repercussions they're not compatible you're playing Oliver to eat beans out [Music] [Music] please put the unless being said plan probably have to clean the plane time fingers crossed I guess a second time fingers crossed I don't not usually you ever know what's gonna happen we planted a lot more instead Napier's we're gonna have the tree [Music] it's all different Tigers make throw go around for myself but maybe we are cookies productive we are without the help of every single person Tomas is a so job Eastern even coming all the way down to you you know we interact in May see the face value we can do we we all rely on each other make this 35-foot headers now we just want 30 foot [Music] so I can rage got them for years I'll talk about it more educating concat now I'll just say that when the when the six series flights papers first came out we demoed one we had to come on one running the standard or the older auger style you can sit there and watch you can watch the difference in the meeting - the combines hydroflax papers hydroflax headers even here the Alps and all the beans have wants you my crown is it all went through nice smooth no issues the couple he was better terms of less great loss so that first one in the same even this Roebuck you can buy it off you traitor find us another one I'm not saying that like it's a new company purchase for gastro useful my trucks not back there I Drive the truck turns on seat that Blackpoint 500 have you seen here you what flour your hands that's 30 of them in northern no there's no I've never seen one in person the largest collection hey Ron at least 140 those things are absolutely post on Twitter where a large farm over the Iowa area sack diverse plant Oh [Music] get enough horsepower tractor and all plants don't deal with that many ethanol plants correctly now everything is involved in our quantum Hall effect our basis explore being a mom that effective well bit the largest painting processing facility but more in fatigues room question about 40 sorry we never bought there a lot of local farmers to our grades my life being also let's sit down [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hopping around park they load rail cars heading south people preachers going up [Music] I want to bring gets it you know Georgia the Carolinas they have a lot of demand for meat for me to get support where did I Drive through my fiend in Kentucky now sending from the way nitrogen does that tell me as bucks this whole time Lex I'm sorry one thing I roll common [Music] subsidized [Music] as low as it is [Music] I'm out of waiting [Music] and then you also have to consider other long-term factors [Music] electric vehicles he's like Tesla making fantastic products I'm not gonna nominee these people [Music] our dependence on fossil fuels speak them to feeling our Carthage one the best see unless you see the subsidizing of warm increase you're gonna see poor people in soybeans country's develop of course status better live for the fitness while the prospect on their list of demands thirteen established they don't want cheat marks I've worn the cheap part a fantastic pop most efficient people get tired sugars and means never what's the weather like in South Africa [Music] this is so many parts of the world I like to sleep [Laughter] actually Hinds on my list fascinating the Australia from Australia scalloping Australia [Laughter] a sign of unity oh boy you have knowing a single car [Laughter] [Music] into modern ears well actually that's crazy it's warming up here hi today here at 75 degrees Fahrenheit and the just a moment immature it's custom done at the moment the price video is so competitive it's really hard to go ahead in purchase our own sprayer but it's really high on my list very good savings to be had from acquiring it's relatively fast [Music] there's some cases we may be saving Agro saving him Spray faster than the opportunity No [Music] sprayers one of the most scalable pieces [Music] something like a bar [Laughter] adir square would be nice I really like H that's how I've been hanging out [Music] great fun to sign up although I'm not completely sold on budgets I love corn soybeans ice - blows horn see the data to see this Russell says in the next [Music] you're on the tail in your ear bring of ours as a viewer [Music] I think a new egg is probably for orders 96 20 rxd or quad tracks from Anacostia 500,000 on a year but sprays really aren't that much cheaper like I said a geezer warned about prior to the ethanol around $4 there in time when we attackers $3,000 for 30,000 now since ten years ago people always ask me why [Laughter] there's money there here so we [Laughter] I've never personally seen an oxbow sprayer I've seen Oxbow seed corn harvesters [Laughter] I agree our Exton fic [Laughter] is their product good yes a stigma product [Music] people say oh you know we you have a hard time making mine watch Aksenov on I'm not quite sure rearrange the priorities movement Percy talk like I I know and thought people knew what I was wanting like Netflix I pushed through anomalous I brought a case musket hunters bounce around all day well today I got the whole career just hanging around we had a peel pollinator over here working ahead of me little ways twice as well party so my dad and one my uncle when he was hanging out with the Seaton of the trucks we've got one person loading we enter a simple cylinder you're always gonna have a little bit Manor with cinnamon where were the turkey seed that name [Music] on occasion I make my own food [Laughter] 90% of players in our area rotators here here are series players or Hagee's when Haiti is also near to today no commercial outfits on piggies here row Gator in the new channel Tyler says I will buy a case for versatile when I are you saying that you'd rather die than by one of us I just don't think the red boxes down to your green john deere s 679 john deere 96 mph combines they're both wheels we really don't have any in fact there are portal drive combines have the soil conditions here we'll run super wide tires [Music] I know maybe two or three farmers I know [Music] in with our ground if you get a call combine stock news to entry via he's blond tonight that's a late-night midnight we're all good as long as they're running 620r before you feel if you bought a nine 620r X you put a 40-foot field called later on to eb-2 yourself at this 55 to 64 if that was the case you come around the planter all brother not that wah track your company like that field goal dating is one of the most relaxing jobs really inaudible I use right now in your honor about 48 good left in this field [Laughter] [Laughter] we're in a region here in Illinois [Laughter] [Applause] good window to eat your crop me and you get the problem mainstream my fears loving [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] any other questions I got you not hear me [Laughter] around like and we all make mistakes when I was about fourteen years old 39 a thirteen-year-old - judged how wide my calculator was gonna swing now turned really sharply decently sized feet without all the u-bolts on the outside wing section and the whole rolling basket was just pulled up it wasn't me you won't from broken couple hours put that back together porch but I learned a meditation fortune table amazement a team on the train we were saying on our farm it's not appropriate or the YouTube audience it happened however you want that's not how we say it but say bad things is happening as a non-pom I really appreciate the detail you going to [Laughter] proper - I appreciate the support I'm trying to make sure I stay very Gribble to explain things that we need ever seen in my view I don't want to talk about here the next week that cornfield I've talked about the personally planted and an opportunity you know check on it and other ground by now last few days I can't wait to explain a little bit more about the process to you there's a lot of complex stuff involved I see rain way up her eyes really make that out way out there way out there [Music] see we then work on this field for a long while in close to the end [Music] you ever have any [Music] that's the question he copied on the live stream if I can information so he asked me something about broth chemistry research a little bit more my and one of the best ways for me to learn more about what I do is to explain it to you guys but I think that's about gonna do pretty it's really neat being up interactive you live why [Music] loading wheel fell off guys he's out
Channel: aTrippyFarmer
Views: 5,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0ToaoMVB3Es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 30sec (10950 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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