More Lethal Company Teammates Ranked

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where would you rank a hacker on this tier list whoa whoa whoa were you seriously considering anything but F tier how the hello and welcome to the lethal company teammate tier list part two whether I miss some key teammates that you've all played with besides me something called the I don't know the friend I never heard of it or you thought my ranking for certain teammates were wrong today we're going to rank some more teammates and update some old ones I'm currently doing a run where I'll make sure I'm beating the subscriber count on this channel once I lose or I can't beat the subscriber count anymore I'll be doing a giveaway in my Discord so if you enjoy the content or you hate it and you want me to suffer or even better you want more scrap to spawn go ahead and subscribe first up on this list and going into detail is the early lever the early lever leaves without you and is a nervous player imagine it's roughly 5:00 p.m. and you're deep within the building buing with a massive amount of scrap the screen suddenly cuts to the ship leaving the early lever got scared and decided to leave this player never checks to see if anyone else is alive and is typically a newer player that doesn't know how to check the screens and if anything scary happens near the ship they are out of there the first time it's funny but anytime after that it's just plain annoying D tier next up and going into C tier purely because of how funny it is sometimes is the bad weather man do you like playing in flooded weather or lightning the to onot you then you want the weatherman on your team this player never checks the weather before landing good luck even getting out the front door these players become especially bad when you get to later moons like Titan where something like bad weather can make the Run unplayable these players never check the weather and are too Keen to land C tier next up and going into B tier is The Beekeeper maybe they just love the be movie or maybe they are scared of going into the building but regardless these players are obsessed with grabbing beehives don't even bother looking for them in the building because they are too busy collecting bees maybe they put too many attempts into learning how to collect it solo but these players are always running off in the opposite direction of the building searching for some bees if they know what they're doing they can bring in a ton of extra scrap which is why I rank them in B tier but if they don't know what they're doing you end up with dead player at the start of every Lobby B tier next up and going into B tier is the meat Shield this person is the first person in they're the entry Fragger of lethal company they always go in first and they're always first to die as well as a play play that likes to stay alive these players are the best to play with they're willing to go in first and they're willing to check different corridors or make a clear path for everyone to go they're also a very brave player the only downside of a player like this is sometimes they go too far sometimes there is just a reason to back off but they'll go in anyway while this does grow for some funny moments sometimes they end up dying way too early on B tier now last video I decided to create a teammate called The Troll but as many of you mentioned in my comments that there's lots of different types of troll and this next one one is going in the D tier and this is the PVP only teammate this player will chase you around with a shovel and will tap you here and there or sometimes kill somebody and honestly sometimes it's really funny but then other times it just gets annoying the best strategy for playing with these players is to get a shotgun too easy next up and the first Contender for S tier but going in the a tier is the soundboard teammate these teammates are absolutely hilarious to play with but it depends on the music they're playing and it depends on how often they play it and when they play it some of these players will play really funny music while on the flip side some will be playing some of the new music they've made and blaring it a full volume for the entire duration of the game depending on the music they play can be the difference between them going into s tier or even down to something like d tier but for the most part these players are fun to play with and add a bit of comedic relief in the last video one of you guys commented saying that there's a player called the Hunter and I completely agree did these players even realize that we are collecting scraps some of them run in there and all they want to do is find find the monsters and find the guns and the turrets and all that stuff which is quite fun but I put them in beter purely because of the fact that they don't actually help get to higher quotas yes they do sometimes take out monsters and make it easier to collect stuff when you get to something like Titan they don't really help they end up just staying away from the scrap and putting time into something that we don't need next up is the jack of all trades this is the Pro Player but it's weird slightly less athletic younger brother this is a pro that can do it all but is a lot worse these players are great to have because they can feel any role in a team if you need them in the chair they can do it if they need to be going in first and make sure everything's safe they can do it these players consistently get good amounts of scrap and are good teammates to have but they're not especially good in anything but honestly for a game like this that's not that bad bti the first teammate on this list to go into s tier is the hero the hero is willing to die looking at the coil head deep within the building they're willing to make the sacrifice if you get a snare Flea on your head deep in the building building guess what they're there ready to save you these players are a team player but an exceptional team player they make sure everyone stays alive and they make sure you get the scrap count s tier next up and going into C tier is the mechanic this player is spending all their upgrades on the ship and I'm not talking like The Decorator The Decorator honestly I don't mind after seeing all your comments I actually changed my mind I think the decorator is a lot better there's a lot of you that said you were them and I think it is fun to decorate the ship I do it as well let's be honest but the mechanic they spend all the money on the upgrades even if they're not using it and I'm talking about the fog horn they spend more time trying to get this team to have a strategy for the different upgrades such as the faor when they could just be spending that time in the building they might stand there holding on the folor and trying to get all the players to use it but reality is no one really cares while I did slightly cover this player in the intro I feel like the hacker is worth covering I put them in the F tier and I truly think this player is really to play play with however here we go unpopular opinion sometimes and especially if you watching the gameplay in the background when I was on a server with a bunch of random players they put us instantly onto Titan this was fun I won't lie it was fun it did take some of the significance out of the game because we just spawned on the top Moon and it didn't really matter about the qua cuz we've already cheated once you cheat it doesn't matter but I think there is some instances where having a hacker on your team can create a fun experience maybe for the first time or maybe the second time but afterwards that it is not fun at all these players tend to go around ruining servers and I've heard heaps of people having negative experience so for that sake I am going to keep them in the F tier but I think the first or second time you come across them it can be quite interesting to see what happened next up is dor the Explorer minus the map this player needs a map and is going straight to D tier they cannot find the entrance no matter what and you best believe even if they get inside there's no way they're finding the exit these players somehow always find the quick Sanders as well I've seen them walking around looking for the entrance everyone runs off in one direction towards the entrance and they walk off in the other they end up on the far parts of the map outside trying to scale mountains or getting lost in the water it's funny when it's new players because they don't know but some players seriously struggle to find the entrance D tier next up and going into a tier is the clutch or kick player this player will save the run it could be 11:00 at night you need 500 more scrap to pass qua you're on your final day and they somehow manag to get in there and get back and keep the Run alive depending on how high your quarter is when they save the Run depends on where I ranked them on the list but most of the time it's a tier as long as they're providing enough stuff before the clutch they're not just waiting for the hype moment these players are great to have on your team and they go on a tier now to quickly cover some of the people I covered last episode but to change their tiers I truly believe that a lot of you thought The Decorator should rank high and as I said before I totally agree decorator the ship is fun so I think the decorator deserves to move up a tier on top of that as well I think the M also is really good as you can see in the background here's me trying out modded gameplay for the first time with a bunch of random players and honestly it's a ton of fun I've done mods before but most of the times it's gone wrong and with how easy it is to get mods in this game having people showing you mods is pretty cool so the mo also moves up honestly I hope you enjoyed this style of video If enough people will think of other different types of characters and teammates I'll make a part three and I'll maybe even update the list as well but thank you for watching please subscribe if you like the video and catch you in the next one cheers everyone
Channel: Basic
Views: 118,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9-ZrCQm52xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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