More outrageous comments from Hillary Clinton

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we begin tonight with more outrageous comments from Hillary Clinton as questions about our secret email server and falling poll numbers follow her everywhere Hillary is unleashing inflammatory attacks against the GOP I know that there are some on the other side who are seriously advocating to deport 1112 million people who are working here I find it the height of irony that a party which espouses small government would want to unleash a massive law enforcement effort including perhaps national guard and others to go and literally pull people out of their homes and their workplaces round them up put them I don't know in buses boxcars in order to take them across our border I just find that not only absurd but appalling well this comes a day after Hillary compared Republicans to terrorists extreme views about women we expect that from some of the terrorist groups we expect that from people who don't want to live in the modern world but it's a little hard to take coming from Republicans who want to be the President of the United States really but Hillary supporters quickly double down so she wasn't calling them terrorists she was saying why is the Republican party so out-of-date and truly I mean if you look at what these candidates are espousing no exceptions for rape or incest okay so on so no apologies I mean that's kind of ironic Chris don't you think coming from the party with Donald Trump with such inflammatory wild rhetoric no I think she's totally right to call them out on their extremism well Republicans were quick to pounce they won't call terrorists terrorists going all the way back to Benghazi and even before that but they call their political opponents so is this another unforced Clinton air or is the former Secretary of State telling Democratic primary voters exactly what they want to hear with us now Jeff Smith the former Democrat state senator from Missouri and a professor at the new school here in New York City and from Tampa Florida Adam Goodman a Republican strategist and I'm gonna start with you right off the bat that first Hillary Clinton's soundbite she mentioned boxcars now a day ago she compared GOP to terrace boxcars the first reference I think of his Nazis bringing Jews to the to theirs to their ultimate demise was this an unforced error or was that perfectly placed by the Clinton campaign this it's unbelievably unhinged I mean you're hearing the I purply of desperation from a campaign that's flowing and message and falling in the polls she's upside down Eric in terms of believability six out of ten Americans don't trust her she's upside-down in terms of likability and increasingly she's going the wrong way in terms of inevitability at a time when Americans want real and genuine what they're really seeing from Hillary is deceit and dishonesty and she's got to do better than that and she expects to not only be the nominee of her party but to be a serious combatant for president of the United States Jeff now you were state senator but now you're professor you hear Hillary Clinton use the term boxcars what comes to your mind well clearly it may not have been the best way to phrase things but everyone's making such a big deal out of the word she's using what I think Republicans are doing right now is you don't have making a desperate attempt to distract from their own party's rhetoric look in 2013 saying Hillary though yesterday she is she compares GOP to terrorists I mean that was outrageous enough I listen to I go really did she really just do that and then she she doubled down even worse and mentioned talking about a Republican strategy to to immigration and she compares that to the Nazis and the Republican strategy on immigration to deport 12 million people it's totally ridiculous and everyone knows it in 2013 Reince Priebus said we've got to change the tone he did the autopsy that irons the autopsy of the 2012 election he said the one policy thing we've got to do differently is to do something about impossible mark or bland or plain common boxcars I probably an off-the-cuff remark what do you say Adam Oh Elsa Cup remark I mean can you imagine what that means to Jews not only in this country but across the world if you imagine what that means to people who live through the history all that it's sound the insulting in an out of place it's wrong but it really reveals a candidate that's kind of flailing and in trouble and actually you know as we've heard a lot recently Eric about the possibility that Joe Biden may enter into the race for president I can tell you it may actually be the best thing that ever happened to Hillary because right now as she seeks a coronation to the nomination she's doing very very badly she's gonna need someone to up her game and if she does not she's not gonna be ready for primetime when it come our Co Rubio we play a sound bite of Marco Rubio saying the Democrats can't even call terrorists terrorists but they want to call GOP terrorists you wanna weigh in on that I do I mean this is the the time and what do you like Donald Trump or not he's bringing it and kind of bringing it straight people want straight talk right now more than ever at a time when most Americans are kind of shaking in their boots about our inability as a country to get things done so I think Marco is absolutely on the right track all things for what they are and then let's find out what the remedies that are that are needed to turn this country around and go for it he's already seems to be really a really concern about choosing tough words as opposed to being ready to bring tough action and maybe Jeff let me let me ask you she using the word you know comparing geo piers to terrorist she's using the word boxcars inciting the Nazi reference maybe it's because of her the recent Q poll that showed that the most common word associated with Hillary Clinton among Democrats and Republicans is liar is untrustworthy first of all I'd say that Bill Clinton didn't have the best reputation for being trustworthy in this country but it didn't stop him from getting elected and re-elected and presiding over eight years was a master politician eight years we're not going to say that Hillary you're gonna put Hillary Clinton in the same categories as Bill Clinton it doesn't mean that someone can't be elected and he presided over eight years of peace and prosperity which you can't say for his I had a sense she's trying to change like you are right now trying to take change the debate from her for poll numbers and her untrustworthiness and her liar all these all these sort of things where she's underwater into hey if she says things like terrorist and mocks cars we forgot about the the Q poll that came out yes I don't think that's the concerted strategy what I think is important to recognize you can't beat somebody with nobody and right now the word that's most closely associated with the Republican frontrunner Donald Trump and Jeb Bush are arrogant and bush and since Jeb's brother left office with the approval rating about equal to what Nixon's was during impeachment I don't think Republicans should be this you had them this is how they're good this is how the Left does if they ask him a question they bring it right back to something else that we're we're on Hillary in the in her comments and then we brought it back to Bush and Trump last thought Adam very quick well that does what we just heard is instead of answering questions they'd like to demonize what Hillary's tried to do Eric she's tried to deflect ignore and an attack right now she's on the attack and none of those things that worked you better come up with something better or Joe Biden's not only gonna get in this race he's gonna be everything he can she can handle Adam and Geoff thank you very much
Channel: Fox News
Views: 380,764
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Keywords: Eric Bolling, Oreilly Factor, Elections, Democrats, Presidential, Presidential Primaries, Republicans, On Air, Personality, Politics, Fox News, News
Id: QgtGTvjMeGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2015
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