MORE Bootleg Game Systems! | Nintendrew

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hey guys Nintendo here you guys asked for it and here it is today we are headed back into the glitchy poorly translated world of bootleg game consoles last time I showed off a few of my handheld bootleg systems from my collection but today we've got a bit more variety all in all we've got six more systems to get through in today's video so without further ado let's get started [Music] you all right so first up is the MGP slim station now I bought this because at first glance I thought it might be a rarely seen Sega Genesis or Sega Master System clone for pretty obvious reasons it looks just like a stylized version of Sonic the Hedgehog I chose the red model for myself but they do also sell this unit in blue so you can imagine how I felt when I turned it on and found out that this console is yet another NES clone famiclone czar in my experience far and away the most common type of bootleg you'll see on the market so if you've seen one of these before you probably know about what to expect hardware wise there are a couple things that set this guy apart the super small design and plastic loop seem to imply that the MGP slim station is meant to be carried around like a keychain and funny enough it also comes with a built-in LED flashlight the joystick is oddly stiff yet mushy not surprising and the top of the system is where you plug in the a/v cables so let's hook it up and see what adventures await us now I will say this is the only bootleg system I've seen with support for multiple languages when you start it up you can swap between Chinese and English menus of course this doesn't change anything about the games themselves but it is an interesting feature unlike the consoles we covered last time which claimed they had in some cases upwards of 1 million built-in titles the MGP slim station claims to have just 89 much more believable in comparison so what's the first game on this new list oh no not again I don't know exactly why but whoever's making these knockoff systems must be really excited about Angry Birds this awful homebrew game is making its way onto every one of these things thankfully this seems to be a bit of an outlier for this console most of the games on here are just normal unlicensed NES games like Super Mario Brothers and other assorted classics with a few exceptions such as Donkey Kong oh jeez what happened to UDK that smile is terrifying good there's also a hack of adventure island called hellfire not sure what the story is there and capping off the list of games is fast brahs I assume they meant to write fast bros as this is a variation of super mario brothers but i've got to say it's one of the laziest attempts I've seen fast for us is just Super Mario Brothers but the game starts at world 3 for those of us with busy schedules and less time to devote to gaming fast for us is here to help by cutting out the first two worlds of the game really stretching for that arbitrary game count of 89 huh so that's about it for this one nothing too remarkable next up I'm going to cover a few of these together because the next four consoles are all from the same sort of line from a company known as dream gear now unlike the others I've shown which are generally sold direct from overseas these systems are sold on store shelves and can actually be found at pharmacies and drug stores like CVS and Walgreens they'll often have them in the kids section next to electronic toys and trading cards generally bootleg game consoles are rarely found in big name stores like this because there are some big legal issues with selling cheap systems running unlicensed copyrighted software but dream gear has an interesting way of getting around those restrictions which we'll take a look at shortly first let's take a glance at each consoles Hardware first up we've got the dream gear retro play controller again like the MGP slim station this one is super tiny and in this case it's designed to look like a set of arcade controls once again we've got an AV port up top for connecting to the TV and as we can see on the front this guy claims to have two hundred titles built in moving along the second dream gear plug and play is the my arcade retro microcontroller and aside from a visual shift this one is almost identical to the one before it of course it's been changed to resemble a more modern controller shape but we still got the one d-pad to face buttons and an AV port up top this one is advertised as having 220 titles just a few more than the last next up is the my arcade gamer V portable which is an all-in-one handheld version of the my arcade line again with an advertised 220 titles of course the big difference here is that this one doesn't output to the TV but rather has a built-in screen for on-the-go play and finally we have the retro arcade machine X which seems to have run with the design of the first system and developed it into a miniature upright arcade cabinet handheld again this one does not connect to a television but rather has a built-in backlit screen because these systems share a great deal of the same games we'll be covering them all together so let's take a look at what they have to offer if you've been paying attention you probably know what's coming all of these systems except for the retro arcade machine are famiclone yet again now I did some research and found that most of the games on these systems were produced by a Chinese developer known as nice code software each system runs a library of original homebrew titles for NES with some legally distinct ROM hacks thrown in here and there this makes the my arcade line unique because unlike most famiclone which run a myriad of unlicensed games these systems actually have at least somewhat the library's this is why they're able to be sold on store shelves in the u.s. nice code software are responsible for mini home brews and ROM hacks we've seen across the world of bootleg consoles including the timeless classic magic Joanie because nutrition's sucked by the huge monsters so all the plants have shriven won this atmosphere of peace has been destroyed the green land is becoming too wasteland and people's lives were also threatened by monsters till one day a little hero called joni has come up he must defeat all these monsters by his magic flower really pulls at your heartstrings we've also got police Doug Lyall AC lazy lassie a game in which the Green Goblin comes into someone's backyard and buries a ticking time bomb some drugs a gun and other assorted contraband your goal as lassie is to avoid the bombs and find the buried evidence once you got there girl a bag of coke yeah this one's great for the kids let's see we've got pong pong they're like ping pong but without a partner well no but it's got some of the most obtuse controls I've ever dealt with from an NES title you press left or right on the joystick to tilt your little bumper car thing tank style and try to push the blue enemies into one of the holes in each corner of the map kind of like an even more obnoxious version of the big bully from super mario 64 this guy everybody's favorite right we've also got The Adventures of everyone's favorite up-and-coming superhero through ma'am my best guess is he's called through man because he flies through the air I don't know kind of a stretch you play as a little kid with a jetpack shooting innocent Birds out of the sky while avoiding obstacles at a breakneck pace let's check out fish war oh it's just balloon fight this is where we're starting to see some of those derivative rom hacks come through there's hit Mouse continuing with our animal violence theme somebody call PETA it's just whack-a-mole yeah those definitely look like mice sometimes the moles are different colors but that doesn't seem to change anything sometimes the mole is a green bean who cares it's a video game am i right also you can literally just spin the joystick in a circle and hit everything there's no penalty for pressing the wrong direction I mean there's not even a penalty for not whacking the moles every stage is 60 seconds long and when times up it shows you your score and just moves on to the next stage which is essentially identical a lot of love went into this one guys a cult classic for sure here's the thrilling title move box just an nes version of the classic stacking puzzle with three levels riveting then we've got goblet tower it's the exact same game strong pjc sea pigeon Oh strong pill and guess they misread the font looks like we've got a California raisin pushing a pot from Zelda is that what's going on oh it's just one of these where you got to push the things to get the thing but hold on there there's one problem here despite the fact that all these pieces look identical as far as I can tell you can only push the pieces required to solve the puzzle which basically takes out any sort of challenge or strategy so you've just got to wander around and hope something moves yeah great game design a plus let's see what is jump jump [Applause] so it's doodle jump but really bad the physics are basically non-existent but for being featured twice in the games title the jumping sure feels super weird and what is this character supposed to be really it looks like some sort of muppet with a graduation cap would you get your degree in buddy it idiot studies have whatever I've played too much of this my brain is turning to sludge UFO race please select well seeing as there's no select button on this controller and none of the other buttons do anything I think you're out of luck bud now well pro tip for all you fledgling game designers out there if you want to make a game but don't want a big art budget just say it's a space game and make your backdrops nothing but darkness I mean really if it weren't for the occasional pole on either side of the track I would have no idea that I'm supposed to be moving forward I do want to point out here though it gives me great joy that they misspelled score up here in the corner as screw alright next zero gravity oh another balloon fight clone not only that but this one shamelessly ripped off the music and sound of the original - I'm sure satoru iwata would be so proud and there is most certainly not zero gravity in this situation what do you call this I call it false advertising poodle what the heck is Hooda who to live all got it looks like one of those unlicensed games fell through the cracks during gear next up we've got a rescue cook okay ah it's a rom hack of Donkey Kong jr. I don't know what's going on here but I can tell you I don't like it let's move on graters they just took the greediest logo and change the u2 and our house add IQ champion finally I can put all that Rick and Morty knowledge to the test oh excuse me I'm sorry I didn't realize that your IQ was based on how well you can shoot these look my IQ is already over 2,000 beat that Stephen Hawking and finally we've got hurry burry oh wow that is terrifying what is going on with the art here is that supposed to be like that is there any point in asking the world may never know so yeah quite a lineup there for the dream gear systems but I think you'll agree I've saved the best for last the final bootleg game console we'll be checking out today is power player racer 2017 super joystick plug-and-play videogame system yes that is actually what this thing is called and judging by the packaging we are in for a treat not only does this one boast 76,000 games in one but it's also apparently the most impressive TV game machine made yet looks like we've got some art from some modern games including what appears to be a screen from Just Cause 3 so I'm expecting some major horsepower out of this guy so what are we waiting for let's turn it on [Music] oh it's a famiclone funtime 76 thousand in one yeah I'll be the judge of that it looks like most of these are just the regular set of unlicensed NES games nothing really new aside from a few funny spelling issues like wild you man and uh what is this mice love cat oh it's just mappy well you're not wrong I guess but what confuses me is we've also got Matthew listed with the correct title at number 73 in fact it seems this system has less than 70 roms altogether which if you'll recall is one one thousandth of the number advertised interestingly it seems like in addition to randomizing the order of games and repeating them they've also randomly generated a three-letter suffix for each entry in order to make their titles unique pretty sneaky there guys you almost got me another thing I find interesting like in the case of dr. Mario is that bootleg systems will often edit out the title screen logo as if that justifies them stealing the game for their own system look we're not even trying anymore here we've got slalom misspelled as lakum listed three times on one page well so much for Just Cause 3 I guess I'll have to settle for a game of slack um so that's about it with this we've covered all of the bootleg consoles in my collection but definitely let me know down in the comments if you enjoyed this episode and I'll keep my eye out for more down the road as always if you did enjoy the video please do consider subscribing to Nintendo for all sorts of cool gaming content and make sure to share the video with any friends who might find it interesting otherwise I'll see you next time bye hey guys thanks again for checking out the video and for making it all the way to the end hope you enjoyed as always I've got links to all my social media in the description below a Facebook Twitter Instagram discord that sort of thing and if you'd like to help out even more I've got a link to my patreon on the right side of your screen otherwise I hope you'll look out for the next video take care you
Channel: Nintendrew
Views: 953,946
Rating: 4.8886528 out of 5
Keywords: Game room, Video game room, console, system, review, gameplay, cartridge, reviews, history, retro, gaming, collection, collector, nintendo, Nintendrew, fake, bootleg, knockoff, clone, famiclone, nes clone, nes, dreamgear, retroplay, my arcade, myarcade, bootleg games, bootleg consoles, bootleg handhelds, bootleg systems, clone consoles, clone systems
Id: aLlrVZE0Xe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2018
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