More MOST FAMOUS POOL SHOTS of All Time … And How to Shoot Them

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in my last two videos i demonstrated and analyzed the top 10 most famous pool shots by the greatest of all time efren reyes and the top most famous pool shots by everybody else in this final video of the series i covered 10 more famous shots by everybody else since there were important shots i didn't include in the previous video as always i recreate the shots and give advice for how to be successful if you want to give them a try in the first shot alex jumps the cue ball into the object ball to hop the object ball over the edge of an obstacle ball and it gets shape on the 8 for the win this is a great shot and it should have been included in my previous top 10 list look at that smile even alex knew this was an awesome shot the one barely blocked the path of the 15 to the corner so not much object ball hop was required to get the object ball to hop you need to jump the cue ball into the object ball if you hit the object ball high enough it is actually possible to jump over an entire obstacle ball but again only a small hop is required here so not much q elevation is necessary the cue ball jump also helps delay the draw so the cue ball can get around the 5. the bottom left spin results in perfect shape on the 8. many things can go wrong with this shot you can jump too high if you don't use enough speed or jump height you won't clear the five or you will get the wrong angle and might scratch it took me seven tries before i got everything to work what's amazing is alex had the vision to see the shot executed it to perfection and he did it on his first attempt in a match situation awesome here's another shot where a ball hop is critical in this case to get a cluster breakout mike de shane had the wrong angle on the 7 and needed to hop forward to clear the 13 with post-collision masse this might look easier than the previous shot by alex but it is much tougher first in this case object ball hop can hurt you here's an example where the hop caused the ball to bounce out of the pocket this effect can sometimes be used to your benefit in this case to prevent a scratch did you see the cue ball get extracted from the back of the pocket but again with mike's shot the hop can hurt here are some other things that can go wrong if you don't hop enough you won't clear the 13 or the cue ball will mase too soon if you cut the 7 too much the masse action won't be adequate but you can also get lucky even if you hit it poorly here i got a friendly deflection off the pocket point for a perfect leave you can also bounce the seven out of the pocket and ride the rail to the corner and again end up perfect nothing but net it took me about 20 tries to duplicate mike's shot fairly closely although an easier approach is to hop forward more and use less masse you can play for short side shape on the 4 in the lower corner or you can get the breakout or you can do something totally different by kissing the seven off the 13 to send the 13 into the cluster you need to get a little lucky with the leave but the pool gods treated me nicely this is a famous shot by carlo biato he used lots of inside spin so some would remain off the first cushion to change the rebound angle off the second cushion this is a shot from the third billiard university playing ability exam so i had practiced it a fair amount in the past i also use the system for aiming with side spin to compensate for cue ball deflection so i can get an accurate aim therefore it took me only a few tries to get the shot right i hit the first one too fast and didn't have enough spin i spun the second one too much and went too far and the third was just right [Applause] there is actually an easier alternative for this shot you can just roll the cue ball with no side spin and fairly easily get shape on the 7. i'm not sure why carlo didn't choose this option maybe he was worried about getting too close to the side pocket [Applause] regardless i'm glad he chose the shot he did because it was awesome corey dole is known for his creative play break strategy and power draw shots here's a classic example of a corey draw shot the cue ball was very close to the head rail so corey had to really jack up the queue he also had to use enough power to have enough backspin remain at the object ball for draw he also had to cheat the pocket enough to get enough angle to send the cue ball across the table this shot was tough for me on my table first it is difficult to aim and stroke accurately when the queue is jacked up like this also olhausen's like mine are renowned for rejecting balls so the hit must be near perfect on this table did you see cory shot rattle in that doesn't work on my table at first i was using more draw than i needed which i was actually happy with i honestly didn't think i would be able to get this much draw with the queue so elevated to make this shot work you actually need a little less draw more speed and as much pocket sheet as possible another way to play this shot is to go rail first did you see the cushion first hit this creates a bigger cut angle allowing the cue ball to more easily head across the table you can also use a follow shot instead although hitting the ball first with a small angle like this risks scratching but following forward with a real first hit is fairly natural it doesn't require q elevation or as much speed as the cory shot but i'm glad corey didn't opt for that instead he gave us another great highlight reel shot here's a great follow shot from alvin ocean he had to use enough speed and topspin to come off the head cushion he also needed a little right spin to double the side rail to get the angle to bump the two for a follow-on shot many things can go wrong here you can come up short with too little topspin or speed you can use too much speed or not have enough top spin causing the cue ball to go too far down the tangent line before curving or with too little speed but plenty of topspin the cue ball will curve forward too soon you can also have too much speed and not enough side spin it took me about 15 tries to get everything right here's a skillful and impressive but lucky shot by shane van boning he was playing ten ball and in a tough spot needing to get a hit on the one he decided to hop the cue ball off the head cushion to jump over the edge of the three and he called the carrum off the one to pocket the tin and he nailed it this shot is really tough and it requires some luck many things can go wrong and just getting a hit on the one should be considered a success it is easy to come up short you can also hop the ball too much and go long here are some of the shots where i got a hit on the one i gave up trying to replicate shane shot after about 30 attempts this is the closest i got to pocketing the tin i am in total awe that shane made the shot on the first attempt in a match situation truly amazing and very skillful but also very lucky here's a nice masse kick by jason shaw judging from kashi's reaction he was very impressed with the shot watch him jokingly give jason a respectful finger and see jason chuckle in response this is another shot type that i had worked on previously when working on bu exam 3. i expected to do well but i didn't make it on the first try like jason my first attempt came up short i pocketed the ball in the second attempt but didn't get a look at the eight i went a little long on the third attempt the fourth attempt was closer i finally got everything to work on the fifth attempt now i can better appreciate why kashi showed some respect with jason's success on the first attempt here's a ridiculous kick bank combo for the nine ball win by snooker great jimmy white this shot was really low percentage but sometimes when you are good you get lucky i aim the shot carefully using the visual angle bisect system but you still need everything to be perfect even just getting a hit on the 5 is a good shot [Music] if you're going to miss the five you want to miss it on the short side because you still have a chance to get a good hit like jimmy i got lucky a few times here i pocketed the five in the upper corner here i pocketed the five off two rails but i didn't get a look at the six either time so i was unlucky after all [Applause] here i almost double kissed the five in the corner and i sent the cue ball toward the nine but i still sold out the game this was my best attempt to reproduce jimmy shot i gave up after about 30 tries this shot from another snooker great alex higgins isn't actually that tough but several people thought i should include it they must be snooker players who really like alex check out his post shot routine take a big drag on a cigarette and get a sip of nice dark ale those were the good old days of true athleticism those were also the good old days when the u.s dominated europe in the moscone cup year after year hopefully those days will return soon i aimed the shot carefully using the contact point mirror system and the angle bisect system and i made it on the first attempt if you try the shot be very careful to hit the cue ball on the vertical center line if you have even a trace of sidespin the rebound angle will be way off my shot just like alex's was very close to being a foul i barely avoided hitting the 9 first which would have been a foul and loss of game since i pocketed the 9. this shot actually has a relatively large margin for error you can hit the 2 anywhere between where i hit it and here and still get the win [Applause] here's a great position play by the flashy chris melling he was pocketing the two and trying to get shape on the three up table he carried off to five perfectly a lot could have gone wrong with that shot he could have hit the 5 too thin although i still have a look at the 3 from here he could have also hit the five too full [Applause] i don't think chris was expecting such a thick hit on the 5 to go between the 3 and 7 which is a narrow window it is much more natural but still difficult to hit the five thinner and go across the table like this i got shape on the three with this type of hit many times during my attempts to duplicate chris's shot i even made the five with the two on this one here are my best attempts to duplicate chris's line to the three i also made the five on that one i tried the shot at least 30 times here the line was off a little but i still got a good look at the three here i had the right line but way too much speed [Applause] here i got a really steep angle and got a look at the three on the long side this one matched chris's fairly well now let's look at two easier alternative options for this shot here i'm using my p sign to visualize the natural angle i expect the cue ball to head in a perfect direction to go around the five and up table for the three with a fuller hit and a touch of left spin i can come into the back side of the five for an easy and effective safety that was my first try at that shot and it worked out well i think i would have chosen one of these alternative options instead of chris a shot but i like that we got a nice highlight reel video from the shot he chose and look at that beautiful stroke with the long slow backswing pause and straight smoothly accelerating forward stroke with the head body and elbow very still nice technique chris i know i said i would include only shots by everybody else except efren in this video since i already dedicated an entire top 10 video to the magician but efren must always be included in any top 10 pool shot video efren happened to be in the crowd and a player with the help of david alcady convinced efren to try the difficult shot at the table a two rail kick at the six of course efren pocketed it using the queue offered to him and the crowd liked it as they should have the bag on efren's shoulder was only a minor hindrance [Music] [Applause] it took me about 10 tries to get it to work but my final attempt was just like efference including the bump off the side pocket point for shape i only wish i could have done it on the first try like the great battalion [Applause] i hope you enjoyed my top 10 most famous pool shots of all time series give the shots a try you might learn something i certainly did mostly that i am in awe of the players who executed these shots on their very first attempts in match situations that's truly amazing i want to thank those on youtube facebook and a.z billiards who suggested some of the shots for this video many more highlight reel and famous pool shots can be found via the link in the video description the source videos for all shots and all systems and resources mentioned in this video are also linked good luck with your game from dr dave [Music] do [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] you
Channel: DrDaveBilliards
Views: 92,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: billiards, pool, instruction, tutorial, how to, lesson, advice, training, instructional video, Dr. Dave, Efren Reyes, The Magician, Bata, pro pool shots, famous pool shots, best shots, jump, masse, kick, bank, carom, SVB, Shane VanBoening, Corey Deuel, 8-ball, 9-ball, 10-ball
Id: S9eOrxwk7H4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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